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Flesh and Blood (Hardy Boys Casefiles #39)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Family with a vengeance A tornado has hit Bayport, but the deadliest storm is still brewing-in the Hardy home. Years ago, Fenton Hardy sent a criminal named Leonard Mock to prison. Now Mock's son has returned to Bayport to seek revenge. He has vowed to put Frank and Joe's father away for good! But Leonard Mock lost his son to adoption when the boy was five. His name was changed, and the only clue to his identity is that he has since befriended the Hardy boys. Then the brothers uncover a shocking and horrifying piece of evidence. The person out to murder their father may very well be none other than Chet Morton-their best and most trusted friend! ================ NO TIME TO LOSE "I'm going to open the screen door real fast," Frank whispered to Chet. "You think you can kick the front door open?" "No sweat," Chet answered. Frank peered back in through the window and saw Joe peek around the corner of the inner room. That was what he had been waiting for. He pulled the screen door, and it creaked loudly. "Now!" he barked to Chet. Chet planted his foot next to the door knob, then kicked hard. The door groaned and snapped open. Frank dashed in and confronted the figure sitting in the chair. "Frank!" Joe shouted. "It's Callie." Frank would have been relieved to find his girlfriend, but the digital timer on the bomb that was ticking at her feet showed that in thirty seconds they would all be dead.

Blood Money (Hardy Boys Casefiles #32)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Will to Kill Frank and Joe are investigating a series of gangland killings. Crime kingpin Josh Moran is dead and buried, but his murderous legacy lives on. In his will, he left $10 million to be divided among his enemies. The catch is that the money will be paid in three months-to those who survive! The Hardys find themselves in a deadly race against time, for one of the beneficiaries of Moran's blood money is a former detective for the NYPD-their own father, Fenton Hardy. Frank and Joe must unmask the triggerman before the dead man's hit list reaches into their own family! =============== From inside the book: TIGHT SQUEEZE Frank's eyes snapped open. I must have drifted off, he realized. The clock on the wall said 1:30. Frank was thirsty. He got out of bed and walked down the hall to the bathroom and got a drink of water. Then he stepped back out into the hall. An arm snaked around his neck. "Don't move," a voice whispered in his ear. "Don't speak. Don't even breathe." The man's grip tightened, the crook of his arm pressing into Frank's neck. Two or three seconds of pressure, Frank knew, and he would pass out. Any more than that-and he'd die.

Hurricane Reef

by Bryce Walton

While visiting his uncle and cousin on a Caribbean island, Steve spends the summer performing science projects and collecting data that will help him win a Science scholarship to study oceanography at the U.S. Government Marine Science Institute at the University of Miami. Surviving a hurricane gives him a new outlook on life.

Highway Robbery (Hardy Boys Casefiles #41)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Rolling thunder! The highway can be a very dangerous place-especially when you're carrying a heavy cargo. The Hardys have gone undercover, determined to crack a truck hijacking scheme, but a ruthless gang of thugs are just as determined to run them off the road. The hijackers are spreading terror on the interstates, and whoever gets in their way could end up on a one-way dead-end street. Someone's going to eat asphalt, but Frank and Joe are prepared. They're gunning the engines and riding the roads on eighteen wheels of diesel-powered chrome and steel! ================ From inside the book: TRUCKIN' INTO TROUBLE Frank's right hand was anchored to the door handle of the eighteen-wheeler by the handcuffs, but he reached his left hand back, extending himself as far as possible. He missed the crank that connected the rig to the cab by a couple of feet. It was obvious that he couldn't possibly reach the handle that way. The truck hurtled around a sharp turn, and Frank's door flew wide open. For a moment he dangled just above the onrushing asphalt road. Grabbing frantically for the door frame with his left hand, he pulled himself back against the side of the cab. "I'll never get it this way," he gasped. "Hurry, Frank!" Pat screamed. "I can't keep us on the road much longer!"

Fright Wave (Hardy Boys Casefiles #40)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Deadly undertow Surf's up in Hawaii, and the Hardy boys are riding a crime wave into danger! Somebody's trying to deep-six champion surfer Jade Roberts, and Frank and Joe are determined to keep her from going under. From Waikiki to Diamond Head, the Hardys find themselves in hot pursuit of a powerful crime boss. In the face of bullet-spraying motorboats and killer copters, they run the risk of suffering the worst wipeout of their lives! ================ From inside the book: CRASH COURSE Joe grabbed the edges of the floating surfboard and tried to lie on top of it, his legs dangling off the end. But the back of the board sank under his weight, and the front angled up out of the water. Then the whole thing shot out from under him, flew into the air, and splashed down a few feet away. Jade grinned and said, "Paddling is simple- staying on the board is the tricky part. Let me show you how." As she started to wade toward the surfboard, Joe noticed a large wave rolling in. He realized it was going to break almost on top of him, and he started to duck and cover his head with his arms. But as he did, he saw something else-a runaway surfboard tumbling through the rushing water, crashing straight down at Jade!

Julian's Cat: Imaginary History of a Cat of Destiny

by Mary E. Little

In Norwich Cathedral there is a stained glass window depicting the great mystic, Julian of Norwich. In her hands she holds her book, Revelations of Divine Love, and at her feet sits possessively a regal cat the color of marmalade, staring boldly out at the world. Who was this mysterious feline who so endeared himself to Mother Julian, the author wondered. He must have a story . . . The pranks of the slightly naughty but lovable cat will charm pet lovers, the tale of the little child who first loved him will touch the heart, and the language and richness of detail will transport the reader through the pungent streets of medieval Norwich and into the lives of many colorful characters. Here is an enchanting adventure for Julian followers, anglophiles, and cat lovers of all ages.

WWII Biographies: Hitler and the Third Reich

by Catherine Bradley

The life of the German chancellor, focusing on his rise to power, the buildup of the German Wehrmacht, and his death in 1945 in a Berlin bunker.

The Journal of C. J. Jackson: A Dust Bowl Migrant, Oklahoma to California, 1935 (My Name is America)

by William Durbin

<P>"June 10, South of Oatman, Arizona <P>We headed toward the Black Mountains two hours before dawn. The foothills weren't bad, but once we hit the main slope, our truck ground to a halt. We unhooked the trailer and stood for a while. One look at the household goods scattered along the ditch made it clear what he had to do, but Mother didn't want to face it. Though it was hot as Hades, Daddy let her talk it all out. <P>Finally Mother nodded. The trailer was the first thing to go. Daddy and I eased it onto the road shoulder. Then we pried off the best boards and used them to reinforce the stake bed sides on the truck. Next, using the old nails for hooks, we hung up the pails and basins. Mother never blinked as we tossed away two crocks, three mattresses, and her bedspring. But when we picked up her cedar hope chest, she teared up bad. <P>Free of the trailer, Daddy revved up the truck and gave the hill another try, but she still gave out. "No-good, gutless engine," Daddy said, kicking at a tire. ..."

The Last Laugh (Hardy Boys Casefiles #42)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Attack of the Flame Fiend! A San Diego comic book convention turns into a real blast when guest speaker Barry Johns, legendary publisher of Zenith Comics, is kidnapped. But the Hardys can hardly believe their eyes. Johns is abducted by two characters straight off the illustrated page-the Human Dreadnought and Flame Fiend! Frank and Joe's investigation leads them into a confrontation with a rogues' gallery of comic book villains come to life, each armed with sinister, super- sophisticated powers. But the boys are determined to have the last laugh by unmasking the criminal mastermind behind the crazy comic book caper. ================ From inside the book: NO WAY OUT Powerful searchlights suddenly flooded the factory with blinding white light. Unable to see for a minute, the Hardys froze. Then they heard a metal door slide shut with an ominous clang. Shading his eyes with his hands, Joe peered out and saw that the only exit was blocked by a locked metal gate. Then his attention was caught by Whip Scorpion's shiny form as he stepped out of the darkness into the light. Whip Scorpion flicked his bullwhip with a sharp pop and brandished a ninja star in his other hand. Joe turned again as Flame Fiend appeared on the other side of them, shooting a burst of fire from his hand. "Now we settle accounts," a gravelly voice announced from behind the boys. Frank knew that voice. It belonged to the Human Dreadnought. The Hardys were surrounded.

The Survival Guide for Kids with LD*: *Learning Differences

by Gary L. Fisher Rhoda Cummings

This book discusses how children with learning differences can get along better in school, set goals, and plan for the future. With references and index.

Power Play (Hardy Boys Casefiles #50)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Experiment in terror Bright Futures Development has announced the invention of a powerful new solar energy cell and the Hardy boys have gone undercover to protect it from industrial spies. But the action proves too hot to handle; a company employee assigned to the solar cell lab has turned up dead! Was it an inside job? Or was it a rival company out to burn the competition? Frank and Joe follow a trail of deceit and double-dealing and discover that the truth behind the solar power source is much darker than they suspected. Plenty of high-energy action awaits them as they fly straight into a fiery web of danger! =============== From inside the book: CRASH LANDING Frank settled back in the passenger seat of the solar-powered ultralite as it soared through the air. It was so peaceful up in the clouds, and quiet- almost too quiet, he told himself. He cocked his head and listened. He couldn't hear the propeller anymore. "Trouble?" he asked the pilot. "We lost power for a second," Theresa told him. She punched the starter switch once, twice, three times. Nothing happened. Theresa smiled at Frank nervously. "Looks like we may be in for a rough landing. I can't get it-" A sudden downdraft threw the plane into a dive. The nose pitched down violently, and Theresa's head was thrown forward to smash into the controls. Frank was hurtling toward the ground in a flying coffin, with an unconscious pilot!

Foul Play (Hardy Boys Casefiles #46)

by Franklin W. Dixon

from the back of the book: Crime comes to bat Someone's embezzling major league money from the minor league Bayport Blues, and retired baseball great, manager Stuart Murphy, is the prime suspect. He want's the Hardy boy's to clear his name-and as a sign of good faith, he gives them a vintage baseball card valued at $100,000! But the boys face a dangerous lineup of hoods and henchmen who want the card at all costs. The game Is heating up fast, and every pitch is down and dirty. Frank and Joe are right in the line of fire, and they'll have to come out swinging-or risk becoming the ultimate victims of foul play! =============== From inside the book: WILD PITCH "Hey, Heather!" Joe called out, and he headed over to her. He followed her onto the baseball field, allowing himself to imagine what it would be like to be in the stadium not as a fan, but as a baseball star, one who would impress a certain attractive photographer. Joe glanced at Heather but did a double take when he saw the sudden change in her expression. Her smile disappeared, and her brown eyes opened wide with fear. "Joe!" she shouted. "Look out!" Joe spun around too late. Three baseballs were rocketing straight for his head!

Castle Fear (Hardy Boys Casefiles #44)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: The battle of Britain Jed Shannon, a young American movie star on location in England, has received a threat against his life. When the Hardys set out to investigate, they are drawn into a case worthy of Sherlock' Holmes-and into a conspiracy as thick as the London fog. Jillian Seabright, a beautiful British actress befriended by Jed has vanished. The key to the mystery lies in her resemblance to missing emerald heiress Emily Cornwall. Frank and Joe trace the damsel in distress to a medieval mansion on the moors-Castle Fear. Dodging bullets and battle-axes, the boys are out to prove that chivalry is not dead-but one wrong move and they will be! =============== From inside the book: LETHAL WEAPON As the Hardys were passing the stone stairway that led up to the ground floor of the castle, the door at its top creaked open. Framed in the light was a huge man, staring down at them. Moving much faster than a man his size usually did, he darted out a hand to grab something off the wall. Frank sucked in his breath through his teeth when he saw what it was. Though rusty and covered with spiderwebs, the ancient battle-ax the man now held in his hands looked lethal enough to take care of both him and Joe. Snarling in rage, the man charged toward them, swinging the ax like a baseball bat. The sharp edges sliced the air as he whipped the handle back and forth. Frank and Joe had no choice-they had to retreat before the whistling blade got any closer. Unless the man got tired, they didn't stand a chance.

In Self-Defense (Hardy Boys Casefiles #45)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Gang war! The Hardys pay a visit to Bayport's newest martial arts school and find that someone's trying to run the place out of the neighborhood. The Scorpions a tough street gang, say the building is on their turf, and the school's students have already felt the Scorpions' sting. The home boys may want to rumble with the Hardy boys, but when high explosives come into the picture, Frank and Joe figure there's more than a street fight at stake. The unknown enemy is willing to use deadly force to destroy the school, and the Hardys will have to get down to business-and give a lesson of their own. =============== From inside the book: SHATTERING EXPERIENCE Kay Lewis walked around the room of the self- defense center to one of the mats lying near the front window. "This is a good spot here. We'll need plenty of room for this." "For what?" Joe asked warily. "It's a surprise," Kay said with a smile. "If I told you, I'd lose the advantage of sur-" Her words were cut off by a loud crash. The window next to her exploded, and shards of glass flew across the room. Something shattered on the floor next to the mat Kay was standing on. Frank heard a muffled whump-and a wall of fire erupted around Kay Lewis!

Playing Beatie Bow

by Ruth Park

Abigail Kirk was an ordinary enough fourteenyear-old growing up in Sydney. She was a prickly, quiet girl who resented her father breaking up their home and leaving them. So when her mother told her they were all going to live together again in Norway, Abigail couldn't understand and couldn't forgive either of her parents. It was 'the little furry girl' who started it all. Only Abigail and Natalie noticed her watching the children playing the scary game they called 'Beatie Bow'. When Abigail tried to speak to her, she ran off into the back streets of that part of Sydney known as The Rocks. At least it looked like The Rocks, but was it? All Abigail knew was that the Bows wouldn't let her go home again and the girl was Beatie Bow. And what was 'the gift' they were all talking about in whispers? But there were compensations for being unable to get back into her own time: like leaming to live in Victorian Sydney, getting to know the Bows - and, most important of all, meeting Judah. Winner of the 1981 Australian Children's Book of the Year Award.

Miss Charity Comes to Stay

by Alberta Wilson Constant

From the Jacket: This delightfully warm and often funny story begins with the Run of 1893 which opened the Cherokee Strip, a part of the Oklahoma Territory. Joe (Papa) Richardson was among the thousands who made a dash for land and staked a claim for his family. And such a family! There is Mama, of course; Nell, who writes poetry; Tom, who wants to be an outlaw; and Betsy, who writes this story. Behind a cottonwood tree the Richardsons build their one-room sod house. Soon Mama begins to agitate for a "real" house. She's tired of holding an umbrella over her head every time the roof leaks. (Betsy hates to leave the soddy.) Then Mama wants a school, and a school means a teacher, so pretty Miss Charity comes to stay. It isn't long before Tyler Evans, the cowboy on the next claim, begins to spend more and more time at the Richardsons'. And with each visit he loses a little more of his heart to Miss Charity as Betsy jealously stands by. Betsy's story is of genuine people who lived at the close of a turbulent century. Betsy said of a loose tooth: "It hurts good." And so does this story hurt good. But the hurt is tempered with an abundance of joy.

The Mutation (Animorphs #36)

by K. A. Applegate

When the Animorphs morph into killer whales to battle a Yeerk ship, they make a startling discovery: an underwater civilization of mutated humans with both gills and lungs.

After the Goat Man

by Betsy Byars

This Summer Harold V. Coleman was miserable. It didn't matter that he could make his voice sound deep and important on the phone or that he had won a WCLG Golden Oldie T-shirt. Nothing could make up for the fact that Harold V. Coleman was fat. And he couldn't talk about it to anyone. Even Ada wouldn't understand--she fed her ice cream cones to stray dogs at the Dairy Queen and could pedal her bike all the way up the steepest hills. His mother said she understood: "I understand, Harold. I would have liked an extra brownie for dessert, too." An extra brownie I He was beginning to think he was the most miserable person in the world, until he met Figgy and the Goat Man. Figgy and his grandfather, whom everybody called the Goat Man, lived in a row of houses built for people who had had to move to make room for a new superhighway. Figgy's grandfather hadn't wanted to move, and when he disappeared one day, Figgy knew he had gone back to his old cabin in the woods, desperate, he asked Harold and Ada to help him convince his grandfather to come back.

After the Dancing Days

by Margaret I. Rostkowski

From the Bookjacket: Ages 11-14 So much had changed in one year One year ago, I believed my mother knew everything and that I would never have cause to disobey her. I knew my father could heal anyone And I thought Uncle Paul had died in glory. Thirteen-year-old Annie waits at the train station for her father, a doctor. It is 1919, the Great War is over, and the wounded are returning to a small town near Kansas City from the battlefields of France. When her father decides to continue his work at the veterans' hospital, Annie finds she is drawn to the place for reasons she doesn't understand. There she meets Andrew, a horribly burned young veteran who is bitterly withdrawn from all around him. Acting against the express wishes of her strong-willed mother, Annie continues to visit the hospital, helping Andrew come out of his shell. Together they discover the devastating truth about Uncle Paul's death. Then Annie must confront her mother's anger and the ironies of heroism. AFTER THE DANCING DAYS is a timeless first novel about a young girl's first steps into the complex world of adulthood.

The Vanished (The Outer Limits #7)

by John Peel

A group of teenagers find themselves the only survivors on earth. Everyone else seems to have disappeared and no one knows why.

The Voice That Challenged a Nation: Marian Anderson and the Struggle for Equal Rights

by Russell Freedman

"A voice like yours," celebrated conductor Arturo Toscanini told contralto Marian Anderson, "is heard once in a hundred years." This insightful account of the great African American vocalist considers her life and musical career in the context of the history of civil rights in this country. Drawing on Anderson's own writings and other contemporary accounts, Russell Freedman shows readers a singer pursuing her art despite the social constraints that limited the careers of black performers in the 1920s and 1930s. Though not a crusader or a spokesperson by nature, Marian Anderson came to stand for all black artists -- and for all Americans of color -- when, with the help of such prominent figures as Eleanor Roosevelt, she gave her landmark 1939 performance on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, which signaled the end of segregation in the arts.<P><P> Carefully researched, expertly told, and profusely illustrated with contemporary photographs, this Newbery Honor and Sibert Medal-winning book is a moving account of the life of a talented and determined artist who left her mark on musical and social history. Through her story, Newbery Medal-winning author Russell Freedman, one of today's leading authors of nonfiction for young readers, illuminates the social and political climate of the day and an important chapter in American history. Notes, bibliography, discography, index.<P> Newbery Honor book and Winner of the Sibert Medal

Betsy's Wedding

by Maud Hart Lovelace

In this final book of the Betsy Ray series, Betsy finally marries her high school dream, Joe.

Web of Horror (Hardy Boys Casefiles #53)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Scream bloody murder! The Hardys are working security on the set of the latest film in a cult classic series, Horror House V. Frank and Joe get the chance to appear on-screen as victims of the movie's psycho murderer-the dreaded Reaper. But the fake fun soon turns to true terror when producer Andrew Warmouth meets a death as horrible as anything captured on film! The movie is being shot on location at an actual haunted house, and the ghastly truth behind the murder is buried within. The investigation leads Frank and Joe into a living nightmare: They must face their worst fears and track down an elusive, cold-blooded killer before he strikes again! =============== From inside the book: SURPRISE ATTACK Frank and Joe weaved their way through the maze of trailers on the movie set until they found the one marked F/X, for special effects. Frank still didn't like the idea of donning makeup to play a zombie in a horror movie, but Joe could hardly wait. "Wait till you meet Paula West," Joe said, starting up the steps to her trailer. "Not only is she one of the best in this business, she's gorgeous besides." "Oh, then I guess she can't be a suspect, right?" Frank kidded. "Let's get ready to join the dead. Or is it the undead?" As Joe reached for the trailer door, Frank noticed that it had opened slightly. To his surprise, an arm emerged. It was clutching a knife! "Watch out." Frank lunged forward to knock Joe out of the way. Too late. As Frank shouted in fear, the knife plunged toward Joe's chest!

Height of Danger (Hardy Boys Casefiles #56)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Alpine ambush! Frank and Joe are working security at the World Snowboarding Championships in Austria, and they're learning fast that the Alps can be as dangerous as they are beautiful-the perfect setting for sabotage. Ken Gibson is the number-one competitor and the number-one target. Reason: He's been leading a secret life! The race is on, and the stakes are as steep as they get. Frank and Joe discover that both the Network and an underworld gang have gotten into the game. The Hardys are standing on top of a mountain of trouble- and it's about to explode under their feet! ================ From inside the book: SNOW JOB Joe looked beyond the helicopter pilot at the snow blowing off the peak. "Fly into that plume of snow and go down low," he ordered the pilot. "We're going to jump out." "Are you nuts?" Frank yelled. Just then the man in the other copter brought his Uzi up and snapped off a couple of shots into the air. "If we jump out with our snowboards on," Joe said, "we can be moving as soon as we hit the ground." "That just might work!" Frank exclaimed. "And if we hug the tree line on our way down the mountain, he won't have a clear shot at us." As the helicopter took a steep dive, Joe put his boots into his snowboard bindings, then opened the copter door. He felt a blast of icy wind tearing at him as he hung his legs out. He paused only long enough to fit his goggles over his eyes. "Geronimo!" Joe shouted. Then he leaped into the whiteness.

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