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Cunero 12: Cinco Meses en la UCI Neonatales

by Jenny Jaeckel

Cunero 12, la apasionante biografía de caricaturas de Jenny Jaeckel, describe los intensos detalles de una madre, una recién nacida, y una estancia de cinco meses en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN). Un rutinario examen prenatal revela un problema peligroso, y los padres se encuentran metidos en un mundo de los escapes por pelos, las noches sin sueño, y la crisis psicológica. Rodeados por discusiones, la muerte, las tensiones familiares y cuestiones de la fe, la madre lucha por mantener un estado de ánimo positivo.Dentro de la realidad mecánica y antiséptica de la UCIN, los dedicados profesionales de la salud se representan con amables (y a veces irónicos) animales. El Doctor Ojos y la enfermera Pañalsuave son dos de los profesionales que cuidan a la bebé Asa. Pero aun los mejores de los profesionales se equivocan, y Jaeckel y su esposo deben vigilar constantemente la situación. De vez en cuando luchan por no sentirse impotentes, pero su determinación, valentía, consciencia y conexión, en última instancia ayudan a mantener viva su pequeña. Spot 12 delivers the gritty details of a mother, a newborn, and a five-month stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in a visually gripping graphic memoir by Jenny Jaeckel. A routine prenatal exam reveals a dangerous problem, and first-time parents find themselves thrust into a world of close calls, sleepless nights, and psychological crisis. Surrounded by disagreements, deaths, extended family tensions, and questions of faith, the mother struggles to maintain a positive frame of mind. Against the antiseptic, mechanical reality of the NICU, the dedicated health professionals are drawn as sympathetic and wry animal characters. Doctor Eyes and Nurse Gentle Diaper are two of the care providers that do all they can to take care of Baby Asa. But even the best hospital staff make mistakes, and Jaeckel and her husband's vigilance must be acute. At times they battle feelings of helplessness, but their determination, insight, bravery, and connection ultimately helps keep their little one alive.

Write On Course 20-20: A Student Handbook for Writing, Thinking, and Learning

by Patrick Sebranek Dave Kemper Verne Meyer

The Write on Course 20-20 handbook covers all of your communication needs--from learning about the traits of writing to participating in peer response groups, from writing persuasive essays to creating digital stories. The handbook is loaded with guidelines and samples that are (1) designed for easy use, (2) written in a friendly, supportive voice, and (3) enhanced by wonderful illustrations.

Chiarissimo due

by Bruna Petrarca Boyle John Giovanelli

NIMAC-sourced textbook

EntreCulturas 2: Communicate, Explore, and Connect Across Cultures

by Catherine Schwenkler Megan Cory Paulina Carrión

NIMAC-sourced textbook

EntreCulturas 3: Communicate, Explore, and Connect Across Cultures

by Deborah Espitia Pamela García Jennifer Cornell Isabel Vázquez Gil

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Outside Myself

by Kristen Witucki

Extraordinary insight into living without sight Outside Myself will enlighten both young and old.

As You Wish

by Robin Jones Gunn

Back in the U.S. after a year abroad, Christy is reunited with her friends. When a couple close to her ends their marriage, it causes her to rethink her relationship with Todd. Will life turn out like she wishes? Christy and Todd: College Years book 2.

Sandy Toes: Christy And Todd (The Baby Years #1)

by Robin Jones Gunn

Christy and Todd, the much loved characters from the modern classic Christy Miller Series have come alive to millions of readers over the last two decades. Girls who grew up with Christy and followed her through Christy & Todd: The College Years are now flocking to Christy & Todd: The Married Years. In this new three-book series, The Baby Years, avid fans will share the joys and pains along with Christy as she and Todd have their first baby and experience all the changes that come with children. They will model a realistic young marriage while showing how to grow closer as a couple, begin to raise a family and learn to trust God.

StudySync, Grade 10, Reading & Writing Companion, Units [1–4]

by BookheadEd Learning Llc

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Fortify: The Fighter's Guide to Overcoming Pornography Addiction

by Fight the New Drug

The problem with pornography addiction has never been worse. Tens of thousands of young people—as young as seven and eight years old—are finding that pornography has control over their life. Fortify: The Ultimate Fighter's Guide to Overcoming Pornography Addiction, authored by the hip non-profit organization Fight the New Drug, is a complete guide to helping young men and women find the tools, gain the education, and uncover the resources necessary to help themselves and others overcome this addiction. Using research and advice from addiction recovery specialists and therapists, Fortify explains why pornography acts like an addictive drug. The book arms teens and young adults with the tools and confidence they need to fight the addiction by guiding them through a basic training program for themselves and others around them. By fortifying themselves, their relationships, and their world against pornography addiction, readers are ready to join with other fighters in the stand against pornography and its harmful effects.

Study and Teaching Guide: The History of the Medieval World

by Julia Kaziewicz

A curriculum guide to accompany The History of the Medieval World: From the Conversion of Constantine to the First Crusade, by Susan Wise Bauer. Susan Wise Bauer’s narrative world history series is widely used in advanced high school history classes, as well as by home educating parents. The Study and Teaching Guide, designed for use by both parents and teachers, provides a full curriculum with study questions and answers, critical thinking assignments, essay topics, instructor rubrics, and test forms. Explanations for answers and teaching tips are also included. The Study and Teaching Guide, designed by historian and teacher Julia Kaziewicz in cooperation with Susan Wise Bauer, makes The History of the Medieval World even more accessible to educators and parents alike.

StudySync, Reading & Writing Companion, Grade 10 Units [1-4]: Destiny, Taking a Stand, Technical Difficulties, The Human Connection

NIMAC-sourced textbook

In the Forest (The Adventures of Archibald & Jockabeb #1)

by Art Collins Kc Collins

When two young brothers, Archibald and Jockabeb, find and old leather map hidden in the forest just beyond their backyard, they can’t help but sneak out one night to follow its path. So begins the first of the boys’ amazing adventures. After a terrifying encounter with supernatural creatures, the boys meet a young Indian brave, Haktu, who shares with them the tragic story of how he was separated from his tribe and placed under an evil spell. The saga leads the two boys into Haktu’s secret world behind the forest mist, the power of the blue feather, and teaches them the importance of friendship and loyalty in the face of untold evil.

In the Mountains (The Adventures of Archibald & Jockabeb #2)

by Art Collins Kc Collins

In the first book, the two brothers meet Haktu, the young Indian brave who was trapped inside the body of an underwater dragon, and then find his lost pony, Uno, deep within a mysterious forest. After the boys narrowly escape several vicious attacks from evil wolf-crows, they receive a magic blue feather from Haktu as he bids them his final farewell. Book Two begins with Archibald and Jockabeb flying to a secluded summer camp perched high in a rugged mountain range far from home. The fact that they are the only two campers to show up at Camp Bear Claw that summer is just the first of many surprises — incredible surprises that test the protective power of their magic blue feather in completely unexpected ways. On their way to a final face-to-face showdown with a deadly creature that possesses supernatural strength, the young boys meet several unforgettable characters who end up changing their lives forever. If you liked In the Forest, hold onto your hat as you read its sequel!

In the Amazon (The Adventures of Archibald & Jockabeb #3)

by Art Collins Kc Collins

In the first two books, Archibald and Jockabeb make a number of wonderful friends while battling unearthly foes that possess supernatural powers. In a dark forest close to home, they escape almost certain death with the aid of a young Indian brave, Haktu, and his pony, Uno. Later, in a distant mountain range, they come to know the kindness of Gran, Ben, Tommy Two Feathers, and their four-legged companions, Champ and Ghost Rider. Stalked relentlessly by the blood-thirsty wolf-crows in the forest, and then by the cunning devil cat in the mountains, the two brothers manage to barely escape with their lives. However, when they accept their uncle’s invitation to visit him in Brazil, little do they know that their most terrifying adventure is about to unfold — an amazing adventure that will again test the magical power of Haktu’s blue feather. So, as you prepare to read In the Amazon, get ready for an unforgettable journey into the dark recesses that lie between the crevices of reality and fantasy!

In The Arctic (The Adventures of Archibald and Jackobeb #7)

by Art Collins Kc Collins

A barren stretch of icy tundra north of the Arctic Circle is the setting for the latest book in The Adventures of Archibald and Jockabeb series. The Paranormal Surveillance Agency, a secret government agency that tracks extraterrestrials, mistakenly believed that the two brothers had firsthand experience with ETs because they helped destroy the Ratweil, a supernatural mutant that roamed the labyrinth of abandoned subway tunnels under New York City. When a PSA agent arrived one snowy night and requested their assistance in investigating a possible extraterrestrial landing near the North Pole, the two brothers never thought their parents would agree. Miraculously, they did! That decision landed Archibald and Jockabeb on a special task force and launched them on one of their most exciting and dangerous adventures ever. It also reunited them with two members of the mysterious subterranean Moonlight Clan – Meatloaf and Willow. As you begin reading the seventh book in the series, get ready for another epic battle between good and evil – a battle that will test the boy’s courage and sadly, have a few unexpected casualties along the way.

Advanced High School Statistics

by David Diez

The OpenIntro project was founded in 2009 to improve the quality and availability of education by producing exceptional books and teaching tools that are free to use and easy to modify. We feature real data whenever possible, and files for the entire textbook are freely available at The future for OpenIntro depends on the involvement and enthusiasm of our community. Visit our website, We provide free videos, statistical software labs, lecture slides, course management tools, and many other helpful resources. This textbook is also available for $20. However, we offer this $25 retail price version to hit the minimum for free shipping on some platforms.

Beneath the Lighthouse (Beneath the Lighthouse)

by Julieanne Lynch

Sixteen-year-old Jamie McGuiness’s sister is dead.Sinking into a deep depression, he frequents the lighthouse where her body was discovered, unaware of the sinister forces surrounding him.When an angry spirit latches onto Jamie, he’s led down a dark and twisted path, one that uncovers old family secrets, destroying everything Jamie ever believed in.Caught between the world of the living and the vengeful dead, Jamie fights the pull of the other side. It’s up to Jamie to settle old scores or no one will rest in peace — but, first, he has to survive. AwardsFinalist—2018 Dragon Awards—Horror

ISAN: International Sensory Assassin Network (International Sensory Assassin Network #1)

by Mary Ting

THE WORLD HAS CHANGED.SCIENTISTS WARNED IT WOULD HAPPEN.Meteors devastated the Earth. World Governments developed plans to help surviving citizens. The United States disbanded and salvageable land was divided into four quadrants—North, South, East, and West— governed by The Remnant Council.Struggling to survive, seventeen-year-old Ava ends up in juvenile detention, until she is selected for a new life— with a catch. She must be injected with an experimental serum. The results will be life changing. The serum will make her better. To receive the serum, Ava agrees to join a program controlled by ISAN, the International Sensory Assassin Network.While on a mission, she is abducted by a rebel group led by Rhett and told that not only does she have a history with him, but her entire past is a lie perpetuated by ISAN to ensure her compliance. Unsure of who to trust, Ava must decide if her strangely familiar and handsome captor is her enemy or her savior—and time is running out.

StudySync®, Reading & Writing Companion, Grade 10, Unit 1: The Power of Communication

by BookheadEd Learning

NIMAC-sourced textbook

StudySync®, Reading & Writing Companion, Grade 10, Unit 2: Moving Forward

by BookheadEd Learning

NIMAC-sourced textbook

StudySync®, Reading & Writing Companion, Grade 10, Unit 3: The Persistence of Memories

by BookheadEd Learning

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Tenth Grade Angst

by Bruce Ingram

"A well-crafted and engaging tale about a quartet of teens dealing with self-doubt and self-discovery in high school." - Kirkus Reviews "Tenth Grade Angst is highly recommended as a revealing leisure read that high schoolers will relate to and learn from." - D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review Tenth Grade Angst (a sequel to Ninth Grade Blues, 2017) continues the story of four teens as they negotiate the roller-coaster ride of high school. Now sophomores, they grapple with growing independence and changing dreams and ambitions for their future. Cars and driving lessons reshape their lives, as they struggle to balance their needs for exploration and independence with the boundaries set by their parents. Luke: a shy, hard-working boy from the wrong side of the tracks, Luke continues to come out of his shell with the friendly encouragement of Mia. His love for hunting, fishing, and all things nature-related keeps him sane and grounded, while ongoing problems with his dad worsen and require him to make some startling adjustments. Elly: a bit overweight and a lot insecure in her freshman year, Elly joins her mom at the gym, sheds a few pounds and discovers she can set her cap for star football players. But is that always a good idea? A hot date doesn’t work out the way she expected–at all. Marcus: a football and basketball star, Marcus comes down to earth–discovering that he really does have limits to what he can expect from his athletic career. And, a series of rebuffs and rejections lead him to reflect on the best way to a girl’s heart. Hint: just for a change, try caring about what she thinks. Mia: a straight-A student who looks like a good bet to be the class valedictorian, Mia is also on track to realize her dream of becoming a pediatrician and moving to Texas to help children of her own heritage. But what does that imply for the relationships she is developing in high school? And just how angry will her poppa get if she insists on dating Luke?

Lucky You

by Saba Kapur

Things seem to be looking up for celebrity socialite Gia Winters. She is living in a fabulous penthouse in New York City and getting ready for her first semester at NYU with her hot new beau, officer Milo Fells. As the weeks go by, a mysterious and dangerous drug makes its way around campus, and self-proclaimed Detective Gia is on the case.Between juggling classes and a new relationship and dodging the paparazzi, Gia starts to feel not-so-lucky after all.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Seven Scars They Left Behind (The\seven Deadly Sins Ser. #6)

by Nakaba Suzuki Shuka Matsuda

The Seven Deadly Sins—a legendary order that once served the Kingdom of Liones as the mightiest of its Holy Knights—stand accused of treason and have fled the realm. Princess Margaret and young Gilthunder, the slain commander Zaratras’ son, know the terrible truth about the betrayal but dare not speak of it, not even to each other.The aftermath of the event that shook Britannia comes to life in seven prose chapters that provide a superb introduction to the rich world of the original comic and satisfy longtime fans’ craving for more. Illustrated in a classic, warm style by the creator himself, Seven Scars They Left Behind walks the royal road of fantasy.

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