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La Elegida (La Selección #Volumen 3)

by Kiera Cass

La situación en Palacio es cada vez más peligrosa. Los rebeldes atacan tanto por el norte como por el sur y America, las chicas que siguen en la selección y Maxon se encuentran en verdadero peligro. Tercera entrega de «La Selección», la serie bestseller mundial de Kiera Cass. Mientras la situación de peligro se vuelve cada vez más acuciante, la disyuntiva en la que se encuentra Americatampoco es mucho mejor: debe escoger entre su primer amor, Aspen, y el príncipe Maxon, quien poco a poco ha ido conquistándola. Eso sin tener en cuenta que el príncipe debe escogerla a ella también de entre las seis seleccionadas que podrían convertirse en su esposa y que aún permanecen en palacio. Luchas políticas, amor, violencia, dudas... America deberá tomar decisiones que cambiarán el curso no solo de su vida, sino de todo aquel que la rodea.

Orgullo y prejuicio

by Jane Austen

Es ésta la novela más popular de Jane Austen (1775-1817), considerada por la mayor parte de los críticos como una obra maestra. En ella, todos los elementos del equilibrado y sobrio arte de la escritora alcanzan su mejor expresión. La obra debe gran parte de su popularidad al brío y a la agudeza con que son creados algunos personajes cómicos, como el amenísimo pastor Collins, uno de los figurones más célebres de la literatura inglesa. Con unos pocos y sencillos rasgos, Jane Austen traza unas figuras tan eficaces, que alcanzan un relieve que las hace inolvidables. ¿Por qué Jane Austen vuelve una y otra vez a través del tiempo, como si nunca hubiera dejado de escribir? Quienes han estudiado su obra aseguran que sus novelas están repletas de observaciones incisivas y detalles meticulosos, y que en todas está presente un tema característico: el alcance de la madurez a través de la pérdida de ilusiones. Sus personajes son provincianos de clase media, cuya máxima preocupación es conseguir un buen pasar económico y, su mayor ambición, el matrimonio. Y la perennidad de Austen quizá sugiera la confirmación de que las cosas no han cambiado tanto como parece desde el siglo XVIII. La presión de las convenciones, el rígido sistema de castas, el protagonismo del dinero como motor social no harán sino alimentar dramáticamente un romance conflictivo, que está destinado a consumarse, pero no sin antes haber atravesado esa ajustada red de tabúes culturales que rodean a la pareja cenral.

Herzog (Ancora Y Delfin Ser.)

by Saul Bellow

Este es el retrato multifacético de un héroe de los tiempos modernos, Moses Herzog: bromista, quejoso, encantador y gran sufridor. Aunque su vida se desintegra paulatinamente ante sus ojos -ha fracasado como profesor y como padre, amén de ser abandonado por su mujer en favor de su mejor amigo-, Herzog se ve a sí mismo como un sobreviviente, tanto frente a sus desastres domésticos como al pasar de los años. Ocupa su tiempo escribiendo cartas que nunca serán enviadas, a amigos y enemigos, a colegas y a gente famosa, revelando con ironía sus percepciones del mundo que lo rodea, así como los secretos más profundos de su alma. Saludado como uno de los libros más relevantes de la literatura anglosajona del siglo XX, Herzog catapultó a su autor a pedestales reservados, hasta ese momento, a autores como William Faulkner, Mark Twain o Ernest Hemingway, y le abrió las puertas para obtener el premio Nobel de Literatura.

Ravelstein: Novels, 1984-2000 - What Kind Of Day Did You Have?; More Die Of Heartbreak; A Theft; The Bellarosa Connection; The Actual; Ravelstein (Folio Ser. #Vol. 31589)

by Saul Bellow

Profundamente introspectiva y conmovedora, el premio Nobel Saul Bellow nos sorprende con una novela valiente, oscura y desoladamente divertida: una elegía a la amistad y a la vida. Abe Ravelstein es un profesor de una eminente universidad del Oeste Medio que se vanagloria de haber enseñado a todos los que manejan la política mundial. Ha vivido de manera fastuosa, muy por encima de sus posibilidades. Su buen amigo Chick le ha sugerido que escriba un libro con sus opiniones sobre las ideas que sostienen al ser humano, o le matan, y ante la sorpresa de Ravelstein es un gran éxito que le convierte en millonario. Durante un viaje a París para celebrar las ventas del libro, ambos compartirán sus pensamientos sobre la muerte, la filosofía y la historia, los amores y los amigos, lo viejo y lo nuevo, así como la rutina de vodevil del pasado remoto. Reseña:«Bellow florece de nuevo... Ravelstein rebosa vida.»Time

China: On China (Belfer Center Studies In International Security Ser.)

by Henry Kissinger

La visión sobre China de una de las grandes figuras de la política internacional en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y Premio Nobel de la Paz. Cualquier intento de comprender el futuro papel de China en el mundo comienza con el reconocimiento de su historia: ningún otro país puede reivindicar una relación tan poderosa con su pasado y sus principios tradicionales, y son muy pocas las sociedades que han alcanzado una dimensión y una sofisticación comparables. Henry Kissinger fue el gran artífice de la apertura de China al mundo con su visita en 1971 como secretario de Estado, y la preparación de la que al año siguiente llevaría a cabo el presidente Nixon. Desde entonces, la relevancia de China en el mundo no ha dejado de crecer. Kissinger ha ayudado a configurar las relaciones de China con Occidente, y ha escrito por fin la historia de un país que conoce íntimamente. En este libro, Kissinger revisa los episodios clave de la política internacional china desde la época clásica hasta nuestros días y examina su estrategia diplomática en momentos tan fundamentales como los primeros encuentros entre el país asiático y las modernas potencias europeas, la creación y el colapso de la alianza chino-soviética, la guerra de Corea, el viaje histórico de Richard Nixon a Pekín y las tres crisis en el estrecho de Taiwán. Y, a partir de documentos históricos y de las conversaciones mantenidas con los líderes chinos durante los últimos cuarenta años, examina el modo en que China ha abordado la diplomacia, la estrategia y la negociación a lo largo de su historia, y reflexiona sobre sus consecuencias en el balance global del poder en el siglo XXI.


by Henry Kissinger

Cualquier intento de comprender el futuro papel de China en el mundo comienza con el reconocimiento de su historia: ningún otro país puede reivindicar una relación tan poderosa con su pasado y sus principios tradicionales, y son muy pocas las sociedades que han alcanzado una dimensión y una sofisticación comparables. Henry Kissinger fue el gran artífice de la apertura de China al mundo con su visita en 1971 como secretario de Estado, y la preparación de la que al año siguiente llevaría a cabo el presidente Nixon. Desde entonces, la relevancia de China en el mundo no ha dejado de crecer. Kissinger ha ayudado a configurar las relaciones de China con Occidente, y ha escrito por fin la historia de un país que conoce íntimamente. A partir de documentos históricos y de las conversaciones mantenidas con los líderes chinos durante los últimos cuarenta años, examina el modo en que China ha abordado la diplomacia, la estrategia y la negociación a lo largo de su historia, y reflexiona sobre sus consecuencias en el balance global del poder en el siglo XXI.


by George Orwell

George Orwell es el mejor ensayista inglés del siglo XX y esta es la mejor y más amplia antología de su obra. «Escribo porque existe alguna mentira que aspiro a denunciar, algún hecho sobre el cual quiero llamar la atención [...] pero no podría realizar el trabajo de escribir un libro, ni tampoco un artículo largo para una publicación periódica, si no fuera, además, una experiencia estética.» Así definía George Orwell, el ensayista inglés más importante del siglo XX, su pasión por la escritura. Esta amplia selección presenta por primera vez en español el abanico completo de sus intereses y pasiones, desde la literatura hasta la política, pasando por la taza de té perfecta o por qué los libros son más caros que los cigarrillos. Reseña:«Orwell desarrolló la prosa inglesa más clara y atractiva del siglo XX. Pero es obvio que era mucho más que un gran escritor. Hoy resulta necesario debido a su pasión por la verdad.»The Sunday Times


by Various

Why do people fight? What?s the use of education? Is India rich or poor? Why are stories important? Can anyone be a leader? Is science only about exams? Will planting trees save the earth? Growing up throws up a lot of questions ? about people, events and the world around us. Sometimes the answers are in simple black and white, wrong and right, but mostly they are not. In this book, ten truth-explorers and idea-shapers share with you their thought-provoking views on important topics close to your heart and mind. Drawing on their experiences, they help you see many different sides of a question and arrive at the most important truth ? your own conclusion, your own interpretation, your own answer. Subroto Bagchi on Leadership Shaheen Mistri on Education Vivek Menon on Nature Meeta Kumar on the Economy Manjula Padmanabhan on Gender Bias Omair Ahmad on Conflict Bibek Debroy on God and Religion Roopa Pai on Stories Hartosh Singh Bal on Science and Maths Kapil Dev on Sports

The History of India for Children: From Prehistory to the Sultanates (Vol #1)

by Archana Garodia Gupta Shruti Garodia

There were ostriches in India. Gold was dug up in the Himalayas by animals. Coins of Greek rulers in India showed Krishna wearing Greek clothes. Ethiopian military slaves founded kingdoms across India. Jump into an action-packed history of India told like never before. Discover our incredible heritage and uncover delightful nuggets about our grand old country. Travel through time and see how people lived, why things happened and how we came to be what we are. Written by BBC Mastermind `Champion of Champions? Archana Garodia Gupta and history-geek Shruti Garodia, this volume spans the ages from the dawn of humans until the Delhi and Deccan sultanates, and tells the story of India?s rulers and invaders, traders and architects, sculptors and poets, scientists and innovators, farmers and businessmen, and millions and millions of just ordinary, everyday men and women. With a chatty style, simple explanations and well-rounded coverage, this is the definitive Indian history in two volumes for young readers. Filled with photographs, illustrations, activities and quotable facts, this is one retelling of history you don?t want to miss.

Words To Live By: The Best of Indian Non-fiction for Children

by Deepa Agarwal

A RICH AND LIVELY GATHERING OF INDIA?S FINEST AND MOST ORIGINAL THINKERS AND WRITERS, LEADERS AND OPINION-MAKERS, NATURALISTS AND ADVENTURERS, SCIENTISTS AND CULTURE EXPERTS. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on how to reach for the stars B.R. Ambedkar on questions of caste Bhagat Singh on intentions behind actions Dilip Salwi on a shining light of science Jawaharlal Nehru on kings and patriarchs Jayant Narlikar on an astronomer-king Jim Corbett on tigers and an unusual poacher Leila Seth on a tragic turn in life Mahatma Gandhi on truth Nandan Nilekani on our schools Rabindranath Tagore on learning without textbooks Ruskin Bond on the power of nature and words Sarojini Naidu on India after Mahatma Gandhi Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan on character Subhas Chandra Bose on woman power Sheila Dhar on an extraordinary musician Subroto Bagchi on pioneers and path-creators Sudha Murty on questioning inequality Vivekananda on tolerance and harmony Valmik Thapar on where `Indian? lions came from Vikram Seth on his adventures in Tibet Zai Whitaker on fascinating reptiles THIS THOUGHT-PROVOKING COLLECTION OF WRITING, SELECTED FOR YOUNG READERS, IS A MUST-HAVE FOR CHILDREN IN MIDDLE SCHOOL AND ABOVE.

Bookworms and Jellybellies

by Ruchira Ramanujam Ranjini Rao

Eat your way through Pooh Bear?s adventures one Honey-crunch Snack Bite at a time, nibble on delicious Scoop `n? Drop Currant Scones while discovering lost treasures and secret passages with the Famous Five, or suck on tangy Tamarind Pops as you run through the by-lanes of Malgudi with Swami and friends. If you love to read and eat, Bookworms & Jellybellies is just the book for you. It is a joyride through some of the best-loved children?s books, with over 50 inspired recipes that can be easily whipped up in your own kitchen. It is packed with quirky introductions, simple recipe instructions, fun trivia and beautiful colour photographs that bring the featured dishes to life. In this fresh, imaginative take on books and cooks, Ranjini Rao and Ruchira Ramanujam, authors of Around the World with the Tadka Girls, give you recipes with their own dash of drama, adventure and plot twists ? just like the books that inspire them.

Hachette Childrens Yearbook and Infopedia 2018

by Inhouse

It?s a fact-finder, it?s an almanac, it?s a G.K. book, it?s a compendium of must-know topics. Yes, it?s indispensable for every student who wants to know what in the world is going on. The Hachette Children?s Yearbook & Infopedia 2018 is a ready reference book that?s jam-packed with interesting and essential information, making it the perfect tool for homework and projects for every student. All About India, Current Affairs, Inside the Earth, Out There in Space, Climate Change, History Timelines, Countries of the World, Must-watch Movies, Tech Updates, Sports Spotlights, Top Newsmakers, and much, much more.

The History of India for Children: FROM THE MUGHALS TO THE PRESENT (Vol #2)

by Archana Garodia Gupta Shruti Garodia

Rembrandt sketched portraits of Jahangir. Akbar?s pet cheetah had its own personal drum procession. A British official often paraded across Chandni Chowk with his 13 Indian wives on elephants behind him. Mahatma Gandhi took his goat, Nirmala, with him everywhere ? even via ship to London! Discover even more amazing facts about our grand old country in this volume. Travel through time and see how people lived, why things happened and how we came to be what we are. Written by BBC Mastermind `Champion of Champions? Archana Garodia Gupta and history-geek Shruti Garodia, this volume covers the centuries from the Mughals to Modi, and continues the story of India?s movers and shakers, artists and traders, patriots and traitors, and the millions of ordinary folk. With a chatty style, simple explanations and well-rounded coverage, this is the definitive Indian history in two volumes for young readers. Filled with photographs, illustrations, activities and quotable facts, this is one retelling of history you don?t want to miss.

The Vedas and Upanishads for Children

by Roopa Pai

Three thousand years ago, deep inside the forests of India, a great `thought revolution? was brewing. In those forest labs, the brightest thinker?philosophers contemplated the universe, reflected on ancient texts called the Vedas and came up with startling insights into questions we still don?t have final answers to, like: ? What is the universe made of? ? How do I know I?m looking at a tree when I see one? ? Who am I? My body, my mind, my intelligence, my emotions, or none of the above? And where did they put those explosive findings? In a sprawling body of goosebumpy and fascinating oral literature called the Upanishads! Intimidated? Don?t be! For this joyful, fun guide to some of India?s longest-lasting secular wisdoms, reinterpreted for first-time explorers by Roopa Pai, is guaranteed to keep you turning the pages. Why haven?t you read it yet?

UPCO's Physical Setting Review: Earth Science (Revised Edition)

by Robert Sigda

When you look at the stars or feel the force of the wind, you are making observations. An observation is an interaction of one or more of the senses-sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell-with the environment or surroundings. The ability of the senses are limited. Therefore, instruments have been invented and developed to extend the powers of observation. Instruments improve our ability to observe and to make measurements that would otherwise be very inaccurate or even impossible to make. For example, a telescope allows us to take a closer look at the stras. A scale enables us to accurately determine how much we weigh by measuring the pull of Earth's gravity on our bodies, which is something our senses don't readily observe.

Unstoppable: 75 Stories of Trailblazing Indian Women

by Gayathri Ponvannan

Meet the wonder women of Indian history! They flew planes, swam across oceans, led armies, performed stunts, built cities and captured historic moments on camera, despite being constantly told to stay home, because that?s what `good girls? did. These were women who dared to dream and worked hard to turn their dreams into reality, who shaped their own destinies and refused to let anyone tell them what to do. Featuring the amazing adventures of Janaki Ammal, Rani Abbakka, Nadia Wadia, Sarla Sharma Thakral, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur and many others, Unstoppable is a collection of 75 power-packed stories of the extraordinary Indian women who broke the rules to change the world around them for the better.

A Tigress Called Machhli and Other True Animal Stories from India

by Supriya Sehgal

Meet the superstars of India?s animal kingdom! A crocodile who loves eating rice. A mule who won an award for bravery. A photogenic tigress who ruled Ranthambore. Swashbuckling monitor lizards. Rats believed to be the children of a goddess. Cuddly dogs who help nervous travellers. Five thousand punctual parrots? These and many other curious creatures, along with their equally curious human friends, inhabit the pages of this very curious book. Soar, crawl, hop and scamper about with them as they take you on a most unusual journey around the country. Cheerfully told and charmingly illustrated, these animal stories, collected from cities, jungles, rescue missions and maybe even your own neighbourhood, are funny, fascinating and downright adorable. And the best part? They?re all completely true!

Temple Tales: Secrets and Stories from India's Sacred Places

by Sudha G. Tilak

Which holy place in India has the mysteries of the universe hidden away in an icy cave?Where would you find a shrine for a goddess of veggies? At which deity’s temple is the daily offering a tonic, of all things? This delightful and enchanting book opens the doors to the secrets and surprises hidden in temples across the country. These unique temples are not just places of worship, but living museums of architectural wonders, mind-boggling sculptures, graceful dances, colourful crafts and many other cultural activities. More than anything, they are treasure troves of lore and legend, teeming with tales of gods and goddesses, demons and devotees, plants and beasts, the magical and the mysterious – all just waiting to be discovered by you. Join Sudha G. Tilak as she takes you on an unusual journey to the country’s most sacred places, where the lines between fact and faith are blurred and stories come alive!

The Spark That Changed Everything: Stories of the Greatest Discoveries, Ideas and Inventions

by Veena Prasad

First, they made fire. With fire, they made food… and later tools to cultivate more food. With cultivation came homes… which became societies and then civilizations. And humans are still thinking of extraordinary ideas every day!Countless discoveries, ingenious inventions and lucky accidents have gone into shaping the world as we know it today. This book delves into science, history and every subject in between, revealing the stories behind the most significant breakthroughs that humans have made through the ages – from clothing, cartography and chemistry to music, maths and metallurgy. Find out who had the biggest brainwaves, how these set other innovations in motion and why some great ideas are not necessarily good ideas! Peppered with illustrations, photographs and fabulous facts, The Spark That Changed Everything is a lively and fascinating account of the marvels of human imagination and enterprise. So what are you waiting for? Take a trip to our thrilling past and see how we got here.

The Mad and Magical World of Sukumar Ray

by Sukumar Ray

Welcome to the extraordinary world of Sukumar Ray – King of Humour and Wizard of Wordplay!A gifted poet, writer, playwright and illustrator, Ray wrote stories of various shapes, colours and flavours, transforming words into things of wonder and whimsy for generations of readers. Featuring broken stars and enchanted forests, cures for anger and greed, lazy pigs and sly parrots, wicked sorcerers and talking dolls, many of the tales in this unusual medley have been translated into English for the first time. The collection highlights not only Ray’s crazy imagination but also his ability to breathe life into fables from faraway lands. Brimming with wit and magic, this dazzling display of Sukumar Ray’s storytelling genius is sure to leave you utterly spellbound.

Let’s Go Adventuring: 25 Exciting Trips around India

by Supriya Sehgal

Misty mountains and secret forest trails Roadside dentists with terrible teeth Gods with permission to bunk school Chutneys made from red ants Battles fought in the skyJoin Supriya Sehgal as she tumbles down a frothy river on a raft, swooshes through the snowy slopes of a mountain, visits a spooky shrine, tastes an unusual dish, crosses a bridge made of roots and discovers a whole bunch of delightful things to see, do and experience around India. Filled with quirky illustrations, activities, travel tips, fabulous facts and travel stories more essential than anything in your bags, Let’s Go Adventuring is perfectly packed for history hunters, nature nomads and every other kind of explorer!

Young Pandavas: The City of Elephants

by Anupam Arunachalam

Nine-year-old Sahadev and his four brothers – Yudhishthir, Bhim, Arjun and Nakul – are happy in their little forest home, until a forgotten curse changes their lives forever. They return as princes to Hastinapur, a city full of riches … and secrets. Soon enough, the young Pandavas soon discover that being royalty means a lot more than endless bowls of almond kheer from the fabled palace kitchens, rides on prized warhorses, and having an army of attendants to do their every bidding. There is danger lurking round every corner of their new home, and the five have to use all their wits and skills to get out of sticky situations – especially the ones that involve their 101 cousins, the Kauravas.Lively and action-packed, this illustrated reimagining of the Mahabharata will bring alive the fantastical world of the great India epic like never before!

Young Pandavas: School for Warriors

by Anupam Arunachalam

Even princes have to go to school! Arjun’s dream is finally coming true! The elders of Hastinapur are sending the Kuru princes off to boarding school, so that they can learn the art of war from the legendary Guru Dronacharya. His brothers – Yudhishthir, Bhim, Nakul and Sahadev – are, however, less than thrilled. School is hard, and training to be magic-wielding warriors isn’t nearly as fun as it sounds. Also, getting into Guru Drona’s good books is next to impossible, especially when he has a clear favourite – his own son, Ashwatthama. But Arjun’s determined to be the BEST student in the gurukul, even if it means defying Drona himself. Meanwhile, Bhim has to be careful not to destroy everything he touches… The second book in the exciting Young Pandavas series is packed with even more surprises, action and magic than the first!

Hachette Childrens Yearbook and Infopedia 2020

by Inhouse

11th UPDATED EDITION! KNOW MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! * If you want a fact-finder... * If you’re looking to expand your GK... * If you wish you had a ready reckoner of must-know information... * If you need to know what in the world is going on... This book is indispensable for you! The Hachette Children’s Yearbook & Infopedia brings you news, general knowledge, current affairs, fascinating facts and loads more about your favourite focus points in every annual bestselling edition. With well-researched and updated content and data, this book is the essential companion for every smart student who wants to stay ahead.Pick it up and start to explore – for reference, homework and projects! Plus facts and stats on India and every country in the world! What You’ll Find Inside:1. News Highlights from India and around the World2. People Who Made Headlines 3. Inside the Earth 4. Out There in Space 5. History Timelines 6. Science Basics That Matter 7. Literature Info 8. Sports Spotlights 9. Geographical Records 10. The Year Ahead

Amazing Space Mysteries and Marvels

by Gayathri Ponvannan

• It rains diamonds on Saturn. And on Jupiter. And on Neptune too! • A comet once fell into the sun…and came out of the other side!• Some stars turn into black holes! Humans have been gazing at the skies for ages, trying to figure out just what lies beyond us. Over the years, we have calculated the speed of light, the brightness of stars and the size of galaxies. We have landed spacecraft on our moon and on Saturn’s moon too. We have even sent probes that are currently travelling beyond the solar system, complete with messages for aliens! From the Big Bang to the Big Freeze, from the greatest theories to the weirdest mistakes, from the far reaches of the universe to our closest celestial neighbours, Amazing Space Mysteries and Marvels covers stars, moons, planets, comets, asteroids, meteors, galaxies, black holes and many more out-of-the-world topics that will make you go ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’! With bite-sized information and photographs, this well-researched book is perfect for aspiring astronauts and anybody curious about the mysteries of the universe. What are you waiting for? Step into the 501 Facts Factory for a spectacular journey through space.

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