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The Deerslayer: Or, The First War-path. A Tale... (Classics To Go)

by James Cooper

A restless white youth raised by Indians, Natty Bumppo is called Deerslayer for the daring that sets him apart from his peers. But he has yet to meet the test of human conflict. In a tale of violent action and superbly sustained suspense, the harsh realities of tribal warfare force him to kill his first foe, then face torture at the stake. Still yet another kind of initiation awaits him when he discovers not only the ruthlessness of "civilized" men, but also the special danger of a woman's will. His reckless spirit transformed into mature courage and moral certainty, the Deerslayer emerges to face life with nobility as pure and proud as the wilderness whose fierce beauty and freedom have claimed his heart. (Goodreads)

Arbeitsbuch Mathematik: Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen und Lösungswege

by Hellmuth Stachel Klaus Lichtenegger Ulrich Kockelkorn Christian Karpfinger Frank Hettlich Tilo Arens

Dieses Arbeitsbuch enthält die Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen und Lösungswege zu allen sechs Teilen des Lehrbuchs Arens et al., Mathematik. Die Inhalte des Buchs stehen als pdf-Dateien auch auf der Website zum Buch matheweb zur Verfügung.Durch die stufenweise Offenlegung der Lösungen ist das Werk bestens geeignet zum Selbststudium, zur Vorlesungsbegleitung und als Prüfungsvorbereitung. Inhaltlich spannt sich der Bogen von elementaren Grundlagen über die Analysis einer Veränderlichen, der linearen Algebra, der Analysis mehrerer Veränderlicher bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Themen der Analysis, die für die Anwendung besonders wichtig sind, wie partielle Differenzialgleichungen, Fourierreihen und Laplacetransformationen. Auch eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben zur Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik ist enthalten. Auf der Website zum Buch matheweb besteht die Möglichkeit, Verständnisfragen zu den Aufgaben zu stellen.

Anfertigung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten: Ein prozessorientierter Leitfaden zur Erstellung von Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomarbeiten

by Alfred Brink

Dieses Buch ist aus Intensivseminaren zum Anfertigen von Abschlussarbeiten entstanden, die der Autor seit fast zwei Jahrzehnten in jedem Semester an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster hält. Der praktische Leitfaden ist Lehrbuch und Nachschlagewerk zugleich. Der Aufbau entspricht den Arbeitsphasen einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit und ist damit der ideale Begleiter für alle, die an einer Arbeit schreiben oder sich darauf vorbereiten. Die vorliegende fünfte Auflage wurde grundlegend überarbeitet und aktualisiert. Speziell für Abschlussarbeiten in englischer Sprache, die an deutschen Hochschulen immer häufiger verlangt werden, bietet der Autor im Online-Service zum Lehrbuch unter "Zusätzliche Information" ein ergänzendes E-Booklet zum Download auf www. springer-gabler. de an.

Arbeitsbuch Mathematik: Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen und Lösungswege

by Christian Karpfinger Frank Hettlich Tilo Arens Ulrich Kockelkorn Klaus Lichtenegger Hellmuth Stachel

Dieses Arbeitsbuch enthält die Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen und Lösungswege zu allen sechs Teilen des Lehrbuchs Arens et al. , Mathematik. Die Inhalte des Buchs stehen als pdf-Dateien auch auf der Website zum Buch matheweb zur Verfügung. Durch die stufenweise Offenlegung der Lösungen ist das Werk bestens geeignet zum Selbststudium, zur Vorlesungsbegleitung und als Prüfungsvorbereitung. Inhaltlich spannt sich der Bogen von elementaren Grundlagen über die Analysis einer Veränderlichen, der linearen Algebra, der Analysis mehrerer Veränderlicher bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Themen der Analysis, die für die Anwendung besonders wichtig sind, wie partielle Differenzialgleichungen, Fourierreihen und Laplacetransformationen. Auch eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben zur Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Statistik ist enthalten. Auf der Website zum Buch matheweb besteht die Möglichkeit, Verständnisfragen zu den Aufgaben zu stellen.


by Paul A. Tipler Gene Moscajenny Wagner

Das Standardwerk in der rundum erneuerten Auflage - der gesamte Stoff bis zum Bachelor: jetzt auch mit spannenden Einblicken in die aktuelle Forschung! Verständlich, einprägsam, lebendig und die perfekte Prüfungsvorbereitung, mit unzähligen relevanten Rechenbeispielen und Aufgaben - dies ist Tiplers bekannte und beliebte Einführung in die Experimentalphysik. Klar und eingängig führt Tipler den Leser durch die physikalische Begriffs- und Formelwelt illustriert von unzähligen liebevoll gestalteten Farbgrafiken. Studienanfänger - egal, ob sie Physik im Hauptfach studieren oder ob es als Nebenfach auf dem Lehrplan steht - finden hier Schritt für Schritt den klar verständlichen Einstieg in die Physik mittels · Verständlicher Aufarbeitung des Prüfungsstoffes · Zahlreichen prüfungsrelevanten Übungsaufgaben · Anschaulichen Grafiken · Durchgehender Vierfarbigkeit · Übersichtlichem und farbkodiertem Layout · Ausgearbeiteten Beispielaufgaben, vom Text deutlich abgesetzt · Zusammenfassungen zu jedem Kapitel mit den wichtigsten Gesetzen und Formeln für jede Prüfung · Schlaglichtern, die aktuelle Themen aus Forschung und Anwendung illustrieren · Problemorientierter Einführung in die mathematischen Grundlagen. Aus dem Inhalt: Mechanik; Schwingungen und Wellen; Thermodynamik; Elektrizität und Magnetismus; Optik; Relativitätstheorie; Quantenmechanik; Atom- und Molekülphysik; Festkörperphysik und Teilchenphysik . Beispielaufgaben zum Nachvollziehen und zum selbst Üben vermitteln die notwendige Sicherheit für anstehende Klausuren und mündliche Prüfungen. Sämtliche Übungsaufgaben sind außerdem im Arbeitsbuch zu diesem Lehrbuch ausführlich besprochen und durchgerechnet. Erweitert wird der studienrelevante Inhalt um zahlreiche Kurzeinführungen in spannende aktuelle Forschungsgebiete verfasst von namhaften Forschern der deutschsprachigen Forschungslandschaft. Die Autoren Paul A. Tipler promovierte an der University of Illinois über die Struktur von Atomkernen. Seine ersten Lehrerfahrungen sammelte er an der Wesleyen University of Connecticut. Anschließend wurde er Physikprofessor an der Oakland University, wo er maßgeblich an der Entwicklung des Lehrplans für das Physikstudium beteiligt war. Inzwischen lebt er als Emeritus in Berkeley, California. Gene Mosca hat über viele Jahre Physikkurse an amerikanischen Universitäten (wie Emporia State, University of South Dakota, Annapolis) gegeben und Web-Kurse entwickelt. Als Koautor der dritten und vierten englischen Ausgabe hat er die Studentenmaterialien gestaltet. Jenny Wagner (Hrsg. ) . . . .

Long-Memory Processes: Probabilistic Properties and Statistical Methods

by Jan Beran Rafal Kulik Sucharita Ghosh Yuanhua Feng

Long-memory processes are known to play an important part in many areas of science and technology, including physics, geophysics, hydrology, telecommunications, economics, finance, climatology, and network engineering. In the last 20 years enormous progress has been made in understanding the probabilistic foundations and statistical principles of such processes. This book provides a timely and comprehensive review, including a thorough discussion of mathematical and probabilistic foundations and statistical methods, emphasizing their practical motivation and mathematical justification. Proofs of the main theorems are provided and data examples illustrate practical aspects. This book will be a valuable resource for researchers and graduate students in statistics, mathematics, econometrics and other quantitative areas, as well as for practitioners and applied researchers who need to analyze data in which long memory, power laws, self-similar scaling or fractal properties are relevant.

Abdominal Imaging (Learning Imaging Ser.)

by Pablo R. Ros Bernd Hamm

In this book a team of leading experts come together to provide a comprehensive overview of modern imaging of the abdomen and pelvis, with detailed sections on both gastrointestinal and genitourinary imaging. Each chapter has an identical structure and focuses on a particular organ or organ system, allowing the reader to approach the field one topic at a time. Indications for a variety of imaging techniques and examination protocols are clearly described, and the imaging features of normal anatomy and pathologic entities are depicted in an abundance of high-quality images. Care is taken to consider all recent technical developments and new indications, and the diagnostic performance of different imaging modalities is carefully compared. It is anticipated that this book will come to be regarded as the standard work of reference on abdominal and pelvic radiology.

Water Scarcity and Ways to Reduce the Impact: Management Strategies And Technologies For Zero Liquid Discharge And Future Smart Cities (Applied Environmental Science And Engineering For A Sustainable Future Ser.)

by Sajid Hussain Ashok Natarajan Ligy Philip Gregory Griffin Li Shu Muthu Pannirselvam

Because water access, distribution and quality are the most urgent challenges for societies across the world, this book focuses on the current and future demands and challenges in the areas of water scarcity we may face and possible solutions in terms of technology and management including infrastructure changes that are needed for the future smart cities. Readers of this book shall gain an increased understanding of water supply and its demands and shall learn some of the research trends to overcome global water scarcity and urban growth by creating smart cities.

Principles of Food Sanitation (Food Science Text Ser.)

by Norman G. Marriott M. Wes Schilling Robert B. Gravani

Now in its 6th Edition, this highly acclaimed textbook provides sanitation information needed to ensure hygienic practices and safe food for food industry personnel as well as students. It addresses the principles related to contamination, cleaning compounds, sanitizers, cleaning equipment. It also presents specific directions for applying these concepts to attain hygienic conditions in food processing or food preparation operations.New in this edition: Updated chapters on the fundamentals of food sanitation, contamination sources and hygiene, Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, cleaning and sanitizing equipment, waste handling disposal, biosecurity, allergens, quality assurance, pest control, cleaning compound and sanitizer properties and selection criteria, hygienic construction, sanitation guidelines for food and foodservice establishments, and sanitation management principles.

Psychosocial Safety Climate: A New Work Stress Theory

by Maureen F. Dollard Christian Dormann Mohd Awang Idris

This book is a valuable, comprehensive and unique reference text on Psychosocial Safety Climate (PSC), a new work stress theory. It proposes a new PSC theory concerning the corporate climate for workers’ psychological health, its origins and implications for work stress, and provides a critique of current research and theories. It provides a comprehensive review of all PSC studies to date. The chapters discuss state-of-the-art empirical evidence testing PSC theory in relation to management roles, organisational resilience, corruption, organisational status, cultural perspectives, illegitimate tasks, high PSC work groups, PSC variability in work groups, etc. They investigate outcomes such as psychological distress, emotional exhaustion, depression, worry, engagement, health, cognitive decline, personal initiative, boredom, cynicism, sickness absence, and productivity loss, in various workplace settings across many countries. This unique book allows practitioners to rapidly update practical measures, benchmarks and processes, and provides students and trainees with an introduction to PSC and important concepts and methods, quantitative and qualitative, in occupational health with leads to further sources. Students as well as experts on occupational health and safety, human resource management, occupational health psychology, organisational psychology and practitioners, unions and policy makers will find this book highly informative. It covers relevant materials for undergraduate and postgraduate education, drawing upon the concepts, topics and methods (diary, multilevel, longitudinal, qualitative, data linkage) within the multidisciplinary occupational health area.

Entre le Savoir et le Culte: Activisme et mouvements religieux dans les universités du Sahel

by Leonardo A. Villalón

« Entre le Savoir et le Culte présente des études et documents originaux qui mettent à jour l’évolution de l’islam et du christianisme parmi les étudiants d’universités des pays du Sahel. Il révèle les fissures et les conflits entre les groupes, et analyse leurs modes oraux, écrits et vestimentaires d’affichage et de performance. Cet ouvrage apporte ainsi un puissant éclairage sur l’emprise du religieux sur l’élite en formation, et examine les deux interrogations qui alimentent l’activisme religieux universitaire : la signification de la revendication d’une identité musulmane ou chrétienne, et comment celle-ci façonne la modernité des deux religions et vice-versa. A lire pour comprendre le dynamisme des terribles crises qui amènent la région sahélienne à se tourner sur elle-même. » – Mamadou Diouf, Leitner Family Professor of African Studies, Columbia University, États-Unis. « Quelquefois négligées ou mal comprises par les analystes étrangers, les universités sahéliennes sont le théâtre de débats profonds sur l’identité nationale, et d’importantes négociations autour de la religiosité et de l’ethnicité. Cette collection rassemble les travaux d’éminents spécialistes dans ce domaine, et propose une perspective riche et comparative de leur travail collectif, ancrée dans leur recherche sur le terrain. L’ouvrage sera indispensable à tous les chercheurs, analystes, et décideurs politiques qui travaillent sur le Sahel. Ces chapitres contribueront beaucoup à la compréhension des expériences et priorités d’une génération d’activistes et de leaders qui marqueront la région dans les années à venir. » – Alex Thurston, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Université de Cincinnati, États-Unis

Much Ado About Nothing

by William Shakespeare

Two couples—Benedick and Beatrice, and Hero and Claudio—must overcome deception, gossip, and, occasionally, their own misplaced pride if their love is to persevere.

Hidden Systems: Water, Electricity, the Internet, and the Secrets Behind the Systems We Use Every Day (A Graphic Novel)

by Dan Nott

We use water, electricity, and the internet every day--but how do they actually work? And what&’s the plan to keep them running for years to come? This nonfiction science graphic novel takes readers on a journey from how the most essential systems were developed to how they are implemented in our world today and how they will be used in the future.What was the first message sent over the internet? How much water does a single person use every day? How was the electric light invented?For every utility we use each day, there&’s a hidden history--a story of intrigue, drama, humor, and inequity. This graphic novel provides a guided tour through the science of the past--and reveals how the decisions people made while inventing and constructing early technology still affect the way people use it today.Full of art, maps, and diagrams, Hidden Systems is a thoughtful, humorous exploration of the history of science and what needs to be done now to change the future.

Ninja: [A Graphic Novel] (Ninja)

by Tyler "Ninja" Blevins Justin Jordan

The Great Beasts have been unleashed. The war has begun. Gaming superstar Ninja returns in the sequel to the graphic novel Ninja: The Most Dangerous Game!Empowered by the show of resilience from Ninja and his friends in the Ketterung—a broadcasted battle-royale game realm controlled by evil overlord Strigus Thule—the people in all of Thule&’s 1000 Dominions are now rebelling. In response, Thule decides to unleash his Great Beasts, the most powerful victors from previous games, kept to serve as the villainous gamemaster&’s tools for all of eternity. Rather than use their remaining energy to return home at the end of their game, Ninja convinces his friends to stay and help him free the Dominions from Thule&’s tyrannic rule. Will the tenacity, integrity, and camaraderie that kept our hero and his crew alive in the first challenge help them defeat the horrifying Great Beasts—and Strigus Thule himself?

Ninja: [A Graphic Novel] (Ninja)

by Tyler "Ninja" Blevins Justin Jordan

The game is real. The stakes are life and death. It&’s on gaming superstar Ninja to save the world in this original graphic novel series! A mysterious video game controller teleports Tyler &“Ninja&” Blevins and other players into a real battle-royale game world. Ninja quickly learns that a power-hungry villain plans to add Earth to his collection of conquered realms. Before doing so, he will force Ninja and the other gamers to fight until only one remains. But he didn&’t count on Ninja fighting back and inspiring others to do the same. Ninja, his trusty sentient headband &“HB,&” and a ragtag team of rebels rise up and take a stand. They&’re not just trying to win a game anymore, they&’re ready to start a revolution.

The Gilded Ones #3: The Eternal Ones (The Gilded Ones #3)

by Namina Forna

The dazzling finale to the groundbreaking, New York Times bestselling Gilded Ones series. One girl holds the power to defeat the gods—but can she become one?Mere weeks after confronting the Gilded Ones—the false beings she once believed to be her family—Deka is on the hunt. In order to kill the gods, whose ravenous competition for power is bleeding Otera dry, she must uncover the source of her divinity. But with her mortal body on the verge of ruin, Deka is running out of time—to save herself and an empire that&’s tearing itself apart at its seams.When Deka&’s search leads her and her friends to the edge of the world as they know it, they discover an astonishing new realm, one which holds the key to Deka&’s past. Yet it also illuminates a devastating decision she must soon make…Choose to be reborn as a god, losing everyone she loves in the process. Or bring about the end of the world.

Pretty Furious

by E.K. Johnston

#1 NYT Bestseller E.K. Johnston returns to contemporary feminist YA. This story of a small town, fierce friendships, and revenge served cold is a perfect companion to Exit, Pursued by a Bear.In the small town of Eganston, Ontario, five good girls have had enough. They&’ve experienced the best of what their community has to offer, but they&’ve seen the darker side too. Together, they&’ve decided that it&’s time for a reckoning and that justice is their privilege to give.

Fighting Words

by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley

*Newbery Honor Book**Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor* A nuanced and fierce middle grade novel about sisterhood and sexual abuse, by two-time Newbery Honor winner and #1 New York Times best seller Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, author of The War that Saved My Life"Fighting Words is raw, it is real, it is necessary, a must-read for children and their adults—a total triumph in all ways." —Holly Goldberg Sloan, New York Times bestselling author of Counting by 7sTen-year-old Della has always had her older sister, Suki: When their mom went to prison, Della had Suki. When their mom's boyfriend took them in, Della had Suki. When that same boyfriend did something so awful they had to run fast, Della had Suki. Suki is Della's own wolf--her protector. But who has been protecting Suki? Della might get told off for swearing at school, but she has always known how to keep quiet where it counts. Then Suki tries to kill herself, and Della's world turns so far upside down, it feels like it's shaking her by the ankles. Maybe she's been quiet about the wrong things. Maybe it's time to be loud.In this powerful novel that explodes the stigma around child sexual abuse and leavens an intense tale with compassion and humor, Kimberly Brubaker Bradley tells a story about two sisters, linked by love and trauma, who must find their own voices before they can find their way back to each other. "Della&’s matter-of-fact narration manages to be as funny and charming as it is devastatingly sad. . . . This is a novel about trauma [but] more than that, it&’s a book about resilience, strength and healing. For every young reader who decides to wait . . . there will be others for whom this is the exact book they need right now." —New York Times Book Review"One of the most important books ever written for kids."—Colby Sharp of Nerdy Book Club"One for the history books."—Betsy Bird for A Fuse #8 Production/SLJ"Gripping. Life-changing...I am awe-struck."—Donna Gephart, author of Lily and Dunkin"Compassionate, truthful, and beautiful."—Elana K. Arnold, author of Damsel"I am blown away. [This] may be Kimberly Brubaker Bradley's best work yet."—Barbara Dee, author of Maybe He Just Likes You"A book that lets [kids] know they have never been alone. And never will be."—Kat Yeh, author of The Truth About Twinkie Pie"Meets the criteria of great children's literature that [will] resonate with adults too."—Bitch Media* "At once heartbreaking and hopeful."—Kirkus (starred review)* "Honest [and] empowering...An important book for readers of all ages."—SLJ (starred review)* "Sensitive[,] deft, and vivid."—BCCB (starred review)* "Prepare to read furiously."—Booklist (starred review) * "An essential, powerful mirror and window for any reader."—PW (starred review)* "Enlightening, empowering and--yes--uplifting."—BookPage (starred review)* "Unforgettable."—The Horn Book (starred review)

The Ruined (The Beautiful Quartet #4)

by Renée Ahdieh

The stunning conclusion to the instant New York Times bestselling quartet that began with The Beautiful.The Sylvan Vale and the Sylvan Wyld are at war. Now that the unsteady truce between them has been broken, lines must be drawn. In an effort to protect the weakened Winter Court, Bastien rallies powerful allies and friends in New Orleans to come to their aid. Meanwhile, under protection alongside her injured mother in the Summer Court, Celine is uncertain of whom to trust. She cannot get word to Bastien, and does not understand why he has not returned. When she realizes war between the fey courts is imminent, she journeys with Ali in an effort to find the time traveling mirror and change their fate. But when Celine&’s rivals realize Bastien has rallied his allies in the mortal world, they decide to take the fight to him.

Dear Papa: The Letters of Patrick and Ernest Hemingway

by Ernest Hemingway Patrick Hemingway

An intimate and illuminating glimpse at Ernest Hemingway as a father, revealed through a selection of letters he and his son Patrick exchanged over the span of twenty years.In the public imagination, Ernest Hemingway looms larger than life. But the actual person behind the legend has long remained elusive. Now, his son Patrick shares the letters they exchanged over two decades, offering a glimpse into how one of America&’s most iconic writers interacted with his children. These letters reveal a father who wished for his children to share his interests—hunting, fishing, travel—and a son who was receptive to the experiences his father offered. Edited by and including an introduction by Patrick Hemingway&’s nephew Brendan Hemingway and his grandson Stephen Adams, and featuring a prologue and epilogue by Patrick reflecting on his father&’s legacy, Dear Papa is a loving and collaborative family project and a nuanced, fascinating portrait of a father and son.

Life, Brazen and Garish: A Tale of Three Women (Other Voices of Italy)

by Dacia Maraini

Three generations of women live together under the same roof. Though they are united by blood, each of the Cascadei women has a very different personality and way of expressing herself. Teenage daughter Lori scribbles impulsively in her diary, so eager to speed off on her moped that she rarely bothers with punctuation. Mother Maria, a professional translator, writes detailed and observant letters yet doesn’t see what is happening right in front of her. And grandmother Gesuina, a former stage actress, speaks into an audio recorder, giving a provocative and brutally candid performance for an imagined audience that might never listen. Life, Brazen and Garish offers a fresh take on the epistolary novel, telling the story of a family through the fragmented and disparate perspectives of daughter, mother, and grandmother. Yet even as each woman endures her private struggles with love and betrayal, youth and maturity, knowledge and ignorance, reality and illusion, the Cascadeis forge a solidarity that transcends generations. In turns heartbreaking and laugh-out-loud funny, this novel is a triumph of narrative voice and literary style from one of Italy’s most renowned writers. Questo libro è stato tradotto grazie a un contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale italiano. This book has been translated thanks to a contribution from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

The Cinema of Yakov Protazanov (Global Film Directors)

by F. Booth Wilson

Best known for Aelita (1924), the classic science-fiction film of the Soviet silent era, Yakov Protazanov directed over a hundred films in a career spanning three decades. Called "the Russian D.W. Griffith" in the 1910s for his formative role in the first movies in the last years of the Russian Empire, he fled the Civil War and maintained a successful career in Europe before making an unusual decision to return to Russia now under Soviet power. There his films continued their remarkable success with audiences undergoing a bewildering and often brutal revolutionary transformation. Rather than treating him as an indistinct, if capable craftsman, The Cinema of Yakov Protazanov argues that his films are suffused with a unique creative vision that reflects both his mindset as a traditional Russian intellectual and his experience of dislocation and migration after 1917. As he adapted his films to revolutionary culture, they intermingled different voices and reinterpreted his past work from a disavowed era. Offering fresh perspectives of Protazanov’s films, the book will give readers a new appreciation of his career. The book offers a uniquely valuable vantage point from which to explore how cinema reflected a society in transformation and a seminal moment in the development of cinematic art.

The United States and the Armenian Genocide: History, Memory, Politics (Genocide, Political Violence, Human Rights)

by Julien Zarifian

During the first World War, over a million Armenians were killed as Ottoman Turks embarked on a bloody campaign of ethnic cleansing. Scholars have long described these massacres as genocide, one of Hitler’s prime inspirations for the Holocaust, yet the United States did not officially recognize the Armenian Genocide until 2021. This is the first book to examine how and why the United States refused to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide until the early 2020s. Although the American government expressed sympathy towards the plight of the Armenians in the 1910s and 1920s, historian Julien Zarifian explores how, from the 1960s, a set of geopolitical and institutional factors soon led the United States to adopt a policy of genocide non-recognition which it would cling to for over fifty years, through Republican and Democratic administrations alike. He describes the forces on each side of this issue: activists from the US Armenian diaspora and their allies, challenging Cold War statesmen worried about alienating NATO ally Turkey and dealing with a widespread American reluctance to directly confront the horrors of the past. Drawing from congressional records, rare newspapers, and interviews with lobbyists and decision-makers, he reveals how genocide recognition became such a complex, politically sensitive issue.

New Israeli Horror: Local Cinema, Global Genre

by Olga Gershenson

Before 2010, there were no Israeli horror films. Then distinctly Israeli serial killers, zombies, vampires, and ghosts invaded local screens. The next decade saw a blossoming of the genre by young Israeli filmmakers. New Israeli Horror is the first book to tell their story. Through in-depth analysis, engaging storytelling, and interviews with the filmmakers, Olga Gershenson explores their films from inception to reception. She shows how these films challenge traditional representations of Israel and its people, while also appealing to audiences around the world. Gershenson introduces an innovative conceptual framework of adaptation, which explains how filmmakers adapt global genre tropes to local reality. It illuminates the ways in which Israeli horror borrows and diverges from its international models. New Israeli Horror offers an exciting and original contribution to our understanding of both Israeli cinema and the horror genre. A companion website to this book is available at ( Book trailer: (

Governing Maya Communities and Lands in Belize: Indigenous Rights, Markets, and Sovereignties

by Laurie Kroshus Medina

Confronting a debt crisis, the Belizean government has strategized to maximize revenues from lands designated as state property, privatizing lands for cash crop production and granting concessions for timber and oil extraction. Meanwhile, conservation NGOs have lobbied to establish protected areas on these lands to address a global biodiversity crisis. They promoted ecotourism as a market-based mechanism to fund both conservation and debt repayment; ecotourism also became a mechanism for governing lands and people—even state actors themselves—through the market. Mopan and Q’eqchi’ Maya communities, dispossessed of lands and livelihoods through these efforts, pursued claims for Indigenous rights to their traditional lands through Inter-American and Belizean judicial systems. This book examines the interplay of conflicting forms of governance that emerged as these strategies intersected: state performances of sovereignty over lands and people, neoliberal rule through the market, and Indigenous rights-claiming, which challenged both market logics and practices of sovereignty.

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