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Showing 15,876 through 15,900 of 15,912 results

The Wizard's Statue (Circle of Magic 2, Book #3)

by Debra Doyle James D. Macdonald

Randal opened the door and stepped into his room-only to come to a sudden halt on the other side of the threshold. Magic! But this magic was strange, like nothing he had known before. Randal looked around the room, which was lit by an eerie, blue-white glow "Wizard . . ." The faint whisper came from his bed, over in the corner. Randal looked and saw a man lying there, his features drawn and ashen in the cold blue light. Randal forced himself to go over to the cot and grasp the man by the shoulder. The young wizard pulled his hand back quickly. He's dying, he realized. He's dying of magic. The third in the series of four books

The High King's Daughter (Circle of Magic, Book #6)

by Debra Doyle James D. Macdonald

Three human companions journey to to Elfland to bring back the High King's Daughter. 6th and final book in first Magic Circle Series.

Prince William

by Terri Dougherty

Profiles the eldest son of Great Britain's Prince Charles and Princess Diana, from birth to his acceptance at the University of St. Andrews.

Of Places Literature (Fourth Edition)

by Jan Anderson

Give students literature selections that will also help them apply lessons to their own lives. This grade 8 textbook features interesting stories and poems grouped by place-bound theme; categories include home, school, neighborhood, America, world, the imagination, and other places. Robert Frost, John Greenleaf Whittier, Washington Irving, and Pearl Buck are among the prominent authors represented. Selections culled from longer works include The Jungle Book, Up From Slavery, and Ben Hur. Lessons included bolded & defined vocabulary words, as well as "Think it through" questions.

Indian Boyhood

by Charles Eastman

Charles Eastman, or Hakadah, as his Sioux relatives and fellow tribesmen knew him, as a full-blooded Indian boy learned the reticent manners and stoical ways of patience and bravery expected of every young warrior in the 1870's and 1880's. The hunts, games, and ceremonies of his native tribe were all he knew of life until his father, who had spent time with the white man, came to find him. Indian Boyhood is Eastman's first-hand reminiscence of the life he led until he was fifteen with the nomadic Sioux. Left motherless at birth, he tells how his grandmother saved him from relatives who offered to care for him "until he died." It was that grandmother who sang him the traditional Indian lullabies which are meant to cultivate bravery in all male babies, who taught him not to cry at night (for fear of revealing the whereabouts of the Sioux camp to hostile tribes), and who first explained to him some of the skills he would need to survive as an adult in the wilds. Eastman remembers the uncle who taught him the skills of the hunt and the war-path, and how his day began at first light, when his uncle would startle him from sleep with a terrifying whoop, in response to which the young boy was expected to jump fully alert to his feet, and rush outside, bow in hand, returning the yell that had just awakened him. Yet all Indian life did not consist in training and discipline. In time of abundance and even in famine, Indian children had much time for sport and games of combat — races, lacrosse, and wrestling were all familiar to Eastman and his childhood friends. Here too are observations about Indian character, social custom, and morality. Eastman describes the traditional arrangements by which the tribe governed itself — its appointed police force, hunting and warrior scouts, and its tribal council, and how the tribe supported these officers with a kind of taxation. Eastman also includes family and tribal legends of adventure, bravery, and nature that he heard in the lodge of Smoky Day, the tribe historian. But Eastman's own memories of attacks by hostile tribes, flights from the white man's armies, and the dangers of the hunt rival the old legends in capturing a vision of life now long lost.

The Shore Road Mystery (Hardy Boys #6 - original 1928 text)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe chase after local car thieves. Vehicles along the Shore Road keep disappearing and the Bayport police have had no luck on the job. Where could the cars be going?<P> This is the original 1928 unrevised version of The Shore Road Mystery.

Floods (Dangerous Weather)

by Michael Allaby

From the Book jacket: Floods have caused more damage and killed more people than any other form of dangerous weather. From the life and travels of a single molecule of water to the destructive power of a flash flood, author Michael Allaby reveals the wonder and occasional terror unleashed by water in motion. Floods describes every type of flood condition, how humankind has learned to limit some of the damage floods can cause, great floods of the past, how some floods are good, and how readers can protect themselves and others from danger during floods. The Dangerous Weather series imparts fundamental weather science to readers through author Michael Allaby's vivid descriptions of extreme weather systems. The series focuses on the five most dangerous kinds of weather activity; diagrams related meteorological, climatological, and environmental basics in clear, compelling language; chronicles the history of each form of dangerous weather; and offers safety precautions for extreme weather conditions. Fully illustrated and indexed, the Dangerous Weather series is an invaluable tool for student research. Other volumes include: hurricanes tornadoes blizzards droughts A chronology of weather Michael Allaby is the author of more than 40 books, mainly on science, natural history, and environmental topics. A few of his previous works include Basics of Environmental Science, How It Works: The Environment, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ecology. He is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, among other professional affiliations.

The Velveteen Rabbit (or How Toys Become Real)

by Margery Williams William Nicholson

Originally published in 1922, The Velveteen Rabbit has delighted young readers for nearly a century. The story follows a young boy who’s given a stuffed rabbit as a Christmas gift. After the rabbit befriends other nursery toys, he comes to the realization that he wants to become a real rabbit. Eventually, the boy becomes ill and is relocated; his room is then disinfected and all the boy’s toys are thrown out, including the velveteen rabbit. The rabbit sheds a real tear causing a fairy to appear and turn him into a real rabbit. This edition includes full-color illustrations, with image descriptions,from the original illustrator, William Nicholson. Each image accompanies the text to enhance young readers’ experience and immerse them in this captivating story. Reprinted hundreds of times since its initial publication, The Velveteen Rabbit is a timeless children’s classic lets young readers experience the true magic of friendship, love, and being honest with oneself. In 2007, the book was named one of "Teachers’ Top 100 Books for Children” by the National Education Association.

Abraham Lincoln: Friend of the People

by Clara Ingram Judson

This Newbery Honor Book—from a three-time Newbery Honor author—paints an indelible portrait of the prairie president. <P><P> Clara Ingram Judson presents Lincoln in all his gauntness, gawkiness, and greatness: a backwoods boy who became President and saved the Union. Judson’s careful reading is enlivened by her visits to his home and vivid descriptions of the Lincoln family’s pioneer life. She reveals the unforgettable story from his boyhood and days as a shopkeeper and lawyer, to Lincoln’s first elected offices and his election as president, the Civil War, and assassination.

Comets, Asteroids, and Meteorites (Planet Guides)

by Duncan Brewer

What is the difference between a meteor and a meteorite? What is the difference between an asteroid and a meteoroid? What causes the tails of comets. Where do comets come from? What causes a meteor to try to collide with the earth? Learn the answers to these and many other questions in this fact filled book on Comets, Asteroids, and Meteorites. This book designed for middle school students but enjoyable by anyone interested in astronomy and how the universe is set up will find something interesting in this short, but fact filled book.

Science in Action: Science Project Guide (6th Edition)

by Corinne Sawtelle Colette Stancel James Ridgley Rick Enders

While scientific investigations and projects are very important parts of science education, they don’t need to be scary. This project guide is a great help. Its step-by-step instructions walk your teen through planning, experimenting, reporting, and presenting the findings of a complete science project—with samples included. Also included in the project guide are helpful worksheets for selecting a topic and problem, getting started, and evaluating the investigation plan. The 7 grading forms are actually checklists that make your evaluation easy and thorough. Be prepared for a great learning experience! Gr. 7–11.

The Journal of Jesse Smoke: A Cherokee Boy, Trail of Tears, 1838 (My Name is America Series)

by Joseph Bruchac

A teenage boy tells in a fictionalized diary of his trials and tribulations on the what became known as the Trail of Tears. <P><P> There is amazing detail and emotion portrayed by the native american author. This is well researched historicallly accurate historical fiction.

My Face to the Wind: The Diary of Sara Jane Price, A Prairie Teacher (Dear America)

by Jim Murphy

Sarah Jane Price keeps a diary as a promise to her late father, the former school teacher in Broken Bow Nebraska. She accounts her struggle to gain acceptance as the new teacher even though she is so young. She tells of the harshness of the weather, her trials at balancing relationships between herself and her pupils as well as herself and the rest of the townspeople.

Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

by Jean Lee Latham

"Nat” was an eighteenth-century nautical wonder and mathematical wizard. <P><P> Nathaniel Bowditch grew up in a sailor’s world—Salem in the early days, when tall-masted ships from foreign ports crowded the wharves. But Nat didn’t promise to have the makings of a sailor; he was too physically small. Nat may have been slight of build, but no one guessed that he had the persistence and determination to master sea navigation in the days when men sailed only by “log, lead, and lookout.” Nat’s long hours of study and observation, collected in his famous work, The American Practical Navigator (also known as the “Sailors’ Bible”), stunned the sailing community and made him a New England hero.<P> Newbery Medal Winner

I, Juan de Pareja

by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino

When the great Velázquez was painting his masterpieces at the Spanish court in the seventeenth century, his colors were expertly mixed and his canvases carefully prepared by his slave, Juan de Pareja. In a vibrant novel which depicts both the beauty and the cruelty of the time and place, Elizabeth Borton de Treviño tells the story of Juan, who was born a slave and died an accomplished and respected artist.<P><P> Upon the death of his indulgent mistress in Seville, Juan de Pareja was uprooted from the only home he had known and placed in the charge of a vicious gypsy muleteer to be sent north to his mistress’s nephew and heir, Diego Velázquez, who recognized at once the intelligence and gentle breeding which were to make Juan his indispensable assistant and companion—and his lifelong friend.<P> Through Juan’s eyes the reader sees Velázquez’s delightful family, his working habits and the character of the man, his relations with the shy yet devoted King Philip IV and with his fellow painters, Rubens and Murillo, the climate and customs of Spanish court life. When Velázquez discovers that he and Juan share a love for the art which is his very life, the painter proves his friendship in the most incredible fashion, for in those days it was forbidden by law for slaves to learn or practice the arts. Through the hardships of voyages to Italy, through the illnesses of Velázquez, Juan de Pareja loyally serves until the death of the painter in 1660.<P> I, Juan de Pareja is the winner of the 1966 Newbery Medal.

A Lemon and a Star

by Elizabeth Choate Spykman

A sense of adventure and the thrill of outwitting the grown-ups are driving forces in the lives of the four Cares children. Theodore, at thirteen, can be bossy and mean, and the others find ways to rebel against him. To ten-year-old Jane her big brother is both a tower of strength and a source of endless frustration and outrage. Eight-year-old Hubert can bring forth amazing nuggets of insight, and five-year-old Edie is always scrambling to keep up with the others and ready to tattle to Nurse or Father. Because their mother is dead and their father is often away from home, the Cares children have the freedom to hatch their schemes and fight their battles with little interference. Theodore catches a fox and hides it in the woodshed; Jane and Hubert sneak away for a day in the city; the boys train their ponies for a real steeplechase over the fields. When the drugstore in town is robbed, they all set to work to apprehend the burglar. The novel portrays very real children and their world of nearly a century ago.

The Riddle of The Hidden Pesos (Roger Baxter No. #3)

by Samuel Epstein Beryl Epstein Martin Colt

In the third and final Roger Baxter mystery story, Roger Baxter travels to Mexico with his brother and his friend Slim for a relaxing vacation. The relaxing part of the vacation vanishes when they discover $2 million in counterfeit American currency in their car, placed there by counterfeiters trying to smuggle it into Mexico. They then begin a struggle to turn it over to the authorities before the counterfeiters catch up with them and silence them forever!

Tom Swift and His Cosmotron Express (Tom Swift Jr. #32)

by Victor Appleton

In the biggest, fastest spaceship ever designed by Swift Enterprises, Tom Jr. plans to make a grand tour of the planets in the solar system. But a group of criminal scientists bent on conquering the universe are out to steal Tom's magnificent Cosmotron Express and destroy the young scientist and Swift Enterprises. Determined to foil the fiendish plot, Tom and his pal Bud Barclay locate the enemy's fortress laboratory but are captured. The boys make a daring escape, only to be faced with an even more grim challenge in their next encounter with the enemy. Pursued on their phenomenal interplanetary journey, they become the target of VIPER'S frightening weapon, the enormous Orb. How Tom, using his revolutionary device the Spider Crab, thwarts the feared, vicious leader of VIPER and his evil followers climaxes this gripping story of scientific combat.

Tom Swift and His Dyna-4 Capsule (Tom Swift Jr., #31)

by Victor Appleton

This is book 31 of the Tom Swift Jr. series. What are the green glowing bubble creatures that the young scientist-inventor encounters in the depths of the Pacific Ocean? How do they rescue Tom and his pal Bud Barclay from an attack by the fish men? Tom's electrifying adventures begin deep in the Mariana Trench where he has based his newest invention, the Dyna-4 Capsule, in a hunt for rare metals. A super submarine, the craft has been especially designed for deep-sea research and exploration. On orders from Washington, Tom takes time out from his own project to recover a stolen vial containing a highly destructive explosive. The top-secret mission turns into a danger-filled whale chase in the Dyna-4 and leads to a showdown with Tom's ruthless foes.

100 Fathoms Under (Rick Brant, # #4)

by John Blaine

TREASURES OF ANTIQUITY, long hidden in the sea, yield at last to modern electronic inventions when Rick Brant, his pal Scotty, and Chahda, the Hindu boy, share another hair-raising adventure this time in the far Pacific, off the tiny island of Kwangara. Under the leadership of Rick's father, a famous scientist, the members of the expedition set out with their astonishing invention, the Submobile, in which they hope to conquer ocean depths as yet unplumbed and bring to light traces of a civilization hidden for centuries under 100 fathoms of water. But the irresistible lure of sunken treasure causes treachery in the crew, and age-old superstitious fear brings to a head the hostility of the island natives. Caught between these two forces, Rick and his friends find themselves facing danger equally as imminent as that of the terrific atmospheric pressure which constantly threatens their Submobile. Packed with action, suspense, and excitement, here is a story that is well equipped to take its place with The Rocket's Shadow, The Lost City, and Sea Gold.

30 Days to Finding and Keeping Sassy Sidekicks and BFFs

by Clea Hantman

Life is just more fun with friends. And who doesn't want a sidekick in case there's ever a need to fight crime or solve a mystery?

30 Days to Getting Over the Dork You Used to Call Your Boyfriend

by Clea Hantman

Even Gwyneth, even Cameron, even Madonna have been on the losing end of love. The part you might not believe is that no matter how brutally your heart's been broken, those wounds will heal.

Fright Time - Blue

by Rochelle Larkin Joshua Hanft

3 spine-tingling tales: Terror Town, Medal of Horror, and Kid Willie's Ghost.

Fright Time - Pink

by Rochelle Larkin Joshua Hanft

3 spine-tingling tales: Madman on Main Street, Scary Harry, and It's Almost Dark.

Fright Time - Green

by Rochelle Larkin Joshua Hanft

3 spine-tingling tales: Forest of Fear, Ghost Twin, and Something's in the Sewer.

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Showing 15,876 through 15,900 of 15,912 results