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10 Hours to Go

by Keely Parrack

Lily wants to get home. Her friends want to get even. Lily needs a ride—a fire warning in Oregon has cancelled her train home to California. Her ex-best friend, Natasha, has offered to pick Lily up on her way back from Portland, though they're barely on speaking terms. As it turns out, Natasha's also giving a ride to Elke Azizi, the girl Lily got expelled from their school four years ago. Elke hasn't forgotten, and neither has Natasha.It's getting tense in the car, and it's not just about the past. There's smoke in the air, and with the wildfires nearby, staying on the road is becoming riskier by the hour. When Natasha and Elke decide to take a detour, Lily hopes it'll get them out of danger. She has no idea, though, what her former friends have planned for her.But as night comes, the plans change again when it becomes all too clear that leaving the main road was a mistake. Now the three of them are trapped in the woods under a burning sky, with no easy way out. To survive, Lily must depend on Elke and Natasha—but after all that's happened, can she trust them with her life?

10 Blind Dates

by Ashley Elston

Sophie wants one thing for Christmas―a little freedom from her overprotective parents. So when they decide to spend Christmas in South Louisiana with her very pregnant older sister, Sophie is looking forward to some much needed private (read: make-out) time with her long-term boyfriend, Griffin. Except it turns out that Griffin wants a little freedom from their relationship. Heartbroken, Sophie flees to her grandparents’ house, where the rest of her boisterous extended family is gathered for the holiday. That’s when her nonna devises a (not so) brilliant plan: Over the next ten days, Sophie will be set up on ten different blind dates by different family members. Like her sweet cousin Sara, who sets her up with a hot guy at an exclusive underground party. Or her crazy aunt Patrice, who signs Sophie up for a lead role in a living nativity. With a boy who barely reaches her shoulder. And a screaming baby. When Griffin turns up unexpectedly and begs for a second chance, Sophie feels more confused than ever. Because maybe, just maybe, she’s started to have feelings for someone else . . . Someone who is definitely not available. This is going to be the worst Christmas break ever . . . or is it?

1:35AM: An AFK Book (Five Nights At Freddy's #3)

by Scott Cawthon Andrea Waggener Elley Cooper

The Fazbear Frights series continues with three more unsettling, novella-length tales to keep even the bravest Five Nights at Freddy's player up at night . . .For Delilah, Stanley, and Devon, being left behind is practically a way of life. Orphaned from a young age and recently divorced, Delilah escapes deeper into her dreams each night, in desperate need of a wake-up call. Stanley is newly dumped, stuck in a dead-end job for a mysterious employer, and unable to connect with anyone. And Devon, abandoned by his dad and ignored by his mom, can't understand why love and friendship come so easily to everyone except him. Unfortunately, in the callous world of Five Nights at Freddy's, it's always in the depths of loneliness when evil creeps in.In this third volume, Five Nights at Freddy's creator Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length stories from different corners of his series' canon, featuring cover art from fan-favorite artist LadyFiszi. Readers beware: This collection of terrifying tales is enough to unsettle even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans.

أريده الآن

by دونا بي غيتس رفيف غدار

تلقى ابن أخي في ذكرى ميلاده الرابعة كدسة من الهدايا. وخلال الحفلة أخبره والداه الحسنا النية كم هو محظوظ وأبدت عدة أمهات دهشتهن لما لديه من أصدقاء رائعين. ولكن ابن أخي الذي لم يتأثر بكسبه المفاجىء كان مهتما لأن يلعب لعبة الوحش مع أصدقائه أكثر من اهتمامه بفتح هداياه

달콤한 살인: A Play (Cut & Run Series #1)

by Abigail Roux Madeleine Urban 애비게일 루 매들린 어번

뉴욕에서 연쇄 살인 사건이 일어나고, 경찰과 FBI는 하루 빨리 범인을 잡아야 한다는 압박감에 시달린다. 이 사건 해결을 위해 두 연방 요원 타이 그레이디와 제인 가렛이 차출되지만, 달라도 너무 다른 이 둘은 첫만남부터 상대방에 대한 거부감을 숨기지 않는다. 거만하고 거칠기 짝이 없지만 사건 해결에 있어서는 누구도 그 능력을 의심할 수 없는 타이. 반면 진지하고 조용한 가렛은 타이와는 전혀 상반된 성격이다. 설상가상으로 둘이 파트너가 되자마자 연쇄살인범은 이 둘을 타겟으로 한 폭발사건을 일으키고, 이를 통해 타이와 가렛은 FBI 내부에 살인범의 조력자가 있음을 알게 된다. 둘만의 힘으로 이 연쇄살인사건의 범인을 잡아야 하는 상황! 점점 더 좁혀오는 살인범의 마수... 과연 타이와 가렛은 서로에 대한 미움과 증오를 극복하고 사건을 해결할 수 있을까?


by جوهانا سبايري

كان كوخ العم «وليم» ينتصب بشموخ فوق قمة الجبل . و هو في مهب الرياح من أي جهة جاءت و معرض لأشعةالشمس من مختلف جوانبه . و تر تفع خلف الكوخ ثلاث من أشجار التنوب . وقد جاوره كوخ آخر صغير مرتب و منظم مثله .

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