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Showing 30,901 through 30,925 of 30,962 results

The Mutation (Animorphs #36)

by K. A. Applegate

When the Animorphs morph into killer whales to battle a Yeerk ship, they make a startling discovery: an underwater civilization of mutated humans with both gills and lungs.

Science 5, Student Pages, Semesters 1 & 2

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Miss Charity Comes to Stay

by Alberta Wilson Constant

From the Jacket: This delightfully warm and often funny story begins with the Run of 1893 which opened the Cherokee Strip, a part of the Oklahoma Territory. Joe (Papa) Richardson was among the thousands who made a dash for land and staked a claim for his family. And such a family! There is Mama, of course; Nell, who writes poetry; Tom, who wants to be an outlaw; and Betsy, who writes this story. Behind a cottonwood tree the Richardsons build their one-room sod house. Soon Mama begins to agitate for a "real" house. She's tired of holding an umbrella over her head every time the roof leaks. (Betsy hates to leave the soddy.) Then Mama wants a school, and a school means a teacher, so pretty Miss Charity comes to stay. It isn't long before Tyler Evans, the cowboy on the next claim, begins to spend more and more time at the Richardsons'. And with each visit he loses a little more of his heart to Miss Charity as Betsy jealously stands by. Betsy's story is of genuine people who lived at the close of a turbulent century. Betsy said of a loose tooth: "It hurts good." And so does this story hurt good. But the hurt is tempered with an abundance of joy.

The Body's Building Blocks (Schoolaid Health)

by Schoolaid

The Real You The Body's Source of Power Blood, The Body's Lifeline Safety and First Aid The Body's Building Blocks

Betsy and Mr. Kilpatrick

by Carolyn Haywood

[From the back of the book:] "Mr. Kilpatrick, the big, warmhearted policeman, had seen Betsy and her friends safely across the school crossing ever since the first grade. Every morning the children looked forward eagerly to his cheery greetings in his soft Irish brogue. When the news spread that Mr. Kilpatrick was going to be transferred, they were heartbroken. To add insult to injury, his replacement was to be a lady policeman! Before long the Kilpatrick Club, formed in his honor, was busy squabbling over the selection of his going-away present. Another of their projects was welcoming, and befriending, the policeman's six nieces and nephews from Ireland. Then, suddenly, the day of Mr. Kilpatrick's departure arrived. What happens next makes a gala conclusion to a happy story. These pages abound with touches of Irish charm, an easygoing humor, and an outright hilarity that will quickly endear the new book to the many Carolyn Haywood readers. Never has her gift for creating real children and her love for them been more apparent in text and drawings." You will find many more fun books about Betsy and her classmates in the Bookshare collection including: Eddie the Dog Holder, Eddie and Louella, Eddie and His Big Deals, Eddie's Pay Dirt, Eddie and Gardenia and Eddie and the Fire Engine.]

Just Plain Maggie

by Lorraine Beim

It is 12-year-old Maggie's first summer at camp. Everything is so new and strange! She has never met girls like her bunk mates, and never has she been so homesick.

Danger in the Palace (Circle of Magic 2, Book #4)

by Debra Doyle James D. Macdonald

When Randal and his best friend, Lys, are invited to join the theater troupe in the court of a kind and wealthy prince, they think they have it made! But Randal soon stumbles upon a plot against the prince and discovers that his wizardry skills are needed now more than ever. Can Randal expose the prince's enemies before it's too late?

School of Wizardry (Circle of Magic, Book #1)

by Debra Doyle James D. Macdonald

Randal thought he wanted to be a wizard. Just before noon, Randal found Madoc in the tower. The wizard was reading a small, leather-bound book. "What is it, lad?" asked Madoc, not looking up. I want to be a wizard like you," Randal told him. "How can you want to be a wizard, boy? You haven't got the foggiest idea of what it's all about" Madoc rose and stood glaring down at Randal. "You'll spend most of your life with just enough power to get you into trouble. You'll be hungry more often than you're fed. You'll spend more time in danger on the road than safe under a roof. And maybe you'll survive it all and live to be old and white-bearded and wise-but if you do, most of your friends will have died a long time before. Go back downstairs to your uncle, lad, and one day you'll make a fine knight Wizardry is no life for you." Randal went, but he felt restless and uneasy. Even if wizardry was as hard as Madoc said, it was still the only thing he wanted.

The Secret of The Tower (Circle of Magic 2, Book #2)

by Debra Doyle James D. Macdonald

What's a wizard without magic? Randal broke his promise the vow that all apprentice wizards must take never to use a weapon. Now Randal can graduate from the School of Wizardry only on one condition: that he not use magic until he is pardoned by a master wizard. Randal must travel to the wizard's faraway tower ... a journey made all the more perilous because he may use neither sword nor magic for protection. When Randal finally reaches the mysterious tower, it appears to be abandoned. But he soon discovers that the building holds a deadly secret.... The second in a four book series.

The Wizard's Statue (Circle of Magic 2, Book #3)

by Debra Doyle James D. Macdonald

Randal opened the door and stepped into his room-only to come to a sudden halt on the other side of the threshold. Magic! But this magic was strange, like nothing he had known before. Randal looked around the room, which was lit by an eerie, blue-white glow "Wizard . . ." The faint whisper came from his bed, over in the corner. Randal looked and saw a man lying there, his features drawn and ashen in the cold blue light. Randal forced himself to go over to the cot and grasp the man by the shoulder. The young wizard pulled his hand back quickly. He's dying, he realized. He's dying of magic. The third in the series of four books

The High King's Daughter (Circle of Magic, Book #6)

by Debra Doyle James D. Macdonald

Three human companions journey to to Elfland to bring back the High King's Daughter. 6th and final book in first Magic Circle Series.

The Tower Treasure (Hardy Boys #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

When Tower Mansion is robbed, its owner, Hurd Applegate is furious. He immediately wants Fenton Hardy to recover the missing loot and to have his handy man arrested. Frank and Joe are convinced though that Perry's father is innocent. Perry's family is forced to leave Tower Mansion and stay in a run down section of Bayport. Perry thinks he will soon have to drop out of school and abandon his dream of college because no one will hire his dad. The Hardys find clues that the treasure is hidden in one of the towers., but after two exhaustive searches that have Hurd Applegate insisting the boys no nothing, Frank and Joe are stumped. If the treasure isn't in Tower Mansion, then where will Frank and Joe look next? This is the revised 1959 version of The Tower Treasure.

Leap Into Danger

by Leif Hamre

Seen from the air, the white-and-green beauty of the vast Norwegian forest hardly seemed a portrait of peril. Yet the moment the motor of their plane had failed, the two young Air Force pilots knew that the routine patrol had turned into a rendezvous with impending disaster. The parachute descent into the frozen wilderness below is merely a prologue. Then begins their struggle for survival while a blizzard rages, preventing search planes from making a rescue operation. Their ingenious plans to keep alive-a rough shelter of branches, fishlines rigged through the ice in a nearby lake, and snares set for ptarmigan -at first help to sustain them. But when-despite a roaring fire outside their flimsy shelter entrance-a pack of ravening wolves draws closer and closer, both men are filled with the chilling doubt that they will ever be found alive. Leif Hamre, a lieutenant-colonel in the Norwegian Air Force, has written from firsthand knowledge a taut, absorbing, and authentic story that takes the reader into the very heart of danger.

The Yellow Feather Mystery (Hardy Boys #33)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe are called upon to help a college student prove that his grandfather left a will leaving a private academy to him and not the deputy headmaster. The youths are perplexed by the sign of the yellow feather and are determined to seek out his identity. Can Frank, Joe, Chet and the other Hardy friends find the will before it can be destroyed? This is the original unrevised text of The Yellow Feather Mystery (1953).

Prince William

by Terri Dougherty

Profiles the eldest son of Great Britain's Prince Charles and Princess Diana, from birth to his acceptance at the University of St. Andrews.

It All Came True

by Mary F. Leonard

Novel about a little girl at Christmas from 1904.

Heavens to Betsy

by Maud Hart Lovelace

Betsy is a Sophomore. She dreams of the boy with the red auto and scheems to catch him. But Betsy can't be anything but herself.

Ghosts Who Went to School

by Judith Spearing

What would you do if a ghost came to your class? Wilbur doesn't mean to make trouble, but books rise by themselves, voices answer the teacher...

Mariana Becomes a Butterfly: An Agricultural Engineering Story

by the Engineering is Elementary Team Jeannette Martin

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Indian Boyhood

by Charles Eastman

Charles Eastman, or Hakadah, as his Sioux relatives and fellow tribesmen knew him, as a full-blooded Indian boy learned the reticent manners and stoical ways of patience and bravery expected of every young warrior in the 1870's and 1880's. The hunts, games, and ceremonies of his native tribe were all he knew of life until his father, who had spent time with the white man, came to find him. Indian Boyhood is Eastman's first-hand reminiscence of the life he led until he was fifteen with the nomadic Sioux. Left motherless at birth, he tells how his grandmother saved him from relatives who offered to care for him "until he died." It was that grandmother who sang him the traditional Indian lullabies which are meant to cultivate bravery in all male babies, who taught him not to cry at night (for fear of revealing the whereabouts of the Sioux camp to hostile tribes), and who first explained to him some of the skills he would need to survive as an adult in the wilds. Eastman remembers the uncle who taught him the skills of the hunt and the war-path, and how his day began at first light, when his uncle would startle him from sleep with a terrifying whoop, in response to which the young boy was expected to jump fully alert to his feet, and rush outside, bow in hand, returning the yell that had just awakened him. Yet all Indian life did not consist in training and discipline. In time of abundance and even in famine, Indian children had much time for sport and games of combat — races, lacrosse, and wrestling were all familiar to Eastman and his childhood friends. Here too are observations about Indian character, social custom, and morality. Eastman describes the traditional arrangements by which the tribe governed itself — its appointed police force, hunting and warrior scouts, and its tribal council, and how the tribe supported these officers with a kind of taxation. Eastman also includes family and tribal legends of adventure, bravery, and nature that he heard in the lodge of Smoky Day, the tribe historian. But Eastman's own memories of attacks by hostile tribes, flights from the white man's armies, and the dangers of the hunt rival the old legends in capturing a vision of life now long lost.

The Shore Road Mystery (Hardy Boys #6 - original 1928 text)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe chase after local car thieves. Vehicles along the Shore Road keep disappearing and the Bayport police have had no luck on the job. Where could the cars be going?<P> This is the original 1928 unrevised version of The Shore Road Mystery.

The Tournament

by Anna Ciddor

This story is set in a castle and is about a knight's first tournament.

Floods (Dangerous Weather)

by Michael Allaby

From the Book jacket: Floods have caused more damage and killed more people than any other form of dangerous weather. From the life and travels of a single molecule of water to the destructive power of a flash flood, author Michael Allaby reveals the wonder and occasional terror unleashed by water in motion. Floods describes every type of flood condition, how humankind has learned to limit some of the damage floods can cause, great floods of the past, how some floods are good, and how readers can protect themselves and others from danger during floods. The Dangerous Weather series imparts fundamental weather science to readers through author Michael Allaby's vivid descriptions of extreme weather systems. The series focuses on the five most dangerous kinds of weather activity; diagrams related meteorological, climatological, and environmental basics in clear, compelling language; chronicles the history of each form of dangerous weather; and offers safety precautions for extreme weather conditions. Fully illustrated and indexed, the Dangerous Weather series is an invaluable tool for student research. Other volumes include: hurricanes tornadoes blizzards droughts A chronology of weather Michael Allaby is the author of more than 40 books, mainly on science, natural history, and environmental topics. A few of his previous works include Basics of Environmental Science, How It Works: The Environment, and The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Ecology. He is a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, among other professional affiliations.

Family Ties: Alex Gets the Business

by Joe Claro

When Alex gets accepted into Nu Alpha Mu, the college's high-powered business-major fraternity, he's walking on air. Mallory and Jennifer couldn't care less. Steven and Elyse are less than thrilled. And his girlfriend Ellen hopes that business fever and beautiful Nan Winters won't put their romance in the deep freeze. But when Alex decides to put theory into practice by investing in a hairdresser's shop in the local mall, he really gets the business ... and a hilarious lesson he won't soon forget! Family Ties is consistently one of America's top-rated, critically acclaimed television series. Now join your favorite characters in an all-new adventure as delightful as the hit show itself! ALEX GETS THE BUSINESS Based on the Paramount Television Series FAMILY TIES Created by Gary David Goldberg

A Moose For Jessica

by Pat A. Wakefield Larry Carrara

From the book jacket: Early one October morning, a bull moose strode out of the Vermont woods and caught sight of a pudgy Hereford cow named Jessica. During the next seventy-six days, he wooed her, and the amorous couple became the subject of worldwide news coverage. People everywhere found the moose's ardent attentions a touching diversion from more serious issues of the day and a poignant reminder of the unpredictability of love. But the underlying story, never fully told until now, is that of Jessica's owner, Larry Carrara, and the patience and care he offered a wild creature. The bond between man and moose speaks to all, young and old, of the mysterious harmony that is possible when nature is treated with intelligence and respect. PAT A. WAKEFIELD was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. After eighteen years of corporate life in New York City, she moved to Vermont with her husband and two children. She is a marketing consultant living in North Chittenden. This is her first book. LARRY CARRARA lives in Shrewsbury, Vermont, on a farm that has been in his family for three generations. He and his wife, Lila, have five children and four grandchildren. He works for a local manufacturing firm and is a part-time farmer with a few horses, a small herd of beef cattle, and a soft spot for all creatures, wild or tame: "If a cow gives me trouble or if there are too many bull calves, I'll sell them. I can't slaughter them. I get too darned attached."

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