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¿Quién fue Frida Kahlo? (¿Quién fue?)

by Sarah Fabiny Who HQ

Descubra más sobre Frida Kahlo, la mujer que pasó a la historia como una de las artistas más emblemáticas del siglo XX. Find out more about Frida Kahlo, the woman who painted herself into history as one of the most iconic female artists of the twentieth century -- now available for Spanish speakers everywhere!Siempre se puede reconocer un cuadro de Kahlo porque ella está en casi todos, con su pelo negro trenzado y sus coloridos trajes mexicanos. Una mujer valiente que estuvo inválida la mayor parte de su vida, se transformó en una obra de arte viva. Tan famosa por sus autorretratos e imágenes inquietantes, así como por su matrimonio con otro famoso artista, Diego Rivera, esta pintora fuerte y valiente se inspiró en la antigua cultura e historia de su amada patria, México. Sus cuadros siguen informando e inspirando a la cultura popular de todo el mundo. You can always recognize a painting by Kahlo because she is in nearly all--with her black braided hair and colorful Mexican outfits. A brave woman who was an invalid most of her life, she transformed herself into a living work of art. As famous for her self-portraits and haunting imagery as she was for her marriage to another famous artist, Diego Rivera, this strong and courageous painter was inspired by the ancient culture and history of her beloved homeland, Mexico. Her paintings continue to inform and inspire popular culture around the world.

¿Quién fue el mayor inventor de la tecnología eléctrica? (¡Arriba la Lectura! Level R #9)

by Sharon Parsons

NIMAC-sourced textbook <p><p> Es difícil imaginar la vida sin electricidad. Prácticamente todo lo que hacemos y todos los dispositivos o aparatos que tenemos en casa dependen de la electricidad. En este libro, conoceremos a algunos de los geniales inventores y científicos cuyos aportes 'eléctricos' han cambiado radicalmente nuestra vida. ¿Quién fue el mayor inventor de la tecnología eléctrica? ¡Eso lo decides tú!

¿Quién fue Celia Cruz? (¿Quién fue?)

by Pam Pollack Meg Belviso Who HQ

How did a working-class girl from Cuba become a symbol of artistic freedom for Cuban Americans and the "Queen of Salsa"? Find out in this addition to the Who HQ library!¿Cómo una niña de clase trabajadora de Cuba se convirtió en un símbolo de libertad artística para los cubanoamericanos y en la "Reina de la Salsa"? ¡Descúbrelo en este nuevo libro para la bibliotheca de Who HQ!Although her family and friends know her as Úrsula Hilaria Celia de la Caridad Cruz Alfonso, the world refers to her simply as Celia Cruz. Starting her career in 1950, Celia grew increasingly popular as the new lead singer of the Cuban band Sonora Matancera. Her exceptional vocal range and flashy costumes made fans fall in love with her.Celia's talent took her all around the world, including the United States. After Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba, she wasn't allowed to return to her native country. She and other Cubans who were exiled used their music to express their love for their homeland.Celia rose to the top of the charts in a genre that was dominated by men. She become an award-winning singer and the most popular Latin artist of the twentieth century. Azucar! indeed!Auntie su familia y amigos la conocen como Úrsula Hilaria Celia de la Caridad Cruz Alfonso, el mundo se refiere a ella simplemente como Celia Cruz. Trap comenzar su carrera en 1950, Celia se hizo cada vez más popular como la nueva cantante principal de la banda cubana Sonora Matancera. Su exceptional rango vocal y sus llamativos vestuarios hicieron que los fanáticos se enamoraran de ella.El talento de Celia la llevó por todo el mundo, incluido Estados Unidos. Después de que Fidel Castro llegó al poder en Cuba, no se le permitió regresar a su país natal. Ella y otros cubanos exiliados usaron su música para expresar su amor por la patria.Celia subió a lo más alto de las listas musicales en un género dominado por hombres. Se convirtió en una cantante galardonada y en la artista latina más popular del siglo XX. ¡Azúcar! ¡Por supuesto!

¿Quién es Sonia Sotomayor? (¿Quién fue?)

by Megan Stine Who HQ

Spanish speakers can now learn the truly inspiring story of the first Latin Supreme Court Justice. Los hispanohablantes pueden ahora conocer la historia verdaderamente inspiradora de la primera jueza latina del Tribunal Supremo.Outspoken, energetic, and fun, Sonia Sotomayor has managed to turn every struggle in life into a triumph. Born in the Bronx to immigrant parents from Puerto Rico, Sonia found out at age nine that she had diabetes, a serious illness now but an even more dangerous one fifty years ago. How did young Sonia handle the devastating news? She learned to give herself her daily insulin shots and became determined to make the most out of her life. It was the popular sixties TV show Perry Mason that made Sonia want to become a lawyer. Not only a lawyer but a judge! Her remarkable career was capped in 2009 when President Barack Obama nominated her to the Supreme Court, only the third woman in the court's history and the first Hispanic. Stories of Sotomayor's career are hardly dry legal stuff - she once hopped on a motorcycle to chase down counterfeiters and was the judge whose ruling ended the Major League baseball strike in 1995. Expresiva, enérgica y divertida, Sonia Sotomayor ha logrado convertir cada lucha de su vida en un triunfo. Nacida en el Bronx de padres inmigrantes de Puerto Rico, Sonia descubrió a los nueve años que tenía diabetes, una enfermedad grave ahora, pero aún más peligrosa hace cincuenta años. ¿Cómo afrontó la joven Sonia la devastadora noticia? Aprendió a administrarse sus inyecciones diarias de insulina y se empeñó en aprovechar al máximo su vida. Fue la popular serie de televisión de los años sesenta Perry Mason la que hizo que Sonia quisiera convertirse en abogada. ¡Y no solo abogada, sino también jueza! Su extraordinaria carrera se vio coronada en 2009 cuando el presidente Barack Obama la nombró miembro del Tribunal Supremo, siendo la tercera mujer en la historia del tribunal y la primera hispana. Las historias de la carrera de Sotomayor no son de orden jurídico: cierta vez se subió a una motocicleta para perseguir a los falsificadores y fue la jueza cuya decisión puso fin a la huelga de las Grandes Ligas de béisbol en 1995.

¿Quién es Michael Jordan? (¿Quién fue?)

by Kirsten Anderson Who HQ

Grab your Js and hit the court with this Spanish Who Was? biography about NBA superstar Michael Jordan. Coge tus Js y salta a la cancha con esta biografía en español de ¿Quién fue? sobre la superestrella de la NBA Michael Jordan.Meet the man who changed the game forever. Michael Jordan has always been competitive--even as a young boy, he fought for attention. His need to be the best made him a star player on his college basketball team and helped him become an NBA legend, both for his skills and his endorsements. His Nike contract for Air Jordan basketball shoes set an unmatched precedent for professional athletes. Author Kirsten Anderson takes readers through each exciting moment, detailing the iconic reverse lay-ups and jump shots of Michael Jordan's storied career. Conoce al hombre que cambió el juego para siempre. Michael Jordan siempre ha sido competitivo, incluso de pequeño luchaba por llamar la atención. Su necesidad de ser el mejor lo convirtió en un jugador estrella de su equipo de baloncesto universitario y lo ayudó a convertirse en una leyenda de la NBA, tanto por sus habilidades como por sus promociones. Su contrato con Nike para las zapatillas de baloncesto Air Jordan sentó un precedente inigualable para los atletas profesionales. La autora, Kirsten Anderson, lleva a los lectores a través de cada momento emocionante, detallando los icónicos tiros en bandeja bajo el aro y los tiros en suspensión de la histórica carrera de Michael Jordan.

¿Quién es Kamala Harris? (¿Quién fue?)

by Kirsten Anderson Who HQ

La inspiradora historia de la vicepresidenta Kamala Harris contada en el nuevo formato Who HQ que aborda temas de actualidad. The inspiring story of Vice President Kamala Harris told in the new Who HQ Now format for trending topics -- now in Spanish!El 7 de noviembre de 2020, Kamala Harris, una senadora de California, se convirtió en la primera mujer y la primera persona afroamericana y surasiática-estadounidense en ser elegida para la vicepresidencia. Si bien su nominación para este puesto no fue inesperada, su ascenso al protagonismo nacional estuvo lleno de giros y obstáculos inesperados. Después de reprobar su primer examen de oposición para convertirse en abogada, lo intentó de nuevo y lo aprobó. A partir de ahí, rápidamente ascendió en los rangos legales, sirviendo como fiscal de distrito de San Francisco, luego como fiscal general de California y pronto como senadora. Como política, Kamala Harris ha sido una destacada defensora de las reformas progresistas y los derechos de la mujer. Esta emocionante historia detalla los momentos decisivos que la llevaron a su nominación y todos los momentos importantes que han dado forma a su carrera y al futuro de Estados Unidos. On November 7, 2020, Kamala Harris, a senator from California, became the first woman and the first African-American and South Asian-American person to be elected to the vice presidency. While her nomination for this position was not unexpected, her rise to national prominence was one filled with unexpected turns and obstacles. After failing her first bar exam to become a lawyer, she tried again and passed. From there, she quickly rose through the legal ranks, serving as district attorney of San Francisco, then California's attorney general, and soon, senator. As a politician, Kamala Harris has been a vocal champion of progressive reforms and women's rights. This exciting story details the defining moments of what led to her nomination and all the monumental ones since that have shaped her career and the future of America.

¿Quién es Carmen Sandiego? (Carmen Sandiego)

by Rebecca Tinker

Durante décadas, muchos se han preguntado: “¿Dónde está Carmen Sandiego?”. Pero ¿quién es en realidad esta tristemente famosa y escurridiza delincuente trotamundos? A Carmen Sandiego, una ladrona hábil en una misión misteriosa, la persiguen de manera permanente ACME e Interpol. ¡Y la dama de rojo siempre está un paso adelante! En esta emocionante aventura, basada en la serie animada de Netflix, Carmen cuenta por primera vez su propia historia, fascinante y llena de acción. Ahora, es tiempo de averiguar... ¿Quién es Carmen Sandiego?​

¿Quién es Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? (¿Quién fue?)

by Kirsten Anderson Who HQ

La inspiradora historia de la mujer más joven jamás elegida para el Congreso, contada en el nuevo formato Who HQ Now para temas de actualidad. The inspiring story of the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, told in the new Who HQ Now format for trending topics.El 26 de junio de 2018, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, una camarera de Nueva York de veintiocho años, se convirtió en la mujer más joven elegida para formar parte del Congreso. Su victoria conmocionó al mundo político y se convirtió en una celebridad de la noche a la mañana. Pronto, todo el mundo la conocía por sus iniciales: AOC. Nada más tomar posesión de su cargo, AOC se convirtió en una firme defensora de la asistencia médica para todos y de la lucha contra el cambio climático. Esta apasionante historia detalla los momentos decisivos que la llevaron a la victoria y todos los eventos importantes que se han producido desde entonces y que la han convertido en una política inteligente, dispuesta a luchar por los demás, por el medio ambiente y por el futuro de Estados Unidos. On June 26, 2018, twenty-eight-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a bartender from New York City, became the youngest woman ever elected to serve on Congress. Her win shocked the political world and she became a celebrity overnight. Soon, everyone knew her by her initials: AOC. As soon as she was sworn into office, AOC became a vocal champion for healthcare for all and the fight against climate change. This exciting story details the defining moments of what led to her victory and all the monumental ones since that have shaped her into a smart politician willing to fight for others, the environment, and the future of America.

Quicksand Pond

by Janet Taylor Lisle

Newbery Honor winner Janet Taylor Lisle’s gorgeous and profound new novel about a pivotal summer in two girls’ lives explores the convictions we form, the judgments we make, and the values we hold.The pond is called Quicksand Pond. It’s a shadowy, hidden place, full of chirping, shrieking, croaking life. It’s where, legend has it, people disappear. It’s where scrappy Terri Carr lives with her no-good family. And it’s where twelve-year-old Jessie Kettel is reluctantly spending her summer vacation. Jessie meets Terri right away, on a raft out in the water, and the two become fast friends. On Quicksand Pond, Jessie and Terri can be lost to the outside world—lost until they want to be found. But a tragedy that occurred many decades ago has had lingering effects on this sleepy town, and especially on Terri Carr. And the more Jessie learns, the more she begins to question her new friendship—and herself.

QuickReads: A Research-Based Fluency Program, Level E, Book 1

by Elfrieda H. Hiebert

NIMAC-sourced textbook

QuickReads: A Research-Based Fluency Program, Level E, Book 2

by Elfrieda H. Hiebert

NIMAC-sourced textbook

QuickReads: A Research-Based Fluency Program, Level E, Book 3

by Elfrieda H. Hiebert

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Quick-Word: Handbook for Everyday Writers

by Rebecca Sitton Robert Forest

Fingertip reference for 1,020 high-frequency words develops independent spellers and writers. Space included for students to add their own difficult words plus abbreviations, homophones, and more.

Quetzacoatl Brings Corn to His People: A Legend from Mexico

by Carol Pugliano-Martin Rosario Valderama Jeffrey Fuerst

Perform this legend from Mexico about Quetzalcoatl's quest to find food for humans.

The Question of Miracles

by Elana K. Arnold

Sixth-grader Iris Abernathy hates life in Corvallis, Oregon, where her family just moved. It's always raining, and everything is so wet. Besides, nothing has felt right since Iris's best friend, Sarah, died. When Iris meets Boris, an awkward mouth-breather with a know-it-all personality, she's not looking to make a new friend, but it beats eating lunch alone. Then she learns that Boris's very existence is a medical mystery, maybe even a miracle, and Iris starts to wonder why some people get miracles and others don't. And if one miracle is possible, can another one be too? Can she possibly communicate with Sarah again?

The Quest of the Warrior Sheep

by Christopher Russell Christine Russell

"I loved this book from the first chapter to the last. " -John Lloyd, The Bookbag"Hilarious crime caper involving a gang of sheep and a mobile phone. . . what more could you ask for?" -Books Monthly". . . The most unlikely of all epic adventure novels you will ever come across. " -James, Kid's Compass OHMYGRASS! When Sal the sheep is bonked on the head by an unidentified falling object, it can only mean one thing: Lord Aries, the Sheep of all Sheepdom is in trouble, and the sheep posse must save him. Little do the sheep know that the mysterious object is actually a cell phone dropped by a couple of baaaaad bank robbers who will do anything to get it back. And a couple of woolbags aren't going to stand in their way!And so the quest of the Warrior Sheep begins. The bravest sheep in the universe are in for a wild ride! Very funny puns galore and enjoyable for ages 10 to 100. Includes Chapter 1 from the next book. (There are 3.)

The Quest of the Robo-Mermaid (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading)

by Pamela Dell

NIMAC-sourced textbook. THE AMAZING ROBO-MERMAID. Imagine going on an ocean dive that takes you so deep no human being could do it without risk of injury or even death. OceanOne, a "robo-mermaid," is how a robotics scientist and an underwater archeologist managed to make that dive happen.

The Quest Of The Missing Map: The Quest Of The Missing Map (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories #19)

by Carolyn Keene

Prompted by the concerns of a young child, Nancy investigates a small studio on the Chatham estate. She discovers that there is a connection between the mysterious occurrences at Ship Cottage and her search for a treasure island. With only half of a map, Nancy sets out to find the man who possess the rest of the map that will pinpoint the location of buried treasure. Constantly beset by danger and intrigue, Nancy courageously outwits her enemies and solves one of the most challenging cases in her career as a teenage investigator.

The Quest of the Fair Unknown (The Squire's Tales #8)

by Gerald Morris

On her deathbed, Beaufils's mother leaves him with a quest and a clue: Find your father, a knight of King Arthur's Court. So Beaufils leaves the isolated forest of his youth and quickly discovers that he has much to learn about the world.

The Quest of the Cubs (Bears of the Ice #1)

by Kathryn Lasky

From the author of Guardians of Ga’Hoole, “nature, magic, and legend combine to create a world like no other” in a tale of polar cubs on a rescue mission (Kirkus Reviews).For generations, the noble polar bears have ruled the Northern Kingdoms. But now, their society is on the brink of collapse. A group of power-hungry bears has seized control, and darkness is creeping across the snow. Cubs First and Second don’t know any of this. Although they’re twins, they couldn’t be more different. First loves imagining stories, while his daring sister, Second, wants to live them. When their mother is taken prisoner, the cubs’ world falls apart. They know they have to rescue her, but how can two cubs who’ve barely learned to hunt survive a treacherous journey across the ice? Their only chance is to learn to trust each other and—even more important—trust themselves. But survival is only the beginning. And soon, these two unlikely heroes find themselves at the heart of a battle unlike anything Ga’hoole has ever seen.“Readers will lose themselves in the life-and-death adventure of the cubs and succumb to human feelings of fear, loss, and hope . . .” —Booklist“A series opener that promises to deliver action and adventure.” —School Library Journal

The Quest of Danger (Once Upon a Tim #4)

by Stuart Gibbs

Set sail to Atlantis with Tim and his friends in the laugh-out-loud funny, highly illustrated fourth book of the New York Times bestselling Once Upon a Tim series from Spy School author Stuart Gibbs.Tim and his ragtag crew have been rescued from certain doom by a mermaid princess—but now, she wants something in return for saving their lives: her father King Neptuna&’s stolen trident. To pay their debt, Tim, Belinda, Ferkle, Rover, and Princess Grace once again brave the Sea of Terror to track down the trident in the glorious city of Atlantis, which hasn&’t sunk into the sea yet. (In fact, it is famed as the safest city on earth.) But there is plenty of danger en route—and the notorious Prince Ruprecht is lurking about as well. Can the junior knights evade the scheming royal and complete their quest?

The Quest for Z: The True Story of Explorer Percy Fawcett and a Lost City in the Amazon

by Greg Pizzoli

From an award-winning author comes a picture book biography that feels like Indiana Jones for kids!British explorer Percy Fawcett believed that hidden deep within the Amazon rainforest was an ancient city, lost for the ages. Most people didn&’t even believe this city existed. But if Fawcett could find it, he would be rich and famous forever. This is the true story of one man&’s thrilling, dangerous journey into the jungle, and what he found on his quest for the lost city of Z.

The Quest for the Tree Kangaroo: An Expedition to the Cloud Forest of New Guinea (Scientists in the Field Series)

by Sy Montgomery Nic Bishop

<P>It looks like a bear, but isn't one. It climbs trees as easily as a monkey- but isn't a monkey, either. It has a belly pocket like a kangaroo, but what's a kangaroo doing up a tree? Meet the amazing Matschie's tree kangaroo, who makes its home in the ancient trees of Papua New Guinea's cloud forest. And meet the amazing scientists who track these elusive animals. <P>[This text is listed as an example that meets Common Core Standards in English language arts in grades 4-5 at] <P><P> Winner of the Sibert Honor

The Quest for the Shyn Emeralds

by Roopa Pai

Exactly where Earth and Sky meet lies a whole different universe called Mithya! In Mithya is a great ocean, Dariya, and from it rises Kay Laas, the mighty, moody volcano. At it stop, is the home of the absolute Ruler of Mithya, the brave and kind Shoon Ya. He rules over the eight worlds that bob peace fully in Dariya, lit by the Tarasun and its 32 stars that light each world in different colours ?emerald green, amethyst purple, ruby red? But danger lurks beneath the surface. In the fiery lands under the ocean bed, is imprisoned Shoon Ya?s evil twin, the fearsome demon Shaap Azur, just as powerful but All Bad. How much longer can Shoon Ya keep him under control? Not too long. When Shaap Azur escapes, he seizes all the stars, leaving Mithya?s eight worlds in darkness. The people of Mithya are horrified and separate, until three young, brave children of Mithya, gifted with special abilities come to their rescue. Will Mithiya shine again? Read and find out!

Quest for the Queen (Secrets of Droon #10)

by Tony Abbott Tim Jessell

A hidden door. A magical staircase. Discover the world of Droon! Zoom! It seems like all of Droon is competing in the Quest! And Princess Keah wants to win the prize, since it might break the magic spell on her mother. But some people aren't playing fair. Can Eric, Neal, and Julie stop the other racers from stealing a victory?

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