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You and Me At the End of the World

by Brianna Bourne

This is no ordinary apocalypse... <p><p> Hannah Ashton wakes up to silence. The entire city around her is empty, except for one other person: Leo Sterling. Leo might be the hottest boy ever (and not just because he's the only one left), but he's also too charming, too selfish, and too much of a disaster for his own good, let alone Hannah's. <p><p> Stuck with only each other, they explore a world with no parents, no friends, and no school and realize that they can be themselves instead of playing the parts everyone expects of them. Hannah doesn't have to be just an overachieving, music-box-perfect ballerina, and Leo can be more than a slacker, 80s-glam-metal-obsessed guitarist. Leo is a burst of honesty and fun that draws Hannah out, and Hannah's got Leo thinking about someone other than himself for the first time. <p><p> Together, they search for answers amid crushing isolation. But while their empty world may appear harmless . . . it's not. Because nothing is quite as it seems, and if Hannah and Leo don't figure out what's going on, they might just be torn apart forever.

You and Me and Him

by Kris Dinnison

"Do not ignore a call from me when you know I am feeling neurotic about a boy. That is Best Friend 101." --Nash <P><P> Maggie and Nash are outsiders. She's overweight. He's out of the closet. The best of friends, they have seen each other through thick and thin, but when Tom moves to town at the start of the school year, they have something unexpected in common: feelings for the same guy. This warm, witty novel--with a clear, true voice and a clever soundtrack of musical references--sings a song of love and forgiveness.

YOLO Juliet: Yolo Juliet; Srsly Hamlet; Macbeth #killing It (OMG Shakespeare #2)

by William Shakespeare Brett Wright

Romeo and Juliet, one of the greatest love stories ever told . . . in texts?! Imagine: What if those star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet had smartphones? A classic is reborn in this fun and funny adaptation of one of Shakespeare's most famous plays! Two families at war. A boy and a girl in love. A secret marriage gone oh-so-wrong. and h8. The classics just got a whole lot more interesting. ;) tl;dr A Shakespeare play told through its characters texting with emojis, checking in at certain locations, and updating their relationship statuses. The perfect gift for hip theater lovers and teens. A glossary and cast of characters are included for those who need it. For example: tl;dr means too long; didn't read.


by Mary H. Choi

&“Sneaks up on you with its insight and poignancy.&” —Entertainment WeeklyFrom New York Times bestselling author Mary H.K. Choi comes a funny and emotional story about two estranged sisters and how far they&’ll go to save one of their lives—even if it means swapping identities.Jayne and June Baek are nothing alike. June&’s three years older, a classic first-born, know-it-all narc with a problematic finance job and an equally soulless apartment (according to Jayne). Jayne is an emotionally stunted, self-obsessed basket case who lives in squalor, has egregious taste in men, and needs to get to class and stop wasting Mom and Dad&’s money (if you ask June). Once thick as thieves, these sisters who moved from Seoul to San Antonio to New York together now don&’t want anything to do with each other.That is, until June gets cancer. And Jayne becomes the only one who can help her.Flung together by circumstance, housing woes, and family secrets, will the sisters learn more about each other than they&’re willing to confront? And what if while helping June, Jayne has to confront the fact that maybe she&’s sick, too?


by Mary H.K. Choi

From New York Times bestselling author Mary H.K. Choi comes a funny and emotional story about two estranged sisters and how far they'll go to save one of their lives - even if it means swapping identities.Jayne and June Baek are nothing alike. June's three years older, a classic first-born, know-it-all narc with a problematic finance job and an equally soulless apartment (according to Jayne). Jayne is an emotionally stunted, self-obsessed basket case who lives in squalor, has egregious taste in men, and needs to get to class and stop wasting Mom and Dad's money (if you ask June). Once thick as thieves, these sisters who moved from Seoul to San Antonio to New York together now don't want anything to do with each other.That is, until June gets cancer. And Jayne becomes the only one who can help her.Flung together by circumstance, housing woes, and family secrets, will the sisters learn more about each other than they're willing to confront? And what if while helping June, Jayne has to confront the fact that maybe she's sick, too?

Yoko Ono: Collector of Skies

by Nell Beram Carolyn Boriss-Krimsky

This lyrical biography explores the life and art of Yoko Ono, from her childhood haiku to her avant-garde visual art and experimental music. An outcast throughout most of her life, and misunderstood by every group she was supposed to belong to, Yoko always followed her own unique vision to create art that was ahead of its time and would later be celebrated. Her focus remained on being an artist, even when the rest of world saw her only as the wife of John Lennon. Yoko Ono’s moving story will inspire any young adult who has ever felt like an outsider, or who is developing or questioning ideas about being an artist, to follow their dreams and find beauty in all that surrounds them.

The Yo-Yo Prophet

by Karen Krossing

Calvin is the smallest guy in his high school, and a perfect target for Rozelle and her girl gang. His mother is dead, his father is long gone and his only remaining relative, his grandmother, is getting too sick to run her dry cleaning business. The only time Calvin feels in control is when he's working his yo-yo. When he takes up street performing, Rozelle demands a cut and insists on being his manager. To get media attention, she markets him as a yo-yo genius who can predict the future, dubbing him the "Yo-Yo Prophet." Calvin begins to believe his own hype, but as Gran's condition deteriorates, he realizes that it will take more than fame and adulation to keep his family intact.

Yo, Miss: A Graphic Look At High School

by Lisa Wilde Kaycee Eckhardt

Yo, Miss: A Graphic Look at High School takes the reader inside Wildcat Academy, a second chance high school in New York City where all the students are considered at-risk. Through strong and revealing black and white images, the book tells the story of eight students who are trying to get that ticket to the middle class - a high school diploma. Whether they succeed or not has as much to do with what happens outside the classroom as in, and the value of perseverance is matched by the power of a second chance. It is a story that shows these teens in all their beauty, intelligence, suffering, humor, and humanity (and also when they are really pains in the behind. ) A view from the trenches of public education, Yo, Miss challenges preconceptions about who these kids are, and what is needed to help them graduate.

Yo, él y Raquel: (Un final para Rachel)

by Jesse Andrews

Greg, un joven muy peculiar, verá cómo su vida cambia cuando su madre le obliga a visitar a una chica con leucemia. Según Greg Gaines, el secreto para salir airoso del instituto es no ser amigo de nadie pero llevarse bien con todos. Su lema es «sin amigos no hay enemigos». Solo tiene a Earl, con quien se dedica a grabar versiones terribles de sus películas favoritas. Hasta que vuelve a ver a Rachel. Rachel tiene leucemia, y a la madre de Greg se le ocurre la brillante idea de obligar a su hijo a que sea su amigo. Greg tiene claro que esto no va a ser una de esas típicas historias de amor entre una chica en estado terminal y un chico que de repente se enamora de ella. Pero, de todos modos, hay algo especial entre Greg, Rachel y Earl... Cuando Rachel decida dejar su tratamiento, Earl y Greg le harán un homenaje: grabarán para ella La Peor Película de la Historia. Y Greg tendrá que dejar la seguridad de su anonimato para darle a Rachel justo el final que su historia necesita. Mejor Novela Young Adult por YALSALibro destacado por Capitol ChoicesGanadora del Gran Premio del Jurado Sundance 2015 La crítica ha dicho...«Un final para Rachel sobresale por su inventiva, humor y corazón.»Kirkus Review «Imposible abandonarla... Una novela dramática, honesta e inteligente capaz de hacer reír a carcajadas.»IndieBound Kid's Next List

Yesterworld (Down World Ser. #2)

by Rebecca Phelps

In the sequel to Down World, Marina is lured back through the doors by a mysterious man.“Time after time I come back to this cold brick door. Sealed, as it has been for over a year now, as I know it must remain forever. I don’t know why I keep doing this to myself. I know I can never open the door to Yesterday again. I can never have Kieren back. Never talk to Brady about the things we saw under the lake all those months ago. And never tell my brother Robbie how my heart broke every day that he was trapped in the abyss lurking behind those immovable bricks.Maybe I come to this room the way some people visit gravestones. The three doors are all I have left of my loved ones now. The rough, hard rectangles and their merciless mortar, staring back at me. Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.And me in the waiting room.To open any of these doors is to open a pathway to death. I know this. And yet, they call to me.”Eighteen months have passed since Marina O’Connell first discovered the doors, and her life changed forever. She’s a senior now. And she’s living in a plane of reality with her stepmom and her dad, while Robbie and her mom are in Oregon. She and her best friend Christy are making plans for college. They’re crushing on Mr. Martel, the new history teacher. He’s young enough to inspire them to take the subject seriously, but there’s more to him than good looks. He isn’t who he seems, and when he confronts Marina with the secret they both share, she realizes that she can’t, or won’t, turn away from the doors that have been calling out to her for months.

Yesterday Is History

by Kosoko Jackson

A romantic, heart-felt, and whimsical novel about letting go of the past, figuring out what you want in your future, and staying in the moment before it passes you by.Weeks ago, Andre Cobb received a much-needed liver transplant.He's ready for his life to finally begin, until one night, when he passes out and wakes up somewhere totally 1969, where he connects with a magnetic boy named Michael.And then, just as suddenly as he arrived, he slips back to present-day Boston, where the family of his donor is waiting to explain that his new liver came with a side effect—the ability to time travel. And they've tasked their youngest son, Blake, with teaching Andre how to use his unexpected new gift.Andre splits his time bouncing between the past and future. Between Michael and Blake. Michael is everything Andre wishes he could be, and Blake, still reeling from the death of his brother, Andre's donor, keeps him at arm's length despite their obvious attraction to each other.Torn between two boys, one in the past and one in the present, Andre has to figure out where he belongs—and more importantly who he wants to be—before the consequences of jumping in time catch up to him and change his future for good.

Yes No Maybe So

by Aisha Saeed Becky Albertalli

YES <p><p> Jamie Goldberg is cool with volunteering for his local state senate candidate—as long as he’s behind the scenes. When it comes to speaking to strangers (or, let’s face it, speaking at all to almost anyone) Jamie’s a choke artist. There’s no way he’d ever knock on doors to ask people for their votes…until he meets Maya. <p> NO <p> Maya Rehman’s having the worst Ramadan ever. Her best friend is too busy to hang out, her summer trip is canceled, and now her parents are separating. Why her mother thinks the solution to her problems is political canvassing—with some awkward dude she hardly knows—is beyond her. <p> MAYBE SO <p> Going door to door isn’t exactly glamorous, but maybe it’s not the worst thing in the world. After all, the polls are getting closer—and so are Maya and Jamie. Mastering local activism is one thing. Navigating the cross-cultural crush of the century is another thing entirely.

Yes No Maybe So

by Aisha Saeed Becky Albertalli

YES Jamie Goldberg is cool with volunteering for his local state senate candidate—as long as he’s behind the scenes. When it comes to speaking to strangers (or, let’s face it, speaking at all to almost anyone), Jamie’s a choke artist. There’s no way he’d ever knock on doors to ask people for their votes…until he meets Maya. <p><p> NO Maya Rehman’s having the worst Ramadan ever. Her best friend is too busy to hang out, her summer trip is canceled, and now her parents are separating. Why her mother thinks the solution to her problems is political canvassing—with some awkward dude she hardly knows—is beyond her. <p><p> MAYBE SO Going door to door isn’t exactly glamorous, but maybe it’s not the worst thing in the world. After all, the polls are getting closer—and so are Maya and Jamie. Mastering local activism is one thing. Navigating the cross-cultural romance of the century is another thing entirely.

Yes, I Know the Monkey Man

by Dori Hillestad Butler

Thirteen-year-old TJ tries to cope with the emotional upheaval in her life when the father who kidnapped her ten years earlier and raised her under a different identity is injured and she goes to visit her recently discovered twin sister, mother, and future stepfather.


by Nandi Taylor

Taylor conjugue le folklore caribéen, les contes d’internat magiques et une romance interspécifique fantaisiste avec éloquence. –Booklist, Critique EtoiléeL'auteur à succès Nandi Taylor donne vie à une histoire fantastique d'inspiration afro-caribéenne qui mélange la création d’un nouveau monde avec une histoire d’amour à tomber par terre dans cette première épopée maintenant disponible en livre de poche.En tant que princesse des îles Moonrise et l'une de ses guerrières les plus féroces, Yenni a toujours fait passer le devoir avant ses propres désirs. Lorsque son père tombe gravement malade, elle sait qu'elle doit trouver le remède et se lance dans un voyage ardu qui l'emmène au sein d’une académie de magie aux confins de l'Empire de Cresh.Bien qu’il n'y ait guère place pour l'échec, Yenni a du mal à apprendre la magie étrange de Cresh alors qu'un remède continue de lui échapper. Les choses se compliquent encore plus quand Weysh, un dragon-métamorphe, dit que Yenni est sa Destinée - son seul véritable partenaire décrété par le destin. En tant que dragon Weysh est un allié, à la fois en matière de magie et d'amitié. En tant qu'homme, il est une belle distraction bien exaspérante.Alors que la vie de son père est en jeu et que ses sentiments pour Weysh s'approfondissent, Yenni réalise que son plus grand défi vient de commencer - sauver son peuple, tout en écoutant son cœur.


by Margo Lanagan

Yellowcake brings together ten short stories from the extraordinarily talented Margo Lanagan--each of them fiercely original and quietly heartbreaking. The stories range from fantasy and fairy tale to horror and stark reality, and yet what pervades is the sense of humanity. The people of Lanagan's worlds face trials, temptations, and degradations. They swoon and suffer and even kill for love. In a dangerous world, they seek the solace and strength that comes from family and belonging. These are stories to be savored slowly and pondered deeply because they cut to the very heart of who we are.

The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories: New Edition - The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Dover Thrift Editions: Short Stories)

by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Best known for the 1892 title story of this collection, a harrowing tale of a woman's descent into madness, Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote more than 200 other short stories. Seven of her finest are reprinted here.Written from a feminist perspective, often focusing on the inferior status accorded to women by society, the tales include "turned," an ironic story with a startling twist, in which a husband seduces and impregnates a naïve servant; "Cottagette," concerning the romance of a young artist and a man who's apparently too good to be true; "Mr. Peebles' Heart," a liberating tale of a fiftyish shopkeeper whose sister-in-law, a doctor, persuades him to take a solo trip to Europe, with revivifying results; "The Yellow Wallpaper"; and three other outstanding stories.These charming tales are not only highly readable and full of humor and invention, but also offer ample food for thought about the social, economic, and personal relationship of men and women -- and how they might be improved.

The Yellow Wallpaper

by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

THE YELLOW WALL-PAPER is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, first published in January 1892 in The New England Magazine. It is regarded as an important early work of American feminist literature, illustrating attitudes in the 19th century toward women's physical and mental health. Presented in the first person, the story is a collection of journal entries written by a woman whose physician husband has confined her to the upstairs bedroom of a house he has rented for the summer. She is forbidden from working and has to hide her journal from him, so she can recuperate from what he calls a "temporary nervous depression - a slight hysterical tendency," a diagnosis common to women in that period.

The Yellow Wallpaper: About Victorian Society, Women's Role And Rights, Marriage, Mental Health, Inner Psychological Dimensions, The Cognitive Stimulation-health Ratio, Feminist And Many More (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Doctor's orders confine a woman suffering from anxiety and depression to her bedroom, in an effort to prevent mental stimulation of any sort. Despite her forced "rest cure," she continues to write in her journal when her husband isn't looking. Her entries record her terrible and growing fascination with the hideous yellow wallpaper that dominates the room, documenting her slow descent into madness. This work by American author Charlotte Perkins Gilman was based on the author's own experiences. She knew firsthand that the nineteenth-century medical establishment often had dangerously misguided ideas about women's mental and physical health. It is considered to be a seminal feminist work by some, a prime example of Gothic horror by others. First published in 1892, this is an unabridged version of Gilman's controversial short story.

Yellow Line (Orca Soundings)

by Sylvia Olsen

Vince lives in a small town, a town that is divided right down the middle. Indians on one side, Whites on the other. The unspoken rule has been there as long as Vince remembers and no one challenges it. But when Vince's friend Sherry starts seeing an Indian boy, Vince is outraged and determined to fight back -- until he notices Raedawn, a girl from the reserve. Trying to balance his community's prejudices with his shifting alliances, Vince is forced to take a stand, and see where his heart will lead him.

The Yellow Feather Mystery (Hardy Boys #33)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe are called upon to help a college student prove that his grandfather left a will leaving a private academy to him and not the deputy headmaster. The youths are perplexed by the sign of the yellow feather and are determined to seek out his identity. Can Frank, Joe, Chet and the other Hardy friends find the will before it can be destroyed? This is the original unrevised text of The Yellow Feather Mystery (1953).

Yellow Brick War

by Danielle Paige

In this third book in the New York Times bestselling Dorothy Must Die series, new girl from Kansas Amy Gumm is caught between her home--and Oz.My name is Amy Gumm. Tornadoes must have a thing about girls from Kansas, because--just like Dorothy--I got swept away on one too. I landed in Oz, where Good is Wicked, Wicked is Good, and the Wicked Witches clued me in to my true calling: Assassin.The way to stop Dorothy from destroying Oz--and Kansas--is to kill her. And I'm the only one who can do it.But I failed. Others died for my mistakes. Because of me, the portal between the worlds has been opened. And if I don't find a way to close it?Dorothy will make sure I never get to go home again.Now it's up to me to: join the Witches, fight for Oz, save Kansas, and stop Dorothy once and for all.

Years in the Making: The Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp (Volume #1)

by L. Sprague de Camp

When he began writing in the mid thirties, l. Sprague de Camp immediately found a following of loyal readers. In the seventy years he wrote, that following only grew. Here are some of his most famous short stories and some that are very rare. All are well worth reading or reading again.

Year's Best Transhuman Sf 2017 Anthology (Year's Best Transhuman SF #1)

by Cp. Dunphey Editor

As technology progresses, so does its connection with mankind. Augmentations, cybernetics, artificial intelligence filling the void that the absence of flesh will leave behind. In Transhumanism, we find our imminent future. Whether this future is to be feared or rejoiced, depends on the individual. Will technology replace mankind? If AI becomes self-aware, is a war imminent? Gehenna & Hinnom is proud to present the Year's Best Transhuman SF 2017 Anthology, the most comprehensive telling of our species' future ever to be read by non-cybernetic eyes. Become one with Transcendence. IE embrace the unknown.

The Yearbook

by Peter Lerangis

A high school yearbook editor stumbles on a body—and his school&’s evil secretAccording to his IQ test, David Kallas is a genius, even if his teachers think he&’s a slacker. His sole extracurricular activity is the yearbook, and he only became editor as an excuse to get close to Ariana Maas. On his way to the printer&’s to check on the book, he takes a shortcut to spy on Ariana and her boyfriend—the impossibly perfect Stephen Taylor—and ends up finding something even nastier than two students making out: a butchered corpse floating in the creek. The body leads David to a disturbing secret about his school&’s past. When members of the senior class start dying, David is determined to solve the mystery and save the school—even if he has to destroy himself to do it. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Peter Lerangis including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

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