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Showing 23,851 through 23,875 of 23,877 results

Sally Ride

by Atia Abawi Chelsea Clinton

Inspired by the #1 New York Times bestseller She Persisted by Chelsea Clinton and Alexandra Boiger comes a chapter book series about women who stood up, spoke up and rose up against the odds! <p><p>As the first American woman in space, Sally Ride broke barriers and made her dreams come true. But she wanted to do even more! After leaving NASA, she created science and engineering programs that would help other girls and women make their dreams come true as well. <p><p>In this chapter book biography by award-winning author Atia Abawi, readers learn about the amazing life of Sally Ride--and how she persisted. Complete with an introduction from Chelsea Clinton!

E Is For Ethiopia

by Betelhem Abate Ashenafi Gudeta Ataklti Mulu Dama Boru

Ethiopia is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. It lies in East Africa, set in a landscape of mountains and rivers - and the Blue Nile, which flows into the River Nile, rises here in Lake Tana. Our wildlife includes giraffes, elephants, zebras, crocodiles, hyenas, lions and all kinds of beautiful birds. The country is rich in history. It has an important place in both the Christian and Muslim religions, with all kinds of colourful festivals. Thousands of people visit our ancient churches and mosques every year. Ethiopian people follow many different traditions, make music in a variety of ways and speak several different languages. We love to dance, sing and have fun, especially on public holidays! Our food is spicy and delicious. The coffee bean originated in this country, and we hold a special coffee ceremony in which the aroma of roasted coffee, the incense we burn, and the pleasure of meeting each other all make for a unique experience. E is for Ethiopia is the latest in the wide-ranging photographic World Alphabet series. The text and photographs in this book are by a group of young photographers in Ethiopia whose work is supported by the UK aid agency CAFOD, the Catholic Agency for Overseas Development.

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears: A West African Tale

by Verna Aardema Leo Dillon Diane Dillon

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Who's In Rabbit's House? (A Masai Tale Series)

by Verna Aardema

A great bedtime story sure to keep children fascinated, Who’s in Rabbit’s House is a Masai tale told from the perspective of a play within a play. A monster has invaded Rabbit’s house, and the other animals must gather to help investigate . . . and scare the monster away. This story teaches children it is important to help each other in times of need.

Don't Forget to Write for the Elementary Grades

by 826 National Staff

Creative strategies for getting young students excited about writing Don't Forget to Write for the Elementary Grades offers 50 creative writing lesson plans from the imaginative and highly acclaimed 826 National writing labs. Created as a resource to reach all students (even those most resistant to creative writing), the lessons range from goofy fun (like "The Other Toy Story: Make Your Toys Come to Life") to practical, from sports to science, music to mysteries. These lessons are written by experts, and favorite novelists, actors, and other celebrities pitched in too. Lessons are linked to the Common Core State Standards. A treasure trove of proven, field-tested lessons to teach writing skills Inventive and unique lessons will appeal to even the most difficult-to-reach students 826 National has locations in eight cities: San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Ann Arbor, Chicago, Seattle, Boston, and Washington DC 826 National is a nonprofit organization, founded by Dave Eggers, and committed to supporting teachers, publishing student work, and offering services for English language learners.


by ستيفاني كالمينسون

في صَبيحَةِ يَوْمٍ باكِرٍ، وَفي بَلْدَةٍ صَغيرَةٍ ما زالَ أَهْلُها نِيامًا، لَعْلَعَ صَوْتُ صَناديقَ تُفْرِغُها سِتُّ شاحِناتٍ. بَيْنَما كانَتِ الشّاحِناتُ تُغادِرُ المَكانَ، كانَ «سام سِكيبر» يُنادي بِأَعْلى صَوْتِهِ: «كُلُّ ما أَحْتاجُهُ اليَوْمَ هُوَ صُنْدوقانِ اثْنانِ فَقَطْ».

أنا القائد

by ديفد باركر

هَلْ لَعِبْتَ يَوْمًا مُباراةً، وَقُلْتَ لِلْفَريقِ الآخَرِ«أَبْدَعْتُم!» عَلى الرَّغْمِ مِنْ أَنَّكَ خاسِرٌ؟ هَلْ أَمْسَكْتَ يَوْمًا الْبابَ لأَحَدٍ وَراءَكَ؟

تالا والأصدقاء

by همسة املطبقاني

عندما كان الأصدقاء يغادرون الحفلة إلتفتت ياسمين إلى ماريا وسألتها «هل رأيت تالا في الحفلة ». ماريا : لا لم تأت أيضا هذه المرة. يوسف : أنا متأكد أن لديها عذرا منعها من الحضور. يوسف : ياسمين ياسمين ياسميييييييييييييييين فيما تفكرين ياسمين : سأخبركما غدا تصبحان على خير.

راقصات الباليه

by أميلي بين

نجمة الموهبة: تستطيع أن ت ضحك النجوم بفضل رقصها الجميل. تحب: رقص الباليه سباق الطيران مع الدود المضيء. تكره: الجن ي الشرير نوكس المزاج السيئ. الطعام المفضل: لبن ضوء النجوم. النبات المفضل: وردة النجم الأزرق. الحيوان المفضل: الغراب شمشون.

All About Communities

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Big Roles

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bridges Grade 2 CCSS Supplement, Student Pages

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bridges in Mathematics, Grade 2, Home Connections, Volume 1

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bridges in Mathematics, Grade 2, Home Connections, Volume 2

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bridges in Mathematics, Grade 2, Student Book

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Eureka Math: A Story of Units, Grade 2, Module 1

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Eureka Math, Grade 2, Modules 7 & 8

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Government at Work

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Interactive Science [Grade 2]

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Treasures, Grade 2, Phonics/Spelling, Practice Book

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Number Corner, Grade 2, Student Book

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Reader One: Closed Syllables (CVC Words/No Blends)

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Science: Indoors and Outdoors

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Science A Closer Look

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Science Where You Go

NIMAC-sourced textbook

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Showing 23,851 through 23,875 of 23,877 results