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Danger Unlimited (Hardy Boys Casefiles #79)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Flight of fury! Joe's girlfriend, Vanessa Bender, has introduced the Hardys to an old friend of her family, Brett Cooper. Bret is the pilot and designer of Brett's Beauty, the high powered piston-engine prop plane set to compete in the upcoming Bayport Unlimited Air Races. But while he's aiming to break the world speed record, someone else has targeted him for terror! The' key to the case is the mystery of Brett Cooper himself-his hidden past, his hidden enemies. For Frank and Joe, the investigation quickly turns into a crash course in danger, as they fly blind into a web of blackmail, sabotage, and murder. They're about to learn that in a world of daredevil pilots and death-defying stunts, the risks can be sky-high. ============= From inside the book: BIRD OF PREY Joe rolled down the window of the van and gazed up at the plane. Suddenly the landing gear descended from the Mustang. "Now what?" Joe muttered as the plane's nose dipped. When the plane swooped down in front of the van, Frank veered to the side of the road and slammed on the brakes. "Get out!" he shouted. Joe and Frank ran into the field beside the road and fell to their stomachs. An instant later, the Mustang thundered over the van The wheels of the plane connected with the roof, and the van tipped over and crashed onto its side. Joe got up and shook his fist at the airplane. "Come down and fight us face-to-face, you coward!" "Get down!" Frank yelled, pulling Joe into the grass. The wind from the propeller threw grass and dirt into the air, and the wheels were so low they almost skidded across Joe's back. "We're trapped!" Frank shouted. "The van is out of commission and there's nowhere to hide!"

Danger Zone (Hardy Boys Casefiles #37)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: A crisis hits home When an ultrasecret project takes Fenton Hardy to Massachusetts, the Hardy Boys come home one afternoon to find that kidnappers have taken their mother. The kidnappers demand to talk to Frank and Joe's father within twenty-four hours-or the boys may never talk to their mother again! The key to the case is at Prometheus Computing, where Fenton is in charge of security. The company's latest product is a highly advanced computer chip, sure to shape the future of artificial intelligence. But to protect the chip and their family, the Hardys will have to rely on their natural intelligence and courage. They must find their father and infiltrate the DANGER ZONE before time runs out on their mother! ================ From inside the book: AMBUSHED! The security guard directed Frank and Joe into a courtyard surrounded by ivy-covered walls. "What is this place?" Joe asked. They both spun around at a loud metallic boom behind them. A metal gate had crashed to the ground, sealing off the exit. Then each window in the building was thrown open, and from the second floor up, long ropes flopped to the ground. "I think we have visitors," Frank said. Suddenly the walls came alive. Clutching the ropes, a dozen people rappeled downward. Within seconds, they surrounded the brothers. Frank gulped. The black uniforms weren't very welcoming, nor were the flak vests and gas masks. But the worst-definitely the worst-were the submachine guns, pointed at their heads!

The Dangerous Transmission

by Franklin W. Dixon

IT'D BE A CRIME TO LOSE THIS TOOTH While on holiday in London, Frank and Joe Hardy learn that a new invention--a voice transmitter that can be implanted in a tooth--has been stolen. The prime suspect is a notorious spy who has recently been spotted in London, but shortly after the Molar Mike is stolen, the Hardys catch a trespasser in the lab where the transmitter originated. The suspect list is growing, and there's little time to spare. To catch this wily criminal, Frank and Joe need to hunt all over London--from back alleys to the Tower of London. With new suspects popping up at every turn, and disaster threatening the teens, can they manage to sink their teeth into the crook before it's too late?


by Franklin W. Dixon

Stunt work is dangerous enough, but someone is looking to really push stuntman McCauley over the edge. So when Mr. Hardy agrees to look into Terrence's odd string of accidents, Frank and Joe decide to make it a family affair. Things get really interesting when Joe poses as Terrence to protect him--and when the culprit captures the Hardy boys' parents to use as bait.

Darkness Falls (Hardy Boys Casefiles, Case 89)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Excited by the opportunity to witness a total solar eclipse as part of a research project at the Mauna Kea Observatory, Frank and Joe Hardy must use their sleuthing skills to find out who is responsible for the murder of the expedition's leader.

Dead on Target (Hardy Boys Casefiles #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Terrorist bombs and bullets When Joe's girlfriend, Iola, is blown to bits by a bomb meant for Joe and Frank, the two brothers vow to punish her murderer. The killer is still on their trail, but before Joe and Frank can turn the tables on him, they're snatched up by the Network, a secret government agency that desperately wants the Hardys under wraps for their own good. Then they learn that Iola's killer is "The Assassin," an infamous international terrorist. Joe and Frank are just his warm-up for a larger target-one whose destruction will rock the world. To stop him, they've got to slip out of the clutches of the Network... and challenge the Assassin face-to-face.

Dead on Target: Dead On Target; The Genius Thieves; Perfect Getaway; The Borgia Dagger; Blood Relations (Hardy Boys' Casefiles #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

A Simon & Schuster eBook. Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.

The Dead Season (Hardy Boys Casefiles #35)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Haunted hotel Callie Shaw invites Frank and Joe to Runner's Harbor, a hotel in Barbados run by her cousins. But just as the brothers arrive, they're met by a horrifying host. Then things get even scarier. From trap doors and secret passages to ghostly gunmen, the young detectives come face-to-face with the mysterious spirit world. It seems Runner's Harbor has a skeleton in every closet-and they're all out to put the brother team into an early grave. ================ From inside the book: SKELETON CREW Slowly Joe walked along the rocking deck. He had one hand on the rail and the other on his torch. The boat lurched in the water, and Joe lost his balance, waving the torch awkwardly in the direction of the wheelhouse. The flame cast an eerie light, but he had no difficulty picking out the figure at the wheel of the ship. It was a man, or what remained of a man. The body was nothing but a skeleton frozen in time.

Deadfall (Hardy Boys Casefiles #60)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: War in the woods! Crosscut, Oregon, is a town divided. Two rival lumber mills are in fierce competition, while the tension between pro- and anti-logging forces threatens to tear Crosscut apart. And when an explosion at one mill claims the life of its owner, the police charge Callie Shaw's uncle, environmentalist Stan Shaw, with the murder! Frank and Joe refuse to let Stan take the fall. But the land around Crosscut is rough country-and the men in it are even rougher. Before the boys can clear Stan's name, they'll have to clear a path through a dangerous world of chain saws and bulldozers, dynamite and double-barreled shotguns! =============== From inside the book: JAWS OF DEATH Joe had managed to sneak inside the lumbermill, but where was Frank? As Joe made his way through the noisy mill, he stole a glance at the enormous wood chipper at the far end of the room. Just then a worker farther down the line bellowed, "Punch the button!" and pointed toward the gaping entrance of the chipper. Joe swiveled around and gasped. Lying half on and half off the moving conveyer belt was a body. Joe peered through the dusty air at the motionless figure. "Frank!" Joe knew that the chipper could suck in massive pieces of wood and reduce them to splinters in mere seconds. Exploding into a run, Joe raced for the mouth of the horrible machine-but he knew that his brother didn't stand a chance.

Deathgame (Hardy Boys Casefiles #7)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: SAVAGE STRIKE FORCE Where is Biff Hooper? The Hardys' friend secretly went off to a survival game camp in Georgia-and never came back. But before leaving he did tell Joe. So when Orville Brand, the camp director, claims Biff was never there, the Hardy boys suspect foul play. Under cover of darkness Frank and Joe break into the camp grounds. To their amazement they find the Ultimo Survival Camp is actually a training site for an elite corps of attack troops, led by a shadowy strongman named Hammerlock. Suddenly the brothers are trapped in a real-life struggle for survival against the toughest enemy they've ever had to face.... =============== From inside the book: THE ULTIMATE EXAM "The five of you will be set loose in the jungle terrain beyond our fortress," Hammerlock said. "I'll give you until dawn and then start after you. I think that's a sporting chance. "I'll probably be back in time for breakfast, but it would be a pleasant surprise if you were tough enough to make the hunt last until lunch." Hammerlock drew his Super Blackhawk pistol. He twirled the gun about his forefinger. "Just consider this the final exam." Suddenly Hammerlock stopped the spinning gun. It was pointed right at Joe's head. "And I mean just that. You flunk this course-and you die!"

Deep Trouble (Hardy Boys Casefiles #54)

by Franklin W. Dixon

"Treasure hunting," Harry said. "We're after the wreck of the Doha Bonita, a Spanish galleon that went down in a hurricane in 1625. According to the records, it sank carrying about forty tons of gold and silver from mines in Mexico."

Deprivation House: Book One in the Murder House Trilogy

by Franklin W. Dixon

ATAC Briefing for Agents Frank and Joe Hardy MISSION: To join the cast of a new reality show called Deprivation House - featuring a group of teens competing to see who can survive the longest without modern luxuries - and to determine who's behind the death threats received by other contestants. LOCATION: A huge villa in Beverly Hills, CA. POTENTIAL VICTIMS: All the contestants and crew of the show. SUSPECTS: The show's million-dollar prize offers strong motivation to each contestant, and some members of the crew are hiding big secrets.

Diplomatic Deceit (Hardy Boys Casefiles #38)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Capital crimes The Hardys and friend Callie Shaw are off to Washington, D.C. Callie finally has the chance to meet her Parisian pen pal, Madeleine Berot, whose parents have been assigned to the French embassy. But when Maddy is caught shoplifting, Frank and Joe suspect that there's something rotten in the state of French diplomacy. Determined to get to the bottom of the Madeleine Berot mystery, the Hardys find themselves caught in a web of international intrigue. They take off on a tingling chase through the nation's capital, pursuing a gang of continental con artists. In a case of D.C. deceit, it's up to Frank and Joe to nip the caper in the bud! ================ From inside the book: ON TRACK FOR TERROR Joe took off in pursuit of the man who had nearly pushed Callie onto the tracks. The guy darted to the edge of the subway platform, trying to wriggle through the crowd. It didn't work. Joe stretched out an arm and caught him by the shoulder, turning him around. The man quickly took his hand out of his pocket, clenched in a fist. Joe moved, ready to block a blow, but this guy wasn't throwing a punch. Instead his hand opened about a foot from Joe's face, releasing a cloud of reddish powder that burned Joe's eyes as if someone had thrown acid in them. Suddenly blinded, Joe recoiled. His antagonist gave him a vicious shove, and Joe staggered backward, his arms flailing. His right foot stepped back and found only air under it. Joe was going over the edge of the platform- just as the train was coming in!

The Disappearance (Hardy Boys Adventures #18)

by Franklin W. Dixon

It’s a case of hidden identities for brother detectives Frank and Joe in the in the eighteenth book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.The Hardy brothers and Frank’s new girlfriend, Jones, are attending a local comic book convention on the shore. They meet up with Jones’s friend Harper, a fellow comics super fan, on the boardwalk outside the convention. The four of them spend hours running from booth to booth and end the perfect day with pizza at Harper’s short-term rental apartment. Things don’t stay so perfect, though. On the way home, Jones realizes she switched phones with Harper by accident and she is getting some really scary texts. When they show up at the apartment the next day, they find it totally destroyed and Harper is missing. Frank and Joe start digging into their new friend’s life, hoping to find out where she might have gone, but the more they find out about her, the more mysterious she becomes. Can Frank and Joe find this secretive character? Or has she disappeared forever?

Disaster for Hire (Hardy Boys Casefiles #23)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Timber War Frank and Joe race to Seattle to help their father, Fenton, who stands accused of murder! In their father's rented house, they're met by burglars, who try to gun them down. When the brother detectives follow their trail, they learn that valuable timber is being destroyed by a deadly virus. They also find an entire town has been sealed off to prevent a mysterious flu epidemic. Meanwhile Fenton Hardy is the hostage of a sinister scientist with a formula for certain death. And if the brother team can't reach him in time-he'll become the victim in a doomsday experiment. ======= From inside the book: HOT PURSUIT Frank was already working on the doctor's ropes. "Soon as I get you loose, get clear of here," he ordered. "We'll get Jenny and Dad." Joe ran for the staircase leading up to the next floor, where Jenny Bookman and their father were imprisoned. Frank paused long enough to grab up the doctor's notebook and tuck it under his shirt. Then he started after his brother. They'd just started up the stairs when the far wall of the lab began to breathe smoke. Then, with a great gust of flame, the lab was ablaze.

Double Exposure (Hardy Boys Casefiles #22)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Family skeleton When Frank and Joe decide to meet their father's latest contact on their own, they get more than they bargained for. The young detectives come face-to-face with their long-lost brother, Chris Hardy! But a hail of bullets cuts their meeting short. . Suddenly Frank and Joe find themselves trapped in a deadly cross fire between a brutal gang of spies and a high-tech computer scam. Odds are their new brother is the triggerman-aiming to wipe out an old family debt. ======== From the inside of the book: FAMILY HORROR Frank popped the cassette in the VCR and set it to Play. "Let's see what's on this tape," he said to Joe. For a moment there was static, then a picture appeared with no sound. On the screen it was winter. Two men-one old, one young-both wearing army uniforms stood on the steps before a large white house. "Those are Russian uniforms!" Joe exclaimed. Frank nodded. "The older man's a colonel." On the screen the two men were arguing now. The younger man's face became an expressionless mask as he raised a gun. The older man fell backward down the steps of the building, his blood staining the snow. Joe's eyes widened. "Frank-that soldier.. ." Frank nodded, his mouth suddenly dry. The face on the screen, the man who had shot the older officer- It was their brother, Chris.

Double Trouble: Book One in the Double Danger Trilogy

by Franklin W. Dixon

Another hit trilogy featuring Frank and Joe Hardy!#25: Double Trouble launches the next three-book arc storyline, featuring a teen celebrity being stalked, with a twin brother who adds some interesting complications into the mix.

Dungeons & Detectives (Hardy Boys Adventures #19)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Brother detectives Frank and Joe search a hidden castle for clues to help them find a missing comic book in the nineteenth book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.Frank and Joe have been hanging out at Sir Robert’s Comic Kingdom, the local comic and gaming shop, and got the exclusive invite to this year’s Halloween costume ball at Bayport’s one and only castle. Sir Robert plans to use the big event to unveil his most prized possession, a super rare comic that is rumored to contain a map to buried treasure. Sir Robert agrees to show his store regulars—who now include Frank and Joe—a sneak preview of the comic before the party. But when he goes to unlock the fireproof casing, he finds the book is gone. It will take all of Frank and Joe’s recently acquired LARPing skills to solve this case. Anything can happen in a castle full of dungeons and deception. Can the Hardy boys keep up?

Edge of Destruction (Hardy Boys Casefiles #5)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe are in New York with their dad when he is kidnapped and they must find out why in order to save his life.

Evil, Inc. (Hardy Boys Casefiles #2)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Death is business as usual When Frank and Joe grab one of the Network's cases, the secret government agency tells them they're on their own. Then they hustle themselves a one-way ticket to France, expecting a little action. But after they penetrate the shady world of Reynard and Company, the largest organized crime ring on earth, the Hardys begin to expect something more-murder. Maybe their own. Posing as gun dealers, Frank and Joe immediately run into trouble with the French police. Soon they're fugitives with no one to turn to but the criminals they've sworn to expose. Caught in a deadly web of enemies and betrayed by a beautiful girl, Frank and Joe must use every ounce of cunning they possess to defeat a foe whose icy fingers slowly tighten over the entire world.

Final Cut (Hardy Boys Casefiles #34)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Studio sleuths When Frank and Joe visit a local movie and TV studio they stumble across a real-life drama-someone has murdered screenwriter Bennett Fairburn. To track the killer the brother detectives go undercover as gofers at the studio. From the start it's clear the Hardys have been cast as victims in a sinister plot. A series of deadly "accidents stalk the brother team, and while shooting a TV series Frank and Joe find themselves on the wrong end of some lethal stunts. The clues they need are buried in the script, but unless they uncover the villain fast, the brothers Hardy will be show biz history. ================ From inside the book: DEATH SCENE Trish went to the dressing room door and turned the knob. The door wouldn't budge. "What's going on with-" She stopped talking suddenly as she began to cough. Harsh fumes were beginning to fill the trailer, and Frank and Joe were coughing now, too. Frank went to the door and pushed it, but nothing happened. He kicked at it beside the knob, but it didn't budge. The heavy gas was quickly flooding the room. Joe gasped, "We're suffocating!" Someone had turned the trailer into a huge, comfortably furnished gas chamber!

Flesh and Blood (Hardy Boys Casefiles #39)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Family with a vengeance A tornado has hit Bayport, but the deadliest storm is still brewing-in the Hardy home. Years ago, Fenton Hardy sent a criminal named Leonard Mock to prison. Now Mock's son has returned to Bayport to seek revenge. He has vowed to put Frank and Joe's father away for good! But Leonard Mock lost his son to adoption when the boy was five. His name was changed, and the only clue to his identity is that he has since befriended the Hardy boys. Then the brothers uncover a shocking and horrifying piece of evidence. The person out to murder their father may very well be none other than Chet Morton-their best and most trusted friend! ================ NO TIME TO LOSE "I'm going to open the screen door real fast," Frank whispered to Chet. "You think you can kick the front door open?" "No sweat," Chet answered. Frank peered back in through the window and saw Joe peek around the corner of the inner room. That was what he had been waiting for. He pulled the screen door, and it creaked loudly. "Now!" he barked to Chet. Chet planted his foot next to the door knob, then kicked hard. The door groaned and snapped open. Frank dashed in and confronted the figure sitting in the chair. "Frank!" Joe shouted. "It's Callie." Frank would have been relieved to find his girlfriend, but the digital timer on the bomb that was ticking at her feet showed that in thirty seconds they would all be dead.

The Flickering Torch Mystery (Hardy Boys #22)

by Franklin W. Dixon

When two suspicious plane accidents occur near an eastern airport, the two Hardy brothers investigate the case and find themselves in greater danger than they anticipated.

Foul Play (Hardy Boys Casefiles #46)

by Franklin W. Dixon

from the back of the book: Crime comes to bat Someone's embezzling major league money from the minor league Bayport Blues, and retired baseball great, manager Stuart Murphy, is the prime suspect. He want's the Hardy boy's to clear his name-and as a sign of good faith, he gives them a vintage baseball card valued at $100,000! But the boys face a dangerous lineup of hoods and henchmen who want the card at all costs. The game Is heating up fast, and every pitch is down and dirty. Frank and Joe are right in the line of fire, and they'll have to come out swinging-or risk becoming the ultimate victims of foul play! =============== From inside the book: WILD PITCH "Hey, Heather!" Joe called out, and he headed over to her. He followed her onto the baseball field, allowing himself to imagine what it would be like to be in the stadium not as a fan, but as a baseball star, one who would impress a certain attractive photographer. Joe glanced at Heather but did a double take when he saw the sudden change in her expression. Her smile disappeared, and her brown eyes opened wide with fear. "Joe!" she shouted. "Look out!" Joe spun around too late. Three baseballs were rocketing straight for his head!

Fright Wave (Hardy Boys Casefiles #40)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Deadly undertow Surf's up in Hawaii, and the Hardy boys are riding a crime wave into danger! Somebody's trying to deep-six champion surfer Jade Roberts, and Frank and Joe are determined to keep her from going under. From Waikiki to Diamond Head, the Hardys find themselves in hot pursuit of a powerful crime boss. In the face of bullet-spraying motorboats and killer copters, they run the risk of suffering the worst wipeout of their lives! ================ From inside the book: CRASH COURSE Joe grabbed the edges of the floating surfboard and tried to lie on top of it, his legs dangling off the end. But the back of the board sank under his weight, and the front angled up out of the water. Then the whole thing shot out from under him, flew into the air, and splashed down a few feet away. Jade grinned and said, "Paddling is simple- staying on the board is the tricky part. Let me show you how." As she started to wade toward the surfboard, Joe noticed a large wave rolling in. He realized it was going to break almost on top of him, and he started to duck and cover his head with his arms. But as he did, he saw something else-a runaway surfboard tumbling through the rushing water, crashing straight down at Jade!

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