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Showing 22,426 through 22,450 of 29,462 results

Reel Thrills (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #127)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Producer Mort Tannenberg is the master of such low-budget thrillers as The Demon Double Agent, Eternal Revenge, and Total Annihilation. The titles tell the story -- not only of his films, but of his life. Shooting on location in Bayport, he has become the target of a saboteur, as deadly scenes from his own scripts explode into reality!

Return to Black Bear Mountain (Hardy Boys Adventures #20)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Brother detectives Frank and Joe face the dangers of Black Bear Mountain once again in the twentieth book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.Frank and Joe are back on Black Bear Mountain, the scene of a previous wilderness adventure and mind-bending mystery. This time, the brothers are checking in on Dr. K, a friend they made during their first trip. Dr. K is a fan of living off the grid, but he&’s been MIA long enough to cause worry in the small mountain town. And so the teenage detectives Black Bear Mountain relied on before have been called in to help once again. It&’s not a good start to the investigation when Frank and Joe&’s ATV is put out of commission by a falling tree. Then their camp, including their radio—their only way to contact the outside world—is destroyed by wildlife searching for food. And when they finally reach Dr. K&’s research station, they find his cabin has been cleaned out and abandoned—the only current resident is an angry skunk. Frank and Joe may have been better prepared for their second Black Bear Mountain adventure, but they&’re not having any more luck this time around. In fact, they&’ve been downright unlucky. Is someone trying to sabotage their mission? And if they are, how can the brothers stop this invisible foe?

Rocky Road (Hardy Boys (All New) Undercover Brothers #5)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Hardy Boys slam into the new century, cracking a host of new cases!Frank and Joe are sent to Niagara Falls to stop someone from destroying the national landmark. Then they're sent on another case. Then another. They're not usually this busy with ATAC, and their cases are usually more important than these. Seems this case might be more layered than a double dip with chocolate sprinkles. . . .

Running on Empty (Hardy Boys Casefiles #36)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Car chase crazy Chet's borrowed Corvette has been hot-wired, and Chet is steamed. But when he tries to nab the crooks, he gets nabbed instead. Frank and Joe put the pedal to the metal, in pursuit of Chet's kidnappers. The brothers go undercover to get the drop on a chop- shop ring-and find themselves riding with some pretty fast company. The hot Caddys, Camaros, and Corvettes are burning up the road, putting the Hardys on a crash course with danger. If they don't hit the curves just right, they'll be eating the car thieves' dust! ================ From inside the book: GUNNING THE ENGINES "Did you see anyone following us?" Frank asked, joining Joe in the parking garage. "No," Joe replied. "What's up?" Before Frank could answer, the stillness was shattered by a thunderous rumble. A half second later a black TransAm burst from the access ramp. Like some great hungry beast seeking its prey, it zeroed in on the Hardys. Frank and Joe dove in opposite directions, the TransAm missing them by inches. Two men jumped from the car. They were the same height and wore identical gray suits. Dark sunglasses hid their eyes. They were mirror images of each other, except for their hair-and the guns they aimed at Frank and Joe.

Secret of the Red Arrow (Hardy Boys Adventures #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

The Hardy brothers must dismantle a dangerous crime gang in this first book of a fresh approach to a classic series. Teenagers Frank and Joe Hardy are supposedly "retired" from their detective work. But there is a new mystery in Bayport that needs their investigative expertise--and fast! Starting with a bank heist, a series of alarming pranks have popped up around Bayport. Ultimately harmless, the pranks turn out to be the work of Seth Diller, an amateur filmmaker who plans to make "zillions" from his reality-horror flick, which he'll use to help out his brother, a wounded Marine. But after the Hardy brothers put a stop to the Panic Project, there is a new outbreak of Seth-like pranks--only these have definite victims. All signs point to evidence of a crime gang in Bayport, and Frank and Joe undertake the most dangerous investigation they've ever encountered. It's up to them to save their town--and themselves--before the Red Arrow gets to them first.

The Secret Panel (Hardy Boys #25)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Another exciting mystery begins for Frank and Joe Hardy when they help a stranger who has had an accident with his car. The man introduces himself as John Mead, owner of a nearby estate. After he continues on his way, Frank finds an odd-looking house key which belongs to Mead. But when the Hardys try to return it, they learn that John Mead died five years ago! They are even more amazed when they find that the intricately carved doors in the dead man's deserted mansion have no visible knobs or keylocks. While working on this mystery, the boys assist their detective father in tracking down a highly organized ring of thieves who are robbing warehouses of television and stereo equipment.

The Secret Warning (Hardy Boys #17)

by Franklin W. Dixon

The Secret Warning (The Hardy Boys, No. 17)

See No Evil (Hardy Boys Casefiles #8)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: SPECIAL DELIVERY MURDER Frank Hardy's girlfriend, Callie Shaw, is determined to join him and Joe in solving crimes. So when she bumps into a mailman and mistakenly recovers a top-secret codebook, Callie thinks she's found the perfect case. She challenges the brother detectives to help her break the code. Trouble is, the real owner is deadly serious about getting it back. Joe is knocked cold during a daring burglary, and when he comes to, the black book is missing. But not before Frank has uncovered a link to a secret network of fraud, corruption, and murder. It seems Callie has stumbled on to a major scandal-will Frank and Joe end up taking the fall? ========== From inside the book: DEATH TRAP The truck driver flicked on his headlights. Lisa and Joe were caught in their glare. "Duck," Joe said. "He's got a gun!" His warning came too late. There was a sharp cracking noise. Lisa gave a cry, stiffened, and fell. Joe's gut twisted. No, he thought. The man with the gun raised his hand again. Run-fast, a voice inside Joe's head cried, but he couldn't make himself move. Another crack-and Joe felt the pain. This time I've bought it. He swayed on his feet. Then the darkness closed in.

The Shattered Helmet (Hardy Boys #52)

by Franklin W. Dixon

The Hardy brothers' visiting Greek pen pal enlists their help in searching for a priceless ancient Greek helmet loaned to and lost by a Hollywood movie company years before.

The Shore Road Mystery: The Shore Road Mystery (The Hardy Boys #6)

by Franklin W. Dixon

The Hardy brothers try to find out who is behind a rash of automobile thefts that are occurring on Shore Road just outside of Bayport.

The Shore Road Mystery (Hardy Boys #6 - original 1928 text)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe chase after local car thieves. Vehicles along the Shore Road keep disappearing and the Bayport police have had no luck on the job. Where could the cars be going?<P> This is the original 1928 unrevised version of The Shore Road Mystery.

The Short-Wave Mystery: The Short-wave Mystery (Hardy Boys #24)

by Franklin W. Dixon

When thieves hijack a collection of stuffed animals from a country auction, Frank and Joe Hardy pursue the getaway car and are drawn into a thrilling mystery. The recently acquired interest of their best pal, chubby Chet Morton, in taxidermy as a hobby adds fresh twists to the puzzle.

Showdown at Widow Creek

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe find themselves in a cattle-rustling tussle when a prized horse is snatched from a nearby ranch in this exciting Hardy Boys equestrian adventure.The Wild West hits the East Coast when Welch's Annual Rodeo and Wild West Show arrives in Bayport. Frank and Joe are enjoying the show's historic reenactments, rodeo events, and even an exhibition of the Welch family's prize-winning horse, Hondo. When the brothers catch several ranch hands trying to steal Hondo, they manage to stop it. Though very grateful for their intervention, the Welch family is now shorthanded for the cattle drive back to their dude ranch! So Chief Olaf "volunteers" the Hardys to help out. The brothers' long-dormant horse-riding skills slowly come back to them as they make their way down the quiet rural roads toward the ranch. But as they're finally getting the hang of it, a group of dirt bike-riding cattle rustlers surround the herd--and take Hondo! Will the Hardy Boys lasso the horse thieves--or will this be their final showdown?

The Sign of the Crooked Arrow (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #28)

by Franklin W. Dixon

With only the slender clue of an arrow-shaped tie clasp, Frank and Joe Hardy pick up the trail of a cunning gang of thieves responsible for a wave of jewelry-store holdups.

The Sinister Signpost: The Sinister Signpost (The Hardy Boys #15)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Racing cars! Mystery! Adventure! These elements combine to give Frank and Joe Hardy one of the most dangerous and intriguing cases of their careers. It all starts when their father, Fenton Hardy, is engaged by an experimental race car and motor designer to investigate a series of mysterious accidents. Three of his drivers have crashed because the windshields of their cars were suddenly crazed, thus cutting off forward vision. Frank and Joe uncover one slim clue. Each of the drivers had seen a signpost marked danger shortly before his accident. The young detectives investigate, only to discover that the signposts have vanished. What happened to them? And what sinister purpose did they serve. The attempted theft of a secret experimental motor and the kidnapping of a famous race horse are part of this thrilling case, which proves to be as sinister as the signposts themselves.

Sky Sabotage (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #79)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe go to Florida to investigate the sabotage of a satellite launch and uncover a theft ring involving sea animals.

The Smuggler's Legacy (Hardy Boys Adventures #25)

by Franklin W. Dixon

A buried secret becomes a big problem for Frank and Joe in the twenty-fifth book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.Frank and Joe are on a history club trip to New York City, and their first stop is the Prohibition Museum where they&’ll hear about how smugglers building getaway vehicles led to the rise of modern stock car racing. During a tour of damp escape tunnels beneath the museum, Frank slips and breaks a wall panel with his elbow, revealing a hidden compartment containing documents from the 1920s! The documents reveal that The Gilded Top Hat—the speakeasy which later became the Prohibition Museum—wasn&’t actually owned by the Faccini brothers who were arrested for its bootlegging operations. The museum curator is eager to investigate this lead into the speakeasy&’s history, and never ones to turn down a good case, Frank and Joe volunteer to help out. But before long, someone steals the documents and sends the boys warnings to stop digging into the past. Can Frank and Joe uncover the truth before it&’s buried for another hundred years—and the boys along with it?

The Sting of the Scorpion: The Sting Of The Scorpion (The Hardy Boys #58)

by Franklin W. Dixon

During Mr. Hardy's investigation of a ruthless gang of terrorists, Frank and Joe witness an explosion in the sky near an airborne dirigible owned by Quinn Air Fleet. <P><P>The young detectives look into a clue that takes them into a new animal park outside Bayport, where they are lured into a trap by an unknown enemy. Problems arise for the park owner as he receives pressure from a competitor and a real-estate firm to sell out. Strange occurrences at the park also frighten the visitors and animals. Frank and Joe take up the case despite fore warnings.

Stolen Identity (Hardy Boys Adventures #16)

by Franklin W. Dixon

A criminal that seems to be straight out of a Sherlock Holmes novel is out to get brother detectives Frank and Joe in the sixteenth book in the thrilling Hardy Boys Adventures series.An original Sherlock Holmes manuscript was stolen from the Bayport Museum and now pages keep showing up in Frank and Joe’s things: their lockers, menus, even the backseat of their car. It’s clear someone is out to frame them. But who could it be? The boys try their usual means of deduction, but everything leads to a dead end. They just keep finding unsuspecting people who were paid to hide the pages by a mysterious third party. Frank recognizes this tactic—it’s exactly what Moriarty would do to throw off Sherlock Holmes. So the brothers decide to use one of Sherlock’s signature ideas: The Baker Street Irregulars. Though instead of street kids, Frank and Joe use a group of skateboarding tweens to keep their eyes and ears open around town. It’s a battle of wits as the brother detectives try to clear their name. But this Moriarty wannabe always seems to be one step ahead. Can the Hardy boys find the real culprit before it’s too late?

Thick as Thieves (Hardy Boys Casefiles #29)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe get mixed up with a gang of thieves, including their old nemesis Charity.

Thrill Ride

by Franklin W. Dixon

ATAC Briefing For Agents Frank and Joe Hardy Mission: Investigate a woman's death and other mysterious events surrounding Uncle Bernie's Fun Park. Location: Uncle Bernie's Fun Park, MA. Potential Victims: All Fun Park patrons. Suspects: Disgruntled employees. Unhappy customers. Enemies of Bernie. This Mission Requires Your Immediate Attention. This Message Will Be Erased In Five Seconds.

Too Many Traitors (Hardy Boys Casefiles #14)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Triple treat When Frank wins an all-expense-paid vacation to Spain's Costa del Sol, the brother detectives are set for some good times in the sunny paradise. But instead of flamenco music and bullfights, Frank and Joe find themselves running from the law. It seems their official tour guide has been murdered, and the evidence points directly at them. To make things worse, the Hardys are also being hunted as spies by the KGB-and as traitors by the Network. Trapped in very tight spots, Frank and Joe need every ounce of daring and keep from being shipped home in matching boxes. ================ From inside the book: DIRECT HIT An explosion in front of the Audi brought it to a halt and spattered it with dirt. The car half vanished in the gathering smoke. As Frank watched helplessly from the roadside, a third missile screamed down. Shock waves hurled him back as the car went up in a ball of fire. "Joe!" Frank called as he picked himself up off the ground. "Joe!" No sound came from the Audi except a steady crackling, and no movement but the dancing of the flames.

The Tower Treasure (Hardy Boys #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

When Tower Mansion is robbed, its owner, Hurd Applegate is furious. He immediately wants Fenton Hardy to recover the missing loot and to have his handy man arrested. Frank and Joe are convinced though that Perry's father is innocent. Perry's family is forced to leave Tower Mansion and stay in a run down section of Bayport. Perry thinks he will soon have to drop out of school and abandon his dream of college because no one will hire his dad. The Hardys find clues that the treasure is hidden in one of the towers., but after two exhaustive searches that have Hurd Applegate insisting the boys no nothing, Frank and Joe are stumped. If the treasure isn't in Tower Mansion, then where will Frank and Joe look next? This is the revised 1959 version of The Tower Treasure.

The Tower Treasure: The Tower Treasure (Hardy Boys #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

A dying criminal confesses that his loot has been stored "in the tower." Both towers of the looted mansion are searched in vain. It remains for the Hardy boys to make an astonishing discovery that clears up the mystery and clears the name of a friend's father.

Training for Trouble

by Franklin W. Dixon

JUDO...FENCING...ARCHERY...BIATHLON...SOMEONE WANTS TO WIN--AT ANY COST!The combat sports training facility has just opened in Bayport, and the Hardys are on hand to check it out. They can practice judo, fencing, archery, and biathlon, and meet aspiring athletes from all over.But good times turn to bad sportsmanship when Joe's girlfriend, Iola, gets a nasty electrical shock during a fencing workout. Then someone decides to use Frank for target practice on the archery range. Now the Hardys are wondering if the events are more than accidents. How far will world-class competitors go to win?

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