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Showing 27,801 through 27,825 of 27,913 results

The Catcher From Double-A

by Duane Decker

Pete Gibbs showed promis when he first came to the Blue Sox, but time and World War II have taken their toll. His confidence has been shaken and he doesn't know whether he has what it takes. Excellent baseball action and characterization.

Fast Man on a Pivot

by Duane Decker

At last Second Baseman Bud Walker was back again with the Blue Sox-this time, he profoundly hoped, to stay. He was not a spectacular player, just a reliable one. But he could make that double play. He had figured out to a split second just how to make the pivot and get off the throw in the absolute minimum of time. His teammates liked him, particularly the pitchers, for whom he saved game after game by his expert handling of the double play. But the fans insisted on flashy young Devlin, their choice for the second-base spot. From their hot partisanship sprang an almost unbearable situation for Bud. The manager rightly refused to take him out of the line-up while the Sox were still winning, and the incredible result was that the fans rooted violently for the defeat of their own team-and the banishment of Bud for good. In this, his finest book, Mr. Decker has built up the suspense, from the first page to the last, with a craftsmanship only matched by the skill of his expert baseball reporting.

Hit and Run

by Duane Decker

Chip Fiske was a nimble, place-hitting specialist, but his short stature haunted him all the way up from the bush leagues. Now that he was big-time, he still threw his Sunday punch at the first wisecrack . . . and there were plenty of them, because this crowd liked big fellows and long-ball clouts. Then Kennie Willard came along-even more of a lone wolf than Chip. For Kennie was a Negro, the first in the League, and slated strictly for the benches. These two youngsters help each other to become really "big league"-in spirit and in action. You'll call HIT AND RUN one of the best baseball stories Duane Decker has ever written.

Saving Christmas Spirit

by Donna Getzinger

SAVING CHRISTMAS SPIRIT is an action packed fantasy tale for children and adults of all ages who want to continue the loving fun of Christmas beyond the night of December 25th. It is the only Christmas story that picks up where Christmas ends, which makes it the perfect Holiday present. Join Hayley, Crystal, Savannah, Travis, and Kit as they help the Fairies, who create the good feelings of the holidays, battle the Elves of Christmas Greed so that Christmas spirit isn't lost forever!

Good Field, No Hit

by Duane Decker

The first in the Blue Sox series. Johnny Madigan has been in the farm system a long time. Now, the veteran Sox infielder is washed-up and he has a chance at a starting position. So does Mike Marnie, a classic power-hitter who outhits Johnny by 100 points. Does Johnny stand a chance? Which one is more valuable to the team? What personal qualities does a pro need?

An Angel Grows Up

by Tere Rios

Growing up in a New York convent school troubled young Blanca Maria gains wisdom and confidence

Language! The Comprehensive Literacy Curriculum - Assessment: Summative Tests and Progress Indicators [Book D]

by Jane Fell Greene

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Leave It to Beany (Beany Malone Series, #3)

by Lenora Mattingly Weber

Beany Malone liked to manage things. She thought she could even manage Sheila McBride when Sheila appeared at the big friendly house on Barberry Street. The Malones had invited their "much removed" Irish cousin, whom they had never seen, because she was an orphan and lonely in America. Beany pictured her as being wistful and starry-eyed like Peg o' My Heart, and thought she would be as eager to share their interests as they were to include her in their merry circle. Pretty Mary Fred would take Sheila under her wing at college, literary Johnny would discuss Irish poets and plays with her, and Beany, whose warm heart could play odd pranks on her practical mind, resolved that Sheila must always wear gay clothes, sparkle with wit, and never do household chores. It never occurred to them that Sheila might have her own ideas and plans, and the character (Beany called it stubbornness) to carry them out. But Beany plunged with headlong enthusiasm into a newspaper job while still in high school, pleased to have something to take her mind from her troubles with her best beau, and Sheila's stubbornness. One afternoon she brought home from the paper a stray baby, name and age unknown, as anyone else might bring in a stray kitten! The baby played havoc with the household routine, and caused so many surprising complications that sometimes Beany forgot to worry about having lost the charm bracelet that Norbett had given her. Meanwhile troubles multiplied, and Beany found that trying to manage everything and everybody was a big job.

Lost Race of Mars

by Robert Silverberg

Are the Old Martians really a lost race, or are they still alive somewhere on the red planet? Sally and Jim must help their father find out!


by Ron Goulart

This is another of the books about the Chameleon Corps. Its members are both spies and shape-changers.

Breakout! (Left Behind: The Kids #29)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

Book 29. Follow the kids as they try to help others see the truth and struggle to survive the deadly consequences of refusing to obey the world's most evil ruler.

The Perils of Love (Left Behind: The Kids #38)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

Book 38. Judd and his friends face a new threat from the Global Community. Will God help them escape? Will they reach more people with their message? As a few members of the Young Tribulation Force move to Petra, deadly news reaches them about a beloved friend. While Lionel adjusts to a new assignment, Judd and Vicki must make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. Join the Young Tribulation Force as they face the final clays before the battle of Armageddon.

Ominous Choices (Left Behind: The Kids #36)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

In Wisconsin, Vicki Byrne and the others try to keep Cheryl Tifanne calm until a doctor arrives. Will her baby survive? After an accident on the way back to Wisconsin, Judd Thompson rushes for medical help. Lionel Washington is forced to make a life threatening decision as the Global Community closes in. In New Babylon, Chang Wong notices strange reports and wonders how this coming disaster will affect the Young Tribulation Force. Join Judd, Lionel, Vicki, and the others as they struggle to survive the most chaotic days the earth has ever seen.

The Rise of False Messiahs (Left Behind: The Kids #35)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

Book 35. As the world spins out of control, the Global Community goes on the attack. Bounty hunters looking for easy money capture Judd and Lionel in South Carolina. Will they escape or face the blade? In Petra, Sam Goldberg and Mr. Stein come up with a daring rescue plan. Their travels will allow them to witness a gruesome display of evil and a miracle of God. Vicki Byrne prays for Judd and Lionel and tries to help her pregnant friend Cheryl Tifanne. When the girl becomes ill, Vicki wonders if her baby will survive. Join the Young Tribulation Force as they battle the most evil forces the planet has ever seen.

Bounty Hunters (Left Behind: The Kids #34)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

As the world spins out of control, the Global Community goes on the attack. Bounty hunters looking for easy money capture Judd and Lionel in South Carolina. Will they escape or face the blade? In Petra, Sam Goldberg and Mr. Stein come up with a daring rescue plan. Their travels will allow them to witness a gruesome display of evil and a miracle of God. Vicki Byrne prays for Judd and Lionel and tries to help her pregnant friend Cheryl Tifanne. When the girl becomes ill, Vicki wonders if her baby will survive. Join the Young Tribulation Force as they battle the most evil forces the planet has ever seen.

Attack on Petra (Left Behind: The Kids #33)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

Judd and Lionel must find a way to help their friend Westin Jakes before its too late. Will they escape in time? In Wisconsin, Vicki reaches out to a new friend and endangers herself and the rest of the Young Tribulation Force. Sam Goldberg, living in Petra, watches deadly bombs hurtle toward a million people. Will the work in Petra come to an end? Follow the kids as they make life threatening decisions in a world filled with Nicolae Carpathia's evil.

War of the Dragon (Left Behind: The Kids #32)

by Tim Lahaye Jerry B. Jenkins Chris Fabry

A scary face at the Wisconsin hideout sends Vicki Byrne on another dangerous mission. Before the mystery is solved, Vicki hears shocking news and tries to help a friend fearing for her life. In Israel, Judd Thompson and Lionel Washington witness a concert of evil. As the world spins out of control, Judd wonders if they will ever make it home. In Petra, Sam Goldberg watches Global Community troops draw near. Will Tsion Ben-Judah be right about his prediction about the safety of Petra? Join the Young Tribulation Force as they struggle to survive and thrive during the most chaotic period in world history.

Escape to Masada (Left Behind: The Kids #31)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

Israelis and Christ followers rush from Jerusalem. Will Global Community troops attack? Judd and Lionel scamper for safety with the hopes of heading home soon. Vicki and her friends try to rescue a Morale Monitor from the GC. A harrowing chase leads them into dangerous territory. In Wisconsin, the kids monitor changing world events and notice an outbreak of a strange sickness among those who have taken Nicolae Carpathia's mark. Join the Young Tribulation Force as they continue their search for more people who need to hear the truth.

Murder in the Holy Place (Left Behind: The Kids #30)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

After witnessing a horrific plane crash, Judd and Lionel must find a way back to Jerusalem on their own. A terrifying scene awaits them as Nicolae Carpathia prepares for another deadly display. Back in the States, Vicki helps a new believer by contacting an acquaintance of long ago. The decision thrusts the kids into a meeting with a Global Community worker and leads to an unexpected adventure. Join the Young Tribulation Force as they band together to help people understand the truth.

Mark of the Beast (Left Behind: The Kids #28)

by Tim Lahaye Jerry B. Jenkins Chris Fabry

Natalie's quick thinking helps Vicki, Darion, and Charlie escape the Global Community's grasp. But will the GC satellite tracking help hunt them down? A teenager with problems in New Babylon contacts the kids and Lionel believes it might be a trick. Will Judd take the chance of a secret rendezvous? As the world prepares to take the mark of Nicolae Carpathia, the kids try to convince people of the consequences. Join the Young Tribulation Force as they discover a clever way to spread their message via computer and struggle to free their friends.

Wildfire! (Left Behind: The Kids #27)

by Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye Chris Fabry

Running for their lives in Wisconsin the kids search for a place to hide as Vicki and Darrion become trapped. In Illinois, Morale Monitor Natalie Bishop tries desperately to rescue believers behind bars. In New Babylon, Judd and Lionel have a ringside seat to watch one of the most terrifying events of the Tribulation. Will singer Z-Van see the truth or be swept away by the lies of the Antichrist? Join the Young Trib Force as they witness history and seek safety from the dangers of the Global Community.

The Beast Arises (Left Behind: The Kids #26)

by Tim Lahaye Jerry B. Jenkins Chris Fabry

A Deadly earthquake fulfills yet another prophecy in Jerusalem, and Judd and Lionel make a startling discovery. From a new hiding place, Vicki and the others watch the frightening events unfold in Israel and try to warn kids around the world about what's ahead. Judd and Lionel finally set out for home, but a detour will take them into a horrifying world of evil. Join the kids as they experience one of the most dangerous weekends in history.

Death at the Gala (Left Behind: The Kids #25)

by Chris Fabry Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye

A Global Community raid forces the kids in Illinois to abandon the schoolhouse, but not before Vicki has a final word for her satellite audience. In Israel, Judd and Lionel attempt to stop an assassination plot and prepare for a deadly prophecy. Will this be the end of two of their beloved friends? Join the Young Tribulation Force as they search for safety and witness good triumph over evil.

Uplink from the Underground (Left Behind: The Kids #24)

by Chris Fabry Jerry B. Jenkins Tim Lahaye

A daring plan by the kids at the schoolhouse may cost them everything and put a friend in great danger. Will they continue their bold scheme? In Israel, Judd must try to stop an assassination attempt while Lionel and Sam spread the word about the start of secret meetings. Will the Young Trib Force stay together as the latest judgment takes its toll? Follow the kids in their brave attempts to show others the truth before it's too late.

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