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Dreamhunter (The Dreamhunter Duet, Book #1)

by Elizabeth Knox

Dreamhunter is a 380 page atypical fantasy novel first published in 2005 and written by the New Zealand author Elizabeth Knox. It is the first book of a short series entitled The Dreamhunter Duet. The publisher's summary reads as follows: LAURA COMES FROM A WORLD similar to our own except for one difference: it is next to the Place, an unfathomable land that fosters dreams of every kind and is inaccessible to all but a select few, the dreamhunters. These are individuals with special gifts: the ability to catch larger-thanlife dreams and relay them to audiences in the magnificent dream palace, the Rainbow Opera. People travel from all around to experience the benefits of the hunters' unique visions. Now fifteen-year-old Laura and her cousin Rose, daughters of dreamhunters, are eligible to test themselves at the Place and find out whether they qualify for the passage. But nothing in their darkest nightmares can prepare them for what they are about to discover. For within the Place lies a horrific secret kept hidden by corrupt members of the government. And when Laura's father, the man who discovered the Place, suddenly disappears, she realizes that this secret has the power to destroy everyone she loves . . . Dreamhunter is a dazzlingly rich and original novel, bursting with beauty, danger, politics, and intrigue, from highly acclaimed Elizabeth Knox.

Betsy's Wedding

by Maud Hart Lovelace

In this final book of the Betsy Ray series, Betsy finally marries her high school dream, Joe.

Night of the Werewolf (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #59)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From inside the book: A FEROCIOUS, wolf-like creature appears during the night of the full moon in a small Adirondack town, attacking livestock and scaring many of the residents. John Tabor, a young man with a history of werewolves in his family line, is suspect. Frank and Joe Hardy are hired to clear the young man's name. At the same time, Fenton Hardy requests his sons' help on a case of industrial sabotage. The Hardy Boys, with the assistance of Chet Morton, tackle their assignments with gusto and find themselves face to face with danger wherever they go. Joe barely escapes a horrible death as the young detectives battle their unscrupulous enemies before finally solving this exciting and hair-raising mystery.

Enchantress from the Stars

by Sylvia Engdahl

Enchantress from the Stars is an independent, 290 page science fantasy novel first published in 1970 and written by the highly acclaimed Sylvia Engdahl. This edition contains a forward by Lois Lowry. The combination of magic, technology, and psychic powers in the novel is based on Engdahl's theory that civilizations evolve through three stages of belief and morality. The survey force of the galactic government is dedicated to the shielding of planets that have fledgling human cultures from anything that might interfere with their natural development. Elana and her father are sent on a mission to save the magic believing inhabitants of Andrecia, who are protected, from the primitive colonizing efforts of a neighboring star system, whose race is also protected. <P><P> The summary by Penguin Books reads as follows:<P> Elana is a member of a supremely advanced intersteller civilization on a mission to the medieval planet Andrecia. To her shock, she becomes the key to a dangerous plan to turn back an invasion by an aggressive, space-faring "Youngling" species. How can she possibly help the Andrecians, who still believe in magic and superstition, without revealing her alien origins? Apprentice Medical Officer Jarel knows that the Imperial Exploration Corps doesn't consider the Andrecians to be human, and he has seen the atrocious treatment the natives get from his people. How can Jarel make a difference, when he alone regrets the destruction his people bring?<P> Georyn, son of an Andrecian woodcutter, knows only that there is a dragon on the other side of the enchanted forest, and he is prepared to do whatever it takes to defeat it. To him, Elana is the Enchantress from the Stars who has come to test him, to prove he is worthy... <P> A NEWBERY HONOR BOOK <P> WINNER OF THE PHOENIX AWARD

Cyberspy (Tom Clancy's Net Force Explorers #6)

by Steve Pieczenik Bill Mccay Tom Clancy

The inside secrets of big business are being leaked onto the Net. But the culprit is not just a kid hacker showing off. It's a cadre of spies who are using a revolutionary, new "wearable" computer to tune in to people's thoughts. And Net Force Explorer David Gray must try to keep the people he works with -- and his friends -- from being fatally crushed by the unknown spies...

After the Dancing Days

by Margaret I. Rostkowski

From the Bookjacket: Ages 11-14 So much had changed in one year One year ago, I believed my mother knew everything and that I would never have cause to disobey her. I knew my father could heal anyone And I thought Uncle Paul had died in glory. Thirteen-year-old Annie waits at the train station for her father, a doctor. It is 1919, the Great War is over, and the wounded are returning to a small town near Kansas City from the battlefields of France. When her father decides to continue his work at the veterans' hospital, Annie finds she is drawn to the place for reasons she doesn't understand. There she meets Andrew, a horribly burned young veteran who is bitterly withdrawn from all around him. Acting against the express wishes of her strong-willed mother, Annie continues to visit the hospital, helping Andrew come out of his shell. Together they discover the devastating truth about Uncle Paul's death. Then Annie must confront her mother's anger and the ironies of heroism. AFTER THE DANCING DAYS is a timeless first novel about a young girl's first steps into the complex world of adulthood.

The Danger Quotient

by Annabel Johnson Edgar Johnson

Casey is an 18 year-old super-genius living in a small underground colony built after the earth's atmosphere was destroyed by nuclear war. The survivors of the colony are dwindling, mysteriously dying, and according to lifespan evaluations Casey will not survive to be 19. Another super-genius left Casey a recorded message as she was dying - she tells him that he must finish the time machine that she started to build, that he must go back to the past. The life of everyone in their complex depends on his doing this, although she doesn't have time to tell him why. Casey finishes the machine and makes several trips back in time where he becomes involved in the fate of one family as he visits members of three generations. He follows clues, trying to figure out where - or when - he is supposed to go, and just what it is he is supposed to do. When he finally does figure out the purpose behind his time traveling - to quote the book, it's "Like the one twist of string that unravels a whole ball into your lap..."

Betsy In Spite Of Herself

by Maud Hart Lovelace

From the Betsy Ray series. Follows Betsy and her crowd of friends through her sophmore year in High School.

The English Teacher

by Lily King

Fifteen years ago Vida Avery arrived from Texas alone and pregnant at Fayer Academy. She has since become a fixture and one of the best English teachers Fayer has ever had. By living on campus, on an island off the New England coast, Vida has cocooned herself and her son, Peter, from the outside world and from an inside secret. For years she has lived in solitude and largely through the books she teaches, but when she accepts the impulsive marriage proposal of ardent widower Tom Belou, the prescribed life Vida had constructed is swiftly dismantled. Peter, however, welcomes the changes. Excited to move off campus, eager to have siblings at last, Peter anticipates a regular life with a "normal" family. But the Belou children are still grieving, and the memory of their recently deceased mother exerts a powerful hold on the house. As Vida begins teaching her signature book, Tess of the D'Urbervilles, a nineteenth-century tale of an ostracized woman and social injustice, its themes begin to echo eerily in her own life and Peter sees that the mother he perceived as indomitable is collapsing and it is up to him to help.

Tidings Of Comfort And Joy

by T. Davis Bunn

In this novel of Christmas past and present, 14 year old Marissa, too ill to rise from her bed, feels helpless rage because she must stay with Gran while her family goes to Hawaii for the holidays. Gran, mourning the recent death of her husband, confides an unhappy Christmas she experienced over a half century ago in a hospital in England where she suffered from pneumonia and abandonment by her fiancé. Marissa matures and grows close to her grandmother as she hears Gran's story of how she learned to forgive and embrace the unexpected opportunities God places in her path. Along with a kindly landlady, an overworked pastor, stranded American soldiers and an entire village, she draws upon newfound inner resources of ingenuity, determination and compassion as she joins the struggle to rescue over 300 war orphans. A vivid description of post World War II Britain, and triumph over personal loss, this story will warm your heart and. enhance your spiritual celebration of Christmas.

The Swan House

by Elizabeth Musser

Sixteen-year-old Mary Swan Middleton is white, wealthy and privileged. Her artistic and depressed mother has just been killed in an air crash in Paris, leaving a slew of secrets behind. As Mary Swan unlocks the past, she wrestles with her grief over her mother's death and the direction of her own life.

Betsy and Joe

by Maud Hart Lovelace

From the Betsy Ray series. Betsy is now in High School. Follow Betsy and her crowd of friends through graduation and all the excitement of a senior year in High School.

In Self-Defense (Hardy Boys Casefiles #45)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Gang war! The Hardys pay a visit to Bayport's newest martial arts school and find that someone's trying to run the place out of the neighborhood. The Scorpions a tough street gang, say the building is on their turf, and the school's students have already felt the Scorpions' sting. The home boys may want to rumble with the Hardy boys, but when high explosives come into the picture, Frank and Joe figure there's more than a street fight at stake. The unknown enemy is willing to use deadly force to destroy the school, and the Hardys will have to get down to business-and give a lesson of their own. =============== From inside the book: SHATTERING EXPERIENCE Kay Lewis walked around the room of the self- defense center to one of the mats lying near the front window. "This is a good spot here. We'll need plenty of room for this." "For what?" Joe asked warily. "It's a surprise," Kay said with a smile. "If I told you, I'd lose the advantage of sur-" Her words were cut off by a loud crash. The window next to her exploded, and shards of glass flew across the room. Something shattered on the floor next to the mat Kay was standing on. Frank heard a muffled whump-and a wall of fire erupted around Kay Lewis!

Strategic Moves (Hardy Boys Casefiles #43)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Mind games While attending an international summer school at England's Oxford University, the Hardys learn just how much times have changed. Frank's roommate, Pyotr Zigonev, is the USSR junior chess champ, and he has become a pawn in an international power play. But just as the boys rally to Zigonev, they discover that the CIA has joined forces with the KGB! The American and Soviet spy masters are out to foil a master of terrorism, and Frank and Joe and Zigonev are caught in the middle. One false move and they'll lose the ultimate game-a danger-packed contest played out in the cold gray shadows of Stonehenge. =============== From inside the book: DARK ALLEY "May we help you?" Frank asked the two men who had stepped out of the darkened alley. The older of the two stared at Frank, then turned his gaze to Ziggy and Petra. "Yes, you can." Then, like a snake uncoiling to strike, the man pulled a small blackjack from his pocket and struck Joe on the chin. Joe staggered to the side, slamming into Frank, and both of them lost their balance and fell to the ground. The younger man grabbed Petra and pulled her into the alley. "Hey!" Ziggy yelled, and burst into the alley. Frank and Joe jumped up and followed him. A bright glint of steel drew Joe's attention to the man who held Petra. Joe saw that one hand covered her mouth and the other held a switchblade to her throat. Joe started toward the younger man. "Don't try it, mate," the older man growled from behind him, "or we'll kill the girl."

Foul Play (Hardy Boys Casefiles #46)

by Franklin W. Dixon

from the back of the book: Crime comes to bat Someone's embezzling major league money from the minor league Bayport Blues, and retired baseball great, manager Stuart Murphy, is the prime suspect. He want's the Hardy boy's to clear his name-and as a sign of good faith, he gives them a vintage baseball card valued at $100,000! But the boys face a dangerous lineup of hoods and henchmen who want the card at all costs. The game Is heating up fast, and every pitch is down and dirty. Frank and Joe are right in the line of fire, and they'll have to come out swinging-or risk becoming the ultimate victims of foul play! =============== From inside the book: WILD PITCH "Hey, Heather!" Joe called out, and he headed over to her. He followed her onto the baseball field, allowing himself to imagine what it would be like to be in the stadium not as a fan, but as a baseball star, one who would impress a certain attractive photographer. Joe glanced at Heather but did a double take when he saw the sudden change in her expression. Her smile disappeared, and her brown eyes opened wide with fear. "Joe!" she shouted. "Look out!" Joe spun around too late. Three baseballs were rocketing straight for his head!

Power Play (Hardy Boys Casefiles #50)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Experiment in terror Bright Futures Development has announced the invention of a powerful new solar energy cell and the Hardy boys have gone undercover to protect it from industrial spies. But the action proves too hot to handle; a company employee assigned to the solar cell lab has turned up dead! Was it an inside job? Or was it a rival company out to burn the competition? Frank and Joe follow a trail of deceit and double-dealing and discover that the truth behind the solar power source is much darker than they suspected. Plenty of high-energy action awaits them as they fly straight into a fiery web of danger! =============== From inside the book: CRASH LANDING Frank settled back in the passenger seat of the solar-powered ultralite as it soared through the air. It was so peaceful up in the clouds, and quiet- almost too quiet, he told himself. He cocked his head and listened. He couldn't hear the propeller anymore. "Trouble?" he asked the pilot. "We lost power for a second," Theresa told him. She punched the starter switch once, twice, three times. Nothing happened. Theresa smiled at Frank nervously. "Looks like we may be in for a rough landing. I can't get it-" A sudden downdraft threw the plane into a dive. The nose pitched down violently, and Theresa's head was thrown forward to smash into the controls. Frank was hurtling toward the ground in a flying coffin, with an unconscious pilot!

Dirty Deeds (Hardy Boys Casefiles #49)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: The Hardys get the shaft! Frank, Joe, and Callie are off to Virginia City, Nevada, heart of the Comstock Lode, to visit Callie's friend Kerry Prescott. Kerry's father, Ted, has developed a system to extract new gold from old mines-but the deeper Ted digs, the more danger he finds. Someone means to put him down for good! Gold fever is running high, and lives are at stake. But Frank and Joe stake a claim of their own: they're out to put a stop to a gold-digging, gun-toting gang of desperadoes. The Hardys head for a showdown eighty feet underground, where they discover just how wild the Wild West can be. =============== From inside the book: ROCKY ROAD As Frank guided the jeep partway down the mountainside, then into a gorge between two steep rock walls, he said, "Maybe we ought to look in on Ted before we-" Frank stopped in midsentence. A loud rumbling sound was coming from overhead. The top of the jeep was off, and he glanced upward. "What is it?" Joe said as he looked up toward where the noise came from. Then he yelled, "Frank! Watch out!" Frank had seen it, too. Bouncing and smashing down from the bluff to their right, looking bigger by the instant, was a gigantic boulder. It was on a collision course for the jeep!

Wipeout (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #96)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: MEDITERRANEAN MAYHEM AND MYSTERY! Frank and Joe are in the south of France for the famous Almanarre Cup windsurfing championship. They're investigating a strange series of "accidents" that threaten to put champion windsurfer Doug Newman out of the competition... and into serious danger! While looking into the case of the sabotaged surfer, the Hardys stumble on to a load of counterfeit cash. The criminal waters run deep, and the stakes are much higher than the boys first believed. Confronting attackers from the sea and the air, Frank and Joe discover that if they are going to make waves, they had better be prepared for a fight-or a WIPEOUT! =============== From inside the book: Wipeout Doug tacked, then aimed his board directly at an incoming roller. Suddenly he was upside down in midair. The bottom of his board was reaching for the sky, and the tip of his mast was aimed at the wave. A forward roll, one of the toughest maneuvers in boardsailing! Frank was about to shout congratulations when Doug's mast seemed to come loose at the base. The loss of support threw Doug completely off balance. A second wave caught the tip of Doug's sail. The mast seesawed wildly. Suddenly it cracked Doug across the forehead, and the board landed upside down in the surging water. Joe stared, horror-struck. "His feet," he shouted to Frank. "They're caught in the foot straps! He's sure to drown!"

Flight into Danger (Hardy Boys Casefiles #47)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Top gun! Frank's old friend Ray Adamec, former ace navy pilot, has been hired to test pilot a superhot, supersleek jet-the MAX 1. But then Ray disappears, and the MAX is nowhere to be found. Frank's pilot license proves invaluable as the Hardys take control of the MAX 2. Their mission: find Ray and recover the MAX 1 before it falls into dangerous hands. Finding a clue to the whereabouts of the MAX 1 in the Utah desert, the boys set out to investigate. Instead they find themselves outnumbered and outgunned in a high tech, high-altitude air battle. They've flown into the middle of a subversive plot posing a deadly threat to the top levels of the U.S. space program and the U.S. government! =============== From inside the book: CHOPPER ATTACK Aloft in the blue MAX-2, Frank pointed to the southwest. "Look!" Down below was the MAX-1. As he and Joe watched, their quarry hit the turboboost, and the MAX-1 rocketed away at supersonic speed. "There are the two Apaches," Joe said, indicating two predatory helicopters swooping toward them. "They must have spotted him, too." "Too bad they didn't catch him," said Frank. "I guess it's up to us. Let's go." Frank started to bank in pursuit of the MAX-1, but the two Apaches kept coming, straight for the MAX-2. "What's wrong with those chopper jocks? Can't they tell the difference between the MAX-1 and the MAX-2?" shouted Frank. Then realization dawned on his face. "Didn't someone tell them to go after the red one?" As if in answer, the lead chopper launched a pair of missiles straight at them! "They've mistaken us for the bad guys!" Joe yelled. "Let's get out of here!"

Round Loom Knitting Patterns

by Nicole Clark

This book offers an introduction to "rake" or loom knitting. This technique is easy to learn and is explained in detail in the book. Patterns include, dish cloths, hats, socks, stockings, baby booties, and more. From the book jacket: Knitting loom patterns and variations for: - Afghans - Baby Booties - Chrismas Stockings Hats - Scarves - Socks - Sweaters Over 50 Pictures and Illustrations. "This is the funnest pattern book of its type. The author makes it fun to do knitting on round looms." - Mary Allen, Houston, TX "Every pattern is easy to read and understand." - Jan Wirthlin, Dover, OH "My kids were ready to move on to making more complicated patterns, and this book helped me show them how." - Margaret Brown, Highmore, SD

Charmed: Survival of the Fittest

by Jeff Mariotte

The door opened before they'd even had a chance to touch it. This time, though, they weren't met by a single, business suit-clad woman, but by four tall, muscular women dressed in pink sports bras, jogging shorts, and sneakers. Looking at their powerful physiques-broad shoulders, massive upper arms, corded thighs-Paige felt very small. Phoebe could take them, Paige thought. Between her martial arts skills and her levitation powers, even four Amazons didn't stand a chance. And these weren't real Amazons anyway, just figurative Amazons. She noticed that Phoebe had tensed, and believed her sister was probably weighing the odds as well. The women were smiling at them, but the mood had changed. Confrontation was in the air. "Ms. Winship is ready to see you now," one of them announced.

What Goes Around (Clearwater Crossing, #15)

by Laura Peyton Roberts

Book 15 in a series for teens, but one does not necessarily have to read all the preceding books. The teens in this book are all in their junior or senior year of high school. Dilemmas range from relationships, dating, the prom, dealing with death, and making decisions regarding the future after high school.

Cats Have No Lord

by Will Shetterly

Surely going to the top of the world to ask the wisest one a question is an innocuous quest? Then, why is some one trying at all costs to prevent success?

Great Women Teachers

by Alice Fleming

What these ten ladies have in common is that they significantly influenced education in the United States. These ten, short biographies commence with the implementation of education for girls (Willard) in the 1800s and end with a sketch of the twentieth-century teacher (Gildersleeve) who promoted International studies.

The Last Laugh (Hardy Boys Casefiles #42)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Attack of the Flame Fiend! A San Diego comic book convention turns into a real blast when guest speaker Barry Johns, legendary publisher of Zenith Comics, is kidnapped. But the Hardys can hardly believe their eyes. Johns is abducted by two characters straight off the illustrated page-the Human Dreadnought and Flame Fiend! Frank and Joe's investigation leads them into a confrontation with a rogues' gallery of comic book villains come to life, each armed with sinister, super- sophisticated powers. But the boys are determined to have the last laugh by unmasking the criminal mastermind behind the crazy comic book caper. ================ From inside the book: NO WAY OUT Powerful searchlights suddenly flooded the factory with blinding white light. Unable to see for a minute, the Hardys froze. Then they heard a metal door slide shut with an ominous clang. Shading his eyes with his hands, Joe peered out and saw that the only exit was blocked by a locked metal gate. Then his attention was caught by Whip Scorpion's shiny form as he stepped out of the darkness into the light. Whip Scorpion flicked his bullwhip with a sharp pop and brandished a ninja star in his other hand. Joe turned again as Flame Fiend appeared on the other side of them, shooting a burst of fire from his hand. "Now we settle accounts," a gravelly voice announced from behind the boys. Frank knew that voice. It belonged to the Human Dreadnought. The Hardys were surrounded.

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