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Disappearing Act

by Margaret Ball

In this sf adventure, it seems right for the thief to replace the diplomat when she looks enough like her. However, what about the task the diplomat is off to perform?

The Demon Princes

by Jack Vance

This contains the five novels in the series: The Star Kings;The Killing Machine; The Palace of Love; the Face; and The Book of Dreams. Kit Gersen seeks revenge for the los of his whole family by trying to kill the five most powerful people in the galaxy.

The Abhorsen Trilogy

by Garth Nix

To preserve life,the Abhorsen must enter Death

Black, White and Jewish: Autobiography of a Shifting Self

by Rebecca Walker

Black, White, and Jewish is the story of a child's unique struggle for identity and home when nothing in her world told her who she was or where she belonged. Poetic reflections on memory, time, and identity punctuate this gritty exploration of race and sexuality.


by G. P. Taylor

An apocalyptic battle between good and evil is vigorously, violently fought in British author G.P. Taylor's suspenseful, action-packed fantasy. The story, set in the 1700s on the Yorkshire coastline, revolves around Vicar Obadiah Demurral, a corrupt-but-inept, dead-conjuring "shadowmancer" who desires to control the universe by overthrowing God, or Riathamus. When two hard-luck near-orphans, (13-year-old Thomas Barrick, a bitter enemy of Demurral, and his troubled friend Kate Coglund) band together with a young African stranger named Raphah, they spend the rest of the book trying to stop the wicked Vicar as if their very souls are at stake...they are. Along the way, the three youths meet an enormous cast of friends and foes, some agents of Riathamus, others of Satan (Pyratheon), and some godless (but not for long) smugglers like Jacob Crane.

Line of Fire (Hardy Boys Casefiles #16)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Bull's-eye revenge Frank and Joe take on the case of Denny Payson, a friend who suspects that his father was murdered in a chemical plant fire five years ago. Lucius Crowell, owner of the plant, has taken care of Denny and his mother since the accident, but Denny is convinced that the fire was a cover-up for the factory's dirty secret. Now Crowell is running for public office, and Denny, an expert sports marksman, is determined to have his revenge. Nothing Frank and Joe say can convince him to give up his murderous plan. But another crack marksman-a hit man-is after Denny. Can the Hardys save Denny before he turns on them? =============== From inside the book: LEAP OF FAITH Chest burning, Joe tore across the wide expanse of concrete in the unfinished building, Frank right at his side. Behind them, they could hear George mounting the stairs. They'd never reach the far side of the building. Then Frank was grabbing Joe's arm, pulling him off course. He led him to a set of large square holes in the floor, set in the middle of the building. Without letting go of Joe, Frank threw himself over the edge. As they dropped, a gunshot rang out over their heads. Joe closed his eyes. . . .

Years in the Making: The Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp (Volume #1)

by L. Sprague de Camp

When he began writing in the mid thirties, l. Sprague de Camp immediately found a following of loyal readers. In the seventy years he wrote, that following only grew. Here are some of his most famous short stories and some that are very rare. All are well worth reading or reading again.

Flight of the Grey Goose

by Victor Canning

In this second book of the smiler series, 16-year-old Smiler, in trouble and on the run, seeks refuge for himself and a wounded goose with a Laird on a Scottish island. The man takes in the pair, and the boy repays the kindness when he finds the Laird's long lost family treasure.

Tricky Business (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #88)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: IN A TRICKY BUSINESS THE BOTTOM LINE IS DANGER! A business organization calling itself Trusty Teens depends on a young sales force to peddle its products from door to door. But while there are plenty of teens to do the dirty work, trust is short in supply. When a mysterious explosion rocks the warehouse and young Jimmy Quayle is accused of attempted murder, Frank and Joe decide to set up a sting of their own. The Hardy boys infiltrate the main offices of Trusty Teens and uncover a secret sideline. Frank and Joe must shut the business down- before the whole operation goes up in smoke! =============== From inside the book: Frank and Joe hurried down the driveway. All of a sudden, they heard the motor of a truck start up behind them. They turned to see a pair of high- beam headlights flash on. Frank and Joe raced into the Trusty parking field as the truck bore down on them. "Scatter!" Frank shouted. The truck swerved, first toward Frank, then toward Joe. The brothers barely had time to think. Then Frank spotted a low brick wall at the end of the parking field. "Joe!" Frank yelled. "The wall! Just get to the wall and dive!" The truck followed right after them, picking up speed. It screeched to a halt, circled, and came back for the kill!

You Decide Applying the Bill of Rights to Real Cases Student Edition

by George Smith Alene L. Smith

This is a middle and high school level textbook using real cases to explain the Bill of Rights.

The Emperor's Plague (Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights)

by Kevin J. Anderson Rebecca Moesta

It's a race against time to find and destroy the Emperor's Plague before it can be released. But first the young Jedi knights must face Nolaa Tarkona and her very lethal hired hand Boba Fett. This is book 11 in the Young Jedi Knights series

Time Bomb (Hardy Boys and Tom Swift Ultra Thriller #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: TIME BOMB A TWIST IN TIME...A TWISTED MIND... A TERRIFYING TWIST OF FATE FOR FRANK AND JOE AND TOM! A dream that has long fired the human imagination has become a reality: time travel. But as Tom Swift and the Hardy boys are about to discover, the dream can become a nightmare in the blink of an eye. An attack force of techno-thugs, under the command of the evil genius the Black Dragon, have seized control of a top-secret time-warp trigger! Frank and Joe and Tom leap into battle-shock troops in a war that stretches across the aeons to the edge of time. But whether chasing asteroids or dodging dinosaurs, they know they haven't a moment to lose. They must stop the Dragon before he carries out his final threat: turning the time machine into the ultimate doomsday device! =============== From inside the book: PURPLE HAZE The battle between Swift security forces and the Black Dragon's robots raged, with Tom Swift and the Hardys caught in the middle. "Don't think you've won!" the Black Dragon snarled at them. At the same instant a column of blinding purple light erupted. Frank saw one of the robot attackers hit and incinerated. The pulsing column of light was expanding. Security people and the intruders they'd been fighting moments before now all raced away from the underground complex. As Tom pulled Frank, Joe, and Sandra to shelter, the ground seemed to ripple under their feet. A deafening roar flung them face-first onto the grassy lawn. The air around them seemed to glow purple, then went black. Sandra gasped. "What's going on back there?" "Laws of nature were broken, and anyone too close is being punished for it," Tom said. "Punished with certain death."

Cat Talks

by Suzanne Smither

Increase your cat I.Q. and learn to speak their language with this fun-filled treasury of all things feline. packed with facts, trivia, mythology, tips, and more. this is the ultimate cat-lovers guide.

Deathgame (Hardy Boys Casefiles #7)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: SAVAGE STRIKE FORCE Where is Biff Hooper? The Hardys' friend secretly went off to a survival game camp in Georgia-and never came back. But before leaving he did tell Joe. So when Orville Brand, the camp director, claims Biff was never there, the Hardy boys suspect foul play. Under cover of darkness Frank and Joe break into the camp grounds. To their amazement they find the Ultimo Survival Camp is actually a training site for an elite corps of attack troops, led by a shadowy strongman named Hammerlock. Suddenly the brothers are trapped in a real-life struggle for survival against the toughest enemy they've ever had to face.... =============== From inside the book: THE ULTIMATE EXAM "The five of you will be set loose in the jungle terrain beyond our fortress," Hammerlock said. "I'll give you until dawn and then start after you. I think that's a sporting chance. "I'll probably be back in time for breakfast, but it would be a pleasant surprise if you were tough enough to make the hunt last until lunch." Hammerlock drew his Super Blackhawk pistol. He twirled the gun about his forefinger. "Just consider this the final exam." Suddenly Hammerlock stopped the spinning gun. It was pointed right at Joe's head. "And I mean just that. You flunk this course-and you die!"

Brother Against Brother (Hardy Boys Casefiles #11)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Phantom hit man A federal witness is being hunted by an unknown hit man. In an effort to warn the witness, detective Fenton Hardy sends Joe on a secret mission. With frightening swiftness the killer ambushes Joe before he can deliver his message. Joe manages to survive but loses his memory! Joe can't remember his name or his mission. Worst of all, he thinks Frank is the enemy. Meanwhile a deadly killer lies in wait-selling death on the family plan. ================ From inside the book: FATAL VISION All of Frank's attention was on the road before him, so he barely noticed a churning sound erupting from a stand of aspens off to one side. He turned when the sound got louder and saw a car come barreling into view-flashing straight at the pickup! Frank tried to brake, tried to turn aside. But the onrushing car caught him broadside, smashing him off the road, into the ditch.. The last thing Frank remembered was his own brother, grim-faced at the wheel, ramming him!

Starbridge (Starbridge #1)

by A. C. Crispin

The crew of the Desiree was unprepared. The Simiu were unexpected ... Earth's first contact with an alien race turns to disaster when a friendly encounter erupts into inexplicable violence and the threat of interstellar war. But two young individuals--Mahree Burroughs, an ordinary woman with a gift for friendship, and Dhurrrkk', a male Simiu with boundless curiosity-- have forged a bond of understanding that bridges their many differences. Along with a reluctant Robert Gable, brilliant young ship's physician, they make an astounding journey across the stars, to seek a way to save the future of the galaxy! note: Some strong language.

The Usual Rules

by Joyce Maynard

Wendy loses her mother in the World Trade Center disaster. She has to pick up the pieces and thinks the best place to do this is in California with her natural father. Will her family survive?

A Pattern of Roses

by K. M. Peyton

The discovery of old drawings with the same initials as his leads a 16-year-old boy on a journey into the past, where he relives the experiences of the artist.

Bones on Black Spruce Mountain

by David Budbill

Seth and Daniel had been warned about Black Spruce Mountain, about the mysterious boy whose bones lay hidden near the misty peak, and about the howling screams many campers had heard in the deep of the night.

Hostage in the Woods

by Cynthia Wall


Survival Run (Hardy Boys Casefiles #77, Ring of Evil #2)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: The killer conspiracy Working undercover for an Atlanta airline, the Hardys have uncovered an international terrorist ring-the Assassins-bent on high-stakes smuggling and cold-blooded murder. But who is in control? What is their ultimate aim? Who will be the next to die? The dangerous truth lies in the rough and rugged wilderness of faraway Alaska.... The perilous passage north takes Frank and Joe into the heart of a titanic struggle. The Assassins are preparing to square off against the ultrasecret government agency, the Network, and it is a battle in which no one is safe-and no one can be trusted. Caught in a treacherous cross fire, the boys have only one ally, the beautiful Gina Abend, and even she may be leading them into a fatal trap! ============ From inside the book: ROAD TO NOWHERE Joe slammed his foot down on the kick starter, and the dirt bike roared. He motioned to Gina, and she hopped on behind him. The engine screamed as Joe raced toward the oncoming Jeep. At the last second, he swerved to veer past the Jeep, turning onto a rutted trail that disappeared in the trees. "Are they still following us?" he yelled. "Yes!" Gina told him. "And they're gaining!" Now Joe knew he was going to have to push the bike to the limit. He crouched low over the handlebars and leaned hard into a sharp turn. "Look out!" Gina screamed as they came out of the curve. Joe's head reared back, and he slammed on the brakes when he saw a second Jeep blocking the trail. Two men wearing camouflage jumpsuits stood in front of the Jeep. The submachine guns in their hands told Joe this was the end of the line.

The Crowning Terror (Hardy Boys Casefiles #6)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: A dangerous game of double cross When Frank and Joe join their uncle Hugh for lunch, the main course turns out to be a bizarre kidnap plot. After a violent scuffle, Uncle Hugh is whisked away, and the boys suddenly find themselves in deep trouble with a U.S. espionage unit. Special Agent Starkey is out to prove Hugh is a traitor and accuses the boys of helping him escape. To complicate things a beautiful mystery woman called Charity is also on their uncle's trail. Meanwhile Frank and Joe are stranded in a strange city far from home, being hunted down by two desperate gangs-with orders to shoot to kill.... =============== From inside the book: INTO THE JAWS OF DEATH As they ran across the Golden Gate Bridge, a bullet spanged off a girder. Frank looked over his shoulder. Feodor and Oleg were out of the car, shooting at them. "We'll never make it," he said. Joe eyed the dark waters below. "There's one chance," he said. "Too dangerous," Frank said. "If we get caught in the undertow-" He cut himself off as he glanced over his shoulder, then back at Joe. Feodor was down on one knee, taking careful aim. "Right," said Joe. He knew that look in his brother's eye, the look that said one chance in a million was better than no chance at all. "Let's do it."

Danger Unlimited (Hardy Boys Casefiles #79)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Flight of fury! Joe's girlfriend, Vanessa Bender, has introduced the Hardys to an old friend of her family, Brett Cooper. Bret is the pilot and designer of Brett's Beauty, the high powered piston-engine prop plane set to compete in the upcoming Bayport Unlimited Air Races. But while he's aiming to break the world speed record, someone else has targeted him for terror! The' key to the case is the mystery of Brett Cooper himself-his hidden past, his hidden enemies. For Frank and Joe, the investigation quickly turns into a crash course in danger, as they fly blind into a web of blackmail, sabotage, and murder. They're about to learn that in a world of daredevil pilots and death-defying stunts, the risks can be sky-high. ============= From inside the book: BIRD OF PREY Joe rolled down the window of the van and gazed up at the plane. Suddenly the landing gear descended from the Mustang. "Now what?" Joe muttered as the plane's nose dipped. When the plane swooped down in front of the van, Frank veered to the side of the road and slammed on the brakes. "Get out!" he shouted. Joe and Frank ran into the field beside the road and fell to their stomachs. An instant later, the Mustang thundered over the van The wheels of the plane connected with the roof, and the van tipped over and crashed onto its side. Joe got up and shook his fist at the airplane. "Come down and fight us face-to-face, you coward!" "Get down!" Frank yelled, pulling Joe into the grass. The wind from the propeller threw grass and dirt into the air, and the wheels were so low they almost skidded across Joe's back. "We're trapped!" Frank shouted. "The van is out of commission and there's nowhere to hide!"

Hostages of Hate (Hardy Boys Casefiles #10)

by Franklin W. Dixon

From the back of the book: Double-edged death An antiterror convention in Washington, D.C., is rocked by a real-life hijacking-and Frank Hardy's girlfriend, Callie Shaw, is among the hostages. When Callie appears on the TV news she sends the Hardys a coded message. Trouble is, the government doesn't believe them. Agent O'Neill orders Frank and Joe off the case, forcing them to try a rescue on their own. Suddenly the brother sleuths are running from the law, straight into a terrorist death trap-while Callie watches her life tick away. ============== From inside the book: SCREAMING DEATH Frank opened his hand, studying the detonator for a long moment. "Drop it, I say!" The ragged edge to Habib's voice was far more convincing than the volume he used. Shrugging, Frank turned his hand, letting the detonator fall. Passengers screamed as they saw the instrument of their destruction drop to the floor. Even Habib flinched, drawing back from the expected explosion. Frank used that second to stomp on the detonator, crushing its radio microcircuits. Then he dove for the floor, praying that Joe would take his lead.

The Tower Treasure (Hardy Boys #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

When Tower Mansion is robbed, its owner, Hurd Applegate is furious. He immediately wants Fenton Hardy to recover the missing loot and to have his handy man arrested. Frank and Joe are convinced though that Perry's father is innocent. Perry's family is forced to leave Tower Mansion and stay in a run down section of Bayport. Perry thinks he will soon have to drop out of school and abandon his dream of college because no one will hire his dad. The Hardys find clues that the treasure is hidden in one of the towers., but after two exhaustive searches that have Hurd Applegate insisting the boys no nothing, Frank and Joe are stumped. If the treasure isn't in Tower Mansion, then where will Frank and Joe look next? This is the revised 1959 version of The Tower Treasure.

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