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The Borrowers (Mandarin Edition)

by Mary Norton

The Borrowers--the Clock family: Homily, Pod, and their fourteen-year-old daughter, Arrietty, to be precise--are tiny people who live underneath the kitchen floor of an old English country manor. All their minuscule home furnishings, from postage stamp paintings to champagne cork chairs, are "borrowed" from the "human beans" who tromp around loudly above them. All is well until Pod is spotted upstairs by a human boy! Can the Clocks stay nested safely in their beloved hidden home, or will they be forced to flee? The British author Mary Norton won the Carnegie Medal for The Borrowers in 1952, the year it was first published in England. 一个患病的英国小男孩被送往乡间姑婆的老宅中休养 寂静中他发现了在古宅里的一个秘密 借东西的小人 借东西的小人只有铅笔一般高 他们把家安在房子的地板下 靠从楼上的"巨人"那里"借"东西为生 他们最害怕的就是被"看见" 借东西的小女孩阿瑞埃蒂在门外草丛里被小男孩看见 好心的小男孩开始帮助这一家小人借东西 还充当信使 为他们和住在别处的亲戚送信 但好景不长 女管家也发现了小人一家 她关住小男孩 找来警察,猫和捕鼠专家对付小人 万分危急之际 小人一家是如何成功逃脱人类的追捕的呢

تالا والأصدقاء

by همسة املطبقاني

عندما كان الأصدقاء يغادرون الحفلة إلتفتت ياسمين إلى ماريا وسألتها «هل رأيت تالا في الحفلة ». ماريا : لا لم تأت أيضا هذه المرة. يوسف : أنا متأكد أن لديها عذرا منعها من الحضور. يوسف : ياسمين ياسمين ياسميييييييييييييييين فيما تفكرين ياسمين : سأخبركما غدا تصبحان على خير.

راقصات الباليه

by أميلي بين

نجمة الموهبة: تستطيع أن ت ضحك النجوم بفضل رقصها الجميل. تحب: رقص الباليه سباق الطيران مع الدود المضيء. تكره: الجن ي الشرير نوكس المزاج السيئ. الطعام المفضل: لبن ضوء النجوم. النبات المفضل: وردة النجم الأزرق. الحيوان المفضل: الغراب شمشون.

Alexa Moreno: Singular y extraordinaria

by Alexa Moreno

Salta, cae y vuelve a saltar hasta que logres volar Reconocida como la mejor gimnasta en la historia de México, Alexa Moreno ha logrado lo que ninguna atleta en su ramo: una medalla en un Campeonato Mundial de Gimnasia (Doha, Catar, 2018), y ser la mejor rankeada en Juegos Olímpicos (cuarto lugar en la final de salto de caballo en Tokio 2020). Pero detrás de todos los logros y marcas mundiales, existe una chica a quien le apasionan la música, los viajes, la naturaleza; alguien que ama el anime y la cultura japonesa. Una persona con cambios de humor, días buenos y malos, sueños y frustraciones… A lo largo de estas páginas descubrirás, a salto de caballo, a una Alexa que muy pocas personas conocen, que desde pequeña ha aprendido a no rendirse. Una Alexa insólita y singular.

Ciudad miedo

by Jaime Alfonso Sandoval

Si creías que ya lo habías experimentado todo en Campamento Miedo, no dudes en leer la conclusión de esta fascinante aventura. NADIE SE SALVA DEL CAMPAMENTO DEL AMORS. Su nombre es Yolimar (Yolanda Martínez) y sólo quiere ser famosa. Por una serie de confusiones en la escuela, es enviada al campamento del AM ORS (Área Militarizada Obligatoria para Rijosos y Sabandijas), donde reeducan niños rebeldes, pero en el camino una nave extraña la rescata. Ahí conoce a Dino y a Rina, quienes escaparon del misterioso campamento un año antes, y le revelan un impactante secreto que tiene que ver con el pueblo, su familia, el mundo entero. Refugios secretos, máquinas mortales, enredos adolescentes y una isla poblada de seres divertidos, pero aterradores. Llega Ciudad Miedo, el cierre de la historia iniciada con Campamento Miedo. El tiempo de luchar ha llegado.

Campamento Miedo (Campamento miedo #Volumen)

by Jaime Alfonso Sandoval

Si crees que puedes soportar más emociones, espera la segunda parte de esta fascinante aventura. Nadie se salva del campamento del amors. Por una terrible confusión, Dino Duarte es enviado al campamento del AMORS (Área Militarizada Obligatoria para Rijosos y Sabandijas), un lugar para reeducar niños rebeldes, comandado por las extrañas directoras Doris y Vera. Todo es horrible y misterioso en el campamento. Hay desapariciones, una extraña criatura que ronda una cabaña, una compuerta secreta bajo la alberca, y los teléfonos no sirven, todos están incomunicados. ¿Qué es en realidad ese lugar? ¿Qué planean hacer las directoras con los campistas? Dino, junto con sus amigos Rina y Edi, van a descubrir un escalofriante secreto en las entrañas del Campamento Miedo. En ese sitio, nada es lo que parece.

Esclavas del poder

by Lydia Cacho

Por la periodista Lydia Cacho, autora del bestseller Los demonios del Edén.Prólogo de Roberto Saviano.A partir de casos concretos, así como de historias conmovedoras, Lydia Cacho sigue una línea de investigación para llegar a las mafias de tratantes de mujeres, que la conducen desde México hasta Kirguistán, pasando por Malasia, Japón y Myanmar, entre otras partes del mundo. Lydia Cacho lleva al lector de la mano por un viaje emocionante en el que encuentra la voz de las víctimas y al mismo tiempo expone a los servidores públicos dedicados a proteger a dichas mafias.Esclavas del poder es un mapa global de la trata de mujeres. Un viaje de ida y vuelta, en el cuál la autora sigue la cadena de lo que los expertos han llamado "la esclavitud del siglo XXI".Otros autores han opinado:"Lydia Cacho es un símbolo del periodismo valiente. En este libro Lydia llega más allá de las fronterasde México. Ataviada con disfraces diversos, viaja desde los bajos fondos mexicanos de la Merced hasta los centros nocturnos y los prostíbulos de Japón, pasando por muchos otros nudos de la inmensa telaraña de mafiosos, empresarios, policías, jueces y políticos que manejan el negocio en el mundo. Lydia escucha, para que sean escuchadas, las voces de las víctimas, las vidas rotas, y acusa a quienes ejercen la forma más abyecta del derecho de propiedad, hombres dueños de mujeres, adultos dueños de niños: esos supermachos que humillando a los más débiles manifiestan su despreciable poder." - Eduardo Galeano"Lydia Cacho se mete en los vericuetos necesarios para mostrar el mapa de la esclavitud contemporánea, las rutas de este comercio criminal y cómo el fenómeno está entramado a través de un putrefacto involucramiento gubernamental, la complacencia y la indiferencia de amplias capas de la sociedad." - Carmen Aristegui

Stink y el gran expreso cobaya: y el gran expreso cobaya (Stink Ser. #4)

by Peter H. Reynolds Megan McDonald

¡Cuidado, 101 bolitas de pelo sobre ruedas! Stink y sus amigos persiguen y rescatan a tres hermosos cobayas y al llevarlos a la veterinaria descubren que estos animalitos han infestado el lugar y que necesitan hogar urgentemente.La señorita Trino evita que los cobayas o conejillos de Indias sean utilizados en pruebas de laboratorio y se los lleva consigo.La aventura está por empezar, ya que Stink y sus amigos idearán varias estrategias para darlos en adopción, y la brigada móvil tendrá que arrancar pronto antes que los pequeños traviesos acaben con todo a su paso.«La idea de que Stink tuviera su propia serie surgió de los lectores de Judy Moody. Los chicos que estaban leyendo este libro amaban a Stink y pidieron una y otra vez que si él podría protagonizar sus propias aventuras. Tiempo después nació la serie del célebre chico de tenis malolientes y ahora se ha embarcado en una aventura con el rompemandíbulas y con sus tenis superapestosos, por no hablar del rescate de 101 cobayas y salvar al planeta Plutón.» Entrevista a Megan McDonald por Elizabeth Kennedy en's BookStink es uno de los personajes favoritos de los niños, y su serie promete muchas otras aventuras.La autora ha recibo varios premios y reconocimientos por otras novelas y por su serie infantil Judy Moody, el cual se han traducido a veinte idiomas.La crítica ha dicho...«Espero que McDonald escriba muchas más aventuras de Stink. Es un personaje encantador.» Reniee Kirchner,«Es un libro muy emocionante por los viajes y las aventuras. Las imágenes explican mucho de lo que está sucediendo en la historia. Leeré más de esta serie.» Fill Your Bookshelf

The creature department.: La fábrica de inventos tras la penúltima puerta del final del pasillo (The\creature Department Ser. #1)

by Robert Paul Weston

Un laboratorio escondido.Un increíble invento.Y unas criaturas bastante inusuales...Elliot y Leslie creían que en Bickleburgh nunca pasaba nada. Bueno, excepto dentro de la Denki-3000: la quinta compañía tecnológica más grande del mundo.Tras sus torres de cristal y pasadizos elevados hay una vieja mansión de la que surgen los inventos más increíbles que puedas imaginar. Y sólo el tío Archie sabe lo que en realidad esconde la penúltima puerta al final del pasillo.Claro, hasta que Elliot y Leslie echan un vistazo adentro... Tentáculos, criaturas con aspecto de trol y dientes rotos. Seres con alas enanas que chisporrotean al volar... ¡Pero atentos! El secreto mejor guardado de la Denki-3000 corre peligro, y Elliot, Leslie y las extrañas criaturas no tienen un segundo que perder. Tic, tac, tic, tac...Una aventura llena de humor con personajes divertidos y cercanos.Con excéntricas ilustraciones.La crítica ha dicho...«Impresionante... Es como si tomaras un poco de la película de Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate y Monsters Inc., y lo metieras en una nave como la tardis.» Buzz Feed«Weston destaca en cuanto al desarrollo de personajes de monstruos, y su imaginación va a toda velocidad, muy disfrutable.» Quill and Quire«Aunque esta deliciosa novela se concibió para niños de entre 8 y 12 años, cualquier persona con sensibilidad la disfrutará.» Library Journal«De un ritmo ágil, el estilo de Weston está repleto de agudo humor y conversaciones inteligentes.» University of Manitoba Library Association

Trouble with Parsnips (A Seven Kingdoms Fairy Tale #1)

by Laurel Decher

A nameless princess re-invents herself and saves her kingdom when she learns to speak up in a crisis.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Webster's Italian Thesaurus Edition (Classics To Go)

by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a young girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre. Its narrative course, structure, characters, and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre. (Wikipedia)

Alice's Abenteuer im Wunderland: Large Print (Classics To Go)

by Lewis Carroll

Alice im Wunderland gilt als eines der hervorragenden Werke aus dem Genre des literarischen Nonsens. Gemeinsam mit der 1871 erschienenen Fortsetzung Alice hinter den Spiegeln wird dieses Kinderbuch zu den Klassikern der Weltliteratur gezählt. So ist die Erzählung heute beispielsweise Bestandteil der ZEIT-Bibliothek der 100 Bücher. Die britische Zeitung The Guardian nahm 2009 sowohl Alice im Wunderland als auch Alice hinter den Spiegeln in die Liste der 1000 Romane auf, die jeder gelesen haben muss. Die Erzählweise und -struktur, die Figuren und die Metaphorik haben unverändert großen kulturellen Einfluss. Alice im Wunderland erfuhr Adaptionen für die Bühne und im Film. Figuren der Erzählung, wie zum Beispiel die Grinsekatze, der Jabberwocky, der Märzhase und der verrückte Hutmacher, oder einzelne Episoden, wie beispielsweise die der Teegesellschaft, in die Alice hineingerät, wurden in der Popkultur immer wieder aufgegriffen und zitiert. (Wikipedia)

Fast in the Ice Adventures in the Polar Regions: Or Adventures In The Polar Regions (1870) (Classics To Go)

by R. M. Ballantyne

One day, many years ago, a brig cast off from her moorings, and sailed from a British port for the Polar Seas. That brig never came back. Many a hearty cheer was given, many a kind wish was uttered, many a handkerchief was waved, and many a tearful eye gazed that day as the vessel left Old England, and steered her course into the unknown regions of the far north. (Goodreads)

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Webster's Italian Thesaurus Edition (Classics To Go)

by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (commonly shortened to Alice in Wonderland) is an 1865 novel written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. It tells of a young girl named Alice falling through a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children. It is considered to be one of the best examples of the literary nonsense genre. Its narrative course, structure, characters, and imagery have been enormously influential in both popular culture and literature, especially in the fantasy genre. (Wikipedia)

Christopher Quarles: College Professor And Master Detective (Classics To Go)

by Percy James Brebner

Professor Quarles is the most lovable, the most learned, the most unpoliceman-like detective we have yet met. As a matter of fact he is not a detective at all, but a scholar, specialising in philosophy and keenly interested in the human motives behind every act. Criminal cases interest him only when it is necessary to find this motive. He confesses that he does not make his theory from facts. He finds his theory of motives first and makes the facts fit it. It is an interesting method, and as after all human nature, even if warped and twisted out of humanity by circumstances, is at the back of every crime, the professor is not so far wrong when he insists that philosophy and imagination are good guides for detective work. (Goodreads)

A Debt of Honor: The Story Of Gerald Lane's Success In The Far West (Classics To Go)

by Jr. Alger

Gerald Lane heads west to seek his fortune and claim the money owed his father by an unscrupulous former business partner.

Young Captain Jack / The Son of a Soldier: The Son Of A Soldier (The World At War)

by Edward Stratemeyer

Horatio Alger, Jr.; January 13, 1832 – July 18, 1899) was a prolific 19th-century American author, best known for his many juvenile novels about impoverished boys and their rise from humble backgrounds to lives of middle-class security and comfort through hard work, determination, courage, and honesty. His writings were characterised by the "rags-to-riches" narrative, which had a formative effect on America during the Gilded Age. His popularity—and income—dwindled in the 1890s. In 1896, he had (what he called) a "nervous breakdown"; he relocated permanently to his sister's home in South Natick, Massachusetts. Before his death, Alger asked Edward Stratemeyer to complete his unfinished works.[56] In 1901, “Young Captain Jack” was completed by Stratemeyer and promoted as Alger's last work. Alger once estimated that he earned only $100,000 between 1866 and 1896; at his death he had little money, leaving only small sums to family and friends. His literary work was bequeathed to his niece, to two boys he had casually adopted, and to his sister Olive Augusta, who destroyed his manuscripts and his letters at his wish. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Cash Boy: Inspirational Story About A Poor Boy Ascending To Great Wealth And Fame (Classics To Go)

by Jr. Alger

Frank Fowler leaves his small town home shortly after the death of the only mother he has ever known to make his fortune in New York. These small town adventures are fully loaded with stock Alger characters…

Helping Himself: Grant Thornton's Ambition (Classics To Go)

by Jr. Alger

In Alger's books real boys are seen doing honest things and being successful. Helping Himself begins with Deacon Gridley who was a farmer. Gridley had managed to save a little money. His thriftiness meant that he had also hoarded all of the interest. Here our young hero enters the tale.

Mark the Match Boy (Classics To Go)

by Jr. Alger

The book takes the reader through the Children's Lodging House, the Bowery Theatre, and the Fulton ferry, besides giving one a description of the life of bootblacks, match boys, apple girls, Bowery B'hoys and other assorted street creatures living in New York.

The Young Acrobat of The Great North American Circus (Classics To Go)

by Jr. Alger

Kit, a young teen boy, is an orphan. He is cheated of his inheritance by his guardian. His guardian sends him off to work with a brutal, stupid blacksmith. The boy runs away. He joins the circus. He is followed by the blacksmith. The boy stays away from him. He becomes a big star in the circus. Later, he is restored to his rightful place with the help of a man who was his father's friend.(Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Adventures of Odysseus and The Tales of Troy: Revised Edition Of Original Version (Classics To Go)

by Padraic Colum

Also known as “The Children’s Homer,” this is Irish writer Padraic Colum’s retelling of the events of Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey for young people. Colum’s rich, evocative prose narrates the travails of Odysseus, King of Ithaca: his experiences fighting the Trojan War, and his ten years’ journey home to his faithful wife Penelope and his son Telemachus. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett )

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Revised Edition Of Original Version (Classics To Go #305)

by Mark Twain

Tom Sawyer lived with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother, Sid. Tom dirties his clothes in a fight and is made to whitewash the fence the next day, as punishment. He cleverly persuades his friends to trade him small treasures for the privilege of doing his work. In Sunday school, Tom does not manage to get a Bible because Mr. Walters knew he was trading tickets. Tom falls in love with Becky Thatcher, a new girl in town, and persuades her to get "engaged" by kissing him. But their romance collapses when she learns Tom has been "engaged" previously, to a girl named Amy Lawrence. Shortly after being shunned by Becky, Tom accompanies Huckleberry Finn to the graveyard at night, where they witnessed the murder of Dr. Robinson. Tom, Huck, and Joe Harper run away to an island. While enjoying their newfound freedom, the boys become aware that the community is sounding the river for their bodies. Tom sneaks back home one night to observe the commotion. After a brief moment of remorse at his loved ones' suffering, Tom is struck by the idea of appearing at his funeral. Back in school, Tom gets himself back in Becky's favour after he nobly accepts the blame for a book she has ripped. Soon, Muff Potter's trial begins, in which Tom testifies against 'Injun Joe'. Potter is acquitted, but 'Injun Joe' flees the courtroom through a window. Tom then begins to fear for his life as 'Injun Joe' is at large and can easily find him. Summer arrives, and Tom and Huck go hunting for buried treasure in a haunted house. After venturing upstairs they hear a noise below. Peering through holes in the floor, they see 'Injun Joe' disguised as a deaf-mute Spaniard; 'Injun Joe' and his companion plan to bury some stolen treasure of their own. From their hiding spot, Tom and Huck wriggle with delight at the prospect of digging it up. Huck begins to shadow 'Injun Joe' nightly, watching for an opportunity to nab the gold. Meanwhile, Tom goes on a picnic to McDougal's Cave with Becky and their classmates. That same night, Huck sees 'Injun Joe' and his partner making off with a box. He follows and overhears their plans to attack the Widow Douglas. By running to fetch help, Huck stops the violence and becomes an anonymous hero. A week later, Tom takes Huck to the cave and they find the box of gold, the proceeds of which are invested for them. The Widow Douglas adopts Huck, and, when Huck attempts to escape civilised life, Tom tricks him into thinking if Huck returns to the widow, he can join Tom's robber band. Reluctantly, Huck agrees and goes back to the Widow Douglas.

Treasure Island: Prince Otto (Classics To Go)

by Robert Stevenson

The narrator, James "Jim" Hawkins, is the young son of the owners of the Admiral Benbow Inn. An old drunken seaman named Billy Bones becomes a long-term lodger at the inn, only paying for about the first week of his stay. Jim quickly realizes that Bones is in hiding, and that he particularly dreads meeting an unidentified seafaring man with one leg. Some months later, Bones is visited by a mysterious sailor named Black Dog. Their meeting turns violent, Black Dog flees and Bones suffers a stroke. While Jim cares for him, Bones confesses that he was once the mate of a notorious late pirate, Captain Flint, and that his old crew-mates want Bones' sea chest. Some time later, another of Bones' crew mates, a blind man named Pew, appears at the inn and forces Jim to lead him to Bones. Pew gives Bones a paper. After Pew leaves, Bones opens the paper to discover it is marked with the Black Spot, a pirate summons, with the warning that he has until ten o'clock to meet their demands. Bones drops dead of apoplexy (in this context, a stroke) on the spot. Jim and his mother open Bones' sea chest to collect the amount due to them for Bones' room and board, but before they can count out the money that they are owed, they hear pirates approaching the inn and are forced to flee and hide, Jim taking with him a mysterious oilskin packet from the chest. The pirates, led by Pew, find the sea chest and the money, but are frustrated that there is no sign of "Flint's fist". Customs men approach and the pirates escape to their vessel, all except for Pew, who is accidentally run down and killed by the agents' horses.... (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

The Adventure of the Red Circle (Classics To Go)

by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Mrs. Warren, a landlady, comes to 221B Baker Street with some questions about her lodger. A heavily bearded man, who spoke good but accented eng came to her and offered double her usual rent on the condition that he get the room on his own terms. He went out the first night that he was there, and came back after midnight when the rest of the household had gone to bed. Since then, neither Mrs. Warren, her husband, or their servant girl have seen him. The lodger insisted on having the Daily Gazette every morning, and sometimes requested other things. All requests were printed on a slip of paper left on a chair outside the room where meals were also left. Mrs. Warren has brought some spent matches and a cigarette end from her lodger, hoping that Holmes can read something from them. It is clear that the cigarette has been smoked without a holder, which is quite unusual for a man with whiskers. He also eats very little, and never receives visitors or messages… (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

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