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Showing 18,226 through 18,250 of 18,273 results

Years in the Making: The Time-Travel Stories of L. Sprague de Camp (Volume #1)

by L. Sprague de Camp

When he began writing in the mid thirties, l. Sprague de Camp immediately found a following of loyal readers. In the seventy years he wrote, that following only grew. Here are some of his most famous short stories and some that are very rare. All are well worth reading or reading again.

The Blue Book: What You Want to Know about Yourself

by Tarshi

The Blue Book is a booklet on sex education intended for 15-year-olds and older teens.

Cat Talks

by Suzanne Smither

Increase your cat I.Q. and learn to speak their language with this fun-filled treasury of all things feline. packed with facts, trivia, mythology, tips, and more. this is the ultimate cat-lovers guide.

The Tower Treasure (Hardy Boys #1)

by Franklin W. Dixon

When Tower Mansion is robbed, its owner, Hurd Applegate is furious. He immediately wants Fenton Hardy to recover the missing loot and to have his handy man arrested. Frank and Joe are convinced though that Perry's father is innocent. Perry's family is forced to leave Tower Mansion and stay in a run down section of Bayport. Perry thinks he will soon have to drop out of school and abandon his dream of college because no one will hire his dad. The Hardys find clues that the treasure is hidden in one of the towers., but after two exhaustive searches that have Hurd Applegate insisting the boys no nothing, Frank and Joe are stumped. If the treasure isn't in Tower Mansion, then where will Frank and Joe look next? This is the revised 1959 version of The Tower Treasure.


by Florence Crannell Means

From the Book: This vivid story, full of the warmth and picturesque detail of Mexico City, tells of one year in Alicia Baca's life -a very important year. Nineteen, beautiful, and with ambitions to become a newspaper correspondent, Alicia takes her Junior year away from Briggs College in the East to study in the University of Mexico. Twenty-Five Cosme, the beautiful old pension in which she stays, holds many surprises, the most wonderful being her lively, blond roommate, Honey Bennett. In Denver where she grew up, her Spanish ancestry embarrassed Alicia and made her feel inferior, but here with her flawless Spanish she helps Californian Honey through many scrapes. Leeshy herself (as Honey calls her) has a few of her own problems, in particular, two ardent young suitors who both arrive unexpectedly, and at the same moment, to spend a week during the Christmas holidays. Honey's natural candor and humor are invaluable in this difficult situation, and later on when Alicia has some serious decisions to make.. From the day when the wall caves in on them and they are trapped in an ancient teocalli or pyramid, to the time the two girls spend with the Friends' Youth Camp at Lake Chapala, their lives are full of excitement, new interests - and countless admirers. To older girls, who have snared many of Alicia's hopes, dreams, and tribulations, this novel will have special appeal.

I Am Charlotte Simmons

by Tom Wolfe

<p><p>DUPONT UNIVERSITY-the Olympian halls of learning housing the cream of America's youth, the roseate Gothic spires and manicured lawns suffused with tradition... <p>Or so it appears to beautiful, brilliant Charlotte Simmons, a wide-eyed, bookish freshman from a strict, devout, poor and poorly educated family in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. <p>But Charlotte soon learns, to her mounting dismay, that for the upper-crust coeds of Dupont, sex, Cool, and kegs trump her towering academic ambitions every time. <p>As Charlotte encounters the paragons of Dupont's privileged elite - her roommate, Beverly, a Groton-educated Brahmin in lusty pursuit of lacrosse players; Jojo Johanssen, the only white starting player on Dupont's godlike basketball team, whose position is threatened by a hotshot black freshman from the projects; the Young Turk of Saint Ray fraternity, Hoyt Thorpe, whose sense of entitlement and social domination is clinched by his accidental brawl with a bodyguard for the governor of California; and Adam Gellin, one of the Millennial Mutants who run the university's "independent" newspaper and who consider themselves the last bastion of intellectual endeavor on the sex-crazed, jock-obsessed campus -she is seduced by the heady glamour of acceptance, betraying her values and upbringing before she grasps the power of being different and the exotic allure of her innocence. <p>With his celebrated eye for telling detail, Tom Wolfe draws on extensive observation of campuses across the country to immortalize college life in the '00s. I Am Charlotte Simmons is the latest triumph of America's master social novelist, our spot-on chronicler of the way we live now.

The Usual Rules

by Joyce Maynard

Wendy loses her mother in the World Trade Center disaster. She has to pick up the pieces and thinks the best place to do this is in California with her natural father. Will her family survive?

CK-12 Biology I

by Ck-12 Foundation

An open source textbook for biology 1.

Generation Warriors (Planet Pirates #3)

by Anne Mccaffrey Elizabeth Moon

Lunzie, fresh from her adventures in The Death of Sleep, has discovered that the one good heavy-worlder she ever met isn't so good after all... Fordeliton, sent off to investigate the connection between the super-rich and the planet pirates, is now dying of a mysterious slow poison. His aunt's spiritual advisor wants to give him her "special cure". Dupaynil, having made the mistake of pushing sassinak too far, has been exiled to Seti space aboard a tiny escort vessel-where he's discovered that the crew are in the pay of the planet pirates... Aygar, the idealistic young Iretan, is out to prove he has brains as well as heavy-worlder brawn... but there are plenty who'd like to blow them out before he can learn to use them. Then there's Sassinak, ordered to report to Fed Central for the trial of the mutineer Tanegli. She'd been told to disarm her ship when it enters restricted space; she'd been told her crew can't have liberty or leave; and she'd been told to follow all the rules. You remember Sassinak...the only person who might be able to stop the disaster ahead has never been one to follow the rules... The Planet Pirate Series Dinosaur Planet Dinosaur Planet Survivors Sassinak The Death of Sleep Generation Warriors

The Yellow Feather Mystery (Hardy Boys #33)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe are called upon to help a college student prove that his grandfather left a will leaving a private academy to him and not the deputy headmaster. The youths are perplexed by the sign of the yellow feather and are determined to seek out his identity. Can Frank, Joe, Chet and the other Hardy friends find the will before it can be destroyed? This is the original unrevised text of The Yellow Feather Mystery (1953).

Prince William

by Terri Dougherty

Profiles the eldest son of Great Britain's Prince Charles and Princess Diana, from birth to his acceptance at the University of St. Andrews.

Loamhedge (Redwall, Book #16)

by Brian Jacques

In which young haremaid Martha Braebuck, wheelchair-bound since infancy, learns that the cure for her condition may be found at the mysterious ancient Abbey of Loamhedge. Other books in this series are available from Bookshare.

The Year When Stardust Fell

by Raymond F. Jones

Mayfield was the typical college town. Nothing too unusual ever happened there until a mysterious comet was suddenly observed by the scientists on College Hill. And then one day the modified engine on Ken Maddox's car began overheating mysteriously. By morning it didn't run at all. . . .

Indian Boyhood

by Charles Eastman

Charles Eastman, or Hakadah, as his Sioux relatives and fellow tribesmen knew him, as a full-blooded Indian boy learned the reticent manners and stoical ways of patience and bravery expected of every young warrior in the 1870's and 1880's. The hunts, games, and ceremonies of his native tribe were all he knew of life until his father, who had spent time with the white man, came to find him. Indian Boyhood is Eastman's first-hand reminiscence of the life he led until he was fifteen with the nomadic Sioux. Left motherless at birth, he tells how his grandmother saved him from relatives who offered to care for him "until he died." It was that grandmother who sang him the traditional Indian lullabies which are meant to cultivate bravery in all male babies, who taught him not to cry at night (for fear of revealing the whereabouts of the Sioux camp to hostile tribes), and who first explained to him some of the skills he would need to survive as an adult in the wilds. Eastman remembers the uncle who taught him the skills of the hunt and the war-path, and how his day began at first light, when his uncle would startle him from sleep with a terrifying whoop, in response to which the young boy was expected to jump fully alert to his feet, and rush outside, bow in hand, returning the yell that had just awakened him. Yet all Indian life did not consist in training and discipline. In time of abundance and even in famine, Indian children had much time for sport and games of combat — races, lacrosse, and wrestling were all familiar to Eastman and his childhood friends. Here too are observations about Indian character, social custom, and morality. Eastman describes the traditional arrangements by which the tribe governed itself — its appointed police force, hunting and warrior scouts, and its tribal council, and how the tribe supported these officers with a kind of taxation. Eastman also includes family and tribal legends of adventure, bravery, and nature that he heard in the lodge of Smoky Day, the tribe historian. But Eastman's own memories of attacks by hostile tribes, flights from the white man's armies, and the dangers of the hunt rival the old legends in capturing a vision of life now long lost.

CK-12 Biology I (with image descriptions)

by Ck-12 Foundation

Open source biology textbook from CK-12.

That Certain Feeling (Sweet Dreams #186)

by Sheri Cobb South

Sweet Dreams romance for ages 11 and up.

Masterman Ready: The Wreck of the "Pacific"

by Frederick Marryat

This is a vivacious juvenile novel that captures exhilarating adventures related to sea life. The novel is full of wit and excited accounts based on Marryat's practical experiences. It is a marvelous specimen of nautical fiction and worthy to be read by those who have passion for invigorating and exciting ventures.

Health In Christian Perspective Quiz and Test Book

by Calyn Ohman

The quiz and test book is correlated with the text Health in Christian Perspective, 2nd ed., and Health in Christian Perspective Teacher Edition, which includes the curriculum/lesson plans. Answers and grading guidance are sold separately in Health in Christian Perspective Quiz/Test Key. Grades 9–12. One semester. Product Features · The 16 quizzes of 10 questions each provide weekly reinforcement of concepts and an opportunity for you to evaluate your teen’s weekly progress. · A variety of quiz formats such as multiple choice, short answer, matching, labeling, and sorting prepares your teen for the tests and requires him to consider the information from various aspects. · Along with objective questions, the 4 unit tests include an essay question that gives your teen the opportunity to apply his learning to practical life situations. · A nine-weeks and final exam further reinforce the concepts learned throughout the semester so that your teen will retain this vital information. · Since each quiz and test specifies the section of the textbook it covers, you can easily adjust quizzes and tests to your schedule for greater flexibility.

I, Juan de Pareja

by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino

When the great Velázquez was painting his masterpieces at the Spanish court in the seventeenth century, his colors were expertly mixed and his canvases carefully prepared by his slave, Juan de Pareja. In a vibrant novel which depicts both the beauty and the cruelty of the time and place, Elizabeth Borton de Treviño tells the story of Juan, who was born a slave and died an accomplished and respected artist.<P><P> Upon the death of his indulgent mistress in Seville, Juan de Pareja was uprooted from the only home he had known and placed in the charge of a vicious gypsy muleteer to be sent north to his mistress’s nephew and heir, Diego Velázquez, who recognized at once the intelligence and gentle breeding which were to make Juan his indispensable assistant and companion—and his lifelong friend.<P> Through Juan’s eyes the reader sees Velázquez’s delightful family, his working habits and the character of the man, his relations with the shy yet devoted King Philip IV and with his fellow painters, Rubens and Murillo, the climate and customs of Spanish court life. When Velázquez discovers that he and Juan share a love for the art which is his very life, the painter proves his friendship in the most incredible fashion, for in those days it was forbidden by law for slaves to learn or practice the arts. Through the hardships of voyages to Italy, through the illnesses of Velázquez, Juan de Pareja loyally serves until the death of the painter in 1660.<P> I, Juan de Pareja is the winner of the 1966 Newbery Medal.

Sue Barton, Superintendent of Nurses (Sue Barton #5)

by Helen Dore Boylston

Redheaded Sue Barton became a rural nurse in a little New Hampshire town just to be near, and to help, her fiancé, Dr. Bill Barry. Their efforts in solving the mystery of the typhoid carrier and their work in the hurricane finally brought the town's wealthiest citizen to present the community with a small hospital. Now Sue and Bill get married, and together try to run the little hospital in the New England hills. Sue is Superintendent of Nurses, and her old friend Kit is helping her. After all their exciting nursing adventures, one might think they would find their new work rather tame. It was anything but tame for Sue, however, with that irrepressible street urchin, Marianna, as a student nurse; with Jean Ditmarr, sophisticated New Yorker, thinking she could put something over on the young Superintendent; with Dr. Bill so busy being a good doctor that Sue feared for a while he might not prove such a good husband; above all, with the mysterious disappearance of the hospital sheets! This is Sue Barton at her best with an authentic background of rural hospital life and all the excitement and fun we have come to associate with that lively redhead.

Strange Attractors

by William Sleator

Max finds himself in possession of a time travel device which is eagerly sought by two desperate men, the scientist who invented it and the scientist's alter ego from a different timeline.

Political Science 317 NIOS

by National Institute Of Open Schooling

Political Science textbook for Senior Seccondary level NIOS.

Intermediate Second Year English Text book - Andhra Pradesh Board

by Board of Intermediate Education Andhra Pradesh

This is the prescribed text book for students of Intermediate second year for the subject English in Andhra Pradesh

Basic Math Review for Statistics Students

by Zealure C. Holcomb

Provides a fresh start for students to learn the essentials underlying achievement in the computational aspects of statistics.

Special English class 12 - MP Board

by Madhya Pradesh Rajya Shiksha Kendra Bhopal

Special English text book for 12 th standard from Madhya pradesh rajya shiksha kendra bhopal in English.

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