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الوصايا السبع
by جين مارشالهناك أساليب عديدة لكسب المال في سوق الأسهم ولكن التشبث بالطريقة المعتادة أو المسماة الحكمة الموروثة ليست واحدة منها. ولهذا فإن الوصايا السبع الواردة في هذا الكتاب هي - بكل تأكيد - بعيدة كل البعد عن التفكير التقليدي حيث إنها تهدف إلى برمجة عقلك وتفكيرك لترى دوما سوق الأسهم على أنها سوق الفرص. ولا بد لهذه الوصايا السبع من أن تعمل على إنارة سبيلك وتخليصك من الأفكار النمطية القديمة المتعلقة بالسوق وتشجيعك على البحث عن الفرص الاستثمارية الخفية التي يمكن من خلالها كسب المال وصنع الثروة.
الأولاد المشاغبون
by سو كوليحين تعرف كيف تتعامل مع سوء السلوك تصبح حياتك سهلة وتجد نفسك حرا للقيام بوظيفتك ألا وهي التدريس. في صف منضبط يعتبر التدريس من أروع المهن في العالم. فكل يوم يقد م لك تجربة جديدة ومختلفة: فرصة رؤية التلاميذ وهم يكتشفون مفاهيم جديدة ويتعل مون أشياء لم يعرفوها من قبل فرصة صنع اختلاف حقيقي في حياة التلاميذ. وكما يقال: لا أحد ينسى المعلم الجيد ولكن ماذا يعني المعلم الجيد بالضبط
المفتاح الكوني
by تشارلز ف هانليعالج الكتاب بشكل رئيسي مواضيع متعلقة باسلوب التفكير والتعامل مع العقل والذات "والمحيط" حيث يؤشر الكتاب الى ان واقع حياة الانسان ما هو الا ترجمة لنفسيته وشخصيته التي بنيت عبر انماط تفكيره السابقة وأن السبيل الى تحسين واقع الشخص لا يتأتى الا عبر تحسين انماط تفكيره. يرشد الكتاب القاريء الى كيفية تغيير انماط تفكيره عبر توضيح حقائق حول ما هو مفيد وما هو ضار من أشكال التفكير بالاضافة الى تمارين وتدريبات عقلية وذهنية.
فن الانتقاء
by شيينا أنغار مايا أرسلانكل شيء يبدأ بقصة - جوزيف كامبل قبل شهر من أوان الولادة أبصرت النور في مدينة تورنتو في أثناء عاصفة ثلجية غطت المدينة بوشاح أبيض ولفتها بالسكون. فمفاجأة قدومي إلى العالم وصعوبة الرؤية التي واكبته كانتا بمثابة إنذارات لم يتم الاكتراث لها حينئذ .
كافئي نفسك
by دانيال ستيل جودي صفيركان صباحا هادئا ومشمسا من شهر نوفمبر عندما أبعدت كارول باربر نظرها عن شاشة الكمبيوتر وحد قت إلى حديقة منزلها في بيل - آير. كان منزلا حجريا كبيرا عاشت فيه طوال خمس عشرة سنة. الغرفة الزجاجية المشمسة التي تستعملها بمثابة مكتب تطل على شجيرات الورود التي زرعتها والنافورة والبركة الصغيرة التي تعكس صورة السماء. المشهد هادئ والمنزل صامت. بالكاد تحركت يداها فوق لوحة مفاتيح الكمبيوتر خلال الساعة الأخيرة. الأمر محبط فعلا . فعلى الرغم من مسيرتها الطويلة والناجحة في الأفلام كانت تحاول تأليف كتابها الأول. لقد كتبت العديد من القصص القصيرة على مر السنوات لكنها لم تنشر أبدا أيا منها. لقد حاولت ذات مرة المشاركة في تأليف سيناريو فيلم. طوال فترة زواجها تحدثت هي وزوجها المرحوم شون عن إعداد فيلم سينمائي معا لكنهما لم يحققا أبدا ذلك. كانا مشغولين كثيرا في إنجاز أمور أخرى كل في مجال عمله الأساسي. كان شون منتجا ومخرجا بينما كانت هي ممثلة. لكنها لم تكن مجرد ممثلة عادية. كارول باربر نجمة كبيرة وقد حققت النجومية منذ كانت في الثامنة عشرة. أصبح عمرها الآن خمسين سنة واحتفلت بذكرى ميلادها منذ شهرين. وبمحض إرادتها لم تشارك في أي فيلم سينمائي منذ ثلاث سنوات. ففي عمرها وحتى مع جمالها الذي لا يزال مميزا أصبحت الأدوار الجيدة نادرة.
مخاطر العولمة
by روبرت إسحاق سعيد الحسنيةظهر "الرجل العادي" في أوائل القرن العشرين بعقل عادي وكان شخصا راضيا بالرخاء المادي والكسل بدلا من الكفاح من أجل التفو ق أو امتلاك السلطة . أما في نهاية القرن العشرين المنصرم فقد تميزت بما يمكن تسميته بـ "ثورة الأثرياء" ضد هذه المفاهيم سواء كانت بالمفهوم البرجوازي أم الاشتراكي. رو جت هذه الردة المحافظة التي تزعمتها رئيسة الوزراء البريطانية مارغريت تاتشر والرئيس الأميركي رونالد ريغان في الثمانينيات مقولة أن الأسواق الرأسمالية الحرة هي مثال مجر د لأنها محر ك المرونة الفردية والحرية.
المعلومات والمال
by توم ليدون و جون إف. واسيكالفصل الأول : فشل صناديق الاستثمار ونشأة الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل الثاني : فن التأشير باستخدام خطة كيف تجني المال من وراء المعلومات الفصل الثالث : الاستثمار في الأسهم المحلية: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصات الخاصة بالأسهم الأميركية الفصل الرابع : الاستثمار على الصعيد العالمي: الصناديق المتداولة في بورصات الأسهم الأجنبية الفصل الخامس : التقسيم والمغامرة: قطاعات الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل السادس : الذهب والفضة والبترول: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الخاصة بالسلع الفصل السابع : الاستثمار في ما لا يستحق: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصات الخاصة بالعملات الفصل الثامن : الحصول على قطع من سوق السندات: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الخاصة بالدخل الثابت الفصل التاسع : التقاعد: برنامج (e) 401 للتقاعد الفصل العاشر : التحوط لعملياتك: الصناديق المتداولة الدائنة والمكشوفة الفصل الحادي عشر : ماذا سيحدث مستقبلا مستقبل الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل الثاني عشر : محافظ الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة وفقا لفكر كيف تجني المال من وراء المعلومات
10 Critical Components for Success in the Special Education Classroom
by Marcia Rohrer Nannette SamsonYour blueprint for building structure, consistency, and accountability year-round! This must-have guide provides special education teachers with a solid, workable action plan to manage the classroom and ensure student success. Learn instructional strategies to: Support all students with special needs, including those with more severe disabilities Organize your classroom, materials, and staff and student schedules Plan and assess standards-based lessons, annual IEP's, behavioral interventions, and more Foster parent communication and staff collaboration Packed with real-world examples, free tools to use and share, a list of resources and a helpful glossary, this dynamic resource will inspire you, develop your teacher toolbox, and ensure your students are on the path to achievement!
14 aprendizajes vitales
by Carlos Alemany BrizLa vida es un continuo -y realmente complejo- proceso de aprender y desaprender. Y también un cúmulo de ocasiones perdidas en las que decidimos no querer aprender ni tampoco desaprender.Gran parte de los aprendizajes los recibimos de una manera estructurada: en la familia, en el jardín de infancia o en el colegio, en el trabajo o en la universidad, nos enseñan -y aprendemos- muchas cosas. Todos estos aprendizajes, que podríamos llamar formales, representan la base primordial de nuestra educación.Sin embargo, el fluir vital y el desarrollo del ciclo personal está también lleno -y mucho- de aprendizajes que uno ha tenido que hacer sin que nadie se los enseñe de una manera formal. Algunos de estos aprendizajes son dolorosos, otros son gozosos y el profundizar en todos ellos y dar con la clave motivadora de ese aprender a aprender es de gran ayuda para la propia evolución personal.Este libro, escrito en colaboración por un conjunto de especialistas, de forma narrativa, pedagógica y serendípica, pretende favorecer esta reflexión y facilitar estos otros aprendizajes. Los temas los hemos elegido entre los que nos parecen más vitales y necesarios en la sociedad de hoy, sabiendo de antemano que la lista es más amplia que los aquí elegidos.Las excelentes ilustraciones de Ángel Rz. Idígoras, psicólogo, dibujante e ilustrador, contribuyen a dar el tono de invitación gozosamente humana a leer y a poner en práctica estos nuevos aprendizajes vitales. Ojalá que cada uno encuentre en estos capítulos -leídos serendípicamente en su mecedora o en su rincón favorito y practicados los ejercicios que se sugieren- las pistas, las preguntas, las respuestas o el tema que se ajuste más y mejor a su propio momento vital.
2009 International Plumbing Code Commentary
by International Code Council StaffStaying true to the formula that has made the International Code Council's Code & Commentary series so successful, this book leads readers through the code's text, tables, and figures, and follows up each section with a detailed commentary. This commentary provides a unique opportunity to get an in-depth glimpse of the regulations in action; it covers the code's implications, effective applications, as well as the potential consequences that may arise if not followed properly. A valuable resource for people from a variety of professional backgrounds, from code officials and construction workers to building contractors and plumbers, it will take your knowledge of the 2009 IPC to the next level.
20th Century American Short Stories
by Jean A. McconochieThe revised edition of this classic text introduces students to American literature through a rich selection of contemporary authors from the 20th century.
The 7 Steps to Bar Exam Success: The Strategy Guide For Passing Your Bar Exam With Greater Confidence, In Less Time, and With Less Stress Than The Rest
by Dustin SaiidiAn informational guide based on the author's experiences while preparing for and passing the bar exam.
A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your Pc
by Jean AndrewsThis step-by-step, highly visual text provides a comprehensive introduction to managing and maintaining computer hardware and software. Written by best-selling author and educator Jean Andrews, A+ GUIDE TO MANAGING AND MAINTAINING YOUR PC closely integrates the CompTIAA+ Exam objectives to prepare you for the 220-801 and 220-802 certification exams. The new Eighth Edition also features extensive updates to reflect current technology, techniques, and industry standards in the dynamic, fast-paced field of PC repair. Each chapter covers both core concepts and advanced topics, organizing material to facilitate practical application and encourage you to learn by doing. Supported by a wide range of supplemental resources to enhance learning--including innovative tools, interactive exercises and activities, and online study guides--this proven text offers an ideal way to prepare you for success as a professional PC repair technician.
A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC (7th edition)
by Jean AndrewsWritten by best-selling PC repair author and educator Jean Andrews, the seventh edition of A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC maps fully to CompTIA's 2009 A+ Exam objectives. This full-color guide is the most complete, step-by-step book available for learning the fundamentals of supporting and troubleshooting computer hardware and software. At the same time, it prepares readers to successfully pass the A+ 220-701 and 220-702 exams. The new edition is formatted to support any teaching or learning style and course format, featuring an essentials-to-practical organization within each chapter and inclusion of tabs distinguishing exam content. Further content and live demonstrations with Jean Andrews are available on the accompanying CD, making this new edition a total solution for PC repair.
AAC Strategies For Individuals With Moderate To Severe Disabilities
by Susan S. Johnston Joe Reichle Kathleen M. Feeley Emily A. JonesWith more children and young adults with severe disabilities in today's general education classsrooms, SLPs and other professionals must be ready to support their students' communication skills with effective AAC. They'll get the proven strategies they need with this intervention guide from top AAC experts, ideal for use as an in-service professional development resource or a highly practical text students will keep and use long after class is over. Essential for SLPs, OTs, PTs, educators, and other professionals in school settings, this book helps readers establish a beginning functional communicative repertoire for learners with severe disabilties. Professionals will start with an in-depth intervention framework, including a guide to AAC modes and technologies, variables to consider when selecting AAC, and how AAC research can be used to support practice. Then they'll get explicit, evidence-based instructional strategies they'll use to help children and young adults: initiate, maintain, and terminate an interaction; repair communication breakdowns; match graphic symbols to objects and events; request access to desired objects and activities; escape and avoid unwanted objects and activities; strengthen language comprehension and adaptive functioning; generalize communication skills across settings; and more. To help guide their interventions, professionals will get a CD-ROM with more than 35 forms on CD including: Checklist to Identify Potential Reinforcers; Intervention Planning Form; Performance Monitoring Forms; Task Analysis Development and Performance Monitoring Form; Checklist for Increasing Speed and Accuracy of Selection; and much more.
Academic Encounters, Level 4: Human Behavior (2nd Edition)
by Bernard SealThe Academic Encounters 2nd edition series uses a sustained content approach to teach skills necessary for taking academic courses in English. There are two books for each content area. Academic Encounters Level 4 Reading and Writing Human Behavior engages students with authentic academic readings from college textbooks, photos, and charts on stimulating topics from the fields of psychology and communications. Topics include health, intelligence, and interpersonal relationships. Students develop important skills such as skimming, reading for the main idea, reading for speed, understanding vocabulary in context, summarizing, and note-taking. By completing writing assignments, students build academic writing skills and incorporate what they have learned. The topics correspond with those in Academic Encounters Level 4 Listening and Speaking Human Behavior. The books may be used independently or together.
ACE Personal Trainer Manual: The Ultimate Resource For Fitness Professionals (Fourth Edition)
by American Council on ExerciseLike the American Council on Exercise itself; the ACE Personal Trainer Manual has long stood as the standard of excellence in the fitness industry. And like previous editions of this manual, this Fourth Edition of the ACE Personal Trainer Manual was written based on feedback from individuals who are active in the fitness world--practicing personal trainers, university professors, and industry experts--who worked together to create the Exam Content Outline (see Appendix B). This document presents the skills and knowledge that a personal trainer needs to have a successful career and should serve as a guide as you prepare for the ACE exam.
Achieving TABE® Success In Reading Level M
by McGraw-Hill Education StaffGeared toward the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE). Provides complete skill preparation and practice for TABE 9 &10, encompassing Reading, Mathematics and Language for level M.
Acting in Real Time
by Paul BinnertsActing in Real Time by renowned Dutch director and acting teacher Paul Binnerts describes his method for Real-Time Theater, which authorizes actors to actively determine how a story is told---they are no longer mere vehicles for delivering the playwright's message or the director's interpretations of the text. This level of involvement allows actors to deepen their grasp of the material and amplify their stage presence, resulting in more engaged and nuanced performances. The method offers a postmodern challenge to Stanislavski and Brecht, whose theories of stage realism dominated the twentieth century. In providing a new way to consider the actor's presence on stage, Binnerts advocates breaking down the "fourth wall" that separates audiences and actors and has been a central tenet of acting theories associated with realism. In real-time theater, actors forgo attempts to become characters and instead understand their function to be storytellers who are fully present on stage and may engage the audience and their fellow actors directly. Paul Binnerts analyzes the ascendance of realism as the dominant theater and acting convention and how its methods can hinder the creation of a more original, imaginative theater. His description of the techniques of real-time theater is illuminated by practical examples from his long experience in the stage. The book then offers innovative exercises that provide training in the real-time technique, including physical exercises that help the actor become truly present in performance. Acting in Real Time also includes a broad overview of the history of acting and realism's relationship to the history of theater architecture, offering real-time theater as an alternative. The book will appeal to actors and acting students, directors, stage designers, costume designers, lighting designers, theater historians, and dramaturgs.
Addiction and Virtue: Beyond the Models of Disease and Choice
by Kent J. DunningtonWhat is addiction? Neither of the current dominant models (disease or choice) adequately accounts for the experience of those who are addicted or of those who are seeking to help them.
Administering Medications: Pharmacology for Healthcare Professionals, Eighth edition.
by Donna F. GauwitzAdministering Medications: Pharmacology for Healthcare Professionals is designed to teach the safe administration of medications to healthcare students. The organization of the chapters primarily by body systems allow students and instructors to build a knowledge base that starts with the fundamentals of medication administration and progresses through the drugs frequently used to treat most commonly found disease of the associated body system. The text's many features help break down the various aspects of drug administration, allowing the student to gain a full understanding of when and how to administer medications.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Revealed
by Sherry BishopWhether you're looking for a step-by-step guide to introduce you to Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 or a solid reference to assist you as you continue your work in web design, this is the resource you've been looking for! Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Revealed uses detailed, vibrant illustrations, clear, straightforward lessons, and real-world case studies to provide an overview of the Dreamweaver interface and how to use it effectively. This latest edition includes expanded content on using CSS, inserting video files, using Adobe Bridge CS3, conducting browser compatibility checks and more, reflecting the most recent updates to the Dreamweaver software, as well as those that have occurred in the larger environment of web design. Sidebars throughout the book incorporate basic web design principles, providing readers with a skill set that goes beyond the software interface and can be applied in a variety of situations.
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Classroom in a Book
by The Editors at the Adobe PressThis book is part of the official training series for Adobe graphics and publishing software developed with the support of Adobe product experts.
Adobe Indesign CC (Classroom in a Book)
by Adobe Creative TeamThe fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Illustrator CC --Completely revised edition covers the latest features in Adobe InDesign CC, as includes numerous new tips and sidebars on workflow and best practices. -This guide's 16 project-based lessons teach readers the fundamental concepts and techniques of page layout with InDesign CC. -This book is part of the official training series from Adobe Systems and developed with the support of Adobe product experts. The 16 project-based lessons show students step-by-step the key techniques for working with InDesign CC. Students learn what they need to know to create engaging page layouts, flow and edit text, create and use styles, incorporate graphics and tables, and create PDF forms and ebooks. This completely revised edition covers the new features in Adobe InDesign CC, including the QR code generator and Font Favorites, and it features many redesigned sample documents, numerous new tips and sidebars on workflow and best practices, and more details on high-end typography options such as hyphenation settings. This thorough, self-paced guide is ideal for beginning students wanting to get up to speed on the key features of this program. Those who already have some experience with InDesign can improve their skills and learn InDesign's newest features. New to this InDesign CC edition-students now download the lesson files from the Peachpit website, so they can work along, step-by-step, with the book.
Adobe Photoshop Cs6 (Classroom In A Book)
by Adobe Creative TeamCreative professionals seeking the fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe Photoshop CS6 choose Adobe Photoshop CS6 Classroom in a Book from the Adobe Creative Team at Adobe Press. The 14 project-based lessons in this book show readers step-by-step the key techniques for working in Photoshop CS6 and how to manipulate images, edit motion-based content, and create image composites. In addition to learning the key elements of the Photoshop interface, this completely revised CS6 edition covers new features, including precise cropping with multiple overlays, expanded content-aware toolkit with skin tone-aware selections and masking, three new blur effects, re-engineered design tools, adaptive Wide Angle adjustments, improved Camera Raw engine, improved auto corrections, Background Save and Auto-recovery, modernized user interface, intuitive video enhancements, simplified 3D interface, improved editing speed with real-time results, and more. In addition to the lesson files, the companion DVD will feature 2 hours of free video tutorials from Adobe Photoshop CS6: Learn by Video by Adobe Press and video2brain, a great added value! "The Classroom in a Book series is by far the best training material on the market. Everything you need to master the software is included: clear explanations of each lesson, step-by-step instructions, and the project files for the students. " --Barbara Binder, Adobe Certified Instructor, Rocky Mountain Training Classroom in a Book®, the best-selling series of hands-on software training workbooks, helps you learn the features of Adobe software quickly and easily. Classroom in a Book offers what no other book or training program does--an official training series from Adobe Systems Incorporated, developed with the support of Adobe product experts. **Breaking News! Adobe has released an update to Photoshop offering new features for Creative Cloud customers including Retina Display Support, Smart Object support for Blur Gallery and Liquify, powerful CSS support for web design, workflow improvements, improved 3D effects and more. Register your book at peachpit. com/register to receive a free update that covers these features.