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Protest Nation: Words that Inspired a Century of American Radicalism
by Timothy Patrick Mccarthy John McmillianProtest Nation is a dazzling collection of the speeches, letters, broadsides, essays, and manifestos that form the modern-day backbone of the powerful American tradition of activism and struggle. Here are the words from socialists, feminists, union organizers, civil-rights workers, gay and lesbian activists, and environmentalists that have been beacons for millions, reaching from the present and going back through decades of radical thinking and movement-building. Brief introductory essays by the editors provide a rich biographical and historical context for the selections, which include a fiery speech by the great socialist orator Eugene Debs, the original black Panther Party Platform, Harvey Milk's The Hope Speech, and Peter Singer's astonishing treatise on animal liberation. Protest Nation captures twentieth-century American radical thought and action and will both thrill and inspire twenty-first-century readers. Book jacket.
Protestantism and Drama in Early Modern England
by Adrian StreeteContaining detailed readings of plays by Shakespeare, Marlowe and Middleton, as well as poetry and prose, this book provides a major historical and critical reassessment of the relationship between early modern Protestantism and drama. Examining the complex and painful shift from late Medieval religious culture to a society dominated by the ideas of the Reformers, Adrian Streete presents a fresh understanding of Reformed theology and the representation of early modern subjectivity. Through close analysis of major thinkers such as Augustine, William of Ockham, Erasmus, Luther and Calvin, the book argues for the profoundly Christological focus of Reformed theology and explores how this manifests itself in early modern drama. Moving beyond questions of authorial 'belief', Streete assesses Elizabethan and Jacobean drama's engagement with the challenges of the Reformation.
PS, I Love You: A Novel
by Cecelia AhernA wonderfully warm and heartfelt debut from a stunning new talent. Everyone needs a guardian angel! Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly and Gerry. Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other's sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens.Gerry's death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He's left her a bundle of notes, one for each of the months after his death, gently guiding Holly into her new life without him, each note signed 'PS, I Love You'. As the notes are gradually opened, and as the year unfolds, Holly is both cheered up and challenged. The man who knows her better than anyone sets out to teach her that life goes on.With some help from her friends, and her noisy and loving family, Holly finds herself laughing, crying, singing, dancing--and being braver than ever before. Life is for living, she realises--but it always helps if there's an angel watching over you.
A Psalm for Lost Girls
by Katie BayerlI&’ll Give You the Sun meets True Detective in this brilliant YA debut about saints, sisters, and learning to let go.Tess da Costa is a saint—a hand-to-god, miracle-producing saint. At least that&’s what the people in her hometown of New Avon, Massachusetts, seem to believe. And when Tess suddenly and tragically passes away, her small city begins feverishly petitioning the Pope to make Tess&’s sainthood official. Tess&’s mother is ecstatic over the fervor, while her sister Callie, the one who knew Tess best, is disgusted—overcome with the feeling that her sister is being stolen from her all over again. The fervor for Tess&’s sainthood only grows when Ana Langone, a local girl who&’s been missing for six months, is found alive at the foot of one of Tess&’s shrines. It&’s the final straw for Callie. With the help of Tess&’s secret boyfriend Danny, Callie&’s determined to prove that Tess was something far more important than a saint; she was her sister, her best friend and a girl in love with a boy. But Callie&’s investigation uncovers much more than she bargained for—a hidden diary, old family secrets, and even the disturbing truth behind Ana&’s kidnapping. Told in alternating perspectives, A Psalm for Lost Girls is at once funny, creepy and soulful—an impressive debut from a rising literary star.
PSY 217 Balsangopan Ani Balvikas S.Y.B.A - Y.C.M.O.U
by Sunita Kulkarni Mira Oak Bharti Goswami Sharad Kulkarni Jayashree Godse Sudha KulkarniPSY 217 Balsangopan Ani Balvikas text book for S.Y.B.A from Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik in Marathi.
PSY 271 Mi Ani Majhe Samajik Vartan T.Y.B.A - Y.C.M.O.U
by Prof. Pande Prof. Lavkare D. S. Janbandhu Kusum Damale Prof. Golvilakar Prof. TulpulePSY 271 Mi Ani Majhe Samajik Vartan text book for T.Y.B.A from Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik in Marathi.
PSY 274 Vaivahik Samayojan Ani Margadarshan T.Y.B.A - Y.C.M.O.U
by Chandrashekhar Deshpande Prof. P. C. V. Jape Premala Kale Medha Kumthekar Ashok Borase N. R. Chaudhari Alaka Vadakar Prof. KinkarPSY 274 : Vaivahik Samayojan Ani Margadarshan text book for T.Y.B.A from Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik in Marathi.
Psych 4
by Spencer A. RathusPSYCH 4 maximizes students' effort and engagement by empowering them to direct their own learning, through a single, affordable course solution. PSYCH 4 offers full coverage of course concepts through unique resources and features that mirror the natural study habits of students and that are accompanied by straightforward assignment options for instructors.
The Psychodynamic Approach to Therapeutic Change (SAGE Therapeutic Change Series)
by Rob Leiper Michael Maltby`It is well written and well organised and I'm sure it will be of help and interest to researchers and practitioners concerned with the therapeutic action of psychodynamic treatment' - Penelope Waite, Nurturing Potential Change is the central purpose of all counselling and psychotherapy, but how it is conceptualized and worked with varies according to the theoretical approach being used. The Psychodynamic Approach to Therapeutic Change explores the nature of psychological change from the psychodynamic perspective and describes the process through which clients can be helped to come to terms with painful experiences and develop new ways of relating. In the first part of the book, Rob Leiper and Michael Maltby look at therapeutic change in relation to psychological health and maturity. They explore what motivates people to change and also why resistance occurs. The main part of the book outlines the collaborative process that clients and therapist work through to bring about change and highlights the role of the therapist in: ] creating the conditions for clients to express their thoughts, feelings and memories ] developing clients' awareness and understanding of their psychological processes, and ] providing `containment' for the client's psychological projections. The final part of the book sets personal therapeutic change in a wider social context, linking individual change with community and organisational development. Combining core psychodynamic concepts with contemporary thinking, The Psychodynamic Approach to Therapeutic Change provides a lively and up-to-date integration of ideas on the change process which will be of great value to trainees and practicing counsellors and psychotherapists.
The Psychological And Social Impact Of Disability
by Robert P. Marinelli Arthur E. Dell OrtoMarinelli and Dell Orto continue the premise of their earlier editions of this widely adopted text and present a realistic perspective on disability. Carefully selected articles and personal narratives capture the unique aspects of the psychological and social effects of disability. Formatted to include thought-provoking study questions and disability awareness exercises, this text is recommended for students in rehabilitation counseling and physical therapy education programs, as well as professionals in rehabilitation, psychology, and social work.
Psychological Approaches to Sports Injury Rehabilitation
by Jim Taylor Shel TaylorIn dedicating this guide for rehabilitation specialists, consultants J. Taylor and S. Taylor (U. of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington) refer to frustration and patience as well as to pain and expertise, recognizing that bouncing back from sidelining sports injuries entails mind as well as body. Augmented by celebrity soundbites, the authors detail the referral process for assessing psychological problems; mental influences on rehabilitation (motivation, anxiety, focus); facilitatitive techniques (imagery, using negative thinking positively, pain management, social support); return to the sport; and development of a psychological rehab program (with sample forms, program prescription summaries). Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.
Psychological Science (3rd Edition)
by Michael S. Gazzaniga Todd F. Heatherton Diane F. HalpernThis edition presents the latest developments in psychology in an engaging, visually stimulating format. The text enhances student understanding and stimulates active learning with Halpern's unique science-of-learning pedagogical system; relevant, real world examples; and an art program tailored especially for visual learners. Instructors and students will benefit from the most integrated media package available for an introductory course.
Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction to Tests and Measurement (Eighth Edition)
by Ronald Jay Cohen Mark E. Swerdlik Edward Sturman.Psychological Testing and Assessment presents students with a solid grounding in psychometrics and the world of testing and assessment. The book distinguishes itself through its logical organisation, readable text, and many pedagogical aids, such as the “Meet an Assessment Professional” feature in every chapter which highlights the works of people such as Dr. Stephen Finn, architect of therapeutic assessment. Now in its eighth edition, this text has consistently won enthusiastic reviews not only for its balance of breadth and depth of coverage, but for content that brings a human face to the assessment enterprise.
The Psychologist as Detective: An Introduction to Conducting Research in Psychology (Fourth Edition)
by Randolph A. Smith Stephen F. DavisThe Psychologist as Detective conveys the excitement of research methodology through a lively, conversational style. To make the study of the research process interactive and accessible for readers, pedagogical features and critical thinking activities are integrated throughout the volume. Actual student research appears in each chapter to increase relevance and heighten reader interest. This text evaluates the science of psychology, research ideas and hypotheses, ethics, nonexperimental methods and the basics of experimentation variables and control, statistics, designing-conducting-analyzing and interpreting experiments, as well as alternative research designs, external validity, critiquing experimental research and writing and assembling an APA-format research report. For individuals involved with or interested in psychological research.
by Saundra Ciccarelli J. WhiteWith its engaging writing style and comprehensive coverage of key research, Psychology, 4/e, awakens students’ curiosity and energizes their desire to learn more. This title draws learners into an interactive experience of psychology. The authors establish clear learning objectives tied to the most recent APA-recommended undergraduate learning guidelines.
Psychology: A Journey
by Dennis Coon John O. MittererIn a course where professors are frequently confronted by students who haven't actually read their textbooks, this text offers a solution. The shortest, most succinct of the books written by Dennis Coon, PSYCHOLOGY: A JOURNEY presents psychology in a way that sparks readers' curiosity, insights, imagination, and interest getting students "hooked" on psychology and eager to read on. The first author to integrate the proven SQ4R (survey, question, read, recite, relate, and review) active learning system into a psychology textbook, Coon helps readers grasp major concepts, develop a broad understanding of psychology's diversity, and see for themselves how psychology relates to the challenges of everyday life. Because readers become actively involved with the material, they develop a basic understanding of psychology that they take with them into their future courses and careers.
Psychology: Principles in Practice
by Spencer A. RathusOne needs to develop a variety of critical thinking skills to fully grasp the range of concepts and methods used in the study of psychology and this book guides one to achieve that.
Psychology: Themes and Variations (Seventh Edition)
by Wayne WeitenThe Seventh Edition of Wayne Weiten's popular text, Psychology: Themes and Variations, continues to offer students a unique survey of psychology with three distinct goals: to show both the unity and diversity of psychology's subject matter; to illuminate the process of research and its intimate link to application, and to make the text challenging to think about and easy to learn from.
Psychology: An Exploration (3rd Edition)
by J. Noland White Saundra K. CiccarelliNow in its third edition, Psychology: An Exploration draws students into the discipline by showing how psychology relates to their own lives. Clear learning objectives, based on the recommended APA undergraduate learning outcomes, guide students through the material. And assessment tied to these learning objectives lets students check their understanding, while allowing instructors to monitor student progress and intervene when necessary to bolster student performance.
Psychology (3rd Edition)
by J. Noland White Saundra K. CiccarelliThe most learner-centered and assessment-driven text available With its engaging writing style and comprehensive coverage of key research, Psychology, 3/e, awakens students' curiosity and energizes their desire to learn more. This brief version draws readers into an ongoing dialogue about psychology, allowing them to fully grasp the subject. The authors establish clear learning objectives tied to the most recent APA-recommended undergraduate learning outcomes. MyPsychLab is an integral part of the Ciccarelli/White program. Engaging activities plus assessments provide a teaching and learning system that helps students master psychological concepts more readily. With MyPsychLab, students can watch videos on research and applications, participate in virtual classic experiments, and develop critical thinking skills through writing. Psychology, 3/e, is available in a new DSM-5 Updated Edition. To learn more, click here. This title is available in a variety of formats - digital and print. Pearson offers its titles on the devices students love through Pearson's MyLab products, CourseSmart, Amazon, and more.
Psychology and Life
by Philip G. ZimbardoThe classic text that defined the field, Psychology and Life, Fifteenth Edition, celebrates Phil Zimbardo's 30th anniversary as its author by returning to its original themes: presenting psychology as a science and as a tool to understanding our daily lives. The book continues to provide a rigorous, research-centered survey of the discipline while offering students features and pedagogy that will spark their interest and excite their imaginations.
Psychology Applied to Teaching (13th Edition)
by Jack Snowman Rick Mccown Robert BiehlerPsychology Applied to Teaching, 13th Edition combines fresh concepts and contemporary research with long-standing theory and applications to create a book that addresses the needs of today's teachers and students.
Psychology for the IB Diploma Study and Revision Guide
by Eleanor Willard Jean-Marc LawtonExam board: International BaccalaureateLevel: IB DiplomaSubject: PsychologyFirst teaching: September 2017First exams: Summer 2019Encourage students to achieve their best grade by simplifying and focussing exam preparation with full syllabus coverage, practical exam tips and practice questions. · Ensure thorough exam preparation with full coverage of the syllabus including concise revision notes and clear explanations of the requirements and topics. · Focus on related vocabulary with key terms highlighted for each topic/sub-topic.· Give examples of what is required to achieve the best grades with examiner advice and tips, including the common mistakes to avoid.· Reinforce understanding and consolidate learning and exam focus with Exam Practice Questions.
Psychology for the Third Millennium: Integrating Cultural and Neuroscience Perspectives
by Rom Harré Fathali MoghaddamAs the 21st Century opened, the discipline of psychology seemed to be separating into two radically distinct domains. Qualitative and Cultural Psychology focused on the discursive means for the management of meaning in a world of norms, while Neuropsychology and Neuroscience focused on the investigation of brain processes. These two domains can be reconciled in a hybrid science that brings them together into a synthesis more powerful than anything psychologists have achieved before. For the first time, there is the possibility of a general psychology in which the biological and the cultural aspects of human life coalesce into a unitas multiplex, unity in diversity. This textbook ambitiously aims to and succeeds in providing this unity. Fathali M. Moghaddam and Rom Harré have designed a textbook brought together with additional voices that speak to the similarities and differences of these two seemingly distinctive domains. This bridge-building will encourage a new generation of undergraduate students studying psychology to more fully appreciate the real potential for the study of human behaviour, and as such it will represent a more provocative alternative to standard general psychology textbooks. It also support teaching in a host of courses, namely 2nd and 3rd courses on the conceptual and philosophical nature of psychology, social psychology, critical psychology and cognitive science. Selectively, it will also represent a very interesting and different choice for foundation level students too.