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Beneath the Simolu Tree

by Sarmistha Pritam

In a village in rural Assam, quiet, unassuming Paridhi grows up witnessing domestic violence at close quarters. The conservative society she inhabits, shapes and befuddles her. Her rebellion is silent—she submerges herself in a world of colour. Pebbles turn into objects of art in her hands. She writes and reads extensively to escape her cloistered life. But to what end? Is it really ever possible to escape one&’s confines? The house she&’s lived in ever since her childhood, now infested with termites, is her responsibility now. With an ageing mother, an ailing uncle and an absentee brother, Paridhi feels like she has no one to depend on. Except perhaps Bondeep. But with passing time, there are growing concerns—will Bondeep&’s family ever be able to accept her? She could always confide in the vivacious Juroni, her best friend, neighbour and confidant. But Juroni has secrets of her own, which she keeps close to her heart until the inevitable, devastating end. Peopled with characters great and small, Beneath the Simolu Tree follows Paridhi as she navigates life, confronts injustices and comes out stronger but not embittered. Stories and realities are brought into sharp conflict in this tale of human yearning, as Pritam explores the depths of her innermost desires. At the heart of this novel lies the one question we spend our entire lives searching an answer for—what is it to love and be loved?

Beneath the Wide Silk Sky

by Emily Inouye Huey

Stunning, devastating, poignant: Debut author Emily Inouye Huey paints an intimate portrait of the racism faced by America's Japanese population during WWII. Perfect for fans of Ruta Sepetys and Sharon Cameron.Sam Sakamoto doesn't have space in her life for dreams. With the recent death of her mother, Sam's focus is the farm, which her family will lose if they can't make one last payment. There's no time for her secret and unrealistic hope of becoming a photographer, no matter how skilled she's become. But Sam doesn't know that an even bigger threat looms on the horizon.On December 7, 1941, Japanese airplanes attack the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. Fury towards Japanese Americans ignites across the country. In Sam's community in Washington State, the attack gives those who already harbor prejudice an excuse to hate.As Sam's family wrestles with intensifying discrimination and even violence, Sam forges a new and unexpected friendship with her neighbor Hiro Tanaka. When he offers Sam a way to resume her photography, she realizes she can document the bigotry around her -- if she’s willing to take the risk. When the United States announces that those of Japanese descent will be forced into "relocation camps," Sam knows she must act or lose her voice forever. She engages in one last battle to leave with her identity -- and her family -- intact.Emily Inouye Huey movingly draws inspiration from her own family history to paint an intimate portrait of the lead-up to Japanese incarceration, racism on the World War II homefront, and the relationship between patriotism and protest in this stunningly lyrical debut.

Benito Runs (Surviving Southside)

by Justine Fontes

Running away is the only option. Benito's father, Xavier, had been in Iraq for more than a year. When he returns, Benito's family life is not the same. Xavier suffers from PTSD—post-traumatic stress disorder—and yells constantly. He causes such a scene at a school function that Benny is embarrassed to go to back to Southside High. Benny can't handle seeing his dad so crazy, so he decides to run away. Will Benny find a new life? Or will he learn how to deal with his dad—through good times and bad?

Benjamin Banneker: Self-Made Man

by Jody Jensen Shaffer

The Primary Source Readers series will ignite students' interest in history through the use of intriguing primary sources. This nonfiction reader features purposefully leveled text to increase comprehension for different learner types. Students will learn about the life of Benjamin Banneker, the self-educated African American man who became an important land surveyor and almanac writer. Text features include captions, a glossary, and an index to help build academic vocabulary and increase reading comprehension and literacy. This book prepares students for college and career readiness and aligns with state standards including NCSS/C3, McREL, and WIDA/TESOL.

Benjamin Franklin: Benjamin Franklin (10 Days)

by David Colbert

Bestselling author David Colbert examines the life of Benjamin Franklin by looking at the ten most important days of his life—days that changed the world.You're about to be an eyewitness to the top ten days in Ben Franklin's life, including: -A cunning escape from a cruel brother. -A shrewd plan to save the colonies. -A treacherous spy game in Paris. -A shocking battle with a vengeful aristocrat. -And a last-minute triumph that bound American together. These days and five others shook Franklin's world—and yours.

Benjamin Franklin

by Stephen Krensky

Biography of Benjamin Franklin for children.

Benjamin Franklin: You've Got Mail (Benjamin Franklin #2)

by Adam Mansbach Alan Zweibel

If the Future has any remedy for this situation, do not hesitate to provide it. That is to say, Ike and Claire Wanzandae, HELP! HELP HELP HELP.I am (perhaps not for long), Benjamin FranklinIke Saturday has seen better days. For one thing, his pen pal, Benjamin Franklin (yes, that Benjamin Franklin), is the target of an angry mob after Ike's plan to help the Founding Fathers with some intel from the future seriously backfired. For another, he's decided to mail himself back in time with the help of his girlfriend, Claire Wanzandae, and it's not a particularly comfortable way to travel.Once Ike tracks B-Freezy down in 1776, it becomes clear that his pal is less than impressed with the irritating, modern-day rescuer, partially because Ike has a habit of making things worse for Ben, and partially because Ben is incredibly cranky when not in the presence of numerous meat pies. Which speaks to another issue for the pair: they have no money, no food, and basically no plan for saving the country. But Claire won't be able to cover for Ike back home in the future forever, and the British are looking pretty impatient, so Ike and B-Freezy will have to come up with something quickly if they want to avoid an epic, history-destroying disaster.In this hilarious sequel to Benjamin Franklin: Huge Pain in My . . . , Adam Mansbach and Alan Zweibel take Ike and B-Freezy's antics to the next level as this ill-paired (and sometimes actually ill) duo hold the future of the world in their not-so-capable hands.

Benjamin Franklin (Social Studies: Informational Text Ser.)

by Wendy Conklin

Fascinate your students with the life and times of Benjamin Franklin, the talented inventor, politician, and writer who contributed to the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. This enthralling nonfiction e-Book breathes life into America's early years with primary source documents. Primary sources offer an intimate glimpse of what life was like during Franklin's lifetime, from his early days as an apprentice to his many accomplishments. Build literacy and subject content knowledge with this high-interest e-Book that explores history and other social studies topics. The Benjamin Franklin reader contains text features such as captions, headings, glossary, and index to increase understanding and build academic vocabulary. Aligned to McREL, WIDA/TESOL, NCSS/C3 Framework and other state standards, this text readies students for college and career readiness.

Benjamin Franklin: Huge Pain in my... (Benjamin Franklin #1)

by Adam Mansbach Alan Zweibel

Dear Mr. Franklin, First of all, let me just say that this Assignment is Stupid. You are Dead. Why am I writing a letter to Some dead guy I've never even met? This is the start to a most unlikely pen pal relationship between thirteen-year-old Franklin Isaac Saturday (Ike) and Benjamin Franklin. Before the fateful extra credit assignment that started it all, Ike's life was pretty normal. He was avoiding the popularity contests of middle school, crushing hard on Clare Wanzandae and trying not roll his eyes at his stepfather, Dirk-the-Jerk's lame jokes. But all that changes when, in a successful effort to make Claire Wanzandae laugh, Ike mails his homework assignment to Ben Franklin???and he writes back. Soon, things go awry. After Ike has an embarrassing moment of epic proportions in front of Claire involving a playground, non-alcoholic beer, and a lot of kettle corn, Ike decides he needs to find a way to win Claire back. With some help from his new friend, B-Fizzle, can Ike get the girl and make his mark in history?

Benji Zeb Is a Ravenous Werewolf

by Deke Moulton

Benji Zeb has to balance preparing for his bar mitzvah, his feelings for a school bully, and being a werewolf in this heartfelt, coming-of-age novel for middle-grade readers. For fans of Don't Want to Be Your Monster and Too Bright to See.Benji Zeb has a lot going on. He has a lot of studying to do, not only for school but also for his upcoming bar mitzvah. He's nervous about Mr. Rutherford, the aggressive local rancher who hates Benji's family's kibbutz and wolf sanctuary. And he hasn't figured out what to do about Caleb, Mr. Rutherford's stepson, who has been bullying Benji pretty hard at school, despite Benji wanting to be friends (and maybe something more). And all of this is made more complicated by the fact that, secretly, Benji and his entire family are werewolves who are using the wolf sanctuary as cover for their true identities! Things come to a head when Caleb shows up at the kibbutz one night . . . in wolf form! He's a werewolf too, unable to control his shifting, and he needs Benji's help. Can anxious Benji juggle all of these things along with his growing feelings toward Caleb?

Beowulf (First Avenue Classics ™)

by Anonymous

King Hrothgar of Denmark has a problem: though his land prospers, his great mead-hall is plagued nightly by a horrible beast, Grendel, that pillages and kills his men. Leaving his home in Sweden, the warrior Beowulf sails to the king's aid. Beowulf and his men camp in the mead-hall to wait for Grendel. When the beast attacks, Beowulf grabs him by the claw and rips his arm off, making the beast flee in defeat. But Grendel isn't the only challenge facing Beowulf and, even in his native Sweden, adventures and dangers await. Written between the 8th and 11th centuries, Beowulf is the oldest surviving epic poem written in Old English. This unabridged version is taken from the translation by published by John Lesslie Hall in 1892.


by Robert Nye

He comes out of the darkness, moving in on his victims in deadly silence. When he leaves, a trail of blood is all that remains. He is a monster, Grendel, and all who know of him live in fear. Hrothgar, the king of the Danes, knows something must be done to stop Grendel. But who will guard the great hall he has built, where so many men have lost their lives to the monster while keeping watch? Only one man dares to stand up to Grendel's fury --Beowulf.From the Paperback edition.

Beowulf: And Related Readings (Literature Connections)

by Burton Raffel

Beowulf, and Related Readings


by Burton Raffel Roberta Frank Anonymous

Beowulf is the earliest extant poem in a modern European language reflecting a feudal, newly Christian world of heroes and monsters, blood and victory, life and death. Its beauty, power, and artistry have kept it alive for more than thirteen centuries.

Beowulf: An Adapted Classic

by Robert Vandel

This classic series of plays, novels, and stories has been adapted, in a friendly format, for students reading at a various levels.<P> An excerpt from Beowulf: Out in the darkness, the monster stirred, gliding in shadow. Grendel moved quickly through the cloudy night, lurching up from the swampland. The warriors who were to guard the castle slept -- all but one. Beowulf, wakeful, was on watch for the demon. His anger mounting, he ached for revenge...

Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution: (spanish Edition)

by Bernie Sanders

In the Bernie Sanders Guide to Political Revolution, Independent congressman, presidential candidate and activist Bernie Sanders continues his fight against the imbalances in the nation’s status quo, and shows you how to make a difference to effect the changes America—and the world—need to create a better tomorrow. Throughout the Presidential campaign, Senator Bernie Sanders promised voters a future to believe in through his progressive platform and a vision for America worth fighting for. This vision calls for an economic, environmental, health care, and social justice revolution beyond the stagnant agendas of Democrat and Republican politicians to build an equitable future for all Americans—especially the younger generation that will inherit the consequences of decisions made now.Inside this practical and inspiring guide to effecting change in today’s world, you’ll learn how to:· Understand and navigate the current system of policy and government· Work to change the system to reflect your values and to protect our society’s most vulnerable· Organize for the causes you care about most· Resources for further reading and organizations to get involved withWith more than two decades of Washington D.C. insider knowledge and experience, Senator Sanders knows how to fight and change the system from within, a system desperately in need of reform in health care, immigration, taxes, higher education, climate change, and criminal justice.The political revolution is just beginning. What role will you play?

Berserker (Berserker Ser. #1)

by Emmy Laybourne

The highly anticipated historical fantasy from Emmy Laybourne, author of the internationally-bestselling Monument 14 trilogy.Ancient powers. Strong love. Desperate times.1883. Hanne would give anything to be free of the ancestral Viking curse that overcomes her when she or anyone she loves is in danger. She becomes a Berserker—an elegant, graceful and shameless killer. When she kills three men attacking their father, Hanne and her siblings must flee Norway and head to the American frontier, on a desperate search for their uncle, the one man who can help Hanne learn to control her powers.Aided by a young cowboy who agrees to be their guide, Hanne and her siblings use their ancient powers to survive the perilous trail, where blizzards, wild animals, and vicious bounty hunters await.A gripping and emotional story filled with adventure, destruction, longing and redemption.

The Best Business Books Ever: The 100 Most Influential Management Books You'll Never Have Time To Read

by Basic Books

Every manager could benefit from a solid grounding in the history and evolution of business thinking. The Best Business Books Everis a uniquely organized guide and an illuminating collection of key ideas from the 130 most influential business books of all time. It places both historical and contemporary works in context and draws fascinating parallels and points of connection. Now fully revised and more than 30 percent bigger, this one book highlights the information you need to know and why it's important to know it, and does it all in a succinct, time-saving fashion. Business moves faster than ever these days. For the businessperson who has a growing list of tomes that they can never quite seem to get to,The Best Business Books Everis a must-have.

Best Enemies

by Jessica Burkhart

Some Girls Just Have To Be The Best At Everything. If any two girls know about being the best, it's Heather Fox and Jasmine King. Just ask them; they'll be happy to tell you. But every girl knows that there can only be one "best." Can Sasha keep the girls from turning the arena into a war zone and still snag a spot on the coveted Youth Equestrian National Team?

Best Foot Forward

by Joan Bauer

In this sequel to the beloved Rules of the Road, Jenna Boller is dripping with newfound maturity after her life-altering summer on the road. She has a job she loves at Gladstone Shoes, a best friend who makes her laugh, and a dysfunctional family she's learning how to handle. Jenna feels ready for anything--until Tanner Cobb, a guy with a past, a police record, and dangerously good looks, walks into her life. Suddenly Jenna's surrounded by crises, including a shoe empire on the verge of crumbling. Tanner's street smarts seem to be what Jenna needs, but can she trust him enough when the going gets tough? .

The Best Friend (Fear Street #Book 17)

by R.L. Stine

FEAR STREET -- WHERE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARES LIVE... Honey Perkins just moved to Shadyside. But she's telling everyone that she is Becka Norwood's best friend from elementary school. Trouble is, Becka doesn't remember her at all. But that doesn't stop Honey. She insists on doing everything Becka does -- borrowing her clothes, borrowing her boyfriend...and then the horrible accidents begin. Honey swears she has nothing to do with them. She's just being a good friend. A best the end.

The Best Kind of Magic (Windy City Magic #1)

by Crystal Cestari

Amber Sand is not a witch. The Sand family magical gene somehow leapfrogged over her. But she did get one highly specific bewitching talent: she can see true love. As a matchmaker, Amber's pretty far down the sorcery food chain (even birthday party magicians rank higher), but after five seconds of eye contact, she can envision anyone's soul mate.Amber works at her mother's magic shop--Windy City Magic--in downtown Chicago, and she's confident she's seen every kind of happy ending there is: except for one--her own. (The Fates are tricky jerks that way.) So when Charlie Blitzman, the mayor's son and most-desired boy in school, comes to her for help finding his father's missing girlfriend, she's distressed to find herself falling for him. Because while she can't see her own match, she can see his--and it's not Amber. How can she, an honest peddler of true love, pursue a boy she knows full well isn't her match?The Best Kind of Magic is set in urban Chicago and will appeal to readers who long for magic in the real world. With a sharp-witted and sassy heroine, a quirky cast of mystical beings, and a heady dose of adventure, this novel will have you laughing out loud and questioning your belief in happy endings.

The Best Little Boy in the World

by Andrew Tobias John Reid

The classic account of growing up gay in America.<P><P> "The best little boy in the world never had wet dreams or masturbated; he always topped his class, honored mom and dad, deferred to elders and excelled in sports . . . . The best little boy in the world was . . . the model IBM exec . . . The best little boy in the world was a closet case who 'never read anything about homosexuality.' . . . John Reid comes out slowly, hilariously, brilliantly. One reads this utterly honest account with the shock of recognition." The New York Times<P> "The quality of this book is fantastic because it comes of equal parts honesty and logic and humor. It is far from being the story of a Gay crusader, nor is it the story of a closet queen. It is the story of a normal boy growing into maturity without managing to get raped into, or taunted because of, his homosexuality. . . . He is bright enough to be aware of his hangups and the reasons for them. And he writes well enough that he doesn't resort to sensationalism . . . ." San Francisco Bay Area ReporterFrom the Trade Paperback edition.

Best Nerds Forever

by James Patterson Chris Grabenstein

When a lifelong friendship just isn't long enough, two friends connect from beyond the grave in this heartwarming ghost story from a New York Times bestselling author. One minute, Finn was biking home from school, and the next, he was run off the road by a maniac in a big van. Now, he's a ghost. He can do lots of fun things, like try every ice cream flavor in the store, sneak up on people, and play as many video games as he wants. Finn even has a new ghost friend, Isabella, to show him the ropes. But he also has a lot of BIG questions, like: who wanted him dead? And can he stop the maniac from striking again? Packed with hilarious moments, epic friendships, and fun art, Best Nerds Forever celebrates the nerd in each of us and the joy of living life to its fullest.

Best. Night. Ever.: A Story Told from Seven Points of View

by Alison Cherry Stephanie Faris Rachele Alpine Jen Malone Gail Nall Ronni Arno Dee Romito

Love Actually meets Adventures in Babysitting in this hilarious novel written by seven authors about seven classmates who are preparing for a crazy night at their middle school dance.Lynnfield Middle School is prepped and ready for a dance to remember, including an awesome performance from Heart Grenade, the all-girl band who recently won a Battle of the Bands contest. Seven classmates—Carmen, Genevieve, Tess, Ryan, Ellie, Ashlyn, and Jade—intend to make the most of the night…or at least the five of them who are able to attend do. The other two would sacrifice almost anything to be there. One thing’s for sure—this entire crew is in for one epic night! Gail Nall, Dee Romito, Rachele Alpine, Ronni Arno, Alison Cherry, Stephanie Faris, and Jen Malone have created a charming, hilarious, and relatable novel that’s perfect for anyone who can’t wait to dance the night away.

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