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Showing 1,426 through 1,450 of 16,707 results

Best Nonfiction: 7 Selections for Young People with Lessons for Teaching the Basic Elements of Nonfiction

by Christine Lind Orciuch Theodore Knight

The Best Series is a fresh and innovative way to introduce and study genre-specific literature in your classroom. Students can explore and gain appreciation for exceptional and diverse writings in nonfiction.

Best Nonfiction: Introductory Level

by Christine Lund Orciuch Theodore Knight

The Best series collects superb nonfiction, play scripts, poetry, short stories, and stand-alone chapters of longer works, so you can quickly find well-crafted selections that reflect student interests. Best of all, we've tailored the series to three reading levels, making it the perfect tool for reaching out to students of any ability who aren't succeeding with more traditional anthologies.

The Best of the Best (Replica #7)

by Marilyn Kaye

After lots of attention from the media -- and from other students -- everyone pretty much ignores Adrian, the 8-year-old genius in the ninth grade. He whines, he's snotty, and he's got a lousy attitude. When he runs away, Amy wonders what's up. Is Adrian too smart to be real? Is he a victim -- or the one pulling the strings? The more Amy digs for answers, the more she unearths a web of deceit and corruption.

Best Practice, Fourth Edition: Bringing Standards to Life in America's Classrooms

by Harvey Daniels Arthur Hyde Steven Zemelman

“The single most powerful variable in student achievement is the quality of teaching. But what does quality mean? What does it look like in real classrooms? It looks like the teaching in this book.” —Steven Zemelman, Harvey “Smokey” Daniels, and Arthur Hyde Best Practice is back, and with it Steve Zemelman, Smokey Daniels, and Arthur Hyde invite you to greet today’s most important educational challenges with proven, state-of-the-art teaching. Linguistic diversity, technology, Common Core, high-stakes testing—no matter the hurdle, Best Practice teaching supports powerful learning across our profession. Best Practice, Fourth Edition, is the ultimate guide to teaching excellence. Its framework of seven Best Practice Structures and cutting-edge implementation strategies are proven across the grades and subject areas. BP4 creates common ground for teachers, leaders, and principals by recommending practices drawn from the latest scientific research, professional consensus, and the innovative classrooms of exemplary teachers. BP4 puts top-quality teaching at the fingertips of individual practitioners by sharing real-life instructional scenes that define classroom excellence, increase learning, and improve students’ life opportunities. It’s also more valuable than ever to PLCs and school reform initiatives thanks to: - plans and strategies for exceeding state and Common Core Standards - cohesive principles and common language that strengthen professional collaboration - classroom vignettes that show teachers and kids at work - chapters on reading, writing, math, science, and social studies that support unified instructional goals - special attention to technology in the classroom, special education, ELLs, struggling readers, and the arts. This new educational era demands highly effective, high-quality instruction that makes a difference for students. Fortunately, with Zemelman, Daniels, and Hyde’s help every educator can be a world-class, life-changing teacher—a Best Practice teacher.

Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics: What Award-Winning Classroom Teachers Do

by Randi B. Stone

Spark students' interest in math with intriguing and winning strategies that include animated learning icons, money-based systems, human number lines, "sweet" solutions, and much more.

Best Practices in Adolescent Literacy Instruction, Third Edition

by Kathleen A. Hinchman Heather K. Sheridan-Thomas Donna E. Alvermann

With 50% new material reflecting current research and pedagogical perspectives, this indispensable course text and teacher resource is now in a thoroughly revised third edition. Leading educators provide a comprehensive picture of reading, writing, and oral language instruction in grades 5–12. Chapters present effective practices for motivating adolescent learners, fostering comprehension of multiple types of texts, developing disciplinary literacies, engaging and celebrating students' sociocultural assets, and supporting English learners and struggling readers. Case examples, lesson-planning ideas, and end-of-chapter discussion questions and activities enhance the utility of the volume. New to This Edition *Chapters on new topics: building multicultural classrooms, Black girls&’ digital literacies, issues of equity and access, and creating inclusive writing communities. *New chapters on core topics: academic language, learning from multiple texts, and reading interventions. *Increased attention to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. *The latest knowledge about adolescents' in- and out-of-school literacies.

Best Practices in Literacy Instruction, Sixth Edition

by Lesley Mandel Morrow Linda B. Gambrell Heather Kenyon Casey

Many tens of thousands of preservice and inservice teachers have relied on this highly regarded text from leading experts, now in a revised and updated sixth edition. The latest knowledge about literacy teaching and learning is distilled into flexible strategies for helping all PreK–12 learners succeed. The book addresses major components of literacy, the needs of specific populations, motivation, assessment, approaches to organizing instruction, and more. Each chapter features bulleted previews of key points; reviews of the research evidence; recommendations for best practices in action, including examples from exemplary classrooms; and engagement activities that help teachers apply the knowledge and strategies they have learned. New to This Edition *Incorporates the latest research findings and instructional practices. *Chapters on new topics: developmental word study and the physiological, emotional, and behavioral foundations of literacy learning. *Chapters offering fresh, expanded perspectives on writing and vocabulary. *Increased attention to timely issues: classroom learning communities, teaching English learners, and the use of digital tools and multimodal texts.

Best Practices in Reading: Level G (New Edition )

by The Editors at the Options Publishing

This book provides targeted instructions, in-depth analysis, open-ended questions and workbooks, on fiction and non-fiction passages, appropriate for the new standards.

Best Practices in Writing Instruction, Third Edition

by Steve Graham Charles A. MacArthur Michael Hebert

Well established as a definitive text--and now revised and updated with eight new chapters--this book translates cutting-edge research into effective guidelines for teaching writing in grades K–12. Illustrated with vivid classroom examples, the book identifies the components of a complete, high-quality writing program. Leading experts provide strategies for teaching narrative and argumentative writing; using digital tools; helping students improve specific skills, from handwriting and spelling to sentence construction; teaching evaluation and revision; connecting reading and writing instruction; teaching vulnerable populations; using assessment to inform instruction; and more. New to This Edition *Chapters on new topics: setting up the writing classroom and writing from informational source material. *New chapters on core topics: narrative writing, handwriting and spelling, planning, assessment, special-needs learners, and English learners. *Increased attention to reading–writing connections and using digital tools. *Incorporates the latest research and instructional procedures. See also Handbook of Writing Research, Second Edition, edited by Charles A. MacArthur, Steve Graham, and Jill Fitzgerald, which provides a comprehensive overview of writing research that informs good practice.

Best Short Stories: Middle Level

by Raymond Harris

The new Best Short Stories, Second Edition, has been revised to give your students more writing experience and more practice in critically discussing short stories.

Best Short Stories: 10 Stories for Young Adults with Lessons for Teaching the Basic Elements of Literature (Middle Level)

by Raymond Harris McGraw-Hill - Jamestown Education Staff

Banish boredom! Excite students with variety--drama, verse, stories, reporting, and more--all at comfortable reading levels. Five genres, each in three levels, let students study a particular kind of writing at the appropriate reading level Emphasis on reading skills helps students who have difficulty with a traditional literature anthology Integration of reading and writing encourages students to study how authors construct their works and then to try to emulate stylistic elements Rescue bored readers by introducing them to the many exciting forms of literature. The Best series collects superb nonfiction, play scripts, poetry,short stories, and stand-alone chapters of longer works, so you can quickly find well-crafted selections that reflect student interests. Best of all, we've tailored the series to three reading levels, making it the perfect tool for reaching out to students of any ability who aren't succeeding with more traditional anthologies. Introductory: Reading Level 5-6, Interest Level 6-8 Middle: Reading Level 7-8, Interest Level 6-10 Advanced: Reading Level 9-12, Interest Level 9-12

Best Short Stories: Introductory Level

by Patricia Opaskar Mary Ann Trost

The Best Series is a fresh and innovative way to introduce and study genre-specific literature in your classroom. Students can explore and gain appreciation for exceptional and diverse writings in nonfiction, poetry, plays, short stories, and selections from novels. This enriching series strengthens students' reading and writing skills and literary techniques.

Best Shorts: Favorite Short Stories for Sharing

by Carolyn Shute

Featuring loyal pets, rogue waves, ghosts who use cell phones, and young people caught up in events beyond their control, these stories are written by some of the most entertaining and esteemed authors of children’s literature.

Best Vacation Ever

by Jessica Cunsolo

Two best friends, five hot guys, one dream vacation. What could possibly go wrong?Lori is beautiful, smart, and athletic. The one thing she can’t do is speak up for herself: she can’t stand up to a creepy guy at the gym, she can’t speak to her crush, and she certainly can’t tell her parents that she wants to take a year off to backpack around Europe rather than follow family tradition and go to med school. When her best friend, Faye, invites her on an all expenses paid, weeklong trip to a sunny destination with Faye’s brother, Adam, and four of his friends, she jumps at the chance to leave all her problems behind.Faye is Lori’s opposite in a lot of ways—maybe that’s why they’re such good friends. In fact, the only problem in Faye’s life is that her brother hates her, and she’s hooking-up with his best friend, Kellan, behind his back. She can’t let Adam find out. as that’ll only make their relationship worse. At the same time, she doesn’t want a hook-up; she wants a real relationship with Kellan. This vacation is her chance to figure out if he’s in this for real or not.When Faye hatches a scheme designed to make Kellan jealous, she drags everyone else into her drama—including Lori and her gym crush, who just happens to be on this trip too! Soon everyone is fighting with everyone else and relationships are being ripped apart as secrets are revealed. Going on the Best Vacation Ever may turn out to be the Worst Decision Ever.This delightful, stand-alone novel from YA superstar Jessica Cunsolo deals with romance and friendship, but it’s also about learning to stand-up for yourself and be who you want to be.

La bestia de las escaleras (La\biblioteca Maldita Ser.)

by Michael Dahl

El Bibliotecario guarda los libros más peligrosos del mundo en la Biblioteca maldita. Cuando regresa de un largo viaje, descubre que alguien se ha robado su colección de libros mortales. Si no los encuentra, el mundo caerá en manos de una fuerza malvada y eterna.

El bestiario de Axlin (Guardianes de la Ciudadela #Volumen 1)

by Laura Gallego

El mundo de Axlin está plagado de monstruos. Algunos atacan a los viajeros en los caminos, otros asedian las aldeas hasta que logran arrasarlas por completo y otros entran en las casas por las noches para llevarse a los niños mientras duermen. Axlin ha crecido siendo consciente de que cualquier día le puede tocar a ella. Su gente ha sobrevivido a los monstruos durante generaciones y ha aprendido a evitarlos en la medida de lo posible. Pero un día Axlin descubre que existen muchos tipos de monstruos diferentes, que cada aldea se enfrenta a sus propias pesadillas y que hay criaturas que no conoce y ante las que no sabe cómo defenderse. Axlin es la escriba de su aldea, la única que sabe leer y escribir. Debido a ello, nadie de su entorno comprende realmente la importancia de su trabajo. Pero ella se ha propuesto investigar todo lo que pueda sobre los monstruos y plasmar sus descubrimientos en un libro que pueda servir de guía y protección a otras personas. Por eso decide partir con los buhoneros en una larga ruta para reunir la sabiduría ancestral de las aldeas en su precaria lucha contra los monstruos. No obstante, a lo largo de su viaje descubrirá cosas que jamás habría imaginado cuando partió.

Bet Your Life (Jess Tennant Mysteries #2)

by Jane Casey

Jess Tennant has now been living in a tiny town on the English seaside for three months, and is just beginning to relax and think of it as home after the traumatic events of last summer. But in the small hours of Halloween night, a teenage boy is left for dead by the side of the road. Seb Dawson has a serious head injury and may not survive. Jess might not have liked Seb much, but surely he didn't deserve this. The police don't seem to be taking the attack very seriously, but Jess can't just let it go, and she takes matters into her own hands.As she investigates, Jess discovers that Seb was involved in some very dangerous games. A secret predator around girls, he would do whatever it took to abuse them, from lying and blackmail to spiking drinks. Could a group of vengeful victims be behind his attack? Or is there someone else with a grudge against Seb, who will stop at nothing to silence him? Jane Casey returns with another edge-of-your-seat mystery in Bet Your Life.

Beta: A Beta Novel (A Beta Novel)

by Rachel Cohn

Elysia was born without a soul, her only purpose to serve the wealthy inhabitants of Io, an island paradise. But sensations are clouding her mind...anger...loneliness???love. Before long, Elysia learns that she is a Defect. And If any human on the island discovers the truth, it will cost her her life.

The Betrayal (Fear Street Saga #1)

by R. L. Stine

Through 20 books, R. L. Stine has alluded to the cursed Fear family, whose mansion burned down in a terrible fire. All that remains of the Fears is a legacy of evil. Now Stine takes readers back in time, telling them finally the awful truth of what happened to the Fears . . . and why their evil lives on after 300 years.

Betrayal of Trust: The Collapse of Global Public Health

by Laurie Garrett

In this meticulously researched and ultimately explosive new book by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of the New York Times bestseller The Coming Plague, Laurie Garrett takes readers across the globe to reveal how a series of potential and present public health catastrophes form a terrifying portrait of real global disaster in the making.

The Betrayed

by Kiera Cass

Kiera Cass brings another sparkling romance to a stunning conclusion in this sequel to the instant #1 New York Times bestseller The Betrothed. <P><P>Can you follow your heart when it’s already broken? <P><P> After fleeing Coroa and leaving the memory of her beloved Silas behind, Hollis is unsteadily adjusting to life in Isolte. The Eastoffe family’s affection is a balm on her weary spirit, though Etan, a surly cousin with a deep distaste for Coroans, threatens to upset the uneasy peace she’s found. <P><P> While tensions at home ratchet up, disquiet in the kingdom of Isolte is reaching a fever pitch. The Eastoffes may have the power to unseat a tyrannical king—but only with Hollis’s help. Can a girl who’s lost it all put the fate of her adopted homeland over the secret longings of her heart? <P><P><b>A New York Times Best Seller</b>

Betrayed: The Legend of Oak Island

by Christopher Dinsdale

The fate of the known world is settled on the shores of Canada In Christopher Dinsdale’s third historical adventure for young readers, Connor MacDonald and his mother have encountered Henry Sinclair, Norwegian prince and Earl of Orkney, who rescues them from highwaymen. Prince Henry is an adventurer who has sailed to the farthest reaches of the known world. On a dark Egyptian beach, he was given a treasure so precious that kings would sacrifice everything in order to acquire it. But unlike the warmongering monarchs of Europe, Prince Henry intends it to become an everlasting beacon of peace and devises a plan so bold that only the exiled Order of the Knights Templar could even dare conceive of it. Events soon lead Connor, now a squire, his friend Angus and Prince Henry to the shores of Vinland and to Oak Island. The fate of the Templar Knights rests in the hands of two Scottish teenagers and their Mikmaq friend, Na’gu’set, as they desperately try to identify the dark forces that threaten not only to destroy them but the entire Templar Order.

Betrayed (Jennie McGrady Mystery #7)

by Patricia H. Rushford

Book 7 in the Jennie McGrady Mystery series. Jennie heads to the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana and investigates a bombing at her uncle's Dancing Waters Ranch. Jennie McGrady is anxious to fly to Montana after her uncle, a full-blooded Indian and the owner of Dancing Waters Ranch in Montana, is injured by a bomb explosion meant to kill. Jennie's determined to solve the crime, but her instincts tell her she's not in friendly territory. Heather White Cloud is a beautiful Indian princess with a less-than-noble attitude. Jennie had hoped to befriend her cousin, but Heather's as cold as ice and determined to escape the home she calls a prison. Chad Elliot came to Montana to reclaim the land his grandfather once owned--Dancing Waters Ranch. He's lost his case in court, but has he decided to take the law into his own hands?

Betraying Season (Leland Sisters)

by Marissa Doyle

Penelope Leland has come to Ireland to study magic and prove to herself that she is as good a witch as her twin sister, Persy. But when the dashing Niall Keating begins to court her, Pen can't help being distracted from her studies. Little does Pen know, Niall is acting upon orders from his sorceress mother. And although it starts as a sham, Niall actually falls deeply in love with Pen, and she with him. Even if he halts his mother's evil plan, will Pen be able to forgive him for trying to seduce her into a plot?

The Betrothed

by Kiera Cass

A would-be queen. A handsome young king. A perfect match…or is it? <P><P>From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Selection series comes The Betrothed, a glittering royal romance sure to captivate her legion of loyal readers and lovers of courtly intrigue alike. <P><P>When King Jameson declares his love for Lady Hollis Brite, Hollis is shocked—and thrilled. After all, she’s grown up at Keresken Castle, vying for the king’s attention alongside other daughters of the nobility. Capturing his heart is a dream come true. <P><P>But Hollis soon realizes that falling in love with a king and being crowned queen may not be the happily ever after she thought it would be. And when she meets a commoner with the mysterious power to see right into her heart, she finds that the future she really wants is one that she never thought to imagine. <p><p><b>A New York Times Bestseller</b>

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