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Technology: Shaping Our World
by John B. Gradwell Malcolm Welch Eugene MartinDesigned for use in middle school introductory technology education courses.
Technology Interactions (2nd edition)
by Henry R. Harms Neal R. SwernofskyTechnology Interactions is the only text that supports any modular technology education program for grades 6-10. Hands-on activities, fascinating facts, problem-solving exercises and other features to help students understand and experience technology. Topics include computer animation, health technologies, robotics, lasers and fiber optics, and much more. Students apply technical principles to the solution of problems by actually designing and building projects. Learning experiences at the end of each chapter sharpen students' reasoning and analytical skills by utilizing their creativity. Problem-solving emphasis helps relate technology theory to real-world activities and problems. Linking to Mathematics, Science, and Communication activities build cross-curricular skills. Fascinating Facts provide interesting sidebars that relate to each chapter's content. Career Pages highlight the qualifications and employability skills needed for various occupations.
The Technology of Ancient Egypt (The Technology of the Ancient World Ser.)
by M. SolodkyStudents may have heard of papyrus and the pyramids, but this insightful book outlines many of the lesser known technological advancements that were the product of a fiercely creative, intelligent, and inventive ancient society. Covering such things as mummification and elaborate tombs, The Technology of Ancient Egypt is sure to keep students on the edge of their seats. Some scholars believe that more than half of the basic inventions on which today's world depends came from ancient China. The ancient Chinese made the first iron plows in the world and also invented the wheelbarrow, the seismograph, and many other invaluable things. Readers will learn about the many technologies that the Chinese created or improved upon. Supports history-social science content standards mandating student understanding of the origins and influence of agricultural, technological, and commercial developments in key ancient civilizations. Broadens student understanding of the relationship among science, technology, and society by highlighting how major scientific and mathematical discoveries and technological innovations have affected societies throughout history.
The Technology Of Mesopotamia (The Technology Of The Ancient World Series)
by Graham FaiellaThe Mesopotamian civilization was the first to build cities, and their inventions and technologies evolved with their urban life. They learned how to build all kinds of buildings, from ordinary houses to royal palaces. In this compelling narrative, students learn about some of Mesopotamia s most important inventions and how many of these inventions survived and continue to be used today.
Teddy Bears of the Rich and Famous
by Mark LeighA fantastic gift book for all ages which imagines what the teddy bears of the rich and famous would look like. Even the most tyrannical of despots or the most scholarly of geniuses probably had a 'Mister Cuddles' or 'Big Ted' at some point in their childhood. As the book's title suggests, this is a collection of bears that could have belonged to the rich and famous. Whether it's politicians, heads of state, artists, spiritual leaders, inventors, revolutionaries, entertainers or entrepreneurs, the teddy bears reflect the personalities/traits of their owners.
TeeJay SQA National 4 Applications of Mathematics
by Thomas StrangHelp students to apply their mathematical skills in real-life contexts, as they learn and develop through TeeJay's fun and accessible approach to SQA National 4 Applications of Maths.This book provides hundreds of practice questions, with progression and consolidation - the core TeeJay philosophy - underpinning every exercise and chapter.> Contains three freestanding study areas covering Numeracy, Geometry & Measure and Finance & Statistics> Contains three consolidation assessments at the end of each study area> Starts with a Chapter Zero that revises the relevant strands from Second Level> Each chapter ends with an assessment exercise> Includes two Added Value Practice Assessments at the end of the book> Answers for all questions are in the back of the book. Answers for the end-of-study area and end-of-chapter assessments and Added Value Practice Assessments are available at hoddergibson.co.uk/answers-teejay-maths-n4-apps
The Teen Anxiety Guidebook: Improve Self-Esteem, Discover New Coping Skills, and Relieve Social Anxiety, Worry, and Panic Attacks
by Dr. Thomas McDonagh Jon Patrick HatcherBreak free from anxiety and manage stress with simple strategies and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques in this straightforward and encouraging handbook.Keeping up with friendships, relationships, school, extracurriculars, and social media is already a lot of work. And when anxiety spikes, it sometimes feels like it&’s impossible to keep your life on track. You might feel like you&’re in a never-ending downward spiral. That&’s where this book comes in. The Teen Anxiety Guidebook offers dozens of beneficial quizzes, activities, tips and CBT-based advice to help you: Identify your most common anxiety triggers Learn essential coping skills to prevent anxiety attacks Redirect risky behavior, including substance abuse and self-harm Understand the options of therapy and medication Overcome the spike-and-relapse cycle From mindfulness meditation to diaphragmatic breathing, the exercises in this book will give you the tools you need to redirect negative thought and behavioral patterns and navigate the difficulties of life.
Teen Astrology: The Ultimate Guide to Making Your Life Your Own
by M. J. AbadieExplains how astrology can help teens understand themselves and take charge of their lives. • The teen market is the fastest-growing segment of the book-buying public.• A perfect party book for teens everywhere.• No previous knowledge of astrology is necessary.• M. J. Abadie has published three previous bestsellers: Finding Love, Love Planets, and Child Astrology. Why an astrology book just for teens? This is the ideal time for them to learn to understand their own inner dynamics and go after the life they really want. And astrology is simply the best tool available for gaining insight into oneself and one's relationships with other people. Teen Astrology shows how the Sun represents outer personality, while the Moon reflects the inner self, and how to balance the two. Venus rules matters of the heart, while Mars rules energy and passion. Understanding the dynamics of these two planets can help teens safely navigate the turbulent waters of love. Understanding their Mercury placement will help teens discover their most natural ways of learning, thinking, and communicating. By comparing their chart to those of their parents teens can figure out how to bridge the generation gap and open up new lines of communication. Absolutely no previous knowledge of astrology is needed to use this book--it provides full explanations of all astrological influences and all the necessary tables for locating planetary placements of friends and family.
Teen Dream Power: Unlock the Meaning of Your Dreams
by M. J. AbadieThe first and only complete guide to dream interpretation written specifically for teens.• Provides instruction for dream recall, interpretation, developing a personal dictionary of dream symbols, and keeping a dream diary.• Explains how to handle nightmares and negative dream images and explores the significance of dreams about sex. • Includes language, imagery, and life examples geared specifically to the needs and concerns of teens.• Written by the coauthor of Love Planets (50,000 copies sold) and the author of Your Psychic Potential (20,000 copies sold).When we dream we uncover our inner selves, process our hopes and fears, and explore our potential. Teen Dream Power teaches teens that when they sleep, their unconscious minds are sending them important messages that may hold the keys to their personal happiness. A professional astrologer and psychotherapist with a specialty in dream interpretation, M. J. Abadie explores the dream wisdom of earlier societies and what it means for teens today. She shows teens that by inducing dreams for special purposes and maneuvering negative dream images they can solve everyday problems. Teens will learn to increase dream recall, interpret dreams using their own personal dream symbol dictionary, handle nightmares, and explore the fascinating inner changes going on at this time in their lives. With the tools in Teen Dream Power, teens can gain self-understanding, enhance learning skills, and increase their creativity and productivity.
Teen Feng Shui: Design Your Space, Design Your Life
by Susan LevittA feng shui book specifically for teens.• Shows how to create balanced teen environments that promote personal development and positive self expression.• Tailors solutions to teen spaces: bedrooms, dormitories, desks, drawers, and lockers.• Shows how, when, and where to use music, incense, and posters.• Addresses real teen issues such as body image, tattoos and piercings, and cigarettes and other drugs.Teen Feng Shui demonstrates how the universal principles behind the design practice of feng shui can be applied to the contemporary environments of teenagers--from school lockers to dorm rooms--in order to maximize personal power, develop harmonious relationships, and define personal space. Noting that all books on feng shui are created for adults, Susan Levitt has provided a resource geared specifically toward the needs and realities of the teenage experience, addressing how young adults can design their living spaces to transform their lives. She describes how music, posters, and incense can influence space and includes before-and-after illustrations of feng shui "fixes." Teen Feng Shui also incorporates Chinese astrology, financial management and shopping tips for teens, insights on love and sex, personal stories, and case studies to provide a fun and comprehensive guide to this ancient art of placement.
Teen Health: Healthy Relationships and Sexuality
by Mary H. Bronson Michael J. Cleary Betty M. HubbardHealthy Relationships and Sexuality* provides more detailed information on male and female sexuality, including information on how feelings of intimacy will increase as a teen enters puberty and how to manage those feelings. The module also provides information on diversity in relationships, describing various types of relationships. *Each print module contains the same front matter section, titled Your Health and Wellness. This content is relevant to the entire program. It teaches the 10 Health Skills that are the foundation of the Teen Health program.
Teen Health Course 1
by Mary Bronson MerkiThis book helps teens identify habits that will help them stay physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially healthy and to develop a positive self-concept and thereby achieve their goals.
Teen Health Course 2
by Mary H. Bronson Michael J. Cleary Betty M. Hubbard Dinah ZikeTeen Health is the integrated, activities-based health program written especially for middle school students. This sequential, three-course program provides the perfect combination of course material and interactive multimedia resources. Teen Health helps students understand that good health affects their school performance, their friendships, their looks, and their lives. Teen Health stretches far beyond traditional health topics to cover the subjects your students really want to know about. It explains the importance of avoiding risky behaviors and provides step-by-step guidelines on how to do so.
Teen Health Course 3
by Mary H. Bronson Michael J. Cleary Betty M. HubbardTO BUILD GOOD HEALTH, MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS NEED THE RIGHT TOOLS.Teen Health is the integrated, activities-based health program written especially for middle school students.This sequential, three-course program provides the perfect combination of course material and interactive multimedia resources. Teen Health helps students understand that good health affects their school performance, their friendships, their looks, and their lives.Teen Health stretches far beyond traditional health topics to cover the subjects your students really want to know about. It explains the importance of avoiding risky behaviors and provides step-by-step guidelines on how to do so.Course 3 Student Modules . HIV/AIDS . Healthy Relationships and Sexuality . Violence Prevention
Teen Health, Course 3
by Mary H. Bronson Michael J. Cleary Betty M. HubbardTO BUILD GOOD HEALTH, MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS NEED THE RIGHT TOOLS.Teen Health is the integrated, activities-based health program written especially for middle school students.This sequential, three-course program provides the perfect combination of course material and interactive multimedia resources. Teen Health helps students understand that good health affects their school performance, their friendships, their looks, and their lives.Teen Health stretches far beyond traditional health topics to cover the subjects your students really want to know about. It explains the importance of avoiding risky behaviors and provides step-by-step guidelines on how to do so.Course 3 Student Modules . HIV/AIDS . Healthy Relationships and Sexuality . Violence Prevention
Teen Health, Course 3
by Mary Bronson Merki Michael J. Geary Betty M. HubbardTo Build Good Health, Middle School Students Need the Right Tools! Glencoe Teen Health is the integrated, activities-based health program written especially for middle school students! This sequential, three-course program provides the perfect combination of course material and interactive multimedia resources. Glencoe Teen Health helps students understand that good health affects their school performance, their friendships, their looks, and their lives. Glencoe Teen Health stretches far beyond traditional health topics to cover the subjects your students really want to know about. It explains the importance of avoiding risky behaviors and provides step-by-step guidelines on how to do so. Student-friendly modules allow you to supplement the core curriculum with selected topics. Course 3 Student Modules: HIV/AIDS, Healthy Relationships and Sexuality, Violence Prevention. Take a virtual tour of this program by clicking on the Teen Health e-Sample package here.
Teen Health Course 3
by Glencoe Staff Michael J. Cleary Betty M. HubbardA textbook that provides insights into healthy living and a total lifestyle change for a happy long life. It covers the following topics in-depth. Understanding Your Health Skills for a Healthy Life Mental and Emotional Health Mental and Emotional Problems Relationships: The Teen Years Promoting Social Health Conflict Resolution Violence Prevention Physical Activity and Fitness Nutrition for Health Your Body Image Alcohol Tobacco Drugs Personal Care and Consumer Choices Your Body Systems Growth and Development Common Communicable Diseases Noncommunicable Diseases Safety and Emergencies Environmental Health
Teen Health: Tobacco, Alcohol, and Other Drugs (Teen Health Ser.)
by Mary H. Bronson Michael J. Cleary Betty M. HubbardNIMAC-sourced textbook
Teen Idol
by Meg CabotAsk Annie your most complex interpersonal relationship questions. Go on, we dare you! All letters to Annie are subject to publication in the Clayton High School Register. Names and e-mail addresses of correspondents guaranteed confidential. High school junior Jenny Greenley is good at solving problems ... so good she's the school newspaper's anonymous advice columnist. Even if solving other people's problems doesn't make her own -- like not having a boyfriend -- go away, it's still fun. But when nineteen-year-old screen sensation Luke Striker comes to Jen's small town to research a role, he creates havoc that even levelheaded Jenny isn't sure she can repair ... especially since she's right in the middle of it. Can Jen, who always manages to be there for everybody else, learn to take her own advice, and find true love at last?
Teen Innovators: Nine Young People Engineering a Better World with Creative Inventions
by Fred EstesTeen Innovators tells the stories of discovery and the inventions of nine young students. For example, twelve-year-old Gitanjali Rao, appalled by the tragedy in Flint, Michigan, found a cheaper, more effective way to test for lead in drinking water. Four undocumented teenagers from an underfunded high school in Phoenix built an underwater robot from spare and found parts. Substituting hard work and creative thinking for money and expensive equipment, they won a national robotics competition, beating a well-funded team from MIT. At fifteen, William Kamkwamba used materials from junkyards near his home in Malawai to build a windmill to generate electricity and pump water for his village. While each profile tells a different story, the reader soon sees the common threads of determination and ingenuity. Stories include: Jack Andraka: improved pancreatic cancer test Gitanjali Rao: device to detect lead in drinking water William Kamkwamba: improvised electrical generator using windmill in Malawi Austen Veseliza: digital display glove to aid people with speech impairment Deepika Kurup: easier, cheaper method to remove toxins from drinking water Cristian Arcega, Lorenzo Santillan, Oscar Vasquez, Luis Aranda: underwater robot Science educator and professor Fred Estes explores the motivation, challenges, and lives of these teen scientists and explains the science behind each invention simply and clearly. Readers will see how the science they study today in school relates to these important discoveries.
Teen Killers At Large (Teen Killers Club series #3)
by Lily SparksThe Teen Killers Club faces the end in the final installment of this &“sick, twisted, fast-paced&” (Kendare Blake, #1 New York Times bestselling author) series.With authorities revisiting her conviction for the brutal murder of her best friend, Signal Deere awaits her fate with the Class A killers she calls her closest friends. When the footage that proves her innocence is wiped, it&’s clear someone she trusts is sabotaging her case—and Signal is headed back to jail if she can&’t figure out who. Signal desperately needs help from someone as obsessed with the truth as he is with her: Erik.But after the Bonnie-and-Clyde act that made them a viral sensation, Erik is a wanted man. Camp wants to kill him, the police want to put him away, and more than one fan wants to claim his black heart. All Erik wants is the freedom he&’s never had. Can Signal convince the Teen Killers Club member with the highest body count to turn himself in and testify?Being with Erik will put a target on her back but losing him just might kill her. As the Teen Killers Club faces its final trial, Signal discovers her options may be narrowing—to life behind bars or till death do us part.
Teen Life Confidential: Queen Bees, Drama Queens & Cliquey Teens
by Anita NaikWith queen bees, drama queens and cliquey teens girl friendships can be tough! Teen Life Confidential is here to help with this guide for teenagers looking for help surviving the friendship game. Hanging out with your best friends can be awesome, but what happens when things go wrong? Queen Bees, Drama Queens and Cliquey Teens answers your friendship problems and questions and gives advice on everything from how to cope with the bullies and mean girls at school, to how to be a better friend yourself. Written by experienced author Anita Naik, this title explores all aspects of teenage girl friendships and the problems that surround them. We look at what being popular means, the downsides of friendships and what to do when things go wrong. Includes an 8 ways to empower yourself guide. Self-esteem and self-confidence are vital when coping with girl friendships and girl bullying, so we've given 8 things that the reader can do every day to improve their confidence and build their self esteem. Each section is accompanied by quotes from real teenagers to give examples of real-life problems that teenagers experience every day. We also feature quizzes to help you to assess your own behaviour and work out what your friendship style is. Anita Naik is an author, columnist, blogger and journalist. She started her career as advice columnist on the teen magazine Just 17, and is now the agony aunt at Teen Now magazine and Avon Connects. She is also a regular contributor to the parenting technology site Quibly (http://www.quib.ly) and writes regularly on the subjects of teens, tech, parenting, education and social media, across various media platforms and magazines. Kidscape is the first charity in the UK established specifically to prevent bullying and child sexual abuse. Kidscape works UK-wide to provide individuals and organisations with practical skills and resources necessary to keep children safe from harm. We are grateful to Claude Knights at Kidscape for her advice in the creation of this book. For more information please visit: http://www.kidscape.org.uk/ Chapter One - Being popular: What does it means to be popular and who you are friends with right now? Chapter Two - The girls who rule school: Here we look at the girls at the top of the class and why they behave the way they do. Chapter Three - The downside of friendships: Relational aggression explained and ways to deal with the mean behaviours that arise in girl friendships. Chapter Four - What kind of friend are you? Helps readers to assess their own friendship behaviour. We look at the different types of friend and the problems of the behaviours associated with them. Chapter Five - When things go wrong: How to cope with friendships that end, or turn nasty. A Help Section gives details of places to go for further help and guidance, and a glossary explains specific terms to readers.
Teen Life Confidential: Sex, Snogs, Dates and Mates
by Anita NaikHow do you deal with dating and build good relationships? How will you know when you're ready to have sex? Can you resist the pressure and say no if you're not? Designed to make sex education easier for teenagers and their parents and teachers, this age appropriate guide will give you the facts and answer all the questions on sex and relationships you didn't like to ask, from periods and puberty, crushes and contraception to health and harrassment. Topical and helpful, the book includes quotes from teenagers about their own experiences, and is written in a down-to-earth and friendly manner by highly respected author and agony aunt Anita Naik. The chapter listing is as follows: Your changing body; Sex education - what's it all about?; Love and relationships; Thinking about sex; Having sex; Life after sex; Bigger problems.
Teen Life Confidential: Texts, Tweets, Trolls and Teens
by Anita NaikTexts, Trolls, Tweets and Teens takes a look at the whirlwind world of teen technology and gives advice on how teens can stay safe and manage their digital life. It's a speedy world with texts and tweets and a click of a button is hard to undo. This books tackles issues such as cyberbullying, online privacy and what to do if things go wrong.