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Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas #2)
by Zoraida CordovaThree sisters. One spell. Countless dead. Lula Mortiz feels like an outsider. Her sister's newfound Encantrix powers have wounded her in ways that Lula's bruja healing powers can't fix, and she longs for the comfort her family once brought her. Thank the Deos for Maks, her sweet, steady boyfriend who sees the beauty within her and brings light to her life. Then a bus crash turns Lula's world upside down. Her classmates are all dead, including Maks. But Lula was born to heal, to fix. She can bring Maks back, even if it means seeking help from her sisters and defying Death herself. But magic that defies the laws of the deos is dangerous. Unpredictable. And when the dust settles, Maks isn't the only one who's been brought back...Brooklyn Brujas Series:Labryinth Lost (Book 1)Bruja Born (Book 2)Praise for Labyrinth Lost:A Bustle Best Book A NPR Top YA Book A Paste Magazine Best Book"A richly Latin American, giddily exciting novel." —The New York Times"The best new series of the year." —Paste Magazine"This work is a magical journey from start to finish..." —School Library Journal, starred review
La Bruja Negra (Las Crónicas de la Bruja Negra #Volumen 1)
by Laurie ForestPrimera entrega de «Las Crónicas de la Bruja Negra», una serie de fantasía juvenil que condena los prejuicios y la injusticia y que ofrece una historia de amor en un entorno escolar a lo Harry Potter y un contexto político a lo Juego de Tronos. Bienvenidos a la Universidad Verpax. Carnissa Gardner, la última Bruja Negra, rechazó a las fuerzas enemigas y salvó a su pueblo durante la Guerra del Reino. Fue una de las más grandes magas Gardnerianas. Elloren Gardner, de 17 años, es la viva imagen de su famosa abuela, ahora ya muerta, aunque no tiene poderes mágicos, y eso no es bueno en una sociedad que premia las habilidades mágicas por encima de las demás. Después de la muerte de sus padres, Elloren y sus hermanos son criados por su tío en una aldea en el bosque. Elloren quiere ir a la Universidad Verpax para convertirse en boticaria, pero su intrigante tía política quiere que se case con Lukas Gray, un poderoso mago y aliado político de su tía. Elloren rechaza la propuesta de Lukas, y descubre que la influencia de su tía se extiende y hace que su vida en la universidad pueda estar llena de peligros. En la Universidad, Elloren conoce a todo tipo de criaturas diferentes, Icarals con alas, cambiaformas, Elfos y Selkies, y se acabará enamorando de Yvan, cuyo origen Keltish no puede encajar con una Gardneriana como ella. Elloren aprende a cuestionar la autoridad y la historia Gardneriana, mientras desarrolla una empatía real para con diferentes compañeros, haciéndose amiga de los más parias y outsiders, únicos dignos de confianza, mientras se empieza a cuestionar todo lo que sabe y creía saber sobre la historia y la cultura de Garnderia, percatándose de que existe una buena razón para la creciente oposición al nuevo gobierno de su país y para empezar a cuestionarse también aquello que creía amar y odiar. La crítica ha dicho...«Es, sin duda, una de las mejores lecturas que he tenido este año.»Universo de libros «La historia me ha maravillado, en especial por todo lo que te hace reflexionar.»Nadando entre palabras «Es una historia de crítica social, llena de magia, intriga y secretos, conunos personajes enigmáticos y muy bien construidos, y una gran protagonista que encarna un papel crucial para esta historia.»Reflejos de luna «Un mundo [...] lleno de varitas mágicas, celos, romances imposibles, guerras, abusos, secretos y terrores.»Torre de Babel«Una gran historia con un mundo muy bien creado, con personajes muy diferentes y muchas culturas y un mensaje poderoso.Lectura directa «Una lectura entretenida que nos presenta un universo interesante y que explora temas como la xenofobia, la guerra y el fascismo.»ExcentriKs«Una larga lista de personajes hicieron que esta historia se uniera a mi top de mejores lecturas de este año.»Magia oculta «Una historia increíble, una obra mágica con un toque original.»Its time to magic «Una lectura que me ha atrapado de lleno y que la he disfrutado desde la primera página.»Sintiendo tus letras
Las Brujas (Colección Alfaguara Clásicos #Volumen)
by Roald DahlLas brujas es una historia de Roald Dahl, el gran autor de literatura infantil. Las brujas de todo el mundo, bajo la apariencia de mujeres corrientes, están celebrando su Congreso Anual. Han decidido aniquilar a todos los niños sirviéndose de un ratonizador mágico. ¿Conseguirán vencerlas el protagonista de esta historia y su abuela? Más de 12 millones de ejemplares vendidos en el mundo.
Bruno Trask and the Dark Lady's Jewels
by Michael PryorIn the fantastical world of Michael Pryor?s new novel, humans live alongside elves, dwarves, werewolves and ogres. Bruno Trask is a human boy with a very boring job: he has to parade around the local shopping mall dressed as Roger, the Smiley Dragon. One day at the mall a fabulous collection of enchanted jewellery is on display. It is presided over by the Dark Lady, the most famous, rich and influential Dark Elf in the world. Just as she?s unveiling the main attraction?an old family heirloom called the Black Star?Bruno accidentally knocks it out of her hand in a spectacular collision. It soars high into the air and Bruno, again accidentally, puts out his hand and catches it. In a flash of light, the Black Star merges with his hand and becomes embedded in the middle of his palm. Suddenly, Bruno is the centre of attention. The Dark Lady wants her Black Star back and she?ll do anything to get it. With two of her bodyguard ogres after him, Bruno very quickly finds himself on the run. Will Bruno stay out of the Dark Lady?s clutches? And what is the secret behind the Black Star?
Brunt Boggart: A Tapestry of Tales
by David GreygooseA unique novel comprised of a cycle of beautiful and mysterious fantasy folk tales which combine to tell an unforgettable storyThis is a book like no other: a magical tapestry of folk tales, woven together to build a world that is as strange yet familiar as a half-remembered dream. It is an old world, a world of enchanted corn dollies and wild dances in poppy fields, a world of tricksters, lovers and fools.Through this world, Greychild must journey in search of his mother: from the village of Brunt Boggart, down the treacherous Pedlar Man's track, all the way to distant Arleccra, a city of treasures and temptation. If you follow him, a part of you will never come back.
Bubonic Panic: When Plague Invaded America
by Gail JarrowIn March 1900, San Francisco's health department investigated a strange and horrible death in Chinatown. A man had died of bubonic plague, one of the world's deadliest diseases. But how could that be possible? <P><P> Bubonic Panic tells the true story of America's first plague epidemic--the public health doctors who desperately fought to end it, the political leaders who tried to keep it hidden, and the brave scientists who uncovered the plague's secrets. <P><P> Once again, acclaimed author and scientific expert Gail Jarrow brings the history of a medical mystery to life in vivid and exciting detail for young readers. This title includes photographs and drawings, a glossary, a timeline, further resources, an author's note, a bibliography, and source notes.
Bubonic Plague: How The Black Death Changed History (Infected! Ser.)
by Barbara KrasnerThe bubonic plague is a disease spread by fleas that live on rats. Outbreaks of the disease killed millions of people. Read this book to learn more about the history of this infectious disease.
Buck Wild Doonesbury: A Doonesbury Book (Doonesbury #19)
by G. B. TrudeauActual events may provide plenty of grist for the cartoon mill, but it takes a mind like Garry Trudeau's to sift through it for the hilarious kernel of truth. From the Bill Clinton-Ken Starr face-off to high-flying Internet start-ups to new ways to plagiarize term papers, Trudeau hones in on the things we take so seriously and livens them up with craftyjolts of jocularity.In this Doonesbury collection, Buck Wild Doonesbury, Trudeau is at his best. We watch as Uncle Bernie pulls the plug on Mike and Kim's entrepreneurial venture, the virtual company that follows that rich tradition of losing money and lots of it. We sit in on a press conference with America's most famous special prosecutor who admits he spent four years "Leaking. Trolling. It's been hectic." And we behold Zonker as he passes along his long-held slacker philosophy to his young nephew Zipper.Through it all, Doonesbury retains its fresh and innovative style. Doonesbury has, over the years, tweaked everything and nearly everyone, from Donald Trump's aggressive real estate style to Dan Quayle's unblinking stance on family values to Newt Gingrich's ticking-time-bomb technique, while keeping us entertained with characters including Boopsie, Duke, J.J., B.D., and Earl. Buck Wild Doonesbury, like the strip, is provocative, controversial, and hilarious.
Buckle Down to the Common Core State Standards, English Language Arts, Grade 8
by Triumph LearningCorrelated to the New York and Common Core State Standards! Buckle Down has just what you need to stay in step with the Common Core State Standards-a groundbreaking change in our educational system. Our new series, Buckle Down to the Common Core, will ensure that every classroom is current, focused, and on track with the CCSS initiative! Lessons introduce key skills and use examples to walk students through the ELA concepts, step by step. You'll get both targeted review and extensive practice on open-ended questions.
Buddha in Your Backpack: Everyday Buddhism for Teens
by Franz MetcalfA guide for navigating the teen years, Buddha in Your Backpack is for young people who want to learn more about Buddhism or for those who simply want to understand what's going on inside themselves and in the world around them. Buddha in Your Backpack tells Buddha's life story in a fashion teens will relate to, describing Buddha as a young rebel not satisfied with the answers of his elders. It then introduces Buddha's core teachings with chapters like "All About Me" and "Been There, Why'd I Do That?" The author presents thoughtful and spiritual insights on school, dating, hanging out, jobs, and other issues of special interest to teens - inviting readers to look inside themselves for answers.
¡Buen viaje! Glencoe Spanish 1
by Conrad J. Schmitt Protase E. WoodfordEVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER WANTED IN A SPANISH PROGRAM. This comprehensive program encourages meaningful, practical communication by immersing your students in the language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world. The text and its complementary resources help you meet the needs of every student in your diverse classroom and provide the color and captivating details you've always wanted to include in your presentation.
Buenos espíritus: (High Spirits Spanish Edition)
by Camille Gomera-Tavarez★ "Auténtico e inmersivo... Una obra de amor" —Kirkus (reseña estelar)★"El debut literario conmovedor de Gomera-Tavarez es una obra sensible e intrínsecamente feminista."; —Publishers Weekly (reseña estelar)Buenos Espíritus es una colección de once cuentos, interconectados con la diáspora dominicana, de la autora debut Camille Gomera-Tavarez.Es un libro centrado en una familia extensa, los Belén, a través de múltiples generaciones.Está ambientado en la pequeña ciudad ficticia de Hidalpa, y también en Santo Domingo, Paterson, San Juan y Washington Heights.Está narrada en un estilo absolutamente real y claramente mágico. Estos cuentos exploran el machismo, la salud mental, la familia y la identidad.Pero sobre todo, Buenos Espíritus representa el primer libro de Camille Gomera-Tavarez, quien toma su lugar como una de las nuevas voces más extraordinarias que han surgido en años.
Buffalo Dreamer
by Violet DuncanAn illuminating novel about the importance of reclaiming the past, based on the author&’s family historySummer and her family always spend relaxed summers in Alberta, Canada, on the reservation where her mom&’s family lives. But this year is turning out to be an eye-opening one. First, Summer has begun to have vivid dreams in which she's running away from one of the many real-life residential schools that tore Native children from their families and tried to erase their Native identities. Not long after that, she learns that unmarked children&’s graves have been discovered at the school her grandpa attended as a child. Now more folks are speaking up about their harrowing experiences at these places, including her grandfather. Summer cherishes her heritage and is heartbroken about all her grandfather was forced to give up and miss out on. When the town holds a rally, she&’s proud to take part to acknowledge the painful past and speak of her hopes for the future, and anxious to find someone who can fill her in on the source of her unsettling dreams.
Buffalo Flats
by Martine LeavittA stubborn, irreverent and resourceful young woman discovers that it is the bonds of family, faith and friendship that will tie her to the wild and unpredictable land she comes to love so fiercely. Seventeen-year-old Rebecca has traveled by covered wagon from Utah to the North-West Territories of Canada, where her parents and brothers are now homesteading and establishing a new community. Despite the back-breaking work, Rebecca decides that she, too, must have her own land. She sets to the seemingly impossible task of earning enough money to buy her homestead, while surviving the relentless challenges of pioneer life – the ones that mother nature throws at her in the form of blizzards, grizzlies, influenza or flood, and the ones that come with human nature, be they government bureaucracy, exasperating neighbours or the breathtaking frailty of life. All the while, her quest opens a floodgate of questions. Why should she be expected to marry and be subject to her husband’s domain? What kind of a man would she marry, anyway? Someone gallant and exciting like Levi Hunt? Or a man of ideas like Coby Webster? How can she make this land she loves her own? Key Text Features biographical note chapters epigraph historical note timeline
Building a Car (See How It's Made Ser.)
by Danielle S. HammelefFor more than a hundred years, humans have depended on cars to get them where they need to go. How are these amazing machines built? Get ready to find out!
Building Citizenship: Civics and Economics
by McGraw-Hill GlencoePrepare your students for citizenship in today's world with the first fully integrated print and digital learning experience for civics and economics. Focus on the Essential Questions with content built around Enduring Understanding and the National Civics and Economics Standards Make concepts real and relevant with The Story Matters chapter openers, Teen Citizens in Action, Landmark Supreme Court Cases and service learning activities Maximize comprehension with built-in reading strategies, and vocabulary support Build critical thinking skills with You Decide, Being an Active Citizen, Why It Matters, and 21st Century Skill Activities.
Building Citizenship: Civics & Economics
by John J. Patrick Gary E. Clayton Richard C. Remy David C. SaffellBuilding Citizenship: Civics & Economics engages students in principles that serve as the foundation of our government and economy while emphasizing real-life citizenship and personal financial literacy. This practical, interactive Civics and Economics curriculum includes a strong emphasis on critical thinking, project-based learning, document-based analysis and questions, and the development of close reading skills. Connect to core civics and economics content with an accessible, student-friendly text aligned to the Understanding by Design® instructional approach
Building Citizenship: Civics & Economics
by Richard C. Remy John J. Patrick David C. SaffellNIMAC-sourced textbook
Building Literacy Through Learning: American History
by Great SourceActivity Journal for building literacy through learning American History Grades 6-8.
Building Literacy with English Language Learners, Second Edition: Insights from Linguistics
by Kristin Lems Leah D. Miller Tenena M. SoroHow can linguistics help teachers of English language learners (ELLs) improve their instruction? What specific competencies do ELLs need to build in order to speak, listen, read, and write in a new language? Now revised and expanded with a broader view of literacy, this book has guided thousands of inservice and preservice teachers to understand the processes involved in second-language acquisition and help ELLs succeed. The authors explain relevant linguistic concepts with a focus on what works in today's diverse PreK-12 classrooms. Effective teaching strategies are illustrated with engaging classroom vignettes; the volume also features instructive discussion questions and a glossary. (First edition title: Teaching Reading to English Language Learners.) New to This Edition *Chapter on digital learning, plus new content on digital technology throughout the book. *Broader view of literacy; increased attention to oral language and writing as well as reading. *Even more user friendly--additional classroom suggestions from real teachers, vignettes, and examples and graphics illustrating linguistic concepts. *End-of-chapter "challenge questions" that inspire deeper reflection. *Coverage of timely topics, such as numeracy and the language innovations of text messages. This e-book edition features 18 full-color figures. (Figures will appear in black and white on black-and-white e-readers).
Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners: Insights from Linguistics
by Kristin Lems Tenena M. Soro Gareth CharlesNow in a revised and expanded third edition, this established course text and teacher guide explores the processes involved in second-language acquisition and translates the research into practical instructional strategies for PreK–12. Engaging classroom vignettes and personal reflections from the authors and other seasoned educators bring the teaching methods and linguistic concepts to life. Highlighting ways to draw on emergent bilingual and multilingual students' strengths, the book presents innovative learning activities, lesson-planning ideas, technology applications, downloadable reproducible forms, and other resources. Second edition title: Building Literacy with English Language Learners. New to This Edition *Chapter on visual literacy. *Extensive updated coverage of literacy in the digital age, including gamification and video games, digital reading, and uses of ChatGPT in the classroom. *Increased attention to multimodal projects and activities. *New or expanded discussions of translanguaging, dual-language instruction, English as a lingua franca as well as an academic language, and other timely topics. Pedagogical Features *"How Does This Look in the Classroom?" sections. *Study and discussion questions in every chapter. *Chapter-opening "Key Vocabulary" boxes. *End-of-book glossary.
building small: Sustainable Designs for Tiny Houses & Backyard Buildings (Zondervangroupware Small Group Edition Ser.)
by David Jeanie Stilessustainable designs for tiny houses & backyard buildings
Buildings That Breathe: Greening the World's Cities
by Nancy F. CastaldoImagine looking out from your 18th floor apartment in the middle of the city and seeing trees right in front of you. In an effort to stem climate change, reduce pollution, combat heat, and protect biodiversity, architects are teaming up with botanists, urban wildlife ecologists, and other scientists to design high-rise forests, living walls, and vertical farms in some of the world’s most populated places. These projects are happening all around the world, and they will not only change the urban landscape, but they will provide urban dwellers with a healthier place to live and work. For Buildings That Breathe, author and environmental journalist Nancy Castaldo connected with architect Stefano Boeri at the World Forum on Urban Forests and was invited to his office in Milan where she visited Bosco Verticale, the first high-rise forest. Planted with 750 trees, 5,000 shrubs, and 11 perennials on two apartment towers, the project provides an urban habitat for birds, insects, and people while creating a micro-climate that produces oxygen and provides shade for high-rise residents. Explore Bosco Verticale, as well the planned Liuzhou Forest City in China and other green architecture projects around the world, looking at how people are working together to change the urban landscape of the future.
Bull: A Novel
by David ElliottMuch like Lin-Manuel Miranda did in Hamilton, the New York Times best-selling author David Elliott turns a classic on its head in form and approach, updating the timeless story of Theseus and the Minotaur. A rough, rowdy, and darkly comedic young adult retelling in verse, which NPR called &“beautifully clever,&” Bull will have readers reevaluating one of mythology's most infamous monsters. SEE THE STORY OF THESEUS AND THE MINOTAUR IN A WHOLE NEW LIGHT Minos thought he could Pull a fast one On me, Poseidon! God of the Sea! But I&’m the last one On whom you Should try such a thing. The nerve of that guy. The balls. The audacity. I AM THE OCEAN! I got capacity! Depths! Darkness! Delphic power! So his sweet little plan Went big-time sour And his wife had a son Born with horns and a muzzle Who ended up In an underground puzzle. What is it with you mortals? You just can&’t seem to learn: If you play with fire, babies, You&’re gonna get burned.