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イエスに従うためにユダヤ人の宗教を去った理由: Scenes From Life In The Country (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie Ser. #115)

by バーナード・レヴィン

あなたは、ユダヤ人の世界で何が起こっているかを知るためにショックを受けるでしょう。 私はあなたがほとんどのユダヤ人の家で、あなたがそこに聖書を見つけることができないことを知って非常に驚くことでしょうと確信しています。 でも、とても奇妙でしょ。「本の人々」として知られている国は、どのようにして自分たちの家に聖書を持っていないのでしょうか? さらに驚くべきことは、ユダヤ人が聖文をよく理解していると思いますが、ショッキングな本当の真実は、旧約聖書のほとんどがユダヤ人にとって謎であり、彼らが知りませんでした、そして、彼についての予言を見たことがないからです。エゼキエル、イザヤ、ダニエル、マラキなどの本の中の マラキ。 そして、ほとんどのユダヤ人がヘブライ語を理解できないので、あなたは、ユダヤ人が祈っているときに何を言っているのか分からないことを知っていました。 ですから、ユダヤ人がイエス・キリストを信じないのなら、どうして罪をすべて取り除かれるのでしょうか。...ユダヤ人は、天国に行く方法は何だと信じていますか? あなたは、ユダヤ人の世界で何が起こっているかを知るためにショックを受けるでしょう。


by جوهانا سبايري

كان كوخ العم «وليم» ينتصب بشموخ فوق قمة الجبل . و هو في مهب الرياح من أي جهة جاءت و معرض لأشعةالشمس من مختلف جوانبه . و تر تفع خلف الكوخ ثلاث من أشجار التنوب . وقد جاوره كوخ آخر صغير مرتب و منظم مثله .

تالا والأصدقاء

by همسة املطبقاني

عندما كان الأصدقاء يغادرون الحفلة إلتفتت ياسمين إلى ماريا وسألتها «هل رأيت تالا في الحفلة ». ماريا : لا لم تأت أيضا هذه المرة. يوسف : أنا متأكد أن لديها عذرا منعها من الحضور. يوسف : ياسمين ياسمين ياسميييييييييييييييين فيما تفكرين ياسمين : سأخبركما غدا تصبحان على خير.

راقصات الباليه

by أميلي بين

نجمة الموهبة: تستطيع أن ت ضحك النجوم بفضل رقصها الجميل. تحب: رقص الباليه سباق الطيران مع الدود المضيء. تكره: الجن ي الشرير نوكس المزاج السيئ. الطعام المفضل: لبن ضوء النجوم. النبات المفضل: وردة النجم الأزرق. الحيوان المفضل: الغراب شمشون.

أريده الآن

by دونا بي غيتس رفيف غدار

تلقى ابن أخي في ذكرى ميلاده الرابعة كدسة من الهدايا. وخلال الحفلة أخبره والداه الحسنا النية كم هو محظوظ وأبدت عدة أمهات دهشتهن لما لديه من أصدقاء رائعين. ولكن ابن أخي الذي لم يتأثر بكسبه المفاجىء كان مهتما لأن يلعب لعبة الوحش مع أصدقائه أكثر من اهتمامه بفتح هداياه

Συναισθηματική Νοημοσύνη: Μάθετε να Αξιοποιείτε στο Έπακρο τα Συναισθήματα σας (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Für Romanische Philologie Ser. #115)


Τα θέματα που απασχολούν και επικρατούν στις συζητήσεις στον τομέα της Ψυχολογίας τα τελευταία χρόνια αφορούν τη Συναισθηματική Nοημοσύνη, ως μια περαιτέρω εξέλιξη του πεδίου μελέτης των ανθρώπινων συναισθημάτων και των επιπτώσεών τους στη ζωή, γιατί τότε αποκτούν πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο σε τομείς τόσο σημαντικούς όσο η εκπαίδευση ή η επιχειρηματικότητα, χάρη στα οφέλη που έχει παρατηρηθεί ότι αποφέρει τόσο η αξιοποίηση όσο και η ικανοποίηση με τη ζωή εκείνων που καλλιεργούν τη Σ.Ν.. Αυτό το ebook προσφέρει μια προσέγγιση στις πιο πρόσφατες έρευνες που πραγματοποιούνται στο πεδίο της Σ.Ν., και πώς αυτή μπορεί να εφαρμοστεί στην καθημερινή ζωή για να αποκτηθούν τα μεγαλύτερα πιθανά οφέλη. Αναγκαίο μονοπάτι, αυτό δηλαδή της ανάπτυξης της Σ.Ν., μόλις τελειώσετε την ανάγνωση αυτού το&

आरम्भ्कर्ताओं के लिए बाइबल: अध्ययन गाइड 66 किताबें शुरू करने के लिए समझाया (Action Packs Ser. #115)

by ब्रायन गुगास

युगों से लोग मार्गदर्शन और आशा के लिए बाइबिल की तरफ मुड़े हैं| यह बाइबिल अध्ययन की पुस्तक शुरुआती लोगों के लिए बाइबिल की प्रशंसा विकसित करने और इसे दैनिक जीवन का हिस्सा बनाने के लिए एक नक़्शे के रूप में कार्य करती है| बाइबिल की सभी 66 पुस्तकें विस्तार से शामिल हैं: •प्रत्येक पुस्तक के लेखक और उस समय की रूपरेखा जिसमें वह लिखी गई थी •प्रत्येक पुस्तक का मुख्य विषय •प्रत्येक पुस्तक के सन्देश का सारांश •चिंतन और आगे की खोज के लिए एक भक्ति बाइबिल की कहानियों, भविष्यवाणियों और संदेशों में खुद को विसर्जित कर दें और ईश्वर और ईसा मसीह की विस्मयकारी शक्ति, दया और उपचार शक्ति की खोज करें| अनुग्रहकारी और प्रेरणादायक, शुरुआती लोगों के लिए बाइबिल अध्ययन पाठक को मूल बातों में वापस लाता है और इश्वर के जीवित शब्द के साथ एक सीधे सम्बन्ध का रास्ता खोलता है|

Η Αρχηγοσ Τησ Αγελησ: An Epic Horse Story (ΛΥΚΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΙ #1)

by Μάργκο Μποντ Κόλλινς

Η Σιένα καταλάβαινε πως κάτι δεν πάει καλά με την οικογένεια της. Δεν ήξερε όμως πως οι περισσότεροι από αυτούς ήταν λυκάνθρωποι, μέχρι να ανοίξουν την διαθήκη του θείου της και να την ονομάσουν Αρχηγό της Αγέλης. Για καλή της τύχη, κληρονόμησε μαζί και το Τρελό Φεγγάρι το μοναδικό και κυρίαρχο μπαρ λυκανθρώπων του Σαν Φρανσίσκο, το οποίο ήταν γεμάτο με λύκους έτοιμους να της μάθουν τα πάντα... Για να κυβερνήσει την αγέλη της όμως, έπρεπε να διαλέξει ένα ταίρι πριν την επόμενη πανσέληνο. Έναν από τους τρεις πανέμορφους λυκάνθρωπους που είχε μπροστά της. Μακάρι να ήταν τόσο εύκολο να αποφασίσει….Το βιβλίο αυτό είναι το πρώτο από τα τρία της σειράς. Η ιστορία συνεχίζεται. Μην τη χάσετε! Τα επόμενα βιβλία θα είναι διαθέσιμα ως το τέλος του 2019!

Ο Διασώστης και ο Ισπανικός Εμφύλιος Πόλεμος: Ξεχασμένες Ιστορίες από την Ισπανία

by Paul Read

Προσπαθήστε να φανταστείτε ότι η πόλη της Μάλαγας πρέπει να εκκενωθεί εν μία νυκτί. 150.000 άνθρωποι καλούνται να περπατήσουν 200 χιλιόμετρα κατά μήκος του παραλιακού δρόμου Ν-340 σε αναζήτηση ασφαλούς καταφυγίου, ενώ καταδιώκονται από ιταλικά τεθωρακισμένα άρματα μάχης, βομβαρδίζονται από γερμανικά αεροσκάφη και δέχονται οβίδες από τα πλοία των Στασιαστών Εθνικιστών. Άοπλοι άνδρες, γυναίκες και παιδιά θα δεχθούν πυροβολισμούς από αεροπλάνα ή θα πέσουν νεκροί από ριπές των πλοίων που τους καταδιώκουν κατά μήκος της ακτής, τα σώματά τους θα αφεθούν στην άκρη του δρόμου, εγκαταλελειμμένα στο χάος και την κτηνωδία των εμπόλεμων ενηλίκων.

¿ Quién puede ser artista? (¡Arriba la Lectura! Level S #25)

by Pamela Rushby Rosalie Street

NIMAC-sourced textbook

03.5 El Camino de Ameilia 9781880000076

by Linda Jacobs Altman

1,000 Amazing Dinosaurs Facts: Unbelievable Facts About Dinosaurs

by DK

Astonish your friends and family with this incredible collection of mind-boggling facts about the scariest animals ever to walk the Earth. This unbelievably fascinating dinosaur book for children will teach you all you need to know about prehistoric animals, like which dinosaur had the sharpest teeth, the longest claws, the smallest brain, the largest droppings, and lots more! Did you know that the largest dinosaur was longer than a tennis court but its babies were no bigger than a newborn human baby? That the smallest dinosaur weighed less than a teaspoon of sugar? Or that the largest flying reptile was as tall as a giraffe, with wings the size of a small plane? Children aged 9+ will love all these facts and more, presented either with jaw-dropping CGI illustrations or eye-popping photography – plus additional boxes feature diagrams that make information easy to understand. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they explore:- 1,000 jaw-dropping, mind-blowing facts that will be sure to wow family and friends. - Stunning CGI graphics, fun visual comparisons, and diagrams make stats and facts easy to understand.- Science boxes are illustrated with engaging diagrams.- Photo stories feature additional incredible stories and comparisons.In 1,000 Amazing Dinosaur Facts children can discover the fastest, the slowest, the deadliest, and the downright weirdest dinosaurs ever to roam the planet! This book of mind-blowing dinosaur facts will make the ideal gift for kids who love all things prehistoric, giving a real sense of the colossal scale of dinosaurs and how and where they lived.More in the SeriesIf you like 1,000 Amazing Dinosaur Facts then why not complete the collection? Dive into disgusting facts with 1,000 Amazing Gross Facts and discover the secret science of everything icky and sticky.

1,000 Amazing Gross Facts (DK 1,000 Amazing Facts)

by DK

Dive into a world of gross facts and discover the secret science of everything icky and sticky. This irresistibly disgusting book for children will teach you all you need to know about all kinds of animal and human waste and goo – what it&’s for, how it&’s made, where it goes, and lots more. Did you know that the global population produces more than a million tons of poo every day? Or that the ancient Egyptians used animal excrement in their medicine? That sea cucumbers can vomit their sticky insides when threatened, yet still survive? Children aged 9+ will love all these facts and more, presented either with jaw-dropping CGI illustrations or eye-popping photography – plus additional boxes feature diagrams that make information easy to understand. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they explore:- 1,000 jaw-dropping, mind-blowing facts that will be sure to wow family and friends. - Stunning CGI graphics, fun visual comparisons, and diagrams make stats and facts easy to understand.- Science boxes that are illustrated with engaging diagrams to explain information.- Simple and easy to understand images explaining the science behind the weird and wonderful facts.This book of gross, mind-blowing facts will make the ideal gift for kids who love all things weird and wonderful - especially slime and goo! With endlessly interesting information and incredible visuals, 1,000 Amazing Gross Facts is the perfect way to entertain and amuse your friends, family, and yourself. In fact, you&’ll never look at poo, goop, and gunk in the same way again!More in the SeriesIf you like 1,000 Amazing Gross Facts then why not complete the collection? Journey to the Jurassic era with 1,000 Amazing Dinosaur Facts and learn mind-boggling facts about the scariest animals ever to walk the Earth!

1,000 Amazing Human Body Facts (DK 1,000 Amazing Facts)

by DK

Stun family and friends with mind-boggling facts about the human body!Packed with amazing facts and visual representations, this extraordinary book answers questions about the human body. Find out just what makes our bodies so incredible with enough blood and guts, intestines, and eyeballs to satisfy the most curious kids.Filled with astounding facts and popping photography, this science book for kids 9 years and older makes the science of the human body exciting and fun. Inside you&’ll find: • 1,000 jaw-dropping, mind-blowing facts. • Stunning images that help explain facts about the body in a way that kids can understand. • Fast fact science boxes illustrated with engaging info graphics to cover essential info on how the body works. • Additional photo stories on each spread, revealing something a bit more quirky and fun. • Amazing pictures magnified many times show you parts of the body as you&’ve never seen them before. • Simple, easy-to-understand secondary artwork that makes the main images on each spread the stars of the show. • Fun, accessible text written to excite and entertain the target age group and adults too! Did you know your DNA could stretch to the sun and back not once but 16 times, or that you shed and regrow a whole new layer of skin every 39 days? It Can&’t Be True! Human Body! is full of bite-size, fascinating bits of information about the incredible abilities of human bodies. Children will be captivated by this book on human body facts, and its science &“question and answer&” format. Discover the surprising answers to questions like how big is your stomach, or how big are your lungs?Packed with vibrant computer-generated images, this science book for children explains an impressive number of human body facts with breathtaking visual comparisons that reveal just how amazing your body is. Topics covered include what the body is made of, circulation and respiratory systems, skeletal and muscle systems, and so much more!More incredible facts to discover DK&’s It Can&’t Be True! series covers fascinating topics in an easy-to-read, question and answer format to keep children interested and engaged. These books are wonderful gifts for kids who love science, and will satisfy their most pressing questions.

1,000 Amazing Record Breakers (DK 1,000 Amazing Facts)

by DK

This book brings you the first, fastest, longest, largest, biggest, and best records in the world. Track the world's longest migrations, visit the coolest place on the planet (Vostok Station, Antarctica - a chilling -89.2ºC), see how plane pioneer Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier, and much more. The greatest human achievements are showcased, from pioneering inventors to modern feats of engineering, technology, transport, and sport. But there's far more than just people power in this book! There are also records about animals, plants, Earth, and space. Amazing facts pack this fantastic book of world records. It's theperfect gift book for curious kids.

1,000 Amazing Weird Facts (DK 1,000 Amazing Facts)

by DK

Dive into a collection jaw-dropping facts and mind-blowing information about our weird and wonderful world. This weird and wonderful fact book for children will teach them about all kinds of bizarre beasts, incredible places and peculiar phenomena. Did you know there's a plant that eats mice? Or that you can dip your toe in a rainbow-colored river? Whether it's geography, people, places, animals, plants, or weather, 1,000 Amazing Weird Facts is the ideal book for curious young minds who are fascinated by our amazing planet. Children aged 9+ will love all these facts and more, presented either with jaw-dropping CGI illustrations or eye-popping photography – plus additional boxes feature diagrams that make information easy to understand. This mind-blowing fact book for children offers: 1,000 jaw-dropping facts that will be sure to wow family and friends. Striking CGI graphics, fun visual comparisons, and diagrams make stats and facts easy to understand.Simple and easy to understand images explaining the science behind the weird and wonderful facts.Whether it's geography, people, places, animals, plants, or weather, 1,000 Amazing Weird Facts is the ideal book for curious young minds who are fascinated by our amazing planet. From fiery tornadoes flying across the sky to huge sinkholes eating up the earth, each example is illustrated with jaw-dropping images and handy fast facts that provide the explanations behind the stories. More in the SeriesIf you like 1,000 Amazing Weird Facts then why not complete the collection? Journey to the Jurassic era with 1,000 Amazing Dinosaur Facts and learn mind-boggling facts about the scariest animals ever to walk the Earth, or discover the secret science of everything icky and sticky with 1,000 Amazing Gross Facts.

1,000 Amazing World Facts (DK 1,000 Amazing Facts)

by DK

Dive into a world of mind-blowing facts that may defy belief, but they are all absolutely true!Can you believe the Eiffel Tower would fit inside a Sahara sand dune? Wow your friends and amaze your family with hundreds of new facts in this fun-filled, picture-packed bumper book for children aged 9+. 1,000 Amazing World Facts contains striking images, visual comparisons, and informative diagrams in one unforgettable journey around the world. From the tiniest microchip to our unimaginably enormous Universe, no subject is left unexplored. Celebrate your child's curiosity as they explore:- 1,000 mind-blowing facts that will be sure to wow family and friends. - CGI graphics, fun visual comparisons, and diagrams make stats and facts easy to understand.- Science boxes that are illustrated with engaging diagrams to explain information.Did you know that Earth could fit inside Jupiter more than 1,000 times? Or the blue whale's heart is as big as a car? Children will love all these facts and more, presented either with impressive CGI illustrations or eye-popping photography – plus additional boxes feature diagrams that make information easy to understand. More in the SeriesIf you like 1,000 Amazing World Facts then why not complete the collection? Journey to the Jurassic era with 1,000 Amazing Dinosaur Facts, learn about all things weird and wonderful with 1,000 Amazing Weird Facts, or discover the secret science of everything icky and sticky with 1,000 Amazing Gross Facts.

1,000 Curious Questions: And 1,000 Amazing Answers

by DK

Children ask the best questions—and this book has the answers!This timeless encyclopedia covers children's favorite topics, all in a friendly, easy-to-read Q&A format, perfect to dip into and browse. If your child is always asking questions, from "how do airplanes fly?" to "why do zebras have stripes?" and everything in between, this is the book for them. Shaped by children's interests and their insatiable curiosity, this is a book that children will read again and again.Alongside the children's questions and the expert answers are beautiful illustrations, photographs, and diagrams to bring every topic to life in rich detail and with perfect clarity. Question Everything! is essential reading to encourage curious kids to keep questioning the world around them.

1, 2, 3, Poop!

by Géraldine Collet

A laugh-till-your-sides-hurt picture book about numbers and pooping--a subject that kids find irresistible and a word they love to say out loud! From 1 to 10, follow along as the animals discover how each of them poops, in this hilarious counting tale that is sure to have kids wanting to read it again and again. With oversized illustrations and playful humor, young children will be engaged to learn their numbers through funny situations involving animals, such as the pig that ends up with poop on its head or the cat that poops in the dog's bowl. Poop comes in all shapes and sizes, and counting it has never been so fun: • The ant does 1 teeny-weeny poop. • The squirrel does 2 droppings under a leaf. • The cat does 3 poops and walks away. • Up to 10, let’s all count poop. Author of the newly released King of Poop, Géraldine Collet captures the imaginations of children by combining education with humor in a way that leaves them pleading to read each page over and over.

1-2-3 Scream!

by R. U. Ginns

Get ready to scream with this collection of hillarifying—hilariously terrifying—tales, fully-illustrated and perfect for scary story lovers who are looking for a side of humor to go with their helpings of horror.Stop!Unless you want to be scared, do NOT read this book. These tales of terror are so horrible, so alarming, they had to be bound up between these pages forever!You&’ll discover The Boogerman, an oozing horror that lurks in mirrors. You&’ll read about Instagrave, a popular new app that tells kids how they are going to die. In Epizeuxis, you&’ll learn what happens if you speak the name of a—wait. We&’ve said too much already. The things between these covers are too dangerous to ever be let out. That's why we're warning you: stay away from this book, or else!Of course, if you are reckless enough to open this book, then be sure to read these stories in a safe, indoor space, far from the beady, prying eyes of any birds*.Now, on the count of three: 1…2…3…SCREAM!*Is that a crow, a magpie, or an indigo bunting behind you? Be careful. Birds will do anything to keep people from discovering the secrets of this book!

1-2 Punch: Heatblast and Grey Matter (Ben 10)

by Wrigley Stuart Patrick Spaziante

Two times the action, ten times the mayhem, and a billion chances for alien madness! Heatblast and Grey Matter lead the charge in two intergalactic stories from Cartoon's Network's Ben 10.Which alien's skills pass the ultimate test: fiery Heatblast or brianiac Grey Matter? Follow along in two super-special adventures as ten-year-old Ben takes each alien out for a spin. Worlds are threatened, villains are vanquished, and Ben only bungles up a handful of times!

1-2 Punch: Four Arms and Wildvine (Ben 10)

by Wrigley Stuart Patrick Spaziante

Two times the action, ten times the mayhem, and a billion chances for alien madness! <p><p>Wildvine and Four Arms lead the charge in two intergalactic stories from Cartoon Network's Ben 10. <p>Which alien's skills pass the ultimate test: tropical Wildvine or brawny Four Arms? <p> Follow along in two super-special adventures as ten-year-old Ben takes each alien out for a spin. <p>Worlds are threatened, villains are vanquished, and Ben only bungles up a handful of times!

1-2 Punch: Stinkfly and Cannonbolt (Ben 10)

by Wrigley Stuart Patrick Spaziante

Two times the action, ten times the mayhem, and a billion chances for alien madness! Stinkfly and Cannonbolt lead the charge in two intergalactic stories from Cartoon Network's Ben 10.Which alien's skills pass the ultimate test: smelly Stinkfly or mammoth Cannonbolt? Follow along in two super-special adventures as ten-year-old Ben takes each alien out for a spin. Worlds are threatened, villains are vanquished, and Ben only bungles up a handful of times! <p><p> <i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. To explore further access options with us, please contact us through the Book Quality link on the right sidebar. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these. </i>


by José María Plaza

¿Te atreves a pasar miedo de verdad? ¿No te asusta indagar en leyendas de castillos, conventos abandonados, casas que no existen o cementerios malditos...? Álvaro. Cris, Belén y David, la pandilla de Los Sin Miedo, te están esperando con sus terroríficas aventuras. ¿Qué puede ocurrir una tranquila tarde de verano cuando cuatro amigos se disponen a ir en bicicleta a las fiestas del pueblo vecino en el que están de vacaciones?

10,000 Days of Thunder: A History of the Vietnam War

by Philip Caputo

It was the war that lasted ten thousand days. The war that inspired scores of songs. The war that sparked dozens of riots. And in this stirring chronicle, Pulitzer Prize- winning journalist Philip Caputo writes about our country's most controversial war -- the Vietnam War -- for young readers. From the first stirrings of unrest in Vietnam under French colonial rule, to American intervention, to the battle at Hamburger Hill, to the Tet Offensive, to the fall of Saigon, 10,000 Days of Thunder explores the war that changed the lives of a generation of Americans and that still reverberates with us today. Included within 10,000 Days of Thunder are personal anecdotes from soldiers and civilians, as well as profiles and accounts of the actions of many historical luminaries, both American and Vietnamese, involved in the Vietnam War, such as Richard M. Nixon, General William C. Westmoreland, Ho Chi Minh, Joe Galloway, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Lyndon B. Johnson, and General Vo Nguyen Giap. Caputo also explores the rise of Communism in Vietnam, the roles that women played on the battlefield, the antiwar movement at home, the participation of Vietnamese villagers in the war, as well as the far-reaching impact of the war's aftermath. Caputo's dynamic narrative is highlighted by stunning photographs and key campaign and battlefield maps, making 10,000 Days of Thunder THE consummate book on the Vietnam War for kids.

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