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Amira & Hamza: The Quest for the Ring of Power (Amira & Hamza)
by Samira AhmedAmira and Hamza are back in this epic sequel, which takes readers on a thrilling magical adventure as the siblings face their most terrifying and formidable opponent yet.All human and jinn kind shall bow down to me. Control the Ring, control the worlds. Amira and Hamza have returned from Qaf, the magical Jinn world, as triumphant heroes—and life has been pleasantly quiet. Too quiet. Hamza is determined to have one last monumental, epic adventure before summer ends. But when sneaking off to explore an old, abandoned castle goes from life-changing adventure to potentially deadly, Amira and Hamza find themselves in the middle of another dangerous quest to save the worlds. One they didn&’t bargain for. The siblings are brought face to face with the evil dev, Ahriman, angry and out for revenge. And if Amira and Hamza thought Ifrit was bad, his dad Ahriman, the last in an ancient line of fire spirits, is far worse. Ahriman kidnaps Hamza and forces him to help locate the lost Ring of Power, an ancient and mysterious artifact that will allow him to rule the universe. Desperate to save her brother, Amira must outsmart perilous traps and confounding puzzles in a race against time to retrieve the artifact before Ahriman does... or say goodbye to Hamza and their world forever.
Amira & Hamza: The War to Save the Worlds
by Samira AhmedFrom bestselling author Samira Ahmed comes a thrilling fantasy adventure intertwining Islamic legend and history, perfect for fans of Aru Shah and the Land of Stories. On the day of a rare super blue blood moon eclipse, twelve-year-old Amira and her little brother, Hamza, can&’t stop their bickering while attending a special exhibit on medieval Islamic astronomy. While stargazer Amira is wowed by the amazing gadgets, a bored Hamza wanders off, stumbling across the mesmerizing and forbidden Box of the Moon. Amira can only watch in horror as Hamza grabs the defunct box and it springs to life, setting off a series of events that could shatter their world—literally. Suddenly, day turns to night, everyone around Amira and Hamza falls under a sleep spell, and a chunk of the moon breaks off, hurtling toward them at lightning speed, as they come face-to-face with two otherworldly creatures: jinn. The jinn reveal that the siblings have a role to play in an ancient prophecy. Together, they must journey to the mystical land of Qaf, battle a great evil, and end a civil war to prevent the moon—the stopper between realms—from breaking apart and unleashing terrifying jinn, devs, and ghuls onto earth. Or they might have to say goodbye to their parents and life as they know it, forever.…
An Amish Christmas
by Richard Ammon Pamela PatrickSome Amish children celebrate Christmas in their one-room school and in their own simple ways with their family and relatives.
La Amistad de acuerdo a Humphrey (Humphrey #2)
by Betty G. BirneyEl segundo libro en el serie de la mejor mascota de la clase--ahora en Espanol!Hay una nueva mascota en el Aula 26: es una rana y se llama Og. Humphrey está deseando hacerse amigo de Og, pero Og no parece interesado. ¡Y, para colmo, los estudiantes están tan fascinados con Og que apenas prestan atención a Humphrey! Humphrey sabe que la amistad puede ser a veces algo complicado, pero si un hámster es capaz de hacerse amigo de una rana, ¡ese es Humphrey! ¡Humphrey es uno de los preferidos del programa ONE SCHOOL, ONE BOOK!¡Los libros de Humphrey han sido nominados a diferentes premios en veinticuatro estados del país resultando ganador en siete de ellos gracias a los votos de los niños!
Ammon's Gift (Fountas & Pinnell Classroom, Guided Reading Grade 5)
by Jill Rubalcaba Laura ToltonA SISTER'S DYING PLEA When Ammon's feverish sister begs him to use his gift of seeing shapes in stones to help her get well, he wonders—does he really have a gift? NIMAC-sourced textbook
Among The Stars: Among The Stars (May Bird Ser. #2)
by Jodi Lynn Anderson Sammy Yuen Jr. Peter Ferguson Christopher GrassiMay Birdhas always been a bit. . . different. While most of her classmates were riding their bikes, she was running around the West Virginia woods, dressed as a warrior princess with her hairless cat at her side. And while most of her classmates were spending their summer vacations going to birthday parties, May was discovering a mysterious lake hidden among the trees -- and stumbling into the land of ghosts, the Ever After. A fearful and fantastic realm located among the stars, the Ever After is full of phantoms and poltergeists, ghouls and goblins, and all manner of things that go bump in the night. And if May is to find her way out again, she must reach the mysterious Lady of North Farm, who lives in a cold, forbidding land that even the spooks find spooky. With her courageous (yet melancholy) kitty and a ragtag group of spectral friends she's picked up along the way, May is determined to escape the Afterlife. But her travels will bring her face-to-face with her worst fears: a devious pursuer; a truly horrifying dance party under the sea, hosted by the Bogey (aka Boogie) Man; and the Ever After's terrible ruler, Evil Bo Cleevil. And when all of these things collide, there's no telling who will find courage to make it through. . . or who will be left behind.
Among the Barons: Among The Hidden; Among The Impostors; Among The Betrayed; Among The Barons; Among The Brave; Among The Enemy; Among The Free (Shadow Children #4)
by Margaret Peterson HaddixIn this fourth installment of a series about a society that allows only two children per family, Luke Garner is finally adjusting to his new life at Hendricks School as Lee Grant. While the Grants belong to the highest class of society called the Barons, Luke avoids snobbish affectations and befriends his classmates, who are also illegal thirds. When the real Lee Grant's younger brother arrives at the school, along with his fierce body guard, Luke worries that Smits will expose him to the government. However, Smits has come to enlist Luke's help in discovering how his older brother really died, suspecting that he was murdered. The intrigue and danger grow more acute when both boys are called "home" and Luke discovers that the Grants have plans for him that could turn out to be fatal.
Among the Betrayed: Among The Hidden; Among The Impostors; Among The Betrayed; Among The Barons; Among The Brave; Among The Enemy; Among The Free (Shadow Children #3)
by Margaret Peterson HaddixIn the third installment of Haddix's series about a futuristic society in which families are forbidden to have more than two children, Nina, a secondary character in Among the Impostors, is falsely accused of treason and imprisoned by the Population Police. Her interrogator gives her an ultimatum: either she can get three other child prisoners, illegal third-borns like Nina, to reveal who harbored them and where they got their fake identification cards, or she will be executed. Nina sees a chance to escape the prison and, taking the prisoners with her, quickly discovers their street smarts. But when their food supply runs out, Nina seeks the boy she knew as Lee.
Among the Brave: Among The Hidden; Among The Impostors; Among The Betrayed; Among The Barons; Among The Brave; Among The Enemy; Among The Free (Shadow Children #5)
by Margaret Peterson HaddixIn the aftermath of a crisis that threatens the safety of all shadow children -- illegal third-borns in a society that allows only two children per family -- Trey's friends expect him to take charge -- a function he doesn't want or think he can do.Trey's new role leads him to travel with Luke Garner's brother, Mark, to Population Police headquarters. There he impersonates an officer to try to rescue Luke, who has been taken prisoner. The nonstop adventure puts all three boys in danger and risks exposing the underground movement to help all shadow children.In this, the fifth book in the Shadow Children series, Margaret Peterson Haddix returns to the futuristic setting and compelling characters she created in Among the Hidden. With an adrenaline-fueled plot and surprising twists, Haddix has again crafted a story that is suspenseful until the last page.
Among the Enemy: Among The Hidden; Among The Impostors; Among The Betrayed; Among The Barons; Among The Brave; Among The Enemy; Among The Free (Shadow Children #6)
by Margaret Peterson HaddixHIDE OR FIGHT? Matthias, an illegal third child, is caught in the cross fire between rebels and the Population Police. When he unwittingly saves a Population Police officer, Matthias is brought to Population Police headquarters to train as an officer himself. There he meets Nina, another third-born who enlists his help in a plot to undermine the Population Police. But Matthias is under constant scrutiny, and he has no idea whom he can trust. What can one boy do against a wicked bureaucracy?
Among the Hidden
by Margaret Peterson Haddixâ It is a curse we have lived with, this past century and more, sir,' he said. â That post holds down the ghost of one Peter Christian Holm, one-time administrator of the mill here and the surrounding farms. 'â Holds down the ghost!' I repeated, aghast. â But how? And why?'â Let me tell you the story, sir. Let me take you back into our past. . . '
Among the Hidden (Shadow Children #1)
by Margaret Peterson HaddixIn a future where the Population Police enforce the law limiting a family to only two children, Luke, an illegal third child, has lived all his twelve years in isolation and fear on his family's farm in this start to the Shadow Children series from Margaret Peterson Haddix.Luke has never been to school. He's never had a birthday party, or gone to a friend's house for an overnight. In fact, Luke has never had a friend. Luke is one of the shadow children, a third child forbidden by the Population Police. He's lived his entire life in hiding, and now, with a new housing development replacing the woods next to his family's farm, he is no longer even allowed to go outside. Then, one day Luke sees a girl's face in the window of a house where he knows two other children already live. Finally, he's met a shadow child like himself. Jen is willing to risk everything to come out of the shadows -- does Luke dare to become involved in her dangerous plan? Can he afford not to?
Among the Impostors: Among The Hidden; Among The Impostors; Among The Betrayed; Among The Barons; Among The Brave; Among The Enemy; Among The Free (Shadow Children #2)
by Margaret Peterson HaddixDanger continues to loom over Luke now that he's out of hiding in the second book in bestselling author Margaret Peterson Haddix's Shadow Children series.Luke Garner is an illegal third child. All his life has been spent in hiding. Now, for the first time, Luke is living among others. He has assumed a deceased boy's identity and is attending Hendricks School for Boys, a windowless building with cruel classmates and oblivious teachers. Luke knows he has to blend in, but he lives in constant fear that his behavior will betray him. Then one day Luke discovers a door to the outside. He knows that beyond the walls of Hendricks lie the secrets he is desperate to uncover. What he doesn't know is whom he can trust -- and where the answers to his questions may lead him...
Among the Stars
by Jodi Lynn AndersonMay Bird has always been a bit. . . different. While most of her classmates were riding their bikes, she was running around the West Virginia woods, dressed as a warrior princess with her hairless cat at her side. And while most of her classmates were spending their summer vacations going to birthday parties, May was discovering a mysterious lake hidden among the trees -- and stumbling into the land of ghosts, the Ever After. A fearful and fantastic realm located among the stars, the Ever After is full of phantoms and poltergeists, ghouls and goblins, and all manner of things that go bump in the night. And if May is to find her way out again, she must reach the mysterious Lady of North Farm, who lives in a cold, forbidding land that even the spooks find spooky. With her courageous (yet melancholy) kitty and a ragtag group of spectral friends she's picked up along the way, May is determined to escape the Afterlife. But her travels will bring her face-to-face with her worst fears: a devious pursuer; a truly horrifying dance party under the sea, hosted by the Bogey (aka Boogie) Man; and the Ever After's terrible ruler, Evil Bo Cleevil. And when all of these things collide, there's no telling who will find courage to make it through. . . or who will be left behind.
Among Us: 100% Unofficial Game Guide (100% Unofficial)
by Matt YeoBased on the smash hit game, Among Us: The Unofficial Game Guide is an in-depth handbook to the world of Among Us!View secret mini-games, discover layered maps, analyze strengths & weaknesses of crewmates and benefits of ghosts, and much more. This unofficial guidebook is a must for fans of the smash hit game Among Us!Among Us is set in space where you and a group of crewmates are given tasks and problems to complete in order to survive. But, among the group lives an imposter whose sole goal is to sabotage the group’s progress and eventually take out every player on that team. It’s up to you and the rest of the crew members to discover who it is!Among Us has quickly become one of the most played games of 2020, with a 10/10 rating on Steam, becoming a hit with over 100 million fans of all ages. It is available for download on iOS, Android, and Windows.
Among The Volcanoes
by Omar CastañedaIsabel Pascay longs to go to school and become a teacher, but her dream just doesn't seem possible in the small Guatemalan village where she lives. The villagers expect Isabel to follow tradition and marry her boyfriend, handsome Lucas Choy. And her mother is ill, but resists Western medicine, relying on a local healer. As the eldest daughter, all the family burdens seem to fall on Isabel. Can she hold on to her dreams for the future and achieve her goal?
Amos and the Alien (Culpepper Adventures)
by Gary PaulsenIn helping an extraterrestrial get back to his planet, Amos hides him under his bed while he and Dunc think of what to do, until Amos starts displaying new powers on the football field, and Dunc thinks the mysterious alien is behind it.
Amos and the Chameleon Caper (Culpepper Adventures)
by Gary PaulsenPaulsen's funny sleuths meet up with a master of disguises! Culpepper Adventures #27.
Amos and the Vampire (Culpepper Adventures)
by Gary PaulsenAmos's big sister Amy is always dating rejects. But this time, her boyfriend was rejected by the grave! He's got pale skin, dark hair, mesmerizing eyes, an annoying tendency to disappear, and he wants to have the Culpeppers over for a late night Halloween snack.... Can Amos and his best friend, Dunc, stop the vampire before he starts to bite? Or will Amy and her man do a little necking she will never forget? Join Gary Paulsen's cool sleuths in their creepiest caper yet!
Amos Binder, Secret Agent (Culpepper #28)
by Gary PaulsenIt's spy vs. spy when Amos is mistaken for a government double agent and given a top secret assignment to fulfill. He's got the trench coat, the dark sunglasses, and that debonair James Bond way about him. Now all he needs is Dunc to bail him out!
Amos Fortune: Free Man
by Elizabeth YatesWinner of the Newbery Medal!<P><P> When Amos Fortune was only fifteen years old, he was captured by slave traders and brought to Massachusetts, where he was sold at auction. Although his freedom had been taken, Amos never lost his dignity and courage. For 45 years, Amos worked as a slave and dreamed of freedom. And, at age 60, he finally began to see those dreams come true.
Amos Gets Famous (Culpepper Adventures)
by Gary PaulsenDeciphering a code they find in a library book, best friends for life Amos and Dunc stumble onto a burglary ring. The burglars' next target is the home of Melissa, the girl of Amos's dreams (who doesn't even know that he's alive). Amos longs to be a hero to Melissa, so nothing will stop him from solving this case--not even a mind-boggling collision with a jock, a chimpanzee, and a toilet.
Amos Gets Married (Culpepper Adventures)
by Gary PaulsenAfter Amos accidentally knocks Melissa out, she suddenly seems to really like him, so Amos' best friend Dunc decides to figure out why she is acting so strangely and why things are mysteriously disappearing at school.
Amos Goes Bananas (Culpepper Adventures)
by Gary PaulsenAmos has more than a monkey on his back. It's a gorilla. Her name is Louise. And she's in love. Culpepper Adventures #24