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Frog and Toad Together
by Arnold LobelFrog and Toad are as funny as ever. Bravely they survive an attacking snake and a rock slide, then celebrate by hiding under the covers and in the closet. Toad starts out shouting at his seeds for not growing fast enough, then wears himself out singing for and reading to the seeds because he thinks he has frightened them. Toad finds problems everywhere and his best friend Frog finds solutions. They spend exciting, happy times together as different from each other as popsicles and hot dogs. This is an easy to read first chapter book. The pictures are described.<P><P> <b>Newbery Medal Honor book</b>
Frog and Toad Together: Frog And Toad Are Friends, Frog And Toad Together, Days With Frog And Toad, Frog And Toad All Year (I Can Read Level 2)
by Arnold LobelThe beloved classic about friendship—a Newbery Honor Book!Frog and Toad are best friends—they do everything together. When Toad admires the flowers in Frog's garden, Frog gives him seeds to grow a garden of his own. When Toad bakes cookies, Frog helps him eat them. And when both Frog and Toad are scared, they are brave together. School Library Journal called this story collection from Arnold Lobel "a masterpiece of child-styled humor and sensitivity."Winner of the Newbery Honor award, Frog and Toad Together is a Level Two I Can Read book, geared for kids who read on their own but still need a little help. Whether shared at home or in a classroom, the engaging stories, longer sentences, and language play of Level Two books are proven to help kids take their next steps toward reading success.The classic Frog and Toad stories by Arnold Lobel have won numerous awards and honors, including a Newbery Honor, a Caldecott Honor, ALA Notable Children’s Book, Fanfare Honor List (Horn Book), School Library Journal Best Children’s Book, and Library of Congress Children’s Book.
The Frog Book
by Steve Jenkins Robin PageCaldecott Honor–winning team Steve Jenkins and Robin Page explore form, color, and pattern, and capture the very unique nature of frogs in this brilliantly illustrated picture book. Perfect for fans of The Beetle Book, and young readers looking for nonfiction about this perennially fascinating animal.Long legs, sticky tongues, big round eyes, and other dazzling features—what's not to love about frogs? In this magnificently illustrated picture book, Caldecott Honor–winning team Steve Jenkins and Robin Page explore one of the world's most diverse—and most threatened—animals. With more than 5,000 different frog species on the planet, in every color of the rainbow and a vast number of vivid patterns, no creatures are more fascinating to learn about or look at. Jenkins and Page present a stunning array of these intriguing amphibians and the many amazing adaptations they have made to survive.
Frog Food (Fountas & Pinnell LLI Green #Level A, Lesson 2)
by Emma RosebenmanFountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Intervention Green System -- 1st Grade
A Frog in My Throat (Orca Echoes)
by Frieda WishinskyKate and Jake have always been best friends; always, that is, until Jake's cousin, Lionel, moves nearby. Jake starts spending time with Lionel instead of Kate. Kate struggles with his abandonment and her own loneliness as she seeks new friends that share her likes and dislikes. And, perhaps there is a place in her life for her old best friend after all.
The Frog in the Well
by Alvin Tresselt Roger DuvoisinBy Caldecott Medal winners Alvin Tresselt and Roger Duvoisin, The Frog in the Well is the charming tale of a brave frog who beats his fears and explores the worldOnce upon a time there was a frog who lived at the bottom of a well. The well was the frog’s whole world, until the day the well ran dry and the bugs began to disappear. What was happening to the world, the frog wondered, and what could he do? The hungry frog decided he must hop to the top of the well to see what he could of the end of the world. Conquering his fear, he peered out, and what did he see? Trees, flowers, meadows, marshes, and all kinds of end-of-the-world creatures! Entranced, the little frog ventured forth to find out more about the world outside his own. Based on a classic Chinese fable, and written and illustrated by the Caldecott-winning Alvin Tresselt and Roger Duvoisin, The Frog in the Well is a charming tale of one brave frog and his journey into wisdom.
Frog Meets Dog: An Acorn Book (Frog and Dog #1)
by Janee TraslerDiscover Frog and Dog, a laugh-out-loud series for beginning readers!A Best Book of 2020 by the Chicago Public LibraryNational Cartoonists Society Winner for Best Book IllustrationPick a book. Grow a Reader!This series is part of Scholastic's early reader line, Acorn, aimed at children who are learning to read. With easy-to-read text, a short-story format, plenty of humor, and full-color artwork on every page, these books will boost reading confidence and fluency. Acorn books plant a love of reading and help readers grow!Dog wants to play. Can Dog play with Frog, Frog, and Frog? The frogs hop... but Dog just FLOPS. Will the frogs ever play with Dog? Then a hungry bear comes along! Can Dog find a way to help the frogs? Discover this hilarious friendship series perfect for beginning readers, from author-illustrator Janee Trasler. Told in three short stories with rhyming text, simple vocabulary, and colorful artwork, this is the just-right book to grow confidence in young readers!
Frog Meets Dog / Rana conoce Perro: Un libro de la serie Acorn (Frog And Dog Ser.)
by Janee TraslerDiscover Frog and Dog, a laugh-out-loud series for beginning readers!Perro quiere jugar. ¿Podrá jugar con Rana, Rana y Rana? Las ranas saltan... pero Perro solo FRACASA. ¿Podrán las ranas jugar con Perro alguna vez? En eso ¡llega un oso hambriento! ¿Podrá Perro hallar la manera de ayudar a las ranas? Esta divertida serie de la autora e ilustradora Janee Trasler sobre la amistad es perfecta para lectores principiantes. Contada en tres historias cortas con rimas, vocabulario simple e ilustraciones coloridas, ¡es el libro ideal para que los lectores principiantes ganen confianza en la lectura!Dog wants to play. Can Dog play with Frog, Frog, and Frog? The frogs hop... but Dog just FLOPS. Will the frogs ever play with Dog? Then a hungry bear comes along! Can Dog find a way to help the frogs? Discover this hilarious friendship series perfect for beginning readers, from author-illustrator Janee Trasler. Told in three short stories with rhyming text, simple vocabulary, and colorful artwork, this is the just-right book to grow confidence in young readers!
The Frog Prince (Early Reader)
by Sally GardnerEarly Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading together. A red Early Reader is the next step on your reading journey.When she loses her beautiful golden ball at the bottom of the fountain, the princess is very upset. Then an ugly frog offers to help - for a kiss. Yuck! What will the princess decide?
The Frog Princess
by Rosalind AllchinEvery morning Frog imagines how wonderful life would be -- if only she were a princess. Now the Prince has lost his golf ball in the pond and has promised anything to the one who can find it. Could it be that her wish is about to come true? The horrified prince dodges Frog's marriage request by offering her the chance to try out the role of princess first. But the life of a princess is not at all what Frog expects. There are so many rules, rituals and responsibilities. What happened to the romance? Or the fun? And most importantly -- what ever happened to lunch? With more than a touch of modern humor, author and illustrator Rosalind Allchin injects new energy into the traditional brothers Grimm tale. Her spirited text and vibrant illustrations create a delectable feast sure to leave children and parents fully satisfied after every read!
The Frog Princess
by E. D. BakerA Texas Lone Star Reading List Book " A Book Sense 76 Children's Pick
The Frog with the Big Mouth
by Will Terry Teresa BatemanIn the rainforest, where Argentina meets Brazil, a frog with a very big mouth catches an enormous fly. Impressed with himself, he sets out along the path to find someone else to amaze. "I've eaten the biggest FLY in the whole world!" he brags. "Don't you wish you were ME?" The Frog with the Big Mouth brags to a toucan, a coati, and a capybara. (None of whom have eaten enormous flies--too bad!) And then, wanting to brag just a little longer, he comes across a large speckled creature with sharp teeth--it's a jaguar. Guess what jaguars like to eat? Teresa Bateman's comical retelling, accompanied by Will Terry's vibrant artwork, will leave children asking for more. A note contains additional information about the South American rainforest animals in the story. Versions of this story appear all over the world, but the real big-mouthed frogs, nicknamed Pacman frogs, live in South America. The author lives in Washington State. The illustrator lives in Utah.
The Froggies Do NOT Want to Sleep
by Adam GustavsonPrepare for a different kind of bedtime book--a zany, imaginative adventure to send your little froggies off to dreamland. Not since David Wiesner's Tuesday have frogs had so much fun!Why go to bed when you can play the accordion, dance underwater ballet, and hold burping contests with strange alien lifeforms? For every kid who ever came up with an outlandish excuse for why it can't be bedtime yet, these froggies' antics will delight and entertain. Acclaimed illustrator Adam Gustavson's raucous authorial debut shows parents there's more than one way to do bedtime.
Froggy Bakes a Cake (Froggy)
by Jonathan LondonIt's Froggy's mother's birthday, and Froggy wants to bake her birthday cake all by himself. He gathers the chocolate, the sugar, the eggs, the flour, and pretty soon, Froggy has all the ingredients he needs to make—a big mess! Jonathan London and Frank Remkiewicz have collaborated on the six previous Froggy books, and they've cooked up another winner here, sweetened with generous helpings of Froggy humor and charm.
Froggy Goes to Grandma's (Froggy)
by Jonathan LondonFroggy has a ball visiting Grandma!When Froggy and his family go to visit Grandma, they look forward to all kinds of fun: a baseball game, a trip to the amusement park, a visit to the museum to see the Frogga Lisa. But best of all is cooking with Grandma and learning to make her specialty, spaghetti with fly sauce.Froggy's antics everywhere he goes will delight his many fans.
Froggy Is the Best (Froggy)
by Jonathan LondonFroggy hops into the Penguin Young Readers program!Froggy isn't the best at everything (like soccer or swimming), but he knows he has to be the best at something. Kids will love learning to read with one of their favorite characters, Froggy!
Froggy Learns to Swim
by Jonathan LondonFroggy's parents enjoy swimming in the pond, but Froggy is afraid to try. Maybe he'll feel better if he swims with his flippers and snorkel. Learn with Froggy as he and his mother learn and swim: "Bubble, bubble, toot, toot..." Limited picture descriptions present.
Froggy Se Viste
by Jonathan London Frank Remkiewicz¡Frooogyyy! ¿Que? ¿No olvidaste ponerte algo? Vestirse para ir a retozar en la nieve no es tan fácil como parece... especialmente para una ranita que no está acostumbrada a salir en invierno. Hay que ponerse botas, gorra con orejeras, guantes, bufanda, camisa, chaqueta, pantalones... ¿ Llegaré Froggy alguna vez a ponerse todo? Los niños de todas las edades se deleitarón con el pegadizo ritmo del texto y aplaudirón con entusiasmo a esta olvidadiza y divertida ranita en sus esfuerzos por aprender una tarea com ún a todos los niños pequeños. Edades: 2-6
Froggy's Lemonade Stand (Froggy)
by Jonathan LondonFroggy has a lemonade stand, but he's done it his way!Froggy has great plans for all the money he's going to make from his lemonade stand. But there's a problem: he was so thirsty that he drank all the lemonade. Luckily lovable Froggy has lots of good friends to help him find a solution. Even if they don't get rich, they all have a very good time!
Froggy's Worst Playdate
by Jonathan London Frank RemkiewiczA play date with a girl? Froggy is horrified! What will his friends say? But when Dad bribes him with the promise of a movie outing, Froggy has to agree, even if he won't sit next to Frogilina. She might try to kiss him. EEWW! This could be the worst play date ever. Children have enjoyed the misadventures of trouble-prone Froggy in more than twenty books. Froggy just never learns--and that's why we love him!
Frogs (Penguin Young Readers, Level 2)
by Laura DriscollCroak if you love frogs! Amazing amphibians leap from the pages of this easy nonfiction reader featuring incredible cut-paper frogs in every color, shape, and size.
Frogs (Seymour Simon Science Ser.)
by Seymour SimonAward-winning science writer Seymour Simon takes readers on a journey through a frog's life cycle, from egg to tadpole to grown frog in this engaging nonfiction picture book. Readers will learn about the different types of frogs and toads from all over the world! Where do frogs live? How do frogs eat and drink? How far can they jump? Find out and more in this beautiful picture book ideal for young scientists and animal-lovers filled with fascinating facts, stunning full-color photographs, and an underlying message of ecological preservation.. This book includes an author's note, a glossary, and an index. An excellent choice for classrooms and homeschooling, Frogs supports the Common Core State Standards.