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El mar infinito (La quinta ola #Volumen 2)

by Rick Yancey

La segunda parte de la espectacular trilogía épica La quinta ola. Después de la quinta ola... Los otros buscan supervivientes en el mar infinito. Cassie Sullivan y sus compañeros han sobrevivido a las cuatro olas de destrucción de los Otros. Ahora, con la raza humana prácticamente exterminada y la quinta ola arrasándolo todo, se enfrentan a una elección: esperar a Evan Walker o huir en búsqueda de otros supervivientes antes de que el enemigo los alcance. Consumidos, pero no derrotados. Acosados, pero no sometidos. Esta guerra ha dejado de ser de humano contra alienígenas. Es la lucha de la esperanza contra la desolación. De la fe contra el miedo. Del amor contra el odio. Y la humanidad es el campo de batalla. Saben cómo piensas, saben cómo matarte. Creen que no tienes ninguna oportunidad. Pero no saben... que no estás solo.

Maravillas del mundo acuático (DK Children's Anthologies)

by Sam Hume

Desde el océano más ancho y profundo hasta el charco más pequeño, este hermoso álbum lleva a los niños lectores por un viaje fascinante a través del mundo acuático, en el que conocerán animales increíbles, plantas ingeniosas y mucho más. Impresionantes fotografías y hermosas ilustraciones complementan las descripciones de cada forma de vida, con las que los niños descubrirán cientos de datos interesantes mientras leen. ¿Sabías que los elefantes marinos pueden contener la respiración bajo el agua durante más de una hora, o que la planta acuática Victoria Cruiziana puede soportar el peso de un adulto, o que el reptil basílisco (teterete) puede correr sobre el agua?Descubre la ciencia de cómo las plantas han aprendido a vivir, alimentarse y respirar en el agua y echa un vistazo a los desafíos únicos de los diferentes ecosistemas, las características de los ríos, lagos, humedales y más. Contiene un índice visual lleno de información de referencia, con el tamaño y hábitat de cada especie.Con una elegante cinta marcapáginas y detalles dorados en la portada y en los bordes, 'Maravillas del mundo acuático' es un regalo atractivo para cualquier niño que le encante el mundo natural, ideal para que los más pequeños exploren por sí mismos o para leer cuentos a la hora de acostarse. Desde tiburones y peces vela hasta juncos y escarabajos, hay algo para todos en esta celebración de todas las cosas acuáticas.From the deepest, widest ocean to the tiniest puddle, this beautiful compendium takes young readers on an enthralling journey through the aquatic world, meeting amazing animals, ingenious plants, and much more along the way. Stunning photography and gorgeous illustrations complement storybook descriptions about each lifeform, and children can uncover hundreds of fascinating facts as they read. Did you know that elephant seals that can hold their breath underwater for more than an hour, or that the Victoria Amazonica water lily can support the weight of an adult, or that the brown basilisk reptile can run across water?Discover the science of how plants have learned to live, feed, and breathe in water, and take a look at the unique challenges of distinct ecosystems on feature spreads about rivers, lakes, wetlands, and more. There&’s also a visual index, packed with reference information including the size and location of each species.With foil on the cover, gilded edges, and a ribbon for keeping your place, 'Maravillas del mundo acuático' makes an attractive gift for any child who can&’t get enough of the natural world – and it&’s perfect for young readers to explore by themselves or for bedtime stories. From sharks and sailfish, to bulrushes and beetles, there&’s something for everyone in this celebration of all things aquatic.

The Marble Faun

by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Murder and romance, innocence and experience dominate this masterfully constructed novel set in Rome during the mid-19th century.Three young American artists and their friend, an Italian count, find their lives irrevocably linked when one of them commits a murder. Nathaniel Hawthorne's final novel symbolizing the Fall of Man is a captivating tale concerned as much with the power and beauty of art as with the striking, intimate details of the historic sites visited by the travelers.A provocative view at Americans abroad, this long-overlooked novel is "must reading" for anyone who relishes crimes of passion set against the picturesque details of Old World landmarks.

The Marble Queen

by Anna Kopp

A sapphic YA graphic novel with sword fighting, political intrigue and magic where the princess needs a marriage alliance for the welfare of her kingdom, but she unknowingly accepts a proposal from a mysterious country, having come not from the prince, but his sister.The Marble Queen is a YA fantasy graphic novel that&’s the political drama of Nimona meets the heartfelt romance of The Princess and the Dressmaker, but this time in a sapphic romance surrounded by a mist of magic.Princess Amelia&’s kingdom, Marion, is in shambles after months of their trade routes being ravaged by pirates. Now, it seems the only option left for her is to save it through a marriage alliance. When she gets an exorbitant offer from the royalty of Iliad—a country shrouded in mystery—Amelia accepts without question and leaves her home to begin a new life.But she lands on Iliad&’s shores to find that her betrothed isn't the country&’s prince, but the recently coronated Queen Salira.Shocked, Amelia tries to make sense of her situation and her confused heart: Salira has awakened strange new feelings inside her, but something dark hides behind the queen's sorrowful eyes. Amelia must fight the demons of her own anxiety disorder before she can tackle her wife's, all while war looms on the horizon.

The Marbury Lens (Marbury Ser. #1)

by Andrew Smith

A 16-year-old boy who escapes a kidnapper thinks he can forget his trauma, but instead, he loses his grip on reality and believes he's part of an alternate world called Marbury.Sixteen-year-old Jack gets drunk and is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is kidnapped. He escapes, narrowly. The only person he tells is his best friend, Conner. When they arrive in London as planned for summer break, a stranger hands Jack a pair of glasses. Through the lenses, he sees another world called Marbury. There is war in Marbury. It is a desolate and murderous place where Jack is responsible for the survival of two younger boys. Conner is there, too. But he's trying to kill them. Meanwhile, Jack is falling in love with an English girl, and afraid he's losing his mind. Andrew Smith has written his most beautiful and personal novel yet, as he explores the nightmarish outer limits of what trauma can do to our bodies and our minds.“An engrossing horror/fantasy hybrid…Nightmarish imagery is chillingly effective, and the pacing superbly builds suspense.” -- Kirkus Reviews

Las marcas de la muerte: Serie Las marcas de la muerte - Nº1 (Las marcas de la muerte #Volumen 1)

by Veronica Roth

Los fans de la serie Divergente se deleitarán con el primer título de esta nueva bilogía de la autora. Hay dones que se convierten en maldiciones. Y hay maldiciones que liberarán a todo el universo. El don de la joven CYRA consiste en provocar dolor. El mismo dolor atroz que ella siente en todo momento. El don de AKOS le hace inmune a los dones de los demás, pero ¿bastará para salvar a su familia y a sí mismo de un destino tan injusto como cruel? En un universo en guerra, los dones de CYRA y AKOS hacen que sean vulnerables, peones en manos de quienes quieren aprovecharse de su poder. Su única esperanza reside en unir sus fuerzas para luchar contra la injusticia y... convertir el dolor en fuerza, la desconfianza en lealtad y el amor en ansia de libertad.

Marcelo in the Real World

by Francisco X. Stork

Imagine Curious Incident of the Dog . . . with a romance, and you have the beginnings of this story of a young man struggling with the world outside his head--and the woman who gets inside it.The term "cognitive disorder" implies there is something wrong with the way I think or the way I perceive reality. I perceive reality just fine. Sometimes I perceive more of reality than others.Marcelo Sandoval hears music that nobody else can hear - part of an autism-like condition that no doctor has been able to identify. But his father has never fully believed in the music or Marcelo's differences, and he challenges Marcelo to work in the mailroom of his law firm for the summer . . . to join "the real world."There Marcelo meets Jasmine, his beautiful and surprising coworker, and Wendell, the son of another partner in the firm. He learns about competition and jealousy, anger and desire. But it's a picture he finds in a file - a picture of a girl with half a face - that truly connects him with the real world: its suffering, its injustice, and what he can do to fight.


by Gabrielle Lord

On New Year's Eve, Cal is chased down the street by a crazed man with a deadly warning: They killed your father. They'll kill you. You must survive the next 365 days! Now everyone's searching for Cal, the psycho kid who's meant to have attacked his uncle and put his sister in a coma. He's desperate to clear his name and protect his family, but he also has less than a year to solve an ancient family secret: the Ormond Singularity. And the closer he gets to the truth, the more dangerous his life becomes. He has 306 days. The threat is growing...

The March Against Fear: The Last Great Walk of the Civil Rights Movement and the Emergence of Black Power

by Ann Bausum

<P>James Meredith's 1966 march in Mississippi began as one man's peaceful protest for voter registration and became one of the South's most important demonstrations of the civil rights movement. <P>It brought together leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Stokely Carmichael, who formed an unlikely alliance that resulted in the Black Power movement, which ushered in a new era in the fight for equality. <P> The retelling of Meredith's story opens on the day of his assassination attempt and goes back in time to recount the moments leading up to that event and its aftermath. Readers learn about the powerful figures and emerging leaders who joined the over 200-mile walk that became known as the "March Against Fear." <P>Thoughtfully presented by award-winning author Ann Bausum, this book helps readers understand the complex issues of fear, injustice, and the challenges of change. It is a history lesson that's as important and relevant today as it was 50 years ago.

March of the Crabs Vol. 1 (March of the Crabs #1)

by Arthur De Pins

For centuries, the square crab has only been able to move side-to-side in one direction. But some brave crabs decide it's time for revolution! A few of the brave crustaceans in an estuary on the French coastline decide it's time to try and actually turn for once, but what does their evolution revolution mean for the human race?

March of the Suffragettes: Rosalie Gardiner Jones and the March for Voting Rights

by Zachary Michael Jack

In 1912 and 1913 a young activist named Rosalie Gardiner Jones formed an all-woman army and marched across five states demanding equal rights for women. First they marched from Broadway in New York City to Albany in the dead of winter, through the Hudson Valley and skirting the Adirondacks, while two of America's most wanted fugitives were still at-large in the dense woods of upstate New York. "General" Jones then led her all-female army on an even more incredible march from New York to Washington, DC, culminating in an 8000-marcher strong parade through the streets of the capital. A mostly male mob attempted to disrupt the parade and the resulting chaos became the subject of a formal Congressional inquiry. History has mostly forgotten Rosalie Gardiner Jones and her amazing story, but author Jack has recovered it and turned it into a thrilling - and inspiring - account of politics, courage, and the power of a righteous cause.

March of the Suffragettes: Rosalie Gardiner Jones and the March for Voting Rights

by Zachary Michael Jack

March of the Suffragettes tells the forgotten, real-life story of "General" Rosalie Gardiner Jones, who in the waning days of 1912 mustered and marched an all-women army nearly 200 miles to help win support for votes for women. General Jones, along with her good friends and accomplices "Colonel" Ida Craft, "Surgeon General" Lavinia Dock, and "War Correspondent" Jessie Hardy Stubbs, led marchers across New York state for their pilgrims' cause, encountering not just wind, fog, sleet, snow, mud, and ice along their unpaved way, but also hecklers, escaped convicts, scandal-plagued industrialists on the lam, and jealous boyfriends and overprotective mothers hoping to convince the suffragettes to abandon their dangerous project. By night Rosalie's army met and mingled with the rich and famous, attending glamorous balls in beautiful dresses to deliver fiery speeches; by day they fought blisters and bone-chilling cold, debated bitter anti-suffragists, and dodged wayward bullets and pyrotechnics meant to intimidate them. They composed and sang their own marching songs for sisterhood and solidarity on their route, even as differences among them threatened to tear them apart. March of the Suffragettes chronicles the journey of four friends across dangerous terrain in support of a timeless cause, and it offers a hopeful reminder that social change is achieved one difficult, dauntless, daring step at a time.

Marching For Freedom

by Elizabeth Partridge

An inspiring look at the fight for the vote, by an award-winning author Only 44 years ago in the U.S., Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was leading a fight to win blacks the right to vote. Ground zero for the movement became Selma, Alabama. Award-winning author Elizabeth Partridge leads you straight into the chaotic, passionate, and deadly three months of protests that culminated in the landmark march from Selma to Montgomery in 1965. Focusing on the courageous children who faced terrifying violence in order to march alongside King, this is an inspiring look at their fight for the vote. Stunningly emotional black-and-white photos accompany the text.<P><P> Jane Addams Children’s Book Award Winner

Maria Who? (Sweet Valley High Senior Year #8)

by Francine Pascal

It's not easy for Maria to be so sure that her family loves her sister best. Maria Slater could scream! Just once she would like them to notice her. Instead of perfect, genius, never-had-a-bad-hair-day Nina. But that's never going to happen. Because everyone in the Slater family knows who's important. And it definitely isn't Maria.

Marie Antoinette: Princess of Versailles, Austria-France, 1769 (The Royal Diaries)

by Kathryn Lasky

Newbery Honor author Kathryn Lasky's MARIE ANTOINETTE is back in print with a gorgeous new package!To forge an incredibly powerful political alliance, thirteen-year-old Marie Antoinette of Austria is betrothed to Dauphin Louis Auguste, who will one day be the king of France. To prepare the princess for becoming queen, she must be trained to write, read, speak French, dress, act . . . even breathe. Things become more difficult for her when she is separated from her family and sent to the court of Versailles to meet her future husband. Opinionated and headstrong Marie Antoinette must find a way to fit in at the royal court, and get along with her fiance. The future of Austria and France falls upon her shoulders. But as she lives a luxurious life inside the palace gates, out on the streets the people of France face hunger and poverty. Through the pages of her diary, Marie captures the isolation, the lavish parties and gowns, her struggle to find her place, and the years leading up her ascendance of the throne . . . and a revolution.

Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer

by Katie Alender

Heads will roll!Paris, France: a city of fashion, chocolate croissants, and cute boys. Colette Iselin is thrilled be there for the first time, on her spring break class trip.But a series of gruesome murders are taking place around the city, putting everyone on edge. And as she tours the sights, Colette keeps seeing a strange vision: a pale woman in a ball gown and powdered wig, who looks like Marie Antoinette.Colette knows her status-obsessed friends won't believe her, so she seeks out the help of a charming French boy. Together, they discover that the murder victims areall descendants of people who ultimately brought about Marie Antoinette's beheading. The queen's ghost has been awakened, and now she's wreaking her bloodthirsty revenge.And Colette may just be one of those descendants . . . which means she might not make it out of this trip alive.Acclaimed author Katie Alender brings heart-stopping suspense to this story of betrayal, glamour, mystery, history--and one killer queen.

Marie, Dancing

by Carolyn Meyer

from the book jacket: the music soars. the curtain lifts. Marie van Goethem rises onto her toes and floats across the stage of the Paris Opera. And in that moment, fourteen-year-old Marie is happy. Unfortunately, that's almost the only joy in Marie's life. When she's not dancing, she is tormented by hunger, overwhelmed by her mother's uncontrolled drinking, and angered by her older sister's chronic selfishness. However, when Edgar Degas demands Marie's presence in his studio, it appears that her life will he transformed. Each week as she poses for the famous artist, Marie dreams-of a life without poverty, of being with her one true love, and of becoming a star of the ballet. But can being Monsieur Degas's model bring her all that she imagines? Here is the story of the girl immortalized in Degas's most famous sculpture, Little Dancer Aged Fourteen. It's a heartbreaking tale of passion for ballet, of loyalty to family, and of enduring love.

Mariel of Redwall (Redwall, Book #4)

by Brian Jacques

Mariel of Redwall is a captivating and magical adventure story in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. At times gentle, but mostly packed with adventure and heroism on the grandest of scales, this tale is at once delightful and devastating in its proportions. Jacques weaves his customary magic, taking the reader to the heart and soul of the mythical Redwall--welcoming, terrifying, magical, and at times all too real. The place, the characters, and the adventure spring to life in a bout of indefinable magic, mystery, and mayhem. An excellent book that will leave readers begging for more. (Fortunately, there's plenty more where this came from!)


by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

"We all have a secret buried under lock and key in the attic of our soul. This is mine."When Fifteen-year-old Oscar Drai suddenly vanishes from his boarding school in Barcelona, no one knows his whereabouts for seven days and seven nights. His story begins when he meets the strange Marina while he's exploring an old quarter of the city. She leads Oscar to a cemetery, where they watch a macabre ritual that occurs on the last Sunday of each month. At exactly ten o'clock in the morning, a woman shrouded in a black velvet cloak descends from her carriage to place a single rose on an unmarked grave. When Oscar and Marina decide to follow her, they begin a journey that transports them to a forgotten postwar Barcelona--a world of aristocrats and actresses, inventors and tycoons--an reveals a dark secret that lies waiting in the mysterious labyrinth beneath the city streets. Carlos Ruiz Zafon's haunting Marina has long been a cult classic in Spain and is now an international bestseller.

Marine Biology: An Introduction to Ocean Ecosystems (Second Edition)

by Amy Sauter Hill

Tips on preparing and setting up each of the labs - A list of aquariums, marine-science centers, web sites, and other helpful teaching resources - Tried-and-true methods to ensure that students get the most from every lab and project See the companion Marine Biology lab manual and Marine Biology student book.

Marine Science

by Peter Castro Michael E. Huber

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Marine Science

by Peter Castro Michael E. Huber

The first edition of Marine Science became an instant beloved text with its full coverage of oceanography, stunning design, student-friendly learning system, and data analysis labs. <p><p>Now in its second edition, the program further expands its NGSS coverage, ELL support, interdisciplinary applications, and introduces a broader focus on human and environmental interaction.

Marine Science

by Thomas F. Greene

Written for high school students, this book provides complete coverage of a one-year high school course in marine biology/oceanography.

Marine Science, The Dynamic Ocean

by Glen Schuster Meghan Marrero

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Marine Science (Florida Edition): The Dynamic Ocean

by Meghan E. Marrero Glen Schuster Us Satellite Laboratory

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