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Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action, Tennessee
by Michael Wysession David Frank Sophia YancopoulosNIMAC-sourced textbook
Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action, With Earth and Space Science, Oregon
by Michael Wysession David Frank Sophia YancopoulosNIMAC-sourced textbook
Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Action, Georgia
by Michael Wysession David Frank Sophia YancopoulosNIMAC-sourced textbook
Prentice Hall Physical Science Concepts in Action
by Michael Wysession David Frank Sophia YancopoulosNIMAC-sourced textbook
Prentice Hall Physical Science Concepts in Action, with Earth and Space Science
by Michael Wysession David Frank Sophia YancopoulosNIMAC-sourced textbook
Prentice Hall Realidades, 1
by Peggy Palo Boyles Myriam Met Richard S. Sayers Carol Eubanks WarginNIMAC-sourced textbook
Prentice Hall Realidades, 2
by Peggy Palo Boyles Myriam Met Richard S. Sayers Carol Eubanks WarginNIMAC-sourced textbook
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Earth Science
by Martha Cyr Ioannis Miaoulis Michael J. PadillaThe textbook contains unit lessons on: Exploring Planet Earth, Inside Earth, Earth's Changing Surface, Earth's Waters, Weather and Climate, and Astronomy and includes Reference Section, Skills Handbook, etc.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Life Science
by Martha Cyr Ioannis Miaoulis Michael J. PadillaThis textbook on Life Science deals with Cells and Heredity, From Bacteria to Plants, Animals, Human Biology and Health and Ecology and includes Reference Section, Sharpen your Skills, Science at Home, Interdisciplinary Activities, Visual exploration of concepts, etc.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Physical Science
by David V. Frank John G. Little Steve Miller Jay M. Pasachoff Camille L. WainwrightPhysical science textbook.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Astronomy, Guided Reading and Study Workbook
by Prentice HallWorkbook to accompany textbook on astronomy.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Astronomy
by Prentice HallIn this book you get to learn about the earth, moon, sun, the solar system, stars, galaxies, and the universe.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Motion, Forces, and Energy
by T. Griffith Jones Martha Cyr Ioannis Miaoulis Michael J. PadillaScience Textbook for 6th - 9th grade
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Focus on Life Science
by Michael J. Padilla Martha Cyr Ioannis Miaoulis Elizabeth Coolidge-Stoltz Donald Cronkite Joseph D. Exline Dawn Graff-Haight Jan JennerFocus On Life educates middle grade students about cells, evolution, living things and human body systems.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Inside Earth
by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha CyrThis book contains topics including Focus on Faults (Plate Tectonics ; Earthquakes; Volcanoes; Minerals; Rocks), Interdisciplinary Exploration; Gold--The Noble Metal, etc.) The book also includes Reference Section, Skills Handbook and Activities.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Sound and Light
by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha CyrScience textbook, focusing on sound waves and light.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Physical Science
by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha CyrThis book meets the needs of middle grades students, promotes science inquiry, and is aligned with the National Science Education Standards.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Chemical Interactions
by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha CyrPrentice Hall Science Explorer: Weather and Climate
by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha CyrScience textbook
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Motion, Forces, and Energy
by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr T. Griffith JonesScience Textbook for 6th - 9th grade
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Motion, Forces, and Energy
by Michael J. Padilla Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr T. Griffith JonesScience Textbook for 6th - 9th grade
Prentice Hall Science Explorer: Inside Earth
by Michael J. Padilla Loannis Miaoulis Martha CyrThe book contains chapters on Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Minerals, Rocks, Gold, etc. Reference Section Skills Handbook Inquiry Activities Sharpen your Skills and Skills Lab are additional features of this book.
Prentice Hall Science Explorer Astronomy
by Ioannis Miaoulis Martha Cyr Michael J. PadillaThe ancient Egyptians were among the first people to study the stars. The study of the moon, stars and other objects in space is called astronomy. Ancient astronomers also studied the movements of the sun and the moon as they appeared to travel across the sky. It seemed to them as though Earth were standing still and the sun and moon were moving. Actually, the sun and moon seem to move across the sky each day mainly because Earth is rotating on its axis.
Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Tennessee Edition)
by Emma J. Lapsansky-Werner Peter B. Levy Randy Roberts et alPrentice Hall United States History Reconstruction To The Present has a number of important tools that will make your study of the American History easier and more worthwhile. You will learn about events and there are websites provided where you will hear audio clips of people in the book, see photos, mpas and timelines as well as view animations to help you experience the full drama of history. Use the Web Codes, provided in your textbook, to go directly to the action.