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Showing 14,126 through 14,150 of 19,667 results

Psychology: A Discovery Experience

by Stephen L. Franzoi

NIMAC-sourced textbook <p><p> PSYCHOLOGY: A DISCOVERY EXPERIENCE is designed specifically for high school students and is written to the American Psychological Association (APA) National Standards for High School Psychology. Targets English Language Learners with Essential Question activities that facilitate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Stephen Franzoi's conversational writing style guides students through a journey of self-discovery. Students will learn and apply concepts of psychology to their everyday lives with the latest developments in psychology, fascinating interactive figures, in-text labs, career insights, and an online database of current psychology resources. These tools make this the most relevant and accessible high school psychology program on the market. The comprehensive instructor resource package includes the Instructor Wraparound Edition, Instructor Resource CD, lesson plans, PowerPoint Presentations with embedded interactive figures, ExamView Computerized Test Generator, DVD collection, and an online database of current psychology resources.

Psychology: A Way to Grow (Second Edition)

by Carl R. Green William R. Sanford

Psychology: A Way to Grow, Revised Second Edition, introduces high school students to psychology. It provides its readers with a foundation in the basic theories and principles of psychology. It also guides students toward a greater understanding of their own capacity for personal growth.

Psychology: Concepts and Applications

by Jeffrey S. Nevid

PSYCHOLOGY: CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS, 3rd Edition, uses a unique, proven learning system that makes it easier and more enjoyable for you to learn what you need to learn'and succeed in your psychology course. Author Jeff Nevid provides a broad view of psychology that includes history, major theories, research methods, and research findings as well as applications of contemporary research to the challenges you face in everyday life. The text's modular format organizes each chapter into manageable units that help you focus on one topic at a time within the context of a larger chapter structure. Concept signaling'a technique that highlights key concepts in the text margins'helps you extract the main points from the narrative. As you read, key concepts are reinforced through additional features, such as Concept Charts, Module Reviews, and Visual Overviews, which have proven to significantly improve students' retention of material and performance in class.

Psychology: Principles in Practice

by Spencer Rathus

Psychology: Principles in Practice by Spencer Rathus.

Psychology: Principles in Practice

by Spencer A. Rathus

Never HIGHLIGHT a Book Again! Virtually all testable terms, concepts, persons, places, and events are included.look no further for study resources or reference material. Cram101 Textbook Outlines gives all of the outlines, highlights, notes, and practice-tests for your textbook. Only Cram101 is Textbook Specific. Cram101 is NOT the Textbook.

Psychology: Principles in Practice

by Spencer A. Rathus

Every day, psychologists study a fascinating topic--people. Why do they do this? To learn why people act and think the way they do.

Psychology: Themes and Variations

by Wayne Weiten

A more concise version of the introductory psychology text offering thorough coverage of the major theories (and controversies) in the field today. The focus is on ideas rather than facts, integrating research and application in the areas of biological behavior concepts, sensation and perception, consciousness, conditioning, memory, language and thought, intelligence and psychological testing, emotion, human development, personality theory, stress, psychological disorders, psychotherapy, and social behavior. Includes very jazzy color photographs and illustrations. Paper edition (unseen), $48.75. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Psychology: Themes and Variations

by Wayne Weiten

A more concise version of the introductory psychology text offering thorough coverage of the major theories (and controversies) in the field today. The focus is on ideas rather than facts, integrating research and application in the areas of biological behavior concepts, sensation and perception, consciousness, conditioning, memory, language and thought, intelligence and psychological testing, emotion, human development, personality theory, stress, psychological disorders, psychotherapy, and social behavior. Includes very jazzy color photographs and illustrations. Paper edition (unseen), $48. 75. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc. , Portland, Or.

Psychology: Themes And Variations

by Wayne Weiten

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Psychology (8th edition)

by David G. Myers

Switching among several differing perspectives, this introductory textbook describes what scientific research has learned about the biology underlying human behavior and mental processes, changes during the life cycle, states of consciousness, learning and memory, intelligence, emotion, personality, and psychological disorders. The seventh edition adds a new section on motivation in the workplace, and a psychology timeline inside the hardcover. Annotation ©2004 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Psychology, AMSCO®, Advanced Placement® Edition

by Charles D. Schallhorn

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Psychology and You (3rd edition)

by Judith W. Mcmahon Tony Romano

A comprehensive high school level introduction to the study of psychology "Psychology and You" utilizes a writing style that talks with students using examples and language relevant to their lives. Anecdotes, historical facts, unusual events, everyday issues and concerns, and humor are also built in to keep students' interest. This program has been fully correlated to the proposed standards for teaching high school psychology developed by the American Psychological Association.

Psychology in Everyday Life (Budget Bks.)

by David G. Myers C. Nathan Dewall

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Psychology in Everyday Life, 1st edition

by David G. Myers

LEARN IT. LIVE IT. Why take psychology? What makes psychology a science? Can it really help me understand my feelings and behaviors? Or how I get along with family and friends? Now from the world's foremost author for the introductory psychology classroom comes a new textbook that makes learning about the psychology of our lives a captivating experience for students at all levels. Carried by the author's acclaimed empathetic voice, Psychology in Everyday Life is David Myers' most inviting text to date. This new book represents a breakthrough in the interplay of text and visuals, yet, as always, provides a rich source of scientific insights into the lives we live. Any student, regardless of age or background, will find it a text that speaks directly to him or her, and will embrace it not just for its grade-raising potential, but for its revelations about what makes a person a stronger student, a more tuned-in friend or partner, a more effective worker, or a wiser parent.

Psychology (Ninth Edition, In Modules)

by David G. Myers

This ninth edition of Psychology, Ninth Edition in Modules is so much improved over the previous work. Changes include: * some 1300 new research citations representing the most exciting and important new discoveries in our field, * organizational changes based on changes in the field (for example, the heavily revised Consciousness unit, which now follows The Biology of Mind unit and is titled Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind to reflect the dual processing and cognitive neuroscience themes), * fine-tuned writing with countless small and large improvements in the way concepts are presented, supported by the input and creative ideas of hundreds of contributing instructors and students, and from my longtime editors, * a sharp new art program and new pedagogy that teaches more effectively, * continually improving coverage of cultural and gender diversity issues, and * 44 fewer pages.

Psychology: Student Edition 2018

by Spencer Rathus

NIMAC-sourced textbook

A Pterodragon of a Different Color

by Lisa Rosinsky

Lissity is an Earthling. She's just visiting Mars with her family. Nariel comes from a proud tradition of Martian independence. The two form an unlikely friendship.

Ptolemy's Gate (A Bartimaeus Novel #3)

by Jonathan Stroud

In the third book of the series, Bartimaeus, Nathaniel, and Kitty must test the limits of this world, question the deepest parts of themselves -- and trust one another if they hope to survive. Includes a preview chapter from The Ring of Solomon, a Bartimaeus novel.

Public Speaking (Merit Badge Ser.)

by Boy Scouts of America

This book outlines requirements for pursuing a merit badge in public speaking.

Public Speaking: Concepts and Skills for a Diverse Society

by Clella Iles Jaffe

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Pueblo Fronterizo No. 2: Guerra de quinceañeras (Pueblo fronterizo #2)

by Malín Alegría

In Dos Rios, Texas, life is all about borders -- and what happens when you cross the line. A fresh new series explores what it's like to grow up on the edge.A quinceanera for the record books?If Fabiola Garza had her way, her quinceanera would be as simple and as non-traditional as possible-just two airline tickets to New York City and her best friend in tow. Sadly, things hardly ever go Fabi's way. ¿Una fiesta de quinceañera inolvidable?Si Fabiola Garza pudiera, su fiesta de quinceañera sería algo simple y poco convencional: dos boletos de avión a New York City para viajar en compañía de su mejor amiga. Desafortunadamente, las cosas casi nunca salen como las quiere Fabiola.

El puente de Clay

by Markus Zusak

Más de diez años después de La ladrona de libros, el extraordinario best seller que conquistó a diez millones de lectores, Markus Zusak vuelve con una saga familiar inolvidable y arrolladora, inspirada en el arte y la cultura clasica. Los cinco hermanos Dunbar viven en un hogar sin adultos, cuidando los unos de los otros, luchando por sobrevivir en un mundo que los ha abandonado, hasta que su padre, el hombre que los dejó sin mirar atrás, vuelve a casa. ¿Por qué ha regresado? Matthew, cínico y poético, es quien lleva las riendas de la familia; Rory, siempre falta a clase; Henry, una máquina de hacer dinero, y el pequeño Tomy, coleccionista de mascotas que ha colonizado la casa con animales disfuncionales, como la mula Aquiles y Rosy, el border collie. Y luego está el silencioso Clay, perseguido por un suceso del que no se puede hablar. Pero la historia se remonta tiempo atrás: a ese abuelo cuya pasión por los antiguos griegos aún llena de color sus vidas, y a los padres, que se conocieron gracias a un piano extraviado. Clay tratará de revelar su trágico secreto y de construir un puente para salvar a su familia y salvarse también a sí mismo. Los elogios con los que The New York Times recibió La ladrona de libros, la primera gran novela de Zusak, siguen vigentes para El puente de Clay: «Los lectores jóvenes necesitan este tipo de alternativas a la rigidez ideológica, así como exploraciones sobre la importancia de las historias. Y, pensándolo bien, también los adultos.» La crítica ha dicho:«El tipo de libro que puede cambiarte la vida.»The New York Times «La ladrona de libros deslumbra por sus extraordinarios personajes, su capacidad de emocionar sin clichés y, ante todo, por su omnipresente reflexión sobre el valor de las palabras.»Ricard Ruiz Garzón, El Periódicode Catalunya «Elegante, filosófica, conmovedora, bella e importante.»Kirkus Reviews «Merece estar junto al Diario de Ana Frank en nuestra biblioteca.»USA Today «Una narrativa extraordinaria.»SLJ «Zusak no endulza nada, pero logra que un tema aparentemente triste resulte tolerable tal como lo hizo Kurt Vonnegut en Matadero cinco: con un humor sombrío, reconfortante.»Time Magazine «Un gran logro. [...] Un libro desafiante en extensión y tema.»Publishers Weekly «Uno de los libros más esperados en años.»The Wall Street Journal «Markus Zusak supera las expectativas -ya de por sí altas dado el éxito de La ladrona de libros- y nos lleva a través del desafío que supone la pérdida y de la alegría de ser amado: nos enseña lo que significa vivir. Un libro para saborear, una lectura placentera, una voz que permanecerá viva: eso sí es saber contar historias.» Jackie Law, Bookmunch «Memorable.»Patricia Nicol, The Sunday Times «Vale la pena esperar cuando lo que llega es El puente de Clay, menudo festín de libro. Una historia ideal para perderse en las noches de otoño.»Charlotte Heathcote, The Sunday Express

La puerta del bosque (La puerta del bosque #Volumen 1)

by Melissa Albert

Un original cuento de hadas: emocionante, fascinante y conmovedor a partes iguales. ¿Se puede cambiar el final de un cuento? A los cuentos de hadas les da lo mismo que no creas en ellos... Alice, una chica de diecisiete años, y su madre se han pasado la mayor parte de sus vidas de un sitio para otro, siempre un paso por delante de la extraña mala suerte que les pisa los talones. Pero cuando la abuela de Alice, la esquiva autora de un libro de cuentos espeluznantes, muere en su finca del bosque, Alice descubre hasta dónde puede llegar su mala suerte. Su madre desaparece y deja un extraño mensaje: no te acerques al bosque de los avellanos. Para recuperarla, Alice tendrá que adentrarse en el mundo en que nacieron las historias de su abuela y donde quizás encuentre la razón del monstruoso y estremecedor origen de su historia.

Puff: A Novel

by Bob Flaherty

Meet John Gullivan, age thirteen, obsessed with the moles that dot most of his body. Meet his brother Gully, who can't stop laughing at them. Now meet the brothers ten years later, in the middle of the most ferocious blizzard anyone can remember. Set in an Irish working-class suburb of Boston in the 1960s and 1970s, Puff centers on a quest as the soon-to-be-orphaned brothers, posing as rescue personnel, attempt to steer their dilapidated van through insurmountable snow, all to score a bag of pot.Trapped in their own ruse and forced to act the part of the saviors they are pretending to be, the brothers run into an endless stream of foes and obstacles: the cops, their childhood priest, a knife-wielding maniac, and the ill all stand in the way of their elusive high. A raucous caper, Puff is as hilarious as it is heartfelt and will resonate with old and young alike.

Puggle: Pugs Meet Beagles! (Top Hybrid Dogs Ser.)

by Sue Bradford Edwards

Pugs are loyal companion dogs. Read this book to learn more about why puggles make good pets!

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