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School's Out - Forever: A Maximum Ride Novel (Maximum Ride #2)
by James Patterson"Adventure, fighting, backstabbing and love abound" (VOYA) in this action-packed follow-up to the #1 New York Times blockbuster MAXIMUM RIDE: THE ANGEL EXPERIMENT, now available in paperback. The heart-stopping quest of six winged kids--led by fourteen-year-old Max--to find their parents and investigate the mind-blowing mystery of their ultimate destiny continues when they're taken under the wing of an FBI agent and attempt, for the first time, to live "normal" lives. But going to school and making friends doesn't stop them from being relentlessly hunted by sinister spies, who lead Max to face her most frightening match yet: a new and better version of herself.
The Sci-Fi Factor
by Terry OfnerTeaches critical thinking and focuses on the question "What's the fascination with science fiction?" with selections by Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Ursula K. Le Guin, Fredric Brown, Paul Jennings, Carol Farley, and more. Literature & Thought Series.
Science: Matter and Energy Quizzes
by Jeremy Foster Christine Hotke James RidgleyAs a parent, you know that you must inspect what you expect. Inspection provides key motivation to your teen to work hard and provides you with valuable assessment of his strengths and weaknesses as you guide his progress. Let A Beka help you make that inspection easy with these ready-made quizzes. The quiz book correlates with the text Science: Matter and Energy (2012), Science: Matter and Energy Tests, and Science: Matter and Energy Teacher Edition, which includes the curriculum/lesson plans. Answers and grading guidance are sold separately in Science: Matter and Energy Quiz Key. Grade 9. <p><p> Product Features<p> · The 39 quizzes provide weekly reinforcement of concepts.<br> · Each quiz contains 10 objective questions, taking a minimum of class time to take and to grade.<br> · A variety of formats such as multiple choice, modified true/false, matching, completion, and math problems prepares your teen for the tests and verifies that he understands a concept, no matter how it is presented.<br> · Each quiz includes the page numbers it covers in the text, making the quizzes adaptable to your schedule and your teen’s learning progress.
Science: Matter and Energy Tests
by Jeremy Foster Christine Hotke James RidgleySafety principles, repair basics, innovation tools—all depend on a proper understanding of God’s principles of design and His laws governing the universe. From Bernoulli’s principle to the second law of thermodynamics, you can know that your teen is understanding how some things work while other things can’t through these well-designed tests that reinforce and evaluate his learning. The test book is correlated with the texts Science: Matter and Energy (2012), Science: Matter and Energy Laboratory Manual, Science: Matter and Energy Quizzes, and Science: Matter and Energy Teacher Edition, which includes the curriculum/lesson plans. Answers and grading guidance are sold separately in Science: Matter and Energy Test Key. Grade 9.<p><p> Product Features<p> · Objective questions in a variety of formats test on multiple levels from recall and understanding to application.<br> · Since mathematics is the language of science, many tests include an application section of math problems corresponding to the problems demonstrated and practiced in the text. Your teen will see the necessity of both math skills and scientific knowledge as they are applied to practical life situations.<br> · Essay questions take your teen’s thinking skills to a higher level as he must explain the hows and whys of science. They also open his eyes to note God’s design in the physical world and to consider how things of man’s design work. Noting others’ creativity may lead to his own!<br> · Testing every three weeks (for a total of 12 tests) provides vital reinforcement of learning and an opportunity for your evaluation of your teen’s comprehension.<br> · Two nine-weeks exams and semester and final exams further reinforce concepts. Exposure to the concepts through reading, discussion, demonstration and practice, independent work, quizzes, tests, and then review examinations cements course content.<br> · Since every test clearly indicates the sections of the text it covers, you can adjust test taking to your teen’s progress through the text.<br> · As with all A Beka tests, the content and design reflect our half century of educational experience. directions are easy to understand and the layout is appealing. Test content is clearly covered in the course materials and is appropriate for the grade level.
Science: Matter and Energy Laboratory Manual
by Jeremy Foster Brian Mcdivitt Dewitt Steele Gregory Parker Verne Biddle Tom Stone Barbara PorcherReinforce concepts taught in class with the 36 demonstrations in this Laboratory Manual. These labs are designed for the teacher to perform the demonstration with assistance from the child. Study volume, density, buoyancy, levers, magnetization, electric circuits and more with the hands on activities specifically detailed in these demonstrations. Each lab comes complete with a stated purpose, introduction, equipment list, instructions, and lab sheet for reporting results. Bring chemistry and physics concepts to life with this Laboratory Manual.
Science: Matter and Energy
by Jeremy Foster Gregory Parker Delores Shimmin Dewitt SteelePrepare your child for chemistry and physics through the foundational principles taught in Science: Matter and Energy. Start out with scientific measurements and the different forms of matter and graduate into the foundations of chemical reactions and properties of magnets and electricity. With proofs for Creation, section and chapter reviews, and over 500 pictures, charts, and graphs, your child will be able to smoothly transition into chemistry from his study of Science: Matter and Energy.
Science: Technology and Society Sourcebook
by Holt Rinehart Winston StaffScienceplus Sourcebook for High School
Science and the Skeptic: Discerning Fact from Fiction
by Marc ZimmerFake news, pseudoscience, and quackery have become scourges, spreading through society from social media all the way to Congress. The line between entertainment and reality, between fact and fiction, has become blurred. Some of the most crucial issues of our time—climate change, vaccines, and genetically modified organisms—have become prime targets for nefarious disinformation campaigns. Far too many people have become distrustful of real science. Even those who still trust science no longer know what to believe or how to identify the truth. Not only does this result in the devaluation and distrust of real science, but it is also dangerous: people acting based on false information can hurt themselves or those around them. We must equip ourselves with the knowledge and skills to fight back against all this disinformation. InScience and the Skeptic: Discerning Fact from Fiction, you will learn how science is done, from the basic scientific method to the vetting process that scientific papers must go through to become published; how and why some people intentionally or unintentionally spread misinformation; and the dangers in believing and spreading false information. You'll also find twenty easy-to-follow rules for distinguishing fake science from the real deal. Armed with this book, empower yourself with knowledge, learning what information to trust and what to dismiss as deceit. "We're not just fighting an epidemic; we're fighting an infodemic. . . . This is a time for facts, not fear. This is a time for rationality, not rumors. This is a time for solidarity, not stigma."—Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the WHO "Our deepest beliefs should help navigate reality, not determine it."—Michael Gersen, The Washington Post "Journalism is very much about trying to simplify and distribute information about what's new and where advances have been made. That's incompatible with the scientific process, which can take a long time to build a body of evidence."—Kelly McBride, Poynter Institute
The Science Behind Gymnastics (Science Of The Summer Olympics Ser.)
by L. E. CarmichaelBehind every jump, spin, and flip of Olympic gymnastics, science is at work. Centripetal force is at work in a spin around a bar, and center of gravity is involved in balance beam routines. Newton’s Third Law of Motion springs into action as a gymnast flies into the air in the vaulting event. Find out how science is involved in all your favorite gymnastics events and how gymnasts take science into account in their quest for the gold medal.
Science Experiments You Can Eat
by Vicki Cobb Peter LippmanExperiments with food demonstrate various scientific principles and produce an eatable result. Includes fruit drinks, grape jelly, muffins, chop suey, yogurt, and junket.
Science Fair
by Dave Barry Ridley PearsonGrdankl the Strong, president of Krpshtskan, is plotting to take over the American government. His plan is to infiltrate the science fair at Hubble Middle School, located in a Maryland suburb just outside Washington. The rich kids at Hubble cheat by buying their projects every year, and Grdankl's cronies should have no problem selling them his government-corrupting software. But this year, Toby Harbinger, a regular kid with Discount Warehouse shoes, is determined to win the $5,000 prize-even if he has to go up against terrorists to do it. With the help of his best friends, Tamara and Micah, Toby takes on Assistant Principal Paul Parmit, aka "The Armpit," a laser-eyed stuffed owl, and two eBay buyers named Darth and the Wookiee, who seem to think that the Harrison Ford signed BlasTech DL-44 blaster Toby sold them is counterfeit. What transpires is a hilarious adventure filled with mystery, suspense, and levitating frogs.
Science Fair Projects For Dummies
by Maxine LevarenUh-oh, now you’ve gone and done it, you volunteered to do a science fair project. Don’t sweat it, presenting at a science fair can be a lot of fun. Just remember, the science fair is for your benefit. It’s your chance to show that you understand the scientific method and how to apply it. Also, it’s an opportunity for you to delve more deeply into a topic you’re interested in. Quite a few scientists, including a few Nobel laureates, claim that they had their first major breakthrough while researching a science fair project. And besides, a good science fair project can open a lot of doors academically and professionally—but you already knew that. Stuck on what to do for your science project? This easy-to-follow guide is chock-full of more than 50 fun ideas and experiments in everything from astronomy to zoology. Your ultimate guide to creating crowd-pleasing displays, it shows you everything you need to know to: Choose the best project idea for you Make sure your project idea is safe, affordable, and doable Research, take notes, and organize your facts Write a clear informative research paper Design and execute your projects Ace the presentation and wow the judges Science fair guru Maxine Levaren gives walks you step-by-step through every phase of choosing, designing, assembling and presenting a blue ribbon science fair project. She gives you the inside scoop on what the judges are really looking for and coaches you on all the dos and don’ts of science fairs. And she arms you with in-depth coverage of more than 50 winning projects, including: Projects involving experiments in virtually every scientific disciplines Computer projects that develop programs to solve a particular problem or analyze system performance Engineering projects that design and build new devices or test existing devices to compare and analyze performance Research projects involving data collection and mathematical analysis of results Your complete guide to doing memorable science projects and having fun in the process, Science Fair Projects For Dummies is a science fair survival guide for budding scientists at every grade level.
Science Fiction, Science Fact, and You
by Robert J. Lowenherz Jack LowenherzA sterling collection of the best science-fiction stories by the best writers. Complete, unabridged works. Fascinating articles of science fact. Challenging activities that focus on high-level reading skills, writing, and vocabulary. Authors include Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, Ray Bradbury, Robert Silverberg, Arthur C. Clarke, Ursula K. Le Guin. The book is organized around six themes: Space Travel, Time Travel, Robots and Artificial Intelligence, Space Aliens or Extraterrestrials, Future People, and Future Worlds.
Science in Action: Science Project Guide (6th Edition)
by Corinne Sawtelle Colette Stancel James Ridgley Rick EndersWhile scientific investigations and projects are very important parts of science education, they don’t need to be scary. This project guide is a great help. Its step-by-step instructions walk your teen through planning, experimenting, reporting, and presenting the findings of a complete science project—with samples included. Also included in the project guide are helpful worksheets for selecting a topic and problem, getting started, and evaluating the investigation plan. The 7 grading forms are actually checklists that make your evaluation easy and thorough. Be prepared for a great learning experience! Gr. 7–11.
Science In Public: Communication, Culture, And Credibility
by Jane Gregory Steven MillerDoes the general public need to understand science? And if so, is it scientists' responsibility to communicate? Critics have argued that, despite the huge strides made in technology, we live in a "scientifically illiterate" society--one that thinks about the world and makes important decisions without taking scientific knowledge into account. But is the solution to this "illiteracy" to deluge the layman with scientific information? Or does science news need to be focused around specific issues and organized into stories that are meaningful and relevant to people's lives? In this unprecedented, comprehensive look at a new field, Jane Gregory and Steve Miller point the way to a more effective public understanding of science in the years ahead.
Science Insights: Exploring Earth and Space
by Michael Anthony Dispezio Gerald Skoog Bobbie Sparks Marilyn Linner-Luebe Marilyn LisowskiReading a science textbook is not like reading a magazine or a story. You usually don't have to work hard to understand a story. You probably won't remember it for a long time, either. But when you read science, you are reading to learn something new. You will need to think about what you read. You will also need to remember as much as you can. You may just read a story, but you will need to study your textbook.
Science Insights: Exploring Living Things
by Michael Dispezio Marilyn Linner-Luebe Marylin Lisowski Bobbie Sparks Gerald SkoogA science book that covers cells, heredity, evolution, classification, simple organisms, plant life, animal life, human life and ecology.
Science Interactions, Course 4
by Robert W. Avakian Kevin Reel Daniel J. Blaustein Marilyn S. Thompson Charles W. Mclaughlin Julie Iris Wulff Paul ZitzewitzDo you always assume there's someone "out there" who will find solutions for problems our world faces? What if that someone is you? This introduction will tell you about tools you can use to solve problems and make discoveries about our world.
The Science of Agriculture: A Biological Approach
by Ray V. HerrenThe Science of Agriculture: A Biological Approach, third edition helps students bridge the gap between biological concepts and their applications. The text concentrates on the scientific principles, or the "why" behind the industry. Topics such as plant and animal systems, soils, cell functions, genetics, genetic engineering, plant and animal reproduction, entomology, the uses of biotechnology, and careers are covered throughout the text. The text also includes a thorough examination of the controversy and concerns over the use of genetic engineering, genetically modified organisms, cloning, and their perceived and potential dangers to humans and the environment. Each chapter begins with clearly-stated learning objectives, followed by key terminology. Chapters close with student learning activities that extend learning beyond the text material. End-of-chapter test questions in True/False; Short Answer/Discussion; and Multiple Choice formats help to evaluate students' grasp of the concepts presented in the text.
The Science of Animal Agriculture
by Ray V. HerrenTHE SCIENCE OF ANIMAL AGRICULTURE, 4th edition teaches science along with concepts associated with the industry of animal agriculture. The fourth edition features many updates, including the latest advancements in the field of animal science, such as cellular biology, and the latest updates on consumer concerns and new government regulations. A hallmark of THE SCIENCE OF ANIMAL AGRICULTURE, 4th edition is the presentation of scientific theory via application context. Topics such as nutrition, anatomy, genetics, entomology, pathology, and animal behavior are covered in depth. These complicated areas are presented in the context of how they are used in the animal industry, allowing the reader to make a distinct correlation. In addition, readers will benefit from this science-based, animal agriculture book that makes complicated biology principles easy to grasp and apply.
The Science of Animal Agriculture (3rd edition)
by Ray V. HerrenThe Science of Animal Agriculture, third edition is designed for use in courses aimed at teaching science along with concepts associated with the industry of animal agriculture. It responds to the current trends in education that promote connecting academic theory with real world applications. Research shows that students gain a better grasp of scientific theory if the theories are taught in an application context, and this text presents the application of biological science used in producing and caring for animals. Topics such as nutrition, anatomy, genetics, entomology, pathology, and animal behavior are covered in depth. These complicated areas are presented in the context of how they are used in the animal industry, allowing the student to make a distinct correlation. Students will benefit from this science-based, animal agriculture text that teaches complicated biology principles in the context of their application.
Science of Earth Systems
by Stephen D. ButzScience of Earth Systems, second sdition is designed to introduce the new scientific discipline of Earth System Science to secondary school students.
The Science of Harry Potter: The Spellbinding Science Behind the Magic, Gadgets, Potions, and More! (The Science of Series)
by Mark Brake Jon ChaseHow does magic in J. K. Rowling’s universe work? Finally, the scientific secrets are revealed!The story of the boy who lived has brought the idea of magic and sorcery into mainstream fruition more than any other book series in history. Modern muggle scientists have uncovered explanations to the seemingly impossible, including answers to such questions as: Will we ever see an invisibility cloak? How hazardous is a flying broomstick like the Nimbus 2000? How has medicine made powerful potions from peculiar plants? (Felix Felicis, anyone?) Can scientists ever demonstrate Wingardium Leviosa, or the flying power of a Golden Snitch? Is it possible to stupefy someone? And many more!Often perceived as a supernatural force, magic captivates and delights its audience because of its seeming ability to defy physics and logic. But did you ever wonder if science has any explanation for these fantastic feats? The Science of Harry Potter examines the scientific principles—behind some of your favorite characters, spells, items, scenes, and even games like Quidditch and Wizard’s Chess—from boy wizard Harry Potter’s world, providing in-depth analysis and scientific facts to support its theories. Author Mark Brake, whose The Science of Star Wars was a knockout success, has found the answers to satisfy the curious spirits of muggles everywhere…A perfect Harry Potter gift for anyone obsessed enough to stand in line to be the first to see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child or Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, witches and wizards alike will be fascinated by the merging of this improbable realm and real science!
The Science of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials: With an Introduction by Philip Pullman
by John Gribbin Mary GribbinThe amazing true science behind the fiction of His Dark Materials, ideal for fans of the original trilogy and The Book of Dust, with an introduction by Philip Pullman.Award-winning science writers Mary and John Gribbin reveal how the world of Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy (Northern Lights, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) is rooted in astonishing scientific truth. Drawing on string theory and spacetime, quantum physics and chaos theory, they answer fascinating questions such as: could parallel worlds like Will's and Lyra's really exist? How does the subtle knife cut through anything? Could there be a bomb like the one made with Lyra's hair? And, of course, what are the Dark Materials?