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Showing 19,251 through 19,275 of 19,609 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
World Civilizations 1691679 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 9780544668171 2018
World Civilizations: The Global Experience (Advanced Placement Edition with DBQ Update) 671739 Peter N. Stearns Michael Adas Stuart B. Schwartz Marc J. Gilbert 9780131939271 2006
World Cultures and Geography: Western Hemisphere 410607 Sarah Bednarz Marci Smith Deal Inés Miyares 9780618887361 2008 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World Cultures & Geography (Texas) 1178412 Richard G. Boehm 9780021375394 2016
The World Economy 1414082 Jorgenson Dale W. Kyoji Fukao Timmer Marcel P. 9781316666173 2003 Contains images
The World Forgot (The Ever-Expanding Universe #3) 2493660 Martin Leicht Isla Neal 9781442429680 2015 Contains images
World Geography 166551 Daniel D. Arreola Marci Smith Deal James F. Petersen Rickie Sanders 9780618689989 2007 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World Geography: Building a Global Perspective 133787 Thomas J. Baerwald Celeste Fraser 9780131335301 2007 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World Geography: Building a Global Perspective 336015 Thomas J. Baerwald Celeste Fraser 9780134359908 2000
World Geography 1097294 Richard G. Boehm Jay Mctighe 9780021454570 2016 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World Geography 310491 Preston E. James Nelda Davis 9780021885008 1985
World Geography 1109995 9780544320314 2016 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World Geography and Cultures 378041 Richard G. Boehm 9780078799952 2012 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World Geography and Cultures: Student Workbook 705677 Pearson Education 9780785463863 2008
World Geography and Cultures 731167 Globe Fearon 9780130236746 2002
World Geography and Cultures 262914 Marcel Lewinski 9780785463832 2008 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World Geography and You: The Complete Edition 462468 Vivian Bernstein 9780817268299 1998
World History: Patterns of Interaction 119269 Roger B. Beck Linda Black Larry S. Krieger 9780618690084 2007 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World History: Patterns of Interaction 388953 Roger B. Beck Linda Black Larry S. Krieger 9780547491127 2012 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World History: Patterns of Interaction 692307 Roger B. Beck Linda Black Larry S. Krieger 9780547966861 1993 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World History: Patterns of Interaction (Tennessee) 131258 Roger B. Beck Linda Black Larry S. Krieger Phillip C. Naylor Dahia Ibo Shabaka 9780618889556 2008 NIMAC restricted Contains images
World History: Patterns of Interaction 300735 Roger B. Beck Linda Black Larry S. Krieger Phillip C. Naylor Dahia Ibo Shabaka 9780618690084 2007
World History: Patterns of Interaction 3118948 Roger B. Beck Linda Black Larry S. Krieger Phillip C. Naylor Dahia Ibo Shabaka 9780547491127 2012
World History: Patterns of Interaction 350929 Roger B. Beck Linda Black Larry S. Krieger Phillip C. Naylor Dahia Ibo Shabaka 9780618187744 2005
World History: Patterns of Interaction 376333 Roger B. Beck Linda Black Larry S. Krieger Phillip C. Naylor Dahia Ibo Shabaka 9780618131792 2003

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