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Showing 1,626 through 1,650 of 15,286 results

Beware of Small States: Lebanon, Battleground of the Middle East

by David Hirst

Lebanon, a country no bigger than Connecticut, has become a battleground for the political, strategic and ideological conflicts of its neighbors and the great powers. It has come to reflect the broad historical experiences of the modern Middle East. Beware of Small Statesis an elegant and incisive history of Lebanon culminating with the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah and its aftermath. David Hirst-a former Middle East correspondent forThe Guardian, whose tough, skeptical voice has earned him death threats and seen him banned from six Arab countries-crafts a narrative that is essential for anyone wishing to understand the current political climate of the Middle East.

Beware, Princess Elizabeth: A Young Royals Book (Young Royals #Bk. 2)

by Carolyn Meyer

Imprisonment. Betrayal. Lost love. Murder. What more must a princess endure? Elizabeth Tudor's teenage and young adult years during the turbulent reigns of Edward and then Mary Tudor are hardly those of a fairy-tale princess. Her mother has been beheaded by Elizabeth's own father, Henry VIII; her jealous half sister, Mary, has her locked away in the Tower of London; and her only love interest betrays her in his own quest for the throne. Told in the voice of the young Elizabeth and ending when she is crowned queen, this second novel in the exciting series explores the relationship between two sisters who became mortal enemies. Carolyn Meyer has written an intriguing historical tale that reveals the deep-seated rivalry between a determined girl who became one of England's most powerful monarchs and the sister who tried everything to stop her.

Beware the Babysitter (Sweet Valley High #99)

by Francine Pascal Kate William

Margo makes her move... Margo is making herself right at home in Sweet Valley, setting her evil scheme in motion. She's gotten a job at the day-care center, and is busy perfecting her imitation of identical twins Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield. She's even fooled Todd Wilkins and Mrs. Wakefield into thinking she's Elizabeth. Now it's only a matter of time before Margo takes over Elizabeth's perfect life for good. Meanwhile, Winston Egbert was baby-sitting for a neighbor. Now the neighbor has disappeared. What's Winston going to do with a baby? Book Five in this explosive six-part miniseries... Sweet Valley will never be the same!

Beware the Wild (Beware the Wild #1)

by Natalie C. Parker

Southern Gothic gets a whole new twist in this debut novel, sure to appeal to fans of the New York Times bestselling Beautiful Creatures series. The swamp in Sterling's small Louisiana town proves to have a power over its inhabitants when her brother disappears and no one but Sterling even remembers that he existed. Now Sterling, with the help of brooding loner Heath, who's had his own creepy experience with the swamp, must fight back and reclaim what—and who—the swamp has taken.Beware the Wild is a riveting and atmospheric page-turner readers won't want to miss.

Beyond Distraction: Understanding ADHD (Healthy Living Library)

by Amy Farrar Tabitha Moriarty

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the second most impactful condition on young people’s health in the United States. But ADHD is a complex disorder and is often misunderstood or stereotyped as just a few symptoms. ADHD may present with many different symptoms. Social factors such as age can also affect how the disorder manifests. Recognizing the breadth and complexity of ADHD helps people not only support someone with the disorder but also understand what their options are if they are diagnosed. This timely guide explains the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of ADHD and covers ongoing research into the disorder, coping strategies, and treatments such as therapy options and medication. Find out more about ADHD and gain resources for understanding, treating, and living with it in Beyond Distraction.

Beyond Sex Ed: Understanding Sexually Transmitted Infections (Healthy Living Library)

by Tabitha Moriarty Diane Yancey

“So much has happened in the years since AIDS first emerged. Whereas once an HIV diagnosis was a death sentence, today patients can live long and full lives. But . . . [AIDS] remains a highly stigmatized disease. Remnants of discrimination can be seen everywhere, from the testing of health care workers and segregation of prisoners to travel restrictions and criminalization.”—Professor Lawrence Gostlin, Georgetown University People between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four account for almost half of more than twenty million new sexually transmitted infections reported in the United States each year. Despite how common these infections are, recognizing them, getting proper treatment, and talking about them with sexual partners, friends, and parents or guardians can be difficult or uncomfortable. Educating people about STIs has always been difficult. However, with proper testing and treatment, all STIs are manageable, and most are curable too. Understanding STIs is the first step to managing them. This detailed guide explains the transmission, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for common STIs such as chlamydia, HIV and AIDS, and herpes. It also outlines risk reduction practices to avoid contracting or spreading STIs and provides strategies for people living with chronic infections.

Beyond the Pale: A Novel

by Elana Dykewomon

Winner of the Lambda Literary Award: &“A page-turner that brings to life turn-of-the-century New York&’s Lower East Side.&” —Library Journal Born in a Russian-Jewish settlement, Gutke Gurvich is a midwife who immigrates to New York&’s Lower East Side with her partner, a woman passing as a man. Their story crosses with that of Chava Meyer, a girl who was attended by Gutke at her birth and was later orphaned during the Kishinev pogrom of 1903. Chava has come to America with the family of her cousin Rose, and the two girls begin working at fourteen. As they live through the oppression and tragedies of their time, Chava and Rose grow to become lovers—and search for a community they can truly call their own. Set in Russia and New York during the early twentieth century and touching on the hallmarks of the Progressive Era—the Women&’s Trade Union League, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911, anarchist and socialist movements, women&’s suffrage, anti-Semitism—Elana Dykewomon&’s Beyond the Pale is a richly detailed and moving story, offering a glimpse into a world that is often overlooked. &“A wonderful novel.&” —Sarah Waters

BGE S1-S3 Computing Science and Digital Literacy: Third and Fourth Levels

by David Alford

Syllabus: CfE (Curriculum for Excellence, from Education Scotland) and SQALevel: BGE S1-3: Third and Fourth LevelsSubject: Computing Science and Digital LiteracyCreate, innovate, solve problems, achieve. Through 30% theory and 70% practical work, pupils are challenged and motivated to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding from S1 to S3.Covering all CfE Third and Fourth Level Benchmarks for Technologies: Computing Science and Digital Literacy, this ready-made and differentiated course puts progression for every pupil at the heart of your curriculum.> Follow a consistent, classroom-tested lesson structure: Each double-page spread provides the learning intentions, key concept explanations and activities for one lesson> Build and apply computational thinking skills: From creating games and coding in Python to designing web pages and databases, pupils will analyse, test and evaluate different software and devices> Meet the needs of each pupil in your class: The content and activities are designed to ensure accessibility for those with low prior attainment, while extension tasks will stretch high achieving pupils> Effectively check and assess progress: 'Work it out' knowledge-check questions support formative assessment within each lesson, helping you to monitor progression against the Experiences & Outcomes and Benchmarks> Lay firm foundations for National qualifications: The skills, knowledge and understanding established through the course will set up pupils for success at National 5 and beyond> Deliver the 'responsibility for all' Es and Os: Plenty of activities that address literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing skills are threaded through the book

BGE S1-S3 History: Second, Third and Fourth Levels

by Simon Wood Claire Wood Brian McMaster Eleanor Trevena Angela Keil

Syllabus: CfE (Curriculum for Excellence, from Education Scotland) and SQALevel: BGE S1-3: Second, Third and Fourth LevelsSubject: HistoryDiscover, debate and work like historians in S1 to S3. From Iron Age Scotland, through the Atlantic slave trade, women's suffrage and the World Wars to 1960s America, this source-rich, research-based narrative explores diverse and dynamic historical contexts.Covering CfE Second, Third and Fourth Level Benchmarks for Social Studies: People, Past Events and Societies, this ready-made and differentiated course puts progression for every pupil at the heart of your curriculum.> Improve historical thinking skills: Pupils' understanding of Scottish, British, European and World History develops as they analyse and evaluate contemporary source material> Follow a consistent, classroom-tested lesson structure: Each lesson begins with a learning intention and thought-provoking starter before progressing to exposition and activities> Meet the needs of each pupil in your class: The content and activities are designed to ensure accessibility for those with low prior attainment, while extension tasks will stretch high achieving pupils> Effectively check and assess progress: End-of-lesson questions and research tasks support formative assessment, helping you to monitor progression against the Experiences & Outcomes and Benchmarks> Lay firm foundations for National qualifications: The skills, knowledge and understanding established through the course will set up pupils for success at National 5 and beyond> Deliver the 'responsibility for all' Es and Os: Literacy skills are given great prominence throughout the book, with comprehension and extended writing underpinning many activities

The Bible and Its Influence

by Cullen Schippe Chuck Stetson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bible Doctrines for Today (Third Edition)

by Michael Bere

Learn more about teachings from the Bible.

Bible Truths: The Story of the Old Testament, Level B (4th Edition)

by Bju Press

The all new student text for Bible Truths B: The Story of the Old Testament takes an exciting and different approach to Bible study. Instead of presenting the Old Testament as a series of unconnected stories, it teaches the student the Bible's one story. God is at work redeeming His fallen creation-climactically through Jesus-and every small story in the Bible makes sense only in light of that big story. The Old Testament still teaches moral lessons, but Gideon and Noah and Moses are not the big heroes; God is. Bible Truths B: The Story of the Old Testament covers the historical books as well as "The Writings"-Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon are covered in extensive feature boxes. Critical thinking questions follow every section of the student text, helping students to remember, understand, and apply Scripture.

Bien dit! 2, Cahier d'activités: Reading and Writing Activities Workbook, Student Edition, Level 2 (Bien Dit! Ser.)

by Holt McDougal

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bien dit! 2, Cahier de vocabulaire et grammaire: Vocabulary and Grammar Workbook, Student Edition, Level 2 (Bien Dit! Ser.)

by Holt McDougal

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bien dit! 3, Cahier d'activités

by Holt Mcdougal

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bien dit! 3, Cahier de vocabulaire et grammaire

by Holt Mcdougal

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bien dit! French 1

by John DeMado S Verine Champeny Marie Ponterio X00e9

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bien dit! French 1

by John DeMado S X00E9 Verine Champeny Marie Ponterio

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bien dit! French 2

by John DeMado S X00E9 Verine Champeny Marie Ponterio

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Bien dit! French 3

by John DeMado S X00E9 Verine Champeny Marie Ponterio

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Big Air (Lorimer Podium Sports Academy)

by Lorna Schultz Nicholson

Aboriginal snowboarder Jax has it made. He's in his last year at Podium Sports Academy and he's got a sponsorship from a big snowboarding company in the bag. But then his older brother, always the troublemaker in the family, shows up in Calgary unexpectedly. Suddenly Jax's sponsorship is threatened when the police come asking questions about a break-in at the house where he lives. He wants to help his brother, but will it cost him his future as a professional boarder? Distributed in the U.S by Lerner Publishing Group

The Big Backyard: The Solar System beyond Pluto

by Ron Miller

Thousands of years ago, humans believed that Earth was the center of the universe, that the world they lived on was all there was. Truthfully, the solar system extends almost halfway to the nearest star. And it is composed of not only planets, asteroids, and comets, but also powerful forces and vast fields of energy. This is our solar system’s big backyard. The cold, dark world that lies at the farthest reaches of our solar system holds a vast collection of secrets, and for most of human history, we had no idea anything was out there. But, driven by curiosity and equipped with new technology, astronomers have determined that beyond the orbit of Neptune are countless icy comets, strange particles that dance under the influence of the sun, and signs of undiscovered planets. To learn more about these far-flung objects, scientists have finally begun to explore the distant solar system, finding answers to age-old questions at the same time that they encounter new mysteries. With Ron Miller’s incredible illustrations and photographs from NASA probes and telescopes, The Big Backyard takes us on a tour through the solar system’s most obscure neighborhoods and into its darkest corners, to places beyond the limits of the human eye. Miller expertly describes the formation of the solar system and the history of the exploration of the outer solar system before delving into the latest discoveries and missions. Read on to learn what sorts of objects orbit at such extreme distances, what happens at the boundary between the sun’s influence and interstellar space, whether there is such a thing as the mysterious Planet X, and how life on Earth could not exist without the happenings at the edge of the solar system.

Big Book of Answers: 1,001 Facts Kids Want to Know (Time For Kids Big Bks.)

by Editors of TIME For Kids Magazine

In a great new oversized format, TIME For Kids Big Book of Answers satisfies the most curious kids with answers to the questions they commonly ask but adults can rarely answer. Questions like ""How does popcorn pop?"", ""Where did the Titanic sink?"" and ""Why are our eyes different colors?"" are grouped into easy-to-navigate categories such as animals, humans, history, science and sports. Colorful photos, dynamic graphics, and simple text help kids discover 1,001 amazing facts to impress their parents, teachers, friends...and anyone else who will listen

The Big Book of Reading Comprehension Activities, Grade 5: 100 Activities for After-School and Summer Reading Fun (Reading Comprehension Activities)

by Ann Richmond Fisher

Make reading comprehension fun with 100 activities for 5th gradersWhen kids can learn cool new facts or go on fictional journeys with talking dragons and pirate ships, reading doesn't feel like homework—it feels like an adventure! This workbook is filled with exercises that help students practice core reading comprehension skills while exploring fun stories and ideas. Kids will learn essential 5th grade concepts like using context clues, integrating information from multiple sources, drawing inferences, and more.This reading comprehension workbook for 5th graders includes:A variety of activities—Keep kids engaged with word puzzles, drawing, matching games, and other creative exercises that make learning enjoyable.Core curriculum—This workbook is aligned with the national standards for 5th grade learning, complete with a label for each activity to indicate which core skill it teaches.Progressive skill-building—Students will strengthen their skills with reading comprehension exercises that start simple and grow more challenging.Boost reading comprehension skills with help from this fun-filled 5th grade workbook.

The Big Bucks

by Thomas Nelson

Every year approximately 460,000 people under the age of 35 years old declare bankruptcy. In the last decade, loan debt has risen 142% for college students.1 The Big Bucks will explain in clear, conversational language the basics of money management-from credit cards to checking accounts to leases on cars. This is the info students need to know as they head off to college. It's the perfect graduation gift for any student in your church or school!

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