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Showing 16,626 through 16,650 of 34,747 results

Kyrie Irving (Amazing Athletes Ser.)

by Jon M Fishman

Kyrie Irving was a National Basketball Association (NBA) star before he played a game in the league. Kyrie was the first pick in the 2011 NBA draft, and Cleveland Cavaliers fans were anxious to see what the high-flying guard could do. Kyrie was ready for all the attention. He scored almost twenty points per game for the Cavs and was named NBA Rookie of the Year. In 2014, Kyrie won the Most Valuable Player award at the NBA All-Star Game. Read more about one of the NBA's best players.

L. Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz (Penguin Young Readers, Level 4)

by L. Frank Baum Robin Robinson

When a tornado hits her farmhouse in Kansas, Dorothy is caught up in a whirlwind of adventure, complete with flying monkeys, talking lions, and silver slippers. Advanced readers will join Dorothy, Toto, and her friends from Oz on an unforgettable journey down the Yellow Brick Road in this Level 4 reader. The Wizard of Oz will now join classics like The Secret Garden and Alice in Wonderland in the Penguin Young Readers program!

L Is for Lollygag: Quirky Words for a Clever Tongue

by Chronicle Books

Go beyond the typical ABCs with a foray into unusual vocabulary in this illustrated dictionary for wordsmiths of all ages.A is for apple? B is for ball? Humbug! Forget about that hackneyed gobbledygook. In this lexicon of linguistic delights, word lovers of all ages will discover that A is for alley-oop, B is for brouhaha, and L is for, well, lollygag! Packed with quirky illustrations, fun trivia, and lists within lists, this is one humdinger of a dictionary.

La Brute qui est en Moi (Le Journal intime de Julia Jones #2)

by Katrina Kahler Hanène Baatout

Journal intime pour les lectrices de 9 à 12 ans sur l’amitié, l’intimidation et la légitime défense, livre n°2 de la série. Âgée de 12 ans, Julia est une fille ordinaire qui aime danser et être avec ses amies à l’école … Ça, c’était avant l’arrivée de Sara Hamilton. Mais depuis, tout a changé. Elle n’avait jamais eu à faire à de vilaines filles auparavant, ni à des brutes et sûrement pas à quelqu’un qui tentait de l’humilier et de la contrarier à la moindre occasion qui se présentait. Julia sentait qu’elle n’avait personne vers qui se tourner pour demander de l’aide et elle a dû se charger de Sara toute seule. Allait-elle l’emporter sur Sara ? Ou étai-ce Sara qui allait dominer l’univers de Julia ? Là était la question. Ce livre est une véritable aventure aux multiples rebondissements qui montre comment réagir face aux obstacles des personnes malintentionnées et s’en défendre. Il s’agit d’un excellent livre pour les jeunes adolescentes ! Soyez sûres que vous allez vous plonger dans un monde à la fois excitant et inspirant. Fabuleux livre pour vous, jeunes demoiselles ! Il inspirera certainement toutes les jeunes lectrices.

La course-poursuite des Loups gris: (Timberwolf Chase) (Les Loups gris #1)

by Sigmund Brouwer Dean Griffiths

Johnny Maverick and his friends play for the Timberwolves peewee hockey team in the small town of Howling. Tom Morgan has just moved from Montreal and is a talented player. Tom is also very competitive and seems determined to pick on Stu Duncan, who is slightly overweight. When Johnny suggests a race between Tom and Stu, Tom eagerly accepts. Stu is reluctant, but Johnny convinces him to trust his best friend's advice. On race day Tom is surprised by both the race and its outcome and learns that teamwork pays off.

La Guitarrista

by Lucky Diaz

From the creators of Paletero Man—Latin Grammy–winning musician Lucky Diaz and celebrated artist Micah Player—comes a story about a tenacious girl who achieves her wildest dreams with a little help from her community and a broken guitar. <P><P> Strum! Strum! Strum! Get ready to rock with la guitarrista! <P><P> When Canta finds a guitar in the trash, she is one step closer to becoming a rock star. Even though the guitar is broken and she doesn’t know how to play, nothing can stop Canta from going after her dreams! <P><P> Perfect for fans of Because and We Will Rock Our Classmates, readers will rock out to this empowering tale of resilience, community, the power of music—and never giving up on your dreams. <P><P> The book includes Spanish words and phrases throughout, an author’s note from Lucky Diaz, and a link to the song inspired by the book. <P><P><i>Advisory: Bookshare has learned that this book offers only partial accessibility. We have kept it in the collection because it is useful for some of our members. Benetech is actively working on projects to improve accessibility issues such as these.</i>

La Isadora Moon va al ballet (La Isadora Moon #Volumen)

by Harriet Muncaster

Meitat fada, meitat vampir, i totalment inigualable! Descobreix què va passar quan la Isadora Moon va anar amb els seus companys de classe al ballet. La Isadora Moon és especial perquè és diferent. La seva mare és una fada, el seu pare un vampir i ella té una miqueta de tots dos. Li encanta la nit, els ratpenats i el seu tutú negre de ballet, però també la llum del sol, les varetes màgiques i el seu conillet rosa Pinky. Li encanta en ballet, especialment quan es posa el seu tutú negre. Per això està desitjant veure una actuació de veritat amb tota la seva classe. Però quan s#aixeca el teló..., on és el Pinky? Amb irresistibles il·lustracions en rosa i negre i una heroïna inigualable, «La Isadora Moon» és una encantadora i divertida sèrie de lectures ideal per joves lectors que volen flors i purpurina, però als que també els hi agrada el món misteriós dels vampirs.

La luna (The Moon): Descubre los misterios de nuestra vecina más cercana

by Dr. Sanlyn Buxner

- Las impresionantes ilustraciones hacen de este título un regalo perfecto.- Un libro repleto de información y curiosidades sobre la luna con imágenes sorprendentes.Un precioso libro ilustrado para aprender todo sobre la luna.Conoce el relieve de la luna, las fases lunares, la historia de las misiones de la NASA, el efecto de la luna en las mareas y en los animales nocturnos, los recientes descubrimientos científicos y mucho más.Con información detallada, fotografías, imágenes, ilustraciones y diagramas. Los niños pueden descubrir el pasado, el presente y el futuro de la luna.------------------------------------ A beautiful book focused entirely on La luna.- Covers the entire subject of the moon with incredible facts and images.A beautiful book focused entirely on the moon.Covers the entire subject of the moon – including its formation and geography, the lunar phases, a history of NASA&’s Apollo missions, its effect on Earth&’s tides and nocturnal animals, its place in our mythology, plenty of recent scientific discoveries, and more.

La Madre Goose: Nursery Rhymes for los Niños

by Susan Middleton Elya

Classic favorites get a modern Latino twistThe itsy arañita climbed up the water spout. Down came la lluvia and washed la araña out. Classic Mother Goose rhymes get a Latino twist in this cozy collection. From young Juan Ramón sitting in el rincón to three little gatitos who lost their mitoncitos, readers will be delighted to see familiar characters in vibrant, luminous scenes brimming with fanciful details. La Madre Goose will make a playful multicultural addition to every modern bookshelf.A Chicago Public Library Best Book of 2016

la pire de mes Journées ! (Le Journal intime de Julia Jones #1)

by Katrina Kahler Hanène Baatout

Journal intime destiné aux jeunes filles de 9 à 12 ans développant les thèmes de l’amitié, l’intimidation et les manières de se défendre. Julia attend, avec impatience, l’évènement le plus grand de l’année. Dès que le compte à rebours se met en route, son monde est envahi par de nouvelles amitiés et de surprises, notamment avec l’arrivée inattendue d’une ravissante jeune fille dans sa classe et elles deviennent de très grandes amies. De plus, le garçon le plus séduisant de l’école fait soudain partie de leur groupe. L’organisation de cette occasion spéciale, tant attendue par Julia et les autres, commence. Mais, sans prévenir, les rebondissements qui se succèdent ne répondent pas du tout aux attentes de Julia. Y-a-t-il une brute au milieu de toute cette agitation ? Qu’est-ce qui attend Julia et quel est l’aboutissement final de la pire de ses journées ? Tu vas très certainement aimer le premier livre de la série de Julia Jones. Tu vas vite être emballée par une histoire incroyablement palpitante, passionnante et fascinante du début à la fin. Livre sensationnel pour jeunes lectrices de 9 à 12 ans. Voici quelques commentaires … J’ADORE CE LIVRE ! Il est très bien fait et l’histoire a l’air si réelle ! Ce livre m’a passionnée, l’histoire était tellement excitante que je n’ai pas pu décrocher une seconde. J’ai noté ce livre en donnant 5 étoiles parce que c’était à la fois amusant, triste et excellent. Je le recommende pour les 9-16 ans.

La Primera: The Story of Wild Mustangs

by Ian Tyson

Ian Tyson's classic song, beautifully illustrated for horse-loving youngsters everywhereThe story of the wild mustang in North America is the subject of “La Primera,” a song written and performed by Canadian folk singer and horse afficionado, Ian Tyson. And it is the subject of this handsome picture book with paintings by equine artist Adeline Halvorson. In 1493, the first Spanish horses were loaded onto a ship and taken on a long, hard voyage to the Americas. Many died along the way and only a few survived. Among them was La Primera. Little by little, their numbers grew, and in time they were in Mexico with Cortez and his conquistadors, on the grasslands with the Comanche upon their backs, and in frontier towns serving the needs of cowboys. The rugged wild mustangs still exist, and their bloodlines are traceable all the way back to those first horses and the careful records the Spaniards kept. That the animals have survived for five hundred years, while the world around them changed, is a tribute to their endurance and fiery spirit. Included with the story of the song is a section of historical facts on these amazing and beautiful animals and a CD of Ian Tyson singing “La Primera.”

La Princesa and the Pea

by Susan Middleton Elya

The Princess and the Pea gets a fresh twist in this charming bilingual retelling, winner of the Pura Belpré Medal for Illustration. El príncipe knows this girl is the one for him, but, as usual, his mother doesn&’t agree. The queen has a secret test in mind to see if this girl is really a princesa, but the prince might just have a sneaky plan, too . . . Readers will be enchanted by this Latino twist on the classic story, and captivated by the vibrant art inspired by the culture of Peru.

La revanche des Loups gris: (Timberwolf Revenge) (Les Loups gris #2)

by Sigmund Brouwer

Lors d'un tournoi à la ville de Québec, Tom Morgan joue un mauvais tour à son coéquipier Johnny Maverick. Celui-ci trouve alors normal de lui rendre la pareille, et le ton monte... Pour le récompenser des buts incroyables qu'il a marqués, Johnny reèoit en cadeau un bâton de hockey signé de tous les joueurs des Canadiens de Montréal. Comme il s'inquiète des intentions de Tom à l'égard de son précieux trophée, il décide de l'emporter partout avec lui. Jusqu'où les garèons iront-ils donc avant de comprendre que la vengeance est une mauvaise idée? There's plenty of action both on and off the ice. At a big tournament in Quebec City, teammate Tom Morgan plays a practical joke on Johnny Maverick, so naturally Johnny feels he has to pay him back. The rivalry escalates. After he scores a hat trick, Johnny is given a hockey stick signed by all the members of the Montreal Canadiens. He worries that Tom will do something to this prized trophy and decides he will not let it out of his sight. But in the end Tom outsmarts him once more, and Johnny learns that revenge is never a good idea.

La vida secreta del hielo (The Magic and Mystery of the Natural World)

by Jason Bittel

Adéntrate en 'La vida secreta del hielo' y embarca en un viaje increíble por los polos de la tierra.Osos polares, pingüinos y hielo se deslizan por las páginas de este colorido libro, que combina hermosas ilustraciones y fotos para ayudar a los niños más entusiastas a aprenderlo todo sobre el Ártico y la Antártida. Desde ríos helados hasta volcanes antárticos, descubrirán la increíble vida secreta de las regiones polares de la Tierra. También descubrirán cómo pueden ayudar a cuidar el Ártico y la Antártida.'La vida secreta del hielo' lleva a los niños por un deslumbrante viaje bajo cero, mostrándoles cuán increíbles son los polos de la tierra, qué plantas y animales viven cerca de ellos y cómo podemos ayudarlos. Incluye una multitud de vida polar, además de datos sorprendentes sobre cómo se forman los icebergs, cómo los animales sobreviven en el frío helado y cómo los científicos estudian la Antártida.Enter the world of the Arctic and Antarctic for an incredible journey around Earth&’s icy poles.Polar bears, penguins, and ice glide across the pages of this colorful book, which combines gorgeous illustrations and photos to help young enthusiasts learn all about the Arctic and Antarctic. From icy rivers to Antarctic volcanoes, they&’ll discover the incredible secret life of Earth&’s polar regions. They&’ll also find out how they can help take care of the Arctic and Antarctic themselves.'La vida secreta del hielo' takes children on a fascinating sub-zero journey, showing them just how amazing Earth&’s poles are, which plants and animals live near them, and how we can help them. It includes a multitude of polar life, plus amazing facts on how icebergs are formed, how animals survive in the freezing cold, and how scientists study the Antarctic.

Lab 6 (Watchers #6)

by Peter Lerangis

Something is wrong in Lab 6—what are Sam&’s parents hiding?Sam Hughes has always been too smart for his own good. It&’s in his genes—both his parents are scientists who specialize in artificial intelligence—and sometimes it gets him into trouble. Sick of the bully who always steals his computer homework, Sam gives him a disk laced with a virus as a prank. To escape the bully&’s wrath, Sam runs and hides in his parents&’ lab. Inside, Sam hears a voice calling to him from behind a locked door labeled &“Lab 6.&” His parents are in there, and though he can hear them, he doesn&’t understand what they&’re talking about. Are his parents hiding a body in their lab? Something strange is going on, and Sam knows the answers lie somewhere in Lab 6. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Peter Lerangis including rare photos and never-before-seen documents from the author&’s personal collection.

Un laboratorio en casa: Grandes experimentos para futuros científicos (DK Activity Lab)

by Jack Challoner

Grandes experimentos para futuros científicosEste libro de experimentos científicos para niños contiene 28 proyectos brillantes, con explicaciones claras paso a paso, que requieren ingredientes cotidianos que pueden encontrarse en casa y fotografías que guiarán al joven científico desde principio a fin.Textos informativos explican el por qué y cómo de cada experimento, utilizando ejemplos de la vida real para que los niños entiendan la aplicación de los principios científicos.Construye un modelo de Sistema Solar con gomas elásticas, consigue que un barco navegue propulsado por jabón, fabrica tu propio slime o inventa la réplica de un volcán en erupción con Un laboratorio en casa, un libro lleno de grandes experimentos de ciencia para futuros científicos.Crea tu pequeño laboratorio en casa y diviértete experimentandoEste libro de experimentos para niños explora distintas formas de crear y experimentar para que los niños se diviertan aprendiendo tanto en casa como en espacios exteriores. Todos los experimentos recogidos en este libro para niños están diseñados de forma que los puedan realizar con objetos caseros.Este libro de ciencia para niños y futuros científicos ofrece 28 ideas brillantes, para que puedan experimentar tanto en casa como al aire libre con material casero. Además, cada experimento está anotado con su nivel de dificultad y el tiempo de duración medio.... ¡entretenimiento en casa asegurado! Este libro es perfecto para que niños de 8 a 12 años se inspiren para proyectos escolares y aprendan divirtiéndose en su tiempo libre.Un laboratorio en casa, pertenece a la sección infantil de la editorial DK, una sección donde podrás encontrar libros para niños de todas las edades. Los libros de esta sección cuentan con información clara, sencilla y están acompañados de ilustraciones que facilitan la compresión de cada texto. Además, favorecen el aprendizaje y desarrollo de los lectores más jóvenes.

The Labors of Hercules Beal

by Gary D. Schmidt

From award-winning author Gary D. Schmidt, a warm and witty novel in the tradition of The Wednesday Wars,in which a seventh grader has to figure out how to fulfill an assignment to perform the Twelve Labors of Hercules in real life—and makes discoveries about friendship, community, and himself along the way. <p><p> Herc Beal knows who he's named after—a mythical hero—but he's no superhero. He's the smallest kid in his class. So when his homeroom teacher at his new middle school gives him the assignment of duplicating the mythical Hercules's amazing feats in real life, he's skeptical. After all, there are no Nemean Lions on Cape Cod—and not a single Hydra in sight. <p><p> Missing his parents terribly and wishing his older brother wasn't working all the time, Herc figures out how to take his first steps along the road that the great Hercules himself once walked. Soon, new friends, human and animal, are helping him. And though his mythical role model performed his twelve labors by himself, Herc begins to see that he may not have to go it alone.

Labra-cadabra-dor's Revenge

by Ben Whitehouse Walker Styles

The tricky magician Labra-cadabra-dor puts Rider under a spell in this seventh Rider Woofson adventure.When the tricky Labra-cadrabra-dor breaks out of prison, Rider gears up to face his old nemesis. But this time Labra-cadabra-dor is one step ahead and zaps Rider under an evil spell. Will Rora and the PI Pack be able to uncover the secret behind the magic trick before the act is over? With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Rider Woofson chapter books are perfect for emerging readers.


by Jessie Nelson Hopkins Karen Leigh

Zach isn't impressed with his new dog, Larry, at first. He'd hoped for a chocolate lab or a spaniel, not this funny looking mish-mash of a dog with a great long tail. And who names a dog "Larry," anyway? But Zach discovers that when Larry twirls that ridiculously long tail - Labracadabra! - amazing things happen. It's not very long before Zach knows that he and Larry will be Best Friends Forever! .

Labradoodle: Labrador Retrievers Meet Poodles! (Top Hybrid Dogs Ser.)

by Sue Bradford Edwards

Labradoodles are smart and affectionate dogs. Read this book to learn more about why labradoodles make good pets!

Labrador Retriever: Most Popular (Big Dogs Rule!)

by Jessica Rudolph

Discusses Labrador retrievers as search and rescue dogs, their history and appearance, training these dogs, and Labrador retrievers as pets.

The Labrador Retriever (Learning About Dogs)

by Charlotte Wilcox

An introduction to North America's most popular dog, the labrador retriever, which includes its history, development, uses, and care. Includes photo diagram and general facts about dogs.

Labrador Retrievers Are the Best! (The Best Dogs Ever)

by Elaine Landau

What's that dog with the short thick coat, energetic nature, and peppy personality? It's the Labrador retriever! Labs love to play, and they are always eager to please. Their owners think they are the best dogs ever--and it's easy to see why. If you're a Lab fan, you'll want to learn all about this breed, from its waterproof fur and webbed feet that help it swim to its history as a fishing dog in Newfoundland, Canada. You'll also want to find out how to care for the Lab. So check out this go-to guide Lab lovers--and learn all about why Labs are the best breed there is!

The Labyrinth of Doom (Once Upon a Tim #2)

by Stuart Gibbs

Knight-in-training Tim and his best friend, Belinda, embark on a quest to save Princess Grace in this second book in the hilarious, highly illustrated Once Upon a Tim middle grade series from New York Times bestselling author Stuart Gibbs.Prince Ruprecht is VERY UPSET that knights-in-training, Tim and Belinda, have thwarted his plans and ruined his chances with Princess Grace. And so, to get even, he has kidnapped the princess and trapped her in the most complicated, dangerous, complex, dastardly, biggest (okay you get the point)…and scariest maze in all the world! Now it&’s up to Tim, Belinda, Ferkle, and Rover to fend off menacing beasts (like the minotaur), conquer treacherous obstacles (like chasms filled with cave sharks), find their way through the labyrinth (which is very tricky), and rescue the princess before time runs out. Oh, and also they need to remember how to get back out again…or they&’ll be trapped inside the maze forever.

The Labyrinth of Lost and Found (The Whisperwicks #1)

by Jordan Lees

Doll Bones meets Skandar and the Unicorn Thief in this spooky, illustrated middle grade novel about a boy who doesn&’t believe in magic discovering a supernatural world full of danger.It began with a crack in the wall. Eleven-year-old Benjamiah Creek believes in science, logic, and the power of reason. He definitely does not believe in magic. But when he receives a mysterious doll in the mail—a doll that can transform into a bird—he is led into an impossible (and most definitely magical) realm: Wreathenwold. Wreathenwold is dangerous and holds many secrets within its labyrinthine walls—magi prowl, Hanged Men stalk, and at the center of its shifting streets lurks the Minotaur, a beastly creature and object of terror. In no time at all, Benjamiah is swept into a perilous adventure with the fierce and brilliant Elizabella, a girl determined to solve the disappearance of her missing brother, who may be caught up in a decades-old conspiracy that could doom them all. Will Benjamiah ever find his way home? Or will he be lost forever in the labyrinth?

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