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الوصايا السبع

by جين مارشال

هناك أساليب عديدة لكسب المال في سوق الأسهم ولكن التشبث بالطريقة المعتادة أو المسماة الحكمة الموروثة ليست واحدة منها. ولهذا فإن الوصايا السبع الواردة في هذا الكتاب هي - بكل تأكيد - بعيدة كل البعد عن التفكير التقليدي حيث إنها تهدف إلى برمجة عقلك وتفكيرك لترى دوما سوق الأسهم على أنها سوق الفرص. ولا بد لهذه الوصايا السبع من أن تعمل على إنارة سبيلك وتخليصك من الأفكار النمطية القديمة المتعلقة بالسوق وتشجيعك على البحث عن الفرص الاستثمارية الخفية التي يمكن من خلالها كسب المال وصنع الثروة.

الأولاد المشاغبون

by سو كولي

حين تعرف كيف تتعامل مع سوء السلوك تصبح حياتك سهلة وتجد نفسك حرا للقيام بوظيفتك ألا وهي التدريس. في صف منضبط يعتبر التدريس من أروع المهن في العالم. فكل يوم يقد م لك تجربة جديدة ومختلفة: فرصة رؤية التلاميذ وهم يكتشفون مفاهيم جديدة ويتعل مون أشياء لم يعرفوها من قبل فرصة صنع اختلاف حقيقي في حياة التلاميذ. وكما يقال: لا أحد ينسى المعلم الجيد ولكن ماذا يعني المعلم الجيد بالضبط

فن الانتقاء

by شيينا أنغار مايا أرسلان

كل شيء يبدأ بقصة - جوزيف كامبل قبل شهر من أوان الولادة أبصرت النور في مدينة تورنتو في أثناء عاصفة ثلجية غطت المدينة بوشاح أبيض ولفتها بالسكون. فمفاجأة قدومي إلى العالم وصعوبة الرؤية التي واكبته كانتا بمثابة إنذارات لم يتم الاكتراث لها حينئذ .

كافئي نفسك

by دانيال ستيل جودي صفير

كان صباحا هادئا ومشمسا من شهر نوفمبر عندما أبعدت كارول باربر نظرها عن شاشة الكمبيوتر وحد قت إلى حديقة منزلها في بيل - آير. كان منزلا حجريا كبيرا عاشت فيه طوال خمس عشرة سنة. الغرفة الزجاجية المشمسة التي تستعملها بمثابة مكتب تطل على شجيرات الورود التي زرعتها والنافورة والبركة الصغيرة التي تعكس صورة السماء. المشهد هادئ والمنزل صامت. بالكاد تحركت يداها فوق لوحة مفاتيح الكمبيوتر خلال الساعة الأخيرة. الأمر محبط فعلا . فعلى الرغم من مسيرتها الطويلة والناجحة في الأفلام كانت تحاول تأليف كتابها الأول. لقد كتبت العديد من القصص القصيرة على مر السنوات لكنها لم تنشر أبدا أيا منها. لقد حاولت ذات مرة المشاركة في تأليف سيناريو فيلم. طوال فترة زواجها تحدثت هي وزوجها المرحوم شون عن إعداد فيلم سينمائي معا لكنهما لم يحققا أبدا ذلك. كانا مشغولين كثيرا في إنجاز أمور أخرى كل في مجال عمله الأساسي. كان شون منتجا ومخرجا بينما كانت هي ممثلة. لكنها لم تكن مجرد ممثلة عادية. كارول باربر نجمة كبيرة وقد حققت النجومية منذ كانت في الثامنة عشرة. أصبح عمرها الآن خمسين سنة واحتفلت بذكرى ميلادها منذ شهرين. وبمحض إرادتها لم تشارك في أي فيلم سينمائي منذ ثلاث سنوات. ففي عمرها وحتى مع جمالها الذي لا يزال مميزا أصبحت الأدوار الجيدة نادرة.

مخاطر العولمة

by روبرت إسحاق سعيد الحسنية

ظهر "الرجل العادي" في أوائل القرن العشرين بعقل عادي وكان شخصا راضيا بالرخاء المادي والكسل بدلا من الكفاح من أجل التفو ق أو امتلاك السلطة . أما في نهاية القرن العشرين المنصرم فقد تميزت بما يمكن تسميته بـ "ثورة الأثرياء" ضد هذه المفاهيم سواء كانت بالمفهوم البرجوازي أم الاشتراكي. رو جت هذه الردة المحافظة التي تزعمتها رئيسة الوزراء البريطانية مارغريت تاتشر والرئيس الأميركي رونالد ريغان في الثمانينيات مقولة أن الأسواق الرأسمالية الحرة هي مثال مجر د لأنها محر ك المرونة الفردية والحرية.

المعلومات والمال

by توم ليدون و جون إف. واسيك

الفصل الأول : فشل صناديق الاستثمار ونشأة الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل الثاني : فن التأشير باستخدام خطة كيف تجني المال من وراء المعلومات الفصل الثالث : الاستثمار في الأسهم المحلية: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصات الخاصة بالأسهم الأميركية الفصل الرابع : الاستثمار على الصعيد العالمي: الصناديق المتداولة في بورصات الأسهم الأجنبية الفصل الخامس : التقسيم والمغامرة: قطاعات الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل السادس : الذهب والفضة والبترول: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الخاصة بالسلع الفصل السابع : الاستثمار في ما لا يستحق: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصات الخاصة بالعملات الفصل الثامن : الحصول على قطع من سوق السندات: الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الخاصة بالدخل الثابت الفصل التاسع : التقاعد: برنامج (e) 401 للتقاعد الفصل العاشر : التحوط لعملياتك: الصناديق المتداولة الدائنة والمكشوفة الفصل الحادي عشر : ماذا سيحدث مستقبلا مستقبل الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة الفصل الثاني عشر : محافظ الصناديق المتداولة في البورصة وفقا لفكر كيف تجني المال من وراء المعلومات

1 2 3 Student Yearbook Guide

by Gary Lundgren Martha Akers Dr Gloria Eastman

Learn how creating a school yearbook teaches valuable life skills in business and creative arts.

1:35AM: An AFK Book (Five Nights At Freddy's #3)

by Scott Cawthon Andrea Waggener Elley Cooper

The Fazbear Frights series continues with three more unsettling, novella-length tales to keep even the bravest Five Nights at Freddy's player up at night . . .For Delilah, Stanley, and Devon, being left behind is practically a way of life. Orphaned from a young age and recently divorced, Delilah escapes deeper into her dreams each night, in desperate need of a wake-up call. Stanley is newly dumped, stuck in a dead-end job for a mysterious employer, and unable to connect with anyone. And Devon, abandoned by his dad and ignored by his mom, can't understand why love and friendship come so easily to everyone except him. Unfortunately, in the callous world of Five Nights at Freddy's, it's always in the depths of loneliness when evil creeps in.In this third volume, Five Nights at Freddy's creator Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length stories from different corners of his series' canon, featuring cover art from fan-favorite artist LadyFiszi. Readers beware: This collection of terrifying tales is enough to unsettle even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans.

1-800-WHERE-R-YOU #1: When Lightning Strikes

by Meg Cabot

Just because her best friend wants to exercise, Jessica Mastriani agrees to walk the two miles home from their high school. Straight into a huge Indiana thunderstorm. And straight into trouble.

1-800-WHERE-R-YOU #2: Code Name Cassandra

by Meg Cabot

In Code Name Cassandra, Jess thinks she's finally left her "gifted" days behind and attempts to lead a normal life. But when working at a summer camp becomes more than fun in the sun, Jess must use her abilities to save a young girl--while evading her old enemies.

1-800-WHERE-R-YOU #3: Safe House

by Meg Cabot

Jess Mastriani was on vacation when Amber went missing. Most people blame Jess for Amber's brutal slaying, but how could Jess -- even with her psychic ability to find anyone, anywhere -- have stopped the cheerleader from turning up dead, without having known she was even missing? When yet another cheerleader disappears, Jess has a chance to redeem herself. If she can just find the girl before it's too late, maybe Jess will finally have a chance to be part of the in crowd. Except that it's starting to look like being "in" might just get you -- not to mention your loved ones -- killed. So much for popularity.

1-800-WHERE-R-YOU #5: Missing You

by Meg Cabot

Ever since a walk home on a particularly stormy day, Jessica Mastriani has had an ability like no other. She became known worldwide as Lightning Girl--a psychic who could find the location of anyone, dead or alive. Jess finally had no choice but to embrace her new found talent, and ended up lending her skills to the U.S. government. But her work for them has taken a terrible toll, and Jess resurfaces months later a shadow of her former self, her powers gone, Lightning Girl no more. Her only hope is starting over in a new place, a big city where nobody knows her. It's only when Rob Wilkins unexpectedly shows up on her doorstep that she's forced to face her past. Rob, all the way from back home, needs her help. But how can Jess, her powers gone, find anyone, let alone the sister of a man she once loved ... when she can't even find herself? Missing You, the fifth and final book in the 1-800-Where-R-You series

1 and 2 Peter: Courage In Times of Trouble

by John Macarthur

An uplifting Bible study in which MacArthur guides the reader through a clear exploration of St. Peter's two letters.

10 Blind Dates

by Ashley Elston

Sophie wants one thing for Christmas―a little freedom from her overprotective parents. So when they decide to spend Christmas in South Louisiana with her very pregnant older sister, Sophie is looking forward to some much needed private (read: make-out) time with her long-term boyfriend, Griffin. Except it turns out that Griffin wants a little freedom from their relationship. Heartbroken, Sophie flees to her grandparents’ house, where the rest of her boisterous extended family is gathered for the holiday. That’s when her nonna devises a (not so) brilliant plan: Over the next ten days, Sophie will be set up on ten different blind dates by different family members. Like her sweet cousin Sara, who sets her up with a hot guy at an exclusive underground party. Or her crazy aunt Patrice, who signs Sophie up for a lead role in a living nativity. With a boy who barely reaches her shoulder. And a screaming baby. When Griffin turns up unexpectedly and begs for a second chance, Sophie feels more confused than ever. Because maybe, just maybe, she’s started to have feelings for someone else . . . Someone who is definitely not available. This is going to be the worst Christmas break ever . . . or is it?

10 Hours to Go

by Keely Parrack

Lily wants to get home. Her friends want to get even. Lily needs a ride—a fire warning in Oregon has cancelled her train home to California. Her ex-best friend, Natasha, has offered to pick Lily up on her way back from Portland, though they're barely on speaking terms. As it turns out, Natasha's also giving a ride to Elke Azizi, the girl Lily got expelled from their school four years ago. Elke hasn't forgotten, and neither has Natasha.It's getting tense in the car, and it's not just about the past. There's smoke in the air, and with the wildfires nearby, staying on the road is becoming riskier by the hour. When Natasha and Elke decide to take a detour, Lily hopes it'll get them out of danger. She has no idea, though, what her former friends have planned for her.But as night comes, the plans change again when it becomes all too clear that leaving the main road was a mistake. Now the three of them are trapped in the woods under a burning sky, with no easy way out. To survive, Lily must depend on Elke and Natasha—but after all that's happened, can she trust them with her life?

10 lb Penalty (Sid Halley)

by Dick Francis

A wanna-be jockey accepts a job in his father's campaign for Parliament--and realizes that politics can be the most perilous horse race of all.

10 Mindful Minutes: Giving our children - and ourselves - the skills to reduce stress and anxiety for healthier, happier lives

by Goldie Hawn Wendy Holden

'This is a remarkable book . . . Read it and use it: you may find you are doing nothing less than giving back to your children their childhood, while they still have the chance to live it' Mark Williams, Director, University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre and author of Mindfulness: Finding peace in a frantic world'10 Mindful Minutes can help any adult - parent, grandparent, teacher - make double use of their moments with the children they love and have a terrific time while helping shape that child's brain for a lifetime of resilience and happiness' Daniel Goleman, author of Emotional IntelligenceBestselling author Goldie Hawn offers parents a practical guide for helping their children to learn better and live more happily. Based on the MindUP programme, supported by the Hawn Foundation, 10 Mindful Minutes outlines short, practical exercises for parents and children - taking less than 10 minutes - to help young children and teenagers reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration and academic performance, effectively manage emotions and behaviour, develop greater empathy for others and the world, and be more optimistic and happy. Representing the culmination of years of research and programmes developed by the Hawn Foundation currently being used by schools internationally, this book will help children and parents develop mindfulness which has been proven to promote more effective learning and happier lives.

The 10-Step Stress Solution

by Neil Shah

A simple, straightforward guide to managing the daily stress in your life. Too busy to get everything done? Lie awake at night worrying and fretting? It is all too easy to feel out of control in the modern world. With so many demands on your time, you can feel overstretched and overburdened. However, there are easy ways to gain control and banish your worries for good. This accessible book from Neil Shah of the Stress Management Society offers a simple 10-step plan with practical solutions for regaining control of your life. Find out how to: Manage your time-at work and at home Improve your concentration and motivation Regain your balance and lift your mood Get a good night’s sleep and stop worrying .

10 Things I Hate About Prom

by Elle Gonzalez Rose

There are more than 10 things to hate about prom, but the worst thing is when your lovable best friend wants to go with someone else. Don't miss this sweet, charming rom-com from the author of Caught in a Bad Fauxmance!Ivelisse Santos has had Joaquin Romero&’s back since their first playdate. Not just next-door neighbors, they&’re platonic soulmates. At least, that&’s what Ive thinks, until Joaquin decides to ask Tessa Hernandez, the same girl who stole Ive&’s boyfriend, to prom. Sure, the head cheerleader and the star baseball player going to prom together makes more sense than Joaquin and Ivelisse—leader of tech crew—would. But that doesn&’t mean it should actually happen. What&’s worse, Joaquin wants Ivelisse&’s help planning an elaborate promposal. As much as she wants to say no, she'll take all the quality time with Joaquin she can get before graduation. Even if it means watching her best friend fall for somebody else. Somebody who isn&’t her.

10 Truths and a Dare

by Ashley Elston

It's Senior Party Week, that magical in-between time after classes have ended but before graduation, chock-full of gimmicky theme parties, last-minute bonding, and family traditions. Olivia couldn't be more ready. Class salutatorian and confident in her future at LSU, she's poised to sail through to the next phase of her life. But when the tiny hiccup of an unsigned P.E. form puts Olivia in danger of not graduating at all, she has one week to set things straight without tipping off her big, nosy extended family. Volunteering at a local golf tournament should do it, but since Olivia's mom equipped her phone with a tracking app, there'll be no hiding the fact that she's at the golf course instead of all the graduation parties happening at the same time. Unless, that is, she can convince the Fab Four--her ride-or-die cousins and best friends Sophie, Charlie, and Wes--to trade phones with her and go through the motions of playing Olivia for the week. Sure, Olivia's sudden "passion" for golf is met with some suspicion. And sure, her grasp of the rules is a little shaky. And yes, okay, a very cute, very off-limits boy keeps popping up in her orbit. But she is focused! She has a schedule and a plan! Nothing can possibly go wrong . . . right?

The 100 Complete Boxed Set (The 100)

by Kass Morgan

Read the books that inspired the CW show! All four thrilling novels in The 100 series are now available in this paperback boxed set. Ever since nuclear war destroyed our planet, humanity has been living on city-like spaceships hovering above the toxic surface. As far as anyone knows, no one has stepped foot on Earth in centuries--that is, until one hundred juvenile delinquents are sentenced to return and recolonize the hostile land. The future of the human race rests in their hands, but nothing can prepare the 100 for what they find on this strange and savage planet. Don't miss the book series that inspired the hit TV show. New York Times bestseller The 100, Day 21, Homecoming, and Rebellion are gathered together for the first time in this striking box set, perfect for fans and series newcomers alike.

100 Hours (100 Hours #1)

by Rachel Vincent

A decadent spring break beach getaway becomes a terrifying survival story when six Miami teens are kidnapped. A pulse-pounding thrill ride from New York Times bestselling author Rachel Vincent. Maddie is beyond done with her cousin Genesis’s entitled and shallow entourage. Genesis is so over Miami’s predictable social scene with its velvet ropes, petty power plays, and backstabbing boyfriends. While Maddie craves family time for spring break, Genesis seeks novelty—like a last-minute getaway to an untouched beach in Colombia. And when Genesis wants something, it happens. But paradise has its price. Dragged from their tents under the cover of dark, Genesis, Maddie, and their friends are kidnapped and held for ransom deep inside the jungle—with no diva left behind. It all feels so random to everyone except Genesis. She knows they were targeted for a reason. And that reason is her.Now, as the hours count down, only one thing’s for certain: If the Miami hostages can’t thwart their captors’ plan, no one will make it out alive.Tapping into our darkest fears while exploring issues of injustice, loss, and the courage to fight for what matters most, this thrilling read is perfect for fans of Nova Ren Suma, Becca Fitzpatrick, and Jennifer L. Armentrout.

100 Questions Teens Ask with answers from God's Word

by Freeman Smith

Teens have questions and lots of them. This book guides Teens to the source of wisdom, the Bible for their answers to 100 of the most often asked questions. It addresses topics of importance for young adults that will help them build their faith. It's reassuring answers will not only help the teen who reads them, but will also give them answers to share with their friends and peers.

100 Questions You'd Never Ask Your Parents: Straight Answers to Teens' Questions About Sex, Sexuality, and Health

by Elisabeth Henderson Nancy Armstrong

Teens have questions about sex. This simple manual answers their questions--honestly, simply, and reliably.What does an orgasm feel like?Does masturbating have any long-term negative effects?Does alcohol kill brain cells?Teens have questions about sex; it's a matter of who they ask and how reliable the answers are. Collected directly from teens and presented in a simple and accessible Q&A format, Elisabeth Henderson and Dr. Nancy Armstrong's 100 QUESTIONS YOU'D NEVER ASK YOUR PARENTS provides information about sex, drug, body, and mood in a way that's honest, nonjudgmental, and responsible.

100 Women Who Shaped World History

by Gail Meyer Rolka

A comprehensive collection of one page synopses of 100 women of major importance in our history. Presents information in chronological order, contains timeline, and a trivia quiz. The book begins in 1503 BC and ends by telling the stories of women who are still making history.

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