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Mathematics: Structure and Method, Course 1
by Mary P. Dolciani Robert H. Sorgenfrey John A. GrahamMathematics: Structure and Method, Course 1 is a resource book for students of Mathematics.
Mathematics: For Business and Personal Finance
by Walter H. Lange Temoleon G. RousosNew Mathematics for Business and Personal Finance is the only text on the market that offers teachers point-of-use online professional development, interactive online help for students and the option of purchasing an interactive online text with a grade book. As always, we have maintained our exclusive coverage of key core academic content, and our research-based reading strategies. When it comes to helping students and making life easier for teachers, Glencoe is number one!.
Mathematics and Statistics (Transition To College)
by Christian R. Hirsch Eric W. Hart Ann E. Watkins Beth E. Ritsema James T. Fey Brin A. Keller Rebecca K. Walker James K. LaserNIMAC-sourced textbook
Mathematics for the IB MYP 3
by Rita Bateson Irina AmlinA concept-driven and assessment-focused approach to Mathematics teaching and learning.- Approaches each chapter with statements of inquiry framed by key and related concepts, set in a global context- Supports every aspect of assessment using tasks designed by an experienced MYP educator- Differentiates and extends learning with research projects and interdisciplinary opportunities- Applies global contexts in meaningful ways to offer an MYP Mathematics programme with an internationally-minded perspective
Mathematics for the IB MYP 4 & 5: By Concept
by Rita BatesonThe only series for MYP 4 and 5 developed exclusively with the IBDrive meaningful inquiry through a unique concept-driven narrative.- Supports every aspect of assessment with opportunities that use the criteria- Gives you easy ways to differentiate and extend learning- Provides a meaningful approach by integrating the inquiry statement in a global context- Develops critical-thinking skills with activities and summative sections rooted in the ATL frameworkFeel confident that you cover the whole framework with standard and extended mathematics included - and Extended clearly signposted.This title is also available in two digital formats via Dynamic Learning. Find out more by clicking on the links at the top of the page.A proof of the first 6 Chapters of the book is now available as an eInspection copy, by clicking the eInspection copy button to the left. Rita Bateson was, until very recently, the Curriculum Manager for MYP Mathematics and Sciences at the International Baccalaureate® (IB) and continues to be involved in curriculum review. She is an experienced teacher of MYP and DP Mathematics and Sciences, and is Head of Mathematics in her current school. She has taught in many international schools in Europe as well as North America. Her interest include overcoming mathematics anxiety in pupils and STEM education. She is also the co-author of MYP by Concept 1-3 Mathematics, with Irina Amlin.
Mathematics for the International Student
by Pamela Vollmar Edward Kemp Michael Haese Robert Haese Sandra Haese Mark Humphries Chris Sang WinThis book attempts to cover, in one volume, the Presumed Knowledge required for the IB Diploma courses 'Mathematics SL' and 'Mathematics HL'.
Mathematics in Action: Algebraic, Graphical and Trigonometric Problem Solving (Fourth Edition)
by Consortium for Foundation MathematicsThe third book of the Mathematics in Action series, Algebraic, Graphical, and Trigonometric Problem Solving, Fourth Edition, illustrates how mathematics arises naturally from everyday situations through updated and revised real-life activities and the accompanying practice exercises. Along with the activities and the exercises within the text, MathXL® and MyMathLab® have been enhanced to create a better overall learning experience for the reader. Technology integrated throughout the text helps readers interpret real-life data algebraically, numerically, symbolically, and graphically. The active style of this book develops readers' mathematical literacy and builds a solid foundation for future study in mathematics and other disciplines.
Mathematics Made Simple (Sixth Edition)
by Thomas CusickThis book serves as a review of arithmetic, and an introduction to algebra, geometry, and trigonometry and probability.The exercises and answers in this book provide readers with opportunities to test their mastery of each topic in these common branches of mathematics.
The Mathematics of Automobiles and Transportation (Consumer Math Ser.)
by Steck-VaughnThis very practical series will help adolescents and adults alike to understand mathematics as it relates to their everyday lives. Each book covers basic math concepts and skills before exploring the more specific topics. Clear explanations are followed by ample practice. Each section also has a pretest, a section review, and a posttest.
The Mathematics of Banking and Credit (Consumer Math Ser.)
by Steck-Vaughn CompanyThe Consumer Math series is designed to help consumers understand mathematics as it relates to their everyday lives. Each book covers basic math concepts and skills before exploring more specific topics. Each book includes the following: - Clear explanations followed by ample practice- Problem-solving strategies - Pretests, section reviews, and posttests - 120 worksheet pages - Money tips - Group projects - Practice forms and charts - and more Activities in this series not only help students understand the underlying mathematical concepts and equations they encounter day to day but also help them to be more financially savvy. Some of the topics covered in this book are: Math Skills & Concepts - Whole Numbers - Fractions, Decimals, & Percents - Mean, Median, & Mode - Basic Operations on a Calculator - Computing Mentally – Estimating Checking & Savings Accounts - Checking Accounts - Reconciling a Checking Account Statement - Savings Accounts - Simple & Compound Interest Credit - Using Credit Cards - Credit Finance Charges - Overdraft Checking - Taking Out a Loan - Installment Buying
The Mathematics of Life: The New Mathematics Of The Living World
by Ian StewartBiologists have long dismissed mathematics as being unable to meaningfully contribute to our understanding of living beings. Within the past ten years, however, mathematicians have proven that they hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of our world--and ourselves. In The Mathematics of Life, Ian Stewart provides a fascinating overview of the vital but little-recognized role mathematics has played in pulling back the curtain on the hidden complexities of the natural world--and how its contribution will be even more vital in the years ahead. In his characteristically clear and entertaining fashion, Stewart explains how mathematicians and biologists have come to work together on some of the most difficult scientific problems that the human race has ever tackled, including the nature and origin of life itself.
Mathematics of Money with Algebra
by Cheryl ClaytonMathematics of Money with Algebra will use and extend the skills you learned in Algebra I to help you manage your own finances
MathMatters 1: An Integrated Program
by Chicha Lynch Eugene Olmstead Kenneth De Forest-DavisHelping every student succeed in mathematics "MathMatters" series covers Algebra 1, Geometry, and introductory Algebra 2 content as well as measurement, probability, and statistics.
MathMatters 2: An Integrated Program
by Chicha Lynch Eugene Olmstead Kenneth De Forest-DavisNIMAC-sourced textbook
Matter, Motion, and Machines
by Joan S. GottliebMatter <p><p> Changes in Matter <p> Nature’s Energies <p> Sound and Light <p> Magnetism and Electricity <p> Motion and Forces <p> Machines <p> Technology
A Matter of Souls
by Denise Lewis Patrick"A series of vignettes reveal life in the Deep South for African Americans as they experience discrimination in a doctor's office, lynching, and other forms of oppression, especially during the 1960s."
A Matter of Souls
by Denise Lewis PatrickFrom the shores of Africa to the bowels of a transatlantic ship to a voting booth in Mississippi to the jungles of Vietnam, all human connection is a matter of souls. In this stirring collection of short stories, Denise Lewis Patrick considers the souls of black men and women across centuries and continents. In each, she takes the measure of their dignity, describes their dreams, and catalogs their fears. Brutality, beauty, laughter, rage, and love all take their turns in each story, but the final impression is of indomitable, luminous, and connected souls.
Mattimeo (Redwall, Book #3)
by Brian JacquesFrom the Book jacket: AN ATTACK ON THE VERY SOUL OF REDWALL Slagar the Fox is determined to vanquish peaceable Redwall. Gathering his mercenary band of rats, stoats, and weasels, he advances upon the Abbey with a cunning scheme. There will be no heroics, no courageous battle plans. He knows too well the power of the legendary Redwall sword. Instead, he will steal the children of Redwall from under their parents' very noses. And his prize captive will be Mattimeo, the headstrong young son of the fearless mouse warrior Matthias!
The Mauryas: Chandragupta to Ashoka: The Backstories, The Sagas, The Legacies
by Devika RangachariFrom c. 324 BCE to c. 185 BCE, the Mauryas controlled almost the entire Indian subcontinent with efficiency and administrative finesse. Beginning with the origins of Magadha in the sixth century BCE, this definitive book on the Mauryas captures the drama, the colourful betrayals and the intrigues of the Mauryan dynasty in Magadha, starting with its enigmatic founder, Chandragupta Maurya, and his even more enigmatic mentor, Chanakya/ Kautilya, who helped him to get the throne. Chandragupta&’s son and heir, Bindusara, is an extremely shadowy, elusive figure in the historical narrative of the Mauryas. Sandwiched between his well-known father and his even more well-known son, Ashoka, Bindusara has slipped through the cracks of known history. Yet the little bits of evidence that we glean about him from varied sources suggest a ruler of power and foresight. A man of eclectic and whimsical tastes, even, who ensured that his heir would inherit a vaster empire than he did. Ashoka, Bindusara&’s son, was not only the most powerful Mauryan ruler but also one of the best-known monarchs in Indian history. There are several wildly imaginative tales that document his transition from Ashoka the Fierce to Ashoka the Contrite, consequent on the battle of Kalinga in c. 261 BCE where, horrified at the bloodshed, he underwent a radical personal and spiritual transformation and documented this fact all over his empire through inscriptions on pillars and rocks that have endured till today—a brilliant, pioneering method of communication. An incisive wit and humour makes Devika Rangachari&’s The Mauryas sparkle even when it is disentangling grave accounts of significant battles or tedious details of city planning. Culling details from secular and religious literary traditions, Graeco-Roman accounts and archaeological evidence to elucidate this lesser-known period of our ancient past, The Mauryas concludes with an analysis of the enduring legacy of this remarkable dynasty and its strong resonances in our present.
Maverick Commissioner
by Boria MajumdarThe Indian Premier League. Its mere mention forces cricket fans across the world to sit up and take notice. World cricket&’s most valued property has only grown stronger with time. Conceived and implemented by Lalit Modi in 2008, the IPL has forever revolutionised the way cricket is marketed and run globally. Modi had built and orchestrated the tournament by his own rules and after the stupendous success of the IPL, the same rules were questioned by the administration. Modi was subsequently banned for life.How and why did it happen? What went on behind the scenes? How did it all start to go wrong between Modi and the others? Are there secrets that will never come out? This book is all about everything you never got to know. Each fact corroborated by multiple sources who were in the thick of things, Maverick Commissioner is a riveting account of the IPL and the functioning of its founder, Lalit Kumar Modi. Did Modi have a long telephone conversation with a BCCI top brass the day he left India for good? What really was discussed? Is Lalit Modi the absent present for the IPL and Indian cricket?Soon to be made into a film by Vibri Motion Pictures, Maverick Commissioner documents things exactly as they happened. No holds barred and no questions left out. It doesn&’t judge Lalit Modi. All it does is narrate his story. Who is the real Lalit Modi? Let the readers decide.
by Sarah Cohen-ScaliNazi Germany 1936. The Lebensborn program is going strong as German women are carefully selected by the Nazis and recruited to give birth to new representatives of the Aryan race. Inside one of these women is Max, a fetus waiting to be born and fulfill his destiny as the perfect Aryan. Max is taken away from his birth mother as soon as he enters the world. He will be raised under the leadership and ideologies of the Nazi Party. As he grows up without a mom, without any affection or tenderness, according to Nazi educational precepts, he soon becomes the mascot of the program. But things don't go according to plan.Originally published in French, Sarah Cohen-Scali's touching, illuminating, and heartbreaking book has been translated for an English-speaking audience.A Neal Porter Book
Max: A Maximum Ride Novel (Maximum Ride #5)
by James PattersonBuckle up! Max and her flock take on their most daring rescue mission yet in James Patterson's #1 bestselling Maximum Ride series. Someone—or something—is decimating ships and sea life off Hawaii's coast, and Max and her flock find themselves sucked into the Navy's top-secret investigation of the catastrophe. Their objective: rescue Max's activist mom from a wicked subterranean enemy. The hitch: They must dive deep into dark waters, where gruesome evil dwells . . . and for high-flying Maximum Ride, could there be anything more terrifying than being trapped in the great abyss? With sky-high thrills, this soaring adventure takes Maximum Ride and the Flock into terrifying new territory—fans, hold your breath!
Max Perkins: Editor Of Genius
by A. Scott BergThe National Book Award winner from the #1 New York Times bestselling author, A. Scott Berg. The talents he nurtured as an editor were known worldwide: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Wolfe, and numerous others. But Maxwell Perkins remained a mystery, a backstage presence who served these authors not only as book editor extraordinaire but also as critic, career manager, money-lender, psychoanalyst, father-confessor, and friend. This outstanding biography, a winner of the National Book Award, is the first to explore the fascinating life of this editor extraordinaire--in both the professional and personal domains. It tells not only of Perkin's stormy marriage, endearing eccentricities, and secret twenty-five-year romance with Elizabeth Lemmon, but also of his intensely intimate relationships with leading literary lights of the twentieth century. It is, in the words of Newsweek, "an admirable biography of a wholly admirable man."
Maximum Challenge (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #132)
by Franklin W. DixonWhen a TV game show comes to Bayport, a crime wave begins. As Frank and Joe fight a grudge match with the current team champions, they are also trying to discover who on the staff of the show is the mastermind behind burglaries that seem to follow the traveling show.
Maximum Ride: A Maximum Ride Novel (Maximum Ride Ser. #3)
by James PattersonYou're about to join the adventures of Max, Fang, Iggy, Nudge, Gazzy, and Angel, six extraordinary kids who have powers like no other: they can fly, and they're being chased - no, hunted - across America and around the world.THIS IS THE END, MY FRIENDS. But I promise that you'll fly higher than ever before in this wild adventure, witness battles worthy of multiplex movie screens, and laugh until your sides hurt. There's even a little romance... But all good things - and even terrible, unspeakable ones - must come to an end. This is that moment in time, I'm afraid. Either we save the world, or we crash and burn. And I mean all of us - even you, faithful reader, because you play a very big part in this story. The flock needs your help. Yes, you.