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Showing 11,151 through 11,175 of 19,300 results

McDougal Littell Geometry: Concepts and Skills

by Ron Larson Laurie Boswell Lee Stiff

Textbook on geometry.

McDougal Littell Language Network: Writing Research Papers

by Mcdougal Littell

Research is about satisfying curiosity, about finding some¬thing you are interested in, exploring it, and making discoveries. Research is about extending the range of what you know. It is like sailing off the edge of the map into unknown territory. Research is an exciting adventure, but this adventure requires no fancy equipment. All you really need is curiosity, a desire to find out who, what, where, when, why, and how.

McDougal Littell Language of Literature: World Literature (California Edition)

by Mcdougal Littell

An anthology of world literature.

McDougal Littell Literature: Grammar for Writing, Grade 10

by Mcdougal Littell

Grammar workbook for students.

Mcdougal, Littell Literature And Language: Blue Level

by Robert S. Boone

This textbook contains plenty of reading materials of great literature-fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, etc.

McDougal Littell Literature, British Literature

by Janet Allen Arthur N. Applebee Jim Burke

NIMAC-sourced textbook

McDougal Littell Literature, British Literature, Florida [Grade 12]

by Janet Allen Arthur N. Applebee Jim Burke

NIMAC-sourced textbook

McDougal Littell Literature, British Literature, South Carolina [Grade 12]

by Janet Allen Arthur N. Applebee Jim Burke

NIMAC-sourced textbook

McDougal Littell Literature, Grade 12, InterActive Reader & Writer for Critical Analysis

by McDougal Littell

NIMAC-sourced textbook

McDougal Littell Literature, Grammar for Writing [Grade 12]

by Mcdougal Littell

NIMAC-sourced textbook

McDougal Littell Perspectives on Health

by Leroy H. Getchell Grover D. Pippin Jill W. Varnes

This book covers extensively topics related to health science like nutrition, diet, mental health, managing stress and relationships and general wellness as a way of life.

McDougal Littell Science: Earth’s Surface

by Mcdougal Littell

Scientists are curious. Since ancient times, they have been asking and answering questions about the world around them. Scientists are also very suspicious of the answers they get.

McDougal Littell Science: Space Science

by Mcdougal Littell

Scientists are curious. Since ancient times, they have been asking and answering questions about the world around them. Scientists are also very suspicious of the answers they get.

McDougal Littell Science: The Changing Earth

by Mcdougal Littell

Scientists are curious. Since ancient times, they have been asking and answering questions about the world around them. Scientists are also very suspicious of the answers they get.

Mcdougal Littell Science: Earth's Atmosphere

by Mcdougal Littell

Scientists are curious. Since ancient times, they have been asking and answering questions about the world around them. Scientists are also very suspicious of the answers they get. They carefully collect evidence and test their answers many times before accepting an idea as correct.

McDougal Littell Science: Cells and Heredity

by James Trefil Rita Ann Calvo Kenneth Cutler

Scientists are curious. Since ancient times, they have been asking and answering questions about the world around them. Scientists are also very suspicious of the answers they get. They carefully collect evidence and test their answers many times before accepting an idea as correct.

McDougal Littell Science: Ecology

by James Trefil Rita Ann Calvo Kenneth Cutler

Scientists are curious. Since ancient times, they have been asking and answering questions about the world around them. Scientists are also very suspicious of the answers they get. They carefully collect evidence and test their answers many times before accepting an idea as correct. In this book you will see how scientific knowledge keeps growing and changing as scientists ask new questions and rethink what was known before.

McDougal Littell World Geography

by Marci Smith Deal James F. Petersen Rickie Sanders Daniel D. Arreola

The earth is a unique planet capable of supporting a wide variety of life forms. Human beings adapt and alter the environments on earth.

McDougal Littell World Geography

by Marci Smith Deal James F. Petersen Rickie Sanders Daniel D. Arreola

This section of the textbook helps you develop and practice the skills you need to study geography and to take standardized tests. Part 1, Strategies for Studying Geography, takes you through the features of the textbook and offers suggestions on how to use these features to improve your reading and study skills.

McDougal Littell World History, Patterns of Interaction

by Roger B. Beck Linda Black Larry S. Krieger

NIMAC-sourced textbook

McDougal Littell World Literature

by Arthur N. Applebee Andrea B. Bermúdez Sheridan Blau

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Mcgraw-Hill Education SAT 2018

by Christopher Black Mark Anestis

Dramatically raise your SAT score with this go-to-study guided filled with test-taking tips, practice tests and more! Includes 4 full-length practice exams We've put all our proven expertise into McGraw-Hill Education SAT to make sure you're ready for this difficult exam. <P><P>With this book, you'll get essential skill-building techniques and strategies developed by professional SAT instructors who have helped thousands of students just like you to succeed on this important test. You'll get 4 full-length practice tests, hundreds of practice problems, time-saving techniques for each question type, and all the essential facts about the current exam. <P><P>With McGraw-Hill Education SAT, we'll guide you step-by-step through your preparation program - and give you the tools you need to succeed!

McGraw-Hill Education TASC - Test Accessing Secondary Completion

by Kathy A. Zahler

It's packed with everything you need to succeed on the test---and get the high school credential you want. Only this guide can show you exactly what to expect on the test, tell you how the test is scored, and give you authentic TASC questions for practice. That makes this bestselling guide your most reliable and accurate source for everything you need to know about the TASC.

The McGraw-Hill Handbook (Second Edition)

by Elaine Maimon Janice Peritz Kathleen Yancey

Specific, student- and instructor-tested features of The McGraw-Hill Handbook equip today's students with tools for learning, writing, researching, and editing. The book also provides students and teachers with access to powerful online resources.

McKay History of Western Society Since 1300 (Advanced Placement Version, Ninth Edition)

by John P. Mckay

The social history focus that has been the core element of this book since its first edition continues. The author incorporates more discussion of groups and regions that are frequently shortchanged in the general histories of Europe and Western Civilization. This expanded scope reflects the renewed awareness within the profession of Europe's enormous historical diversity, as well as the efforts of contemporary Europeans to understand the ambivalent and contested meanings of their national, regional, ethnic, and pan-European identities.

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