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Showing 11,501 through 11,525 of 19,284 results

Modern Automotive Technology

by James E. Duffy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Automotive Technology

by James E. Duffy

Modern Automotive Technology will take your students from class to career. Redesigned for today’s learner, students will encounter the latest technologies with revised content and visuals. Organized around the ASE automobile and light truck test areas, the content details the construction, operation, diagnosis, service, and repair of late-model automobiles and light trucks. Students will be immersed in content that prepares them for the technical and soft skill demands of a modern workplace. Online materials have been designed as integral parts of the content package to engage students.

Modern Automotive Technology (Ninth Edition)

by James E. Duffy

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Automotive Technology (Workbook)

by James E. Duffy

Organized to follow the textbook on a chapter-by-chapter basis, providing questions to help the student review the material presented in the chapter.

Modern Biology

by John H. Postlethwait Janet L. Hopson

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Biology

by Albert Towle

A textbook on modern biology for high school students.

Modern Cabinetmaking, Sixth Edition

by Patrick A. Molzahn William D. Umstattd Charles W. Davis

Modern Cabinetmaking provides comprehensive coverage of cabinetmaking. The text provides an in-depth treatment of cabinetmaking, covering the industry, design and layout, materials, machining processes, cabinet construction, and finishing. This title also includes coverage of manufactured products and construction processes used in the cabinetmaking industry. Its rigorous subject treatment and new content correlate to the Woodwork Career Alliance (WCA) industry credentialing standards and SkillsUSA.

Modern Carpentry: Essential Skills for the Building Trades

by Willis H. Wagner Howard Bud Smith

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Carpentry: Teaching Package Teacher's Resource Binder

by Willis H. Wagner Howard Bud Smith Mark W. Huth

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Chemistry

by Raymond E. Davis Regina Frey Mickey Sarquis Jerry L. Sarquis

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Chemistry

by Raymond E. Davis Regina Frey Mickey Sarquis Jerry L Sarquis

A chemistry textbook.

Modern Chemistry

by Raymond E. Davis Regina Frey Mickey Sarquis Jerry L. Sarquis

A textbook about chemistry from basics to the higher level.

Modern Chemistry: Performance Expectation Guide

by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Staff

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Chemistry: Student Edition 2012

by Holt Mcdougal

Explore the world around you with pages of colorful photos, helpful illustrations, detailed Sample Problems, and hands-on activities using everyday materials. Learn how chemistry concepts are connected to your everyday life.

Modern Chemistry (HMH Modern Chemistry)

by Mickey Sarquis Jerry Sarquis

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Chemistry

by Mickey Sarquis Jerry L. Sarquis

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Chemistry (Cengage Advantage Books #2017)

by Mickey Sarquis Jerry L. Sarquis

Modern Chemistry

by Nicholas Tzimopoulo

The world we live in is complex and diverse. It contains the hardness of steel and the softness of cotton, the brilliance of diamonds and the blackness of coal, the heat of flames and the chill of ice, the tranquility of a slow moving river and the din of a busy city street. All the colors, textures, objects, animals, and plants that exist are too numerous to count. Yet scientists have learned that there are approximately 90 different ingredients, or elements, that make up all the material things we see and experience.

Modern Chemistry, Interactive Reader (HMH Modern Chemistry)

by Sarquis

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Modern Commercial Wiring

by Harvey N. Holzman

Modern Commercial Wiring covers safety, tools, installation, maintenance, troubleshooting, and design, providing effective, student-friendly instruction regarding the complex wiring requirements associated with commercial installations. Updated to the current 2023 National Electrical Code® (NEC), the text provides many opportunities for learning, researching, and applying the code. Specialized areas, such as motor control, emergency power systems, hazardous locations, and pool and fountain installations, are included.

Modern Electricity, Controls, and Motors for HVACR

by Ernesto Reina

Modern Electricity, Controls, and Motors for HVACR provides students with concise, modern coverage of electrical concepts and applications they will encounter in the field. Designed to build on and apply fundamental electrical concepts to modern HVACR technologies and systems, this comprehensive, postsecondary text provides thorough coverage of electricity, circuits, power, motors and controls; modern technologies and systems such as DDC (direct digital controls) and BAS (building automation systems); and the tools and skills required by technicians to find success in the field, such as reading meters and schematics. Special features throughout the text, such as Service Calls and Procedures, provide hands-on application to the content being introduced in each chapter.

The Modern Inquisition: Seven Prominent Catholics and Thier Struggle with the Vatican

by Paul Collins

The Inquisition ceased burning and torturing heretics in the 18th century; A milder punishment awaits the dissidents today, principally excommunication or banishment from official teaching positions. Paul Collins has discovered- through his own experience and extensive research that the impact of the Vatican's investigations, through the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, can be quite profound. Collins is the controversial Australian Catholic priest recently investigated by the Vatican for alleged heresy. He served the Church for 33 years and is generally esteemed for his dry wit and his ability to make his vocation accessible a trait many appreciated in an increasingly secular world. The Vatican, however, views Collins's less than reverential views as heretical and has been investigating him since 1997, when Collins' book Papal Power was singled out for supposed "doctrinal problems."The Modern Inquisition, compiled over the four years that the mysterious and secretive CDF deliberated on Collins' work, brings together the stories of others who have also been pursued, condemned, or vilified by the CDF. Here are seven fascinating accounts of how the modern Inquisition operates what it is like to be accused by anonymous informers, investigated in secret, and tried at arms length with no recourse to appeal.

Modern Languages Study Guides: Film Study Guide for AS/A-level French

by Hélène Beaugy

Film analysis made easy. Build your students' confidence in their language abilities and help them develop the skills needed to critique their chosen work: putting it into context, understanding the themes and director's technique, as well as specialist terminology.Breaking down each scene, character and theme in Intouchables (Untouchables), this accessible guide will enable your students to understand the historical and social context of the film and give them the critical and language skills needed to write a successful essay.- Strengthen language skills with relevant grammar, vocab and writing exercises throughout- Aim for top marks by building a bank of textual examples and quotes to enhance exam response- Build confidence with knowledge-check questions at the end of every chapter- Revise effectively with pages of essential vocabulary and key mind maps throughout- Feel prepared for exams with advice on how to write an essay, plus sample essay questions, two levels of model answers and examiner commentary

Modern Languages Study Guides: Literature Study Guide for AS/A-level French

by Hélène Beaugy

Literature analysis made easy. Build your students' confidence in their language abilities and help them develop the skills needed to critique their chosen work: putting it into context, understanding the themes and narrative technique, as well as specialist terminology.Breaking down each scene, character and theme in L'étranger, this accessible guide will enable your students to understand the historical and social context of the novel and give them the critical and language skills needed to write a successful essay.- Strengthen language skills with relevant grammar, vocab and writing exercises throughout- Aim for top marks by building a bank of textual examples and quotes to enhance exam response- Build confidence with knowledge-check questions at the end of every chapter- Revise effectively with pages of essential vocabulary and key mind maps throughout- Feel prepared for exams with advice on how to write an essay, plus sample essay questions, two levels of model answers and examiner commentary

Modern Languages Study Guides: Film Study Guide for AS/A-level French

by Hélène Beaugy

Film analysis made easy. Build your students' confidence in their language abilities and help them develop the skills needed to critique their chosen work: putting it into context, understanding the themes and director's technique, as well as specialist terminology.Breaking down each scene, character and theme in Entre les murs, this accessible guide will enable your students to understand the historical and social context of the film and give them the critical and language skills needed to write a successful essay.- Strengthen language skills with relevant grammar, vocab and writing exercises throughout- Aim for top marks by building a bank of textual examples and quotes to enhance exam response- Build confidence with knowledge-check questions at the end of every chapter- Revise effectively with pages of essential vocabulary and key mind maps throughout- Feel prepared for exams with advice on how to write an essay, plus sample essay questions, two levels of model answers and examiner commentary

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