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The Town: A Novel of the Snopes Family (Library Of America Complete Novels Of William Faulkner Ser. #5)

by William Faulkner

This is the second volume of Faulkner's trilogy about the Snopes family, his symbol for the grasping, destructive element in the post-bellum South. Like its predecessor The Hamlet, and its successor The Mansion, The Town is completely self-contained, but it gains resonance from being read with the other two. The story of Flem Snopes' ruthless struggle to take over the town of Jefferson, Mississippi, the book is rich in typically Faulknerian episodes of humor and of profundity.

A Town Bewitched

by Suzanne De Montigny

It’s tough for Kira, growing up in the small town of Hope as a child prodigy in classical violin, especially when her dad just died. And to make matters worse, Kate McDonough, the red-haired fiddler appears out of nowhere, bewitching the town with her mysterious Celtic music. Even Uncle Jack succumbs to her charms, forgetting his promise to look after Kira’s family. But when someone begins vandalizing the town leaving dead and gutted birds as a calling card, Kira knows without a doubt who’s behind it. Will anyone believe her?

The Town of Two Women (The Gunsmith #371)

by J. R. Roberts

Hell hath no fury...When Clint Adams comes across an empty-saddled horse in the New Mexico wilds, he knows it can't be a good sign. And when he finds an unconscious girl who was riding the beast and takes her to the town of Heathstead, the trouble keeps on coming. Because young Mary was just driven out by a murderous matriarch who rules the town with a feminine iron fist--and who now wants the Gunsmith dead right alongside Mary...

Toxic (Pretty Little Liars #15)

by Sara Shepard

Toxic is the fifteenth--and second-to-last--volume in Sara Shepard's #1 New York Times bestselling Pretty Little Liars series, also a hit ABC Family original TV show. <P> High school seniors Aria, Emily, Spencer, and Hanna barely survived their most recent encounter with A. And it's not over yet.... The police don't believe that the real A is still out there, but the girls know what--and who--they saw. If they don't track down this final tormentor soon, A will silence them forever.This penultimate installment of the beloved series is full of juicy scandals, dark secrets, and shocking plot twists that will prepare readers for the jaw-dropping series conclusion in Pretty Little Liars #16.

The Toxic Sandbox

by Libby Mcdonald

From pesticides to PCBs-what's a threat, what's not, and what to do about it. Mercury. Lead. Pesticides. Plastics. Air pollution. PCBs. How can parents sort through the hype, propaganda, and misinformation-and find out what is and isn't a threat to children's health? Investigative journalist, advocate, and concerned parent Libby McDonald separates the facts from the alarmist myths. Based on the latest research along with interviews with top medical, toxicological, and environmental experts, The Toxic Sandboxcovers a wide range of essential concerns, including: - How can kids be protected from mercury poisoning? - What are the sources of lead poisoning, and how can they be avoided? - What pesticides are children ingesting, and does eating organic keep them safe? - Which teenage beauty products contain carcinogenic phthalates? - What are PCBs and PBDEs and why are they found in breast milk? - What can be done to stop the childhood asthma epidemic? Delivering reliable, up-to-date information, this indispensable resource will empower parents to protect their kids-and raise awareness for the greater good.

Un trabajo sin futuro: (Dead End Job) (Spanish Soundings)

by Vicki Grant

Frances trabaja en el turno de la noche en la tienda local de abarrotes, dividiendo su tiempo entre llenar los anaqueles y trabajar en su arte. Una noche, su rutina se rompe cuando Devin entra a la tienda. Devin le dice que es el hijo de un famoso artista local y le ofrece darle su opinión sobre sus dibujos. A pesar de que Devin parece saber demasiado de ella, Frances decide, contra los consejos de su novio, que Devin es raro pero inofensivo. Cuando Frances se da cuenta al fin de que está en peligro, Devin ya está completamente obsesionado con ella y convencido de que si él no puede tenerla, no será de nadie más. Frances se verá obligada a usar toda su fuerza para escapar de Devin. Frances works the night shift at a local convenience store, dividing her time between restocking shelves and working on her art. Her routine is broken one night when Devin comes into the store. He claims to be the son of a famous local artist and offers her advice on her drawings. Although he seems to know way too much about her, Frances decides, against the advice of her boyfriend, that he is odd but harmless. By the time she realizes the danger she is in, Devin is completely obsessed with her and convinced that if he can't have her, no one will. Frances will be forced to use all her strength to escape from Devin.


by J. J. Howard

Cam has come to accept the rhythm of his life as a bike messenger: racing up and down the streets of New York City from one run to the next. With no family to rely on and a mountain of debts, at least it's an honest way to help pay off his dangerous debtors. <P> Cam's whole world comes crashing down on him one day when he runs into a beautiful stranger. After falling out of the sky and wiping out Cam and his bike, she disappears before he can find out anything about her. When he starts to see her around town, he quickly realizes that she is part of an underground group of teens who have turned NYC into their own parkour playground--running, jumping, seemingly flying through the city like it's an obstacle course. <P> Cam becomes fascinated with the sport--and the beautiful stranger, Nikki. He falls in with the group, and they offer him the chance to make some extra money. But when the stakes become life or death, Cam is torn between following his heart and sacrificing everything to pay off his debts.

Track of the Zombie (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #71)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe travel to Vermont in hopes of finding who caused a forest fire that nearly burned down a new friends home. A Hessian soldier is blamed for the blaze, but Frank and Joe don't buy it. Also while in Vermont the Hardys and their friends attempt to solve problems of sabotage plaguing a circus.

Tracks (Mason Falls Mysteries)

by Vanessa Acton

Nick and Ava have become friends over the fact that they're the only upper classmen who still ride the bus to school. And every day, they see the same boy—who they call The Kid—walking along the train tracks, even when the weather is terrible or when he's clearly fighting a bad cold. When Nick notices the mysterious boy practically sprinting along the tracks one day and he doesn't show up the next, Nick and Ava begin to wonder if something might be wrong. But how can they help when they don't even know who The Kid is?

Tracktown Summer

by Elizabeth Ann Holmes

Jake has felt fatherless ever since his parents separated, and so he can't wait to spend the summer with his dad. But the house Dad rented is a shabby place next to the railroad tracks, with no friends and nothing to do. Then, through a pickup game of hoops, Jake befriends a neighbor boy. Adrian is charming at first, but soon Jake starts to sense a streak of desperation in him. Jake gets sucked into Adrian's bizarre life, in which recklessness escalates to danger. Witnessing Adrian's highly dysfunctional, sometimes violent, family gives Jake new perspective on his own situation.

Trading Up: Why Consumers Want New Luxury Goods--and How Companies Create Them

by Neil Fiske Michael J. Silverstein John Butman

Trading up isn't just for the wealthy anymore. These days no one is shocked when an administrative assistant buys silk pajamas at Victoria's Secret. Or a young professional buys only Kendall-Jackson premium wines. <P><P>Or a construction worker splurges on a $3,000 set of Callaway golf clubs. In dozens of categories, these new luxury brands now sell at huge premiums over conventional goods, and in much larger volumes than traditional old luxury goods. Trading Up has become the definitive book about this growing trend.

Traditions And Encounters: Global Perspective On The Past (Updated AP Edition, 6th Edition)

by Bentley McGraw-Hill Education

This world history text offers a fresh approach that explores the networks of interaction from the earliest times to the 20th century. By examining the world and focusing on the links and interactions that have always existed among societies, it presents an alternative to Eurocentric history.

Traditions and Encounters: AP Edition (5th Edition)

by Jerry H. Bentley Herbert F. Ziegler

Traditions and Encounters has a rich history of firsts: the first world history text to take a truly global perspective on the past, the first to emphasize connections among cultures, and the first to combine twin themes with a seven-part framework - making the huge story of world history more manageable. New features in this edition include: Revised Part and Chapter openers reflect the new themes in AP World History. New AP test bank and testing resources include two complete AP style practice tests available free with the book. New AP Online Learning Center contains a revised AP teacher manual and much more! The Primary Source Investigator Online now includes Document-Based Questions (DBQs). This online database offers hundreds of primary sources such as interactive maps, charts, photos, primary source documents, audio files, and video files with DBQs integrated, contextual information on each source, and thought-provoking questions that show students how historians look at sources.

Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, Third Edition

by Jerry H. Bentley Herbert F. Ziegler

Over a million students at thousands of schools have learned about world history with the best selling book for the course, Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past. Using the twin themes of traditions and encounters, the text emphasizes both the distinctive patterns of historical development within individual societies and the profound results of interactions between different societies. Exploring the historical record of cross-cultural interactions and exchanges, Traditions and Encounters places the world of contemporary globalization in historical context. The book helps students understand the world's major societies and shows how the interactions of these societies affect history throughout the world. The authors tell a coherent and digestible story of the past that is not weighed down by excessive detail, so instructors are able to incorporate additional readings. This edition provides an updated map program as well as the latest scholarship. It also moves Primary Source Investigator online, improving access for students to work with primary sources.

Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past (Sixth Edition)

by Jerry H. Bentley Herbert F. Ziegler Heather Streets-Salter

Connect students to the stories of history. Connect students to the experience of history. Connect students to success in history. At McGraw-Hill, we have dedicated the past few years to deepening our understanding of student and instructor experience. Employing a wide array of research tools including surveys, focus groups, and ethnographic studies, we've identified areas in need of improvement to provide an opportunity for greater learning and teaching experiences. The fifth edition of Traditions & Encounters is a result of this. Traditions & Encounters also has a rich history of firsts: the first world history text to take a truly global perspective on the past; the first to emphasize connections among cultures; the first to combine twin themes with a seven-part framework, making the huge story of world history more manageable to both teach and learn. Now Traditions & Encounters becomes the first truly interactive world history program: one that marries groundbreaking adaptive diagnostics and interactivities with a captivating narrative and engaging visuals, creating a unique learning environment that propels greater student success and better course results. Instructors gain insight into students' engagement and understanding as students develop a base of knowledge and construct critical thinking skills. Chapter-opening vignettes and a lively narrative keep students turning the page while the adaptive questioning for each chapter and the personalized study plan for each individual student help students prepare for class discussions and course work. With its hallmark of twin themes,Traditions & Encounters continues to tell the story of the cultures and interactions that have shaped world history, while adding redesigned maps, new primary sources, and new chapter- and part-level features that strengthen connections and prompt students to analyze the events and themes in order to build a greater understanding of the past and an appreciation of history's influence on the present. Students are no longer simply reading; they are reading, interacting, and engaging in a visual, auditory, and hands-on learning experience. Give students an experience. Improve course participation and performance. Experience Traditions & Encounters, and experience success.

Traditions & Encounters: Global Perspective On The Past (AP Traditions And Encounters)

by Jerry H. Bentley Herbert F. Ziegler Heather Streets-Salter

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Traditions & Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past, AP® Edition

by Jerry H. Bentley Herbert F. Ziegler Heather E. Streets-Salter

NIMAC-sourced textbook

Traditions & Encounters A Global Perspective on the Past, Fourth Edition

by Jerry H. Bentley Herbert F. Ziegler

Over a million students at thousands of schools have learned about world history with the best selling book for the course, Traditions and Encounters: A Global Perspective on the Past. Using the twin themes of traditions and encounters, the text emphasizes both the distinctive patterns of historical development within individual societies and the profound results of interactions between different societies. Exploring the historical record of cross-cultural interactions and exchanges, Traditions and Encounters places the world of contemporary globalization in historical context. The book helps students understand the world's major societies and shows how the interactions of these societies affect history throughout the world. The authors tell a coherent and digestible story of the past that is not weighed down by excessive detail, so instructors are able to incorporate additional readings. This edition provides an updated map program as well as the latest scholarship. It also moves Primary Source Investigator online, improving access for students to work with primary sources.


by Ellen Hopkins

Five teens victimized by sex trafficking try to find their way to a new life in this &“sincere and moving&” (Booklist) companion to the #1 New York Times bestselling Tricks from Ellen Hopkins, author of Crank.In her bestselling novel, Tricks, Ellen Hopkins introduced us to five memorable characters tackling these enormous questions: Eden, the preacher’s daughter who turns tricks in Vegas and is helped into a child prostitution rescue; Seth, the gay farm boy disowned by his father who finds himself without money or resources other than his own body; Whitney, the privileged kid coaxed into the life by a pimp and whose dreams are ruined in a heroin haze; Ginger, who runs away from home with her girlfriend and is arrested for soliciting an undercover cop; and Cody, whose gambling habit forces him into the life, but who is shot and left for dead. And now, in Traffick, these five are faced with the toughest question of all: Is there a way out? How these five teenagers face the aftermath of their decisions and experiences is the soul of this story that exposes the dark, ferocious underbelly of the child trafficking trade. Heartwrenching and hopeful, Traffick takes us on five separate but intertwined journeys through the painful challenges of recovery, rehabilitation, and renewal to forgiveness and love. All the way home.

Tragedy and Theory: The Problem of Conflict Since Aristotle

by Michelle Gellrich

This book intends to explain how seminal ideas in accounts of tragedy are expressions of systematically determined interests, typically latent in dramatic theory, but intelligible once a fuller view of a theorist's corpus is adopted.

Tragedy in Crimson: How the Dalai Lama Conquered the World but Lost the Battle with China

by Tim Johnson

Tragedy in Crimson is award-winning journalist Tim Johnson’s extraordinary account of the cat-and-mouse game embroiling China and the Tibetan exile community over Tibet. Johnson reports from the front lines, trekking to nomad resettlements to speak with the people who guard Tibet’s slowly vanishing culture; and he travels alongside the Dalai Lama in the campaigns for Tibetan sovereignty. Johnson unpacks how China is using its economic power around the globe to assail the Free Tibet movement. By encouraging massive Chinese migration and restricting Tibetan civil rights, the Chinese are also working to dilute Tibetan culture within Tibet itself. He also takes a sympathetic but unsentimental look at the Dalai Llama, a popular figure in the West who is regarded as a failure by many of his own people. Staggering in scope, vivid and audacious in its narrative aims, Tragedy in Crimson tells the story of a people on the brink of cultural extinction and the rising nation that is quashing them.

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar: Large Print (First Avenue Classics ™)

by William Shakespeare

Marcus Brutus, a Roman politician, considers Emperor Julius Caesar to be a friend, but a senator—Caius Cassius—convinces Brutus that Caesar has too much power. Brutus would rather Rome be a republic than an empire ruled by a tyrant, so he participates in a conspiracy to kill Caesar. Though Brutus believes his actions will benefit Rome, Caesar's murder brings about more bloodshed, including Brutus's own. The play examines friendship and patriotism, the succession of leadership, and the roles of fate and free will. Shakespeare wrote this drama, rooted in Roman history, in 1599; it was published in 1623, after Shakespeare's death. This is an unabridged edition of the tragic play.

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar (Focus Philosophical Library)

by William Shakespeare Jan H. Blits

Jan Blits' edition represents something new among editions of Julius Caesar. In addition to textual glosses and explanatory notes focused on the rhetorical, historical, and political contexts of the speeches, it includes a wide array of quotations and citations from writers of classical antiquity chosen to illuminate passages of special pertinence to the Roman world represented in the play. Highlighting Shakespeare's significance as a political thinker, it also demonstrates his deep understanding of Roman antiquity, its competing worldviews, and the demise of its Republic. Intended for a broad readership, the edition also includes a Preface, Introduction, Bibliography, and a topical Index.

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar with Connections

by William Shakespeare

This famous Shakespearean Tragedy underlines the human dynamics of leadership, it's risks, the development of treachery and the nature of betrayal.

The Tragedy of King Lear (First Avenue Classics ™)

by William Shakespeare

King Lear is growing old, and in an effort to preempt an inheritance war, he decides to divide his kingdom between his three daughters while he is still living—dependent on which one loves him the most. Goneril and Regan tell him flattering lies, but the youngest, Cordelia, refuses to answer. Angered, Lear disowns Cordelia. He splits the kingdom between Goneril and Regan, who begin plotting against him. When it becomes clear that the daughters who claimed to love him the most are planning to betray him and that he has banished the one daughter who truly loved him, Lear goes mad and wanders out onto the heath. This is an unabridged version of one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragedies. Versions of the play were first published in 1608 and 1623.

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