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Showing 251 through 275 of 363 results

Robert Fripp: The Boffomundo Interview

by Ron Curtiess

Officially transcribed from the original Boffomundo archives, Robert Fripp: The Boffomundo Interview 1979 reveals an intriguing and unique look into the mind of one of music's masters of precision and creativity -- all through the subtle brilliance of Wayne's World-esque early L. A. cable access hosts Ron Curtiss and Aaron Weiner. Featuring aired and unaired content from their 1979 interview, a new introduction by Ron Curtiss, and additional contextualizing articles and interviews, this is a gem that could have been long forgotten if not for Curtiss’s archival masterminding and his dedication to preserving the prog legacy. This book is a must-have for all fans of King Crimson, David Bowie, philosophical self-inquisition, and technological wizardry. A Rare Bird Exclusive: Purchasers of the ebook will receive access to a video of the full interview.


by Jeff Boss

Jeff Boss has faced and overcome uncertainty in the most tumultuous circumstances. As a Navy SEAL, he worked in some of the most unforgiving environments on earth and faced enemies that constantly changed, much like today's business landscape. In a world of chaos, how do individuals and teams stay together to find certainty in a world where there is anything but? This book reveals how. Using anecdotal experiences from both the military and business worlds, Boss highlights the mindset and practical steps of how people and organizations can forge certainty amidst inevitable chaos.

Death of a Newspaperman

by Delfin Vigil

Their lives were centuries apart. Their spirit was one and the same. Desmond De Leon grows up in the outskirts of 1980s San Francisco, avoiding gangs, dodging bullets and caring nothing about the petty politics of his troubled part of town. He’s far too fascinated with the bloodier and bolder history of San Francisco newspaper journalism based downtown. Once the epicenter of American journalism, it’s where the infamous newspaper tycoon Charles Sansome died with pistol in hand during an era when editorial disputes were resolved within 20 paces. As the headstrong, scrappy kid rises from San Francisco Call copy boy to reporter, he documents the deteriorating character and morals of his journalist mentors, along with the decline of the newspaper itself. Walking the same ghostly streets as his 19th-century newspaper tycoon heroes once did, and with a dash of supernatural guidance, Desi’s search to find out what Call founder Charles Sansome would do leads him from the highest avenues of society and politics to the back alleys of the Mission District in this hip, funny, romantic and ultimately tragic near roman à clef written by the one who lived it.


by David Berkeley

The Free Brontosaurus is a novella comprising ten interweaving stories, complete with an accompanying album of ten songs. All set in the same fictional city, at the same moment in time, minor characters in one story are major characters in another. It is a bit like Olive Kitteridge, if reimagined by Miranda July. These are gently written narratives of isolation, describing characters disconnected from home and community. The book is full of dark humor, sadness and glimmers of joy. Ultimately, the characters’ abilities to find beauty in the bizarre connect and redeem them, offering the characters (and us) hope. The book is only half of this project, though, for it also comes with a soundtrack, one song per story, written loosely from the perspective of the main character from each tale. Both the book and the album can stand alone. However, when the two are appreciated together, an unusually moving and multi-layered world is born, likely to break and heal the heart.

Strange As It Seems

by Chip Jacobs

Paralyzed from the neck down, Gordon Zahler rose from his deathbed to a fast-talking, Hollywood entrepreneur/idea man who traveled the world, lived hard, married, fantasized about water-skiing and chased his dreams to create one of the largest independent postproduction shops in Hollywood. While this is Jacobs' story about his coming to grips with his deformed uncle, himself and his mother, the silent victim to Gordon's recklessness, Strange As It Seems is also a tip of the hat to the man who turned his back on the notion of I can't.

Home from the Dark Side of Utopia

by Clifton Ross

A riveting personal memoir that shares hard-earned political insights. Ross's journey mirrors that of the American left after World War II. From an Anabaptist hippie commune in the 1970s to the present-day failures of the Venezuelan revolution (and numerous revolutions before it), his book charts a trajectory of good intentions and poor choices, of blind faith in charismatic leaders followed by inevitable disillusionment and, ultimately, a solid belief in the ability of ordinary people to make history. . Clifton Rossdirected the filmVenezuela: Revolution from the Inside Out. He is the co-editor ofUntil the Rulers Obey: Voices from Latin American Social Movements.

الارتسامات اللطاف في خاطر الحاج إلى أقدس مطاف

by شكيب أرسلان

79-year-old Martha Anderson dreams of escaping her care home and robbing a bank. She has no intention of spending the rest of her days in an armchair and is determined to fund her way to a much more exciting life-style. Along with her four oldest friends - otherwise known as the League of Pensioners - Martha decides to rebel against all of the rules imposed upon them. Together, they cause an uproar with their antics: protesting against early bedtimes and plastic meals. As the elderly friends become more daring, their activities escalate and they come up with a cunning plan to break out of the care home and land themselves in a far more attractive Stockholm establishment. With the aid of their Zimmer frames, they resolve to stand up for old aged pensioners everywhere - Robin Hood style. And that's when the adventure really takes off . . . Translated by Rod Bradbury.

Kite Kè m Pale

by Jacques Pierre

In his latest collection of poetry, Kite Kè m pale (Let My Heart Speak), Jacques speaks lovingly and eloquently about those, including women, who have faced and continue to face difficulties and injustice. His poetry sometimes resorts to uncommon forms of Kreyòl such as jagon and bolit to better expressed that which cannot conveyed commonly, and expose everyone to the linguistic wealth of the country.

Economic Normalization With Cuba: A Roadmap For Us Policymakers

by Gary Clyde Hufbauer Barbara Kotschwar

Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Reginald Jones Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics since 1992, was the Maurice Creenberg Chair and Director of Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations [1996-98), the Marcus Wallenberg Professor of International Finance Diplomacy at Georgetown University (1985-92), senior fellow at the Institute (1981-85), deputy director of the International Law Institute at Georgetown University 0979-81), deputy assistant secretary for international trade and investment policy of the US Treasury (1977-79), and director of the international tax staff at the Treasury (1974-76). Among his numerous coauthored books are Local Content Requirements: A Global Problem (2013), The United States Should Establish Permanent Normal Trade Relations with Russia (2012), Figuring Out the Doha Round [2010], and Economic Sanctions Reconsidered, 3rd edition (2007). Book jacket.

The Analyst

by Molly Peacock

When a psychoanalyst became a painter after surviving a stroke, her longtime patient, distinguished and beloved poet Molly Peacock, took up a unique task. The Analyst is a new, visceral, twenty-first century "in memoriam" of ambiguous loss in which Peacock brilliantly tells the story of a decades-long patient-therapist relationship that now reverses and continues to evolve. Peacock invigorates the notion of poetry as word-painting: A tapestry of images, from a red enameled steamer on a black stove to Tibetan monks funneling glowing sand into a painting, create the backdrop for her quest to define identity. From "In Our Unexpected Future":. . . for frocks outlast pillars. But feelingsoutlive frocks. The immaterial storms through,a force beyond years (a mere four since youwere nearly felled). It isn't what happened that lasts. Not art, either, but the savory core. What's felt.

The Gates of Europe

by Plokhy

Ukraine is currently embroiled in a tense battle with Russia to preserve its economic and political independence. But today’s conflict is only the latest in a long history of battles over Ukraine’s existence as a sovereign nation. As award-winning historian Serhii Plokhy argues in The Gates of Europe, we must examine Ukraine’s past in order to understand its fraught present and likely future. Situated between Europe, Russia, and the Asian East, Ukraine was shaped by the empires that have used it as a strategic gateway between East and West—from the Romans and Ottomans to the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, all have engaged in global fights for supremacy on Ukrainian soil. Each invading army left a lasting mark on the landscape and on the population, making modern Ukraine an amalgam of competing cultures. Authoritative and vividly written, The Gates of Europe will be the definitive history of Ukraine for years to come.

Norbert Elias and Social Theory

by Fran X00e7 Ois D X00e9 Pelteau

This book will compare the approach and works of Norbert Elias, well known for his analysis of the civilizing process, his work on sport and violence and, more largely, his figurational approach, with other important social theories both classical and contemporary.

Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common

by Chuck Collins

As inequality grabs headlines, steals the show in presidential debates, and drives deep divides between the haves and have nots in America, class war brews. On one side, the wealthy wield power and advantage, wittingly or not, to keep the system operating in their favor—all while retreating into enclaves that separate them further and further from the poor and working class. On the other side, those who find it increasingly difficult to keep up or get ahead lash out—waging a rhetorical war against the rich and letting anger and resentment, however justifiable, keep us from seeing new potential solutions. But can we suspend both class wars long enough to consider a new way forward? Is it really good for anyone that most of society’s wealth is pooling at the very top of the wealth ladder? Does anyone, including the one percent, really want to live in a society plagued by economic apartheid? It is time to think differently, says longtime inequality expert and activist Chuck Collins. Born into the one percent, Collins gave away his inheritance at 26 and spent the next three decades mobilizing against inequality. He uses his perspective from both sides of the divide to deliver a new narrative. Collins calls for a ceasefire and invites the wealthy to come back home, investing themselves and their wealth in struggling communities.   And he asks the non-wealthy to build alliances with the one percent and others at the top of the wealth ladder. Stories told along the way explore the roots of advantage, show how taxpayers subsidize the wealthy, and reveal how charity, used incorrectly, can actually reinforce extreme inequality. Readers meet pioneers who are crossing the divide to work together in new ways, including residents in the author’s own Boston-area neighborhood who have launched some of the most interesting community transition efforts in the nation. In the end, Collins’s national and local solutions not only challenge inequality but also respond to climate change and offer an unexpected, fresh take on one of our most intransigent problems.

Averroes on Plato's "Republic"

by Averroes Ralph Lerner

"In one fashion or another, the question with which this introduction begins is a question for every serious reader of Plato's Republic: Of what use is this philosophy to me? Averroes clearly finds that the Republic speaks to his own time and to his own situation. . . . Perhaps the greatest use he makes of the Republic is to understand better the shari'a itself. . . . It is fair to say that in deciding to paraphrase the Republic, Averroes is asserting that his world--the world defined and governed by the Koran--can profit from Plato's instruction."--from Ralph Lerner's IntroductionAn indispensable primary source in medieval political philosophy is presented here in a fully annotated translation of the celebrated discussion of the Republic by the twelfth-century Andalusian Muslim philosopher, Abu'l-Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Rushd, also know by his his Latinized name, Averroes. This work played a major role in both the transmission and the adaptation of the Platonic tradition in the West. In a closely argued critical introduction, Ralph Lerner addresses several of the most important problems raised by the work.

الأمن الوظيفى بعد التحكيم

by الذراع الاجتماعي لأكاديمية شرطة دبي

يمكن القول أن قضية الأمن الاقتصادى، على صعيد الاقتصاديات المتقدمة، تعد أحد أهم المكونات الجوهرية في السياسة الاقتصادية منذ الحرب العالمية الثانية ؛ فإذا كان خط الدفاع الأول عن كيان المجتمع، هو تحقق الأمن العام، فإن الأمن الاقتصادى يقع فى قلب الأمن العام؛ فلا كيان لدولة ما ولا استقرار بدون تحقق الأمن العام، ولا تحقق للأمن العام بدون تحقق الأمن الاقتصادى، مما يستوجب تمسك الدولة بتلابيبه إن كانت جادة في الحفاظ على أمنها العام.

حماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية

by Dubai Police Academy

ارتباط النهضة والتقدم بمدى حماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية: أضحى خارج دائرة الشك أن حرية التفكير والإبداع الأدبي والفني، والاختراع والابتكار العلمي والتكنولوجي من الحريات والحقوق التي تحرص مختلف القوانين على حمايتها، لما لذلك من مردود في إثراء المعرفة الإنسانية، وتحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية حيث يتعلق الأمر في النهاية بحماية رأس المال الفكري intellectual Capital الذي لا يقل أهمية، بل زادت أهميته، اليوم على رأس المال والأصول المادية Tangible Capital للشركات ومؤسسات الأعمال

خيار المستهلك في العدول نهائي

by Dubai Police Academy

يتناول هذا البحث دراسة خيار المُستهلك في العُدول عن العقد الإلكتروني، والذي تمّ إقراره لأول مرة في سورية من خلال قانون المعاملات الإلكترونية الجديد لعام 2014، في حين أنه بقي غائباً في نصوص قانون حماية المُستهلك السوري لعام 2015. وقد حاولنا بدايةً بيان ماهيّة هذا الخيار من خلال إيجاد تعريف مناسب له وتحديد الأساس القانوني الذي يستند إليه من بين العديد من الأفكار والنظريات التي طرحها بعض الكتاب، ثمّ بيّنا شروط وظروف مُمارسة هذا الخيار من قبل المُستهلك، كما ناقشنا مدى ضرورة جعل الأحكام الخاصة بهذا الخيار من النظام العام. وبعد ذلك عرضنا آثار استعمال خيار العُدول على المُستهلك والبائع، فوضحنا بشكل رئيسي التزامات المُستهلك في رد السلعة ودفع مصاريف إرجاعها، والتزامات البائع في رد الثمن وفسخ العقود التي تم إبرامها بمناسبة العقد الذي عدل عنه المُستهلك.

البحث بعد التعديل وفقا لتوجيهات المحكمين -نطاق التزام الطبيب

by Dubai Police Academy

إزاء التطورات التكنولوجية المتواترة والطارئة على المعدات والآلات المخصصة لأعمال التشخيص والعلاج والاكتشافات المتعاقبة الناجمة عن أبحاث الطب الحيوي وما قد يترتب عنها من حوادث تلحق في الغالب أضرارا غير مألوفة بالمرضى , ونظرا لما سبق هذا المعطى الطبي من تنامي إلمام العامة بالمعطيات الأساسية المتعلقة بالعديد من جوانب النفاذ للمعلومة الطبية , كان من اللازم الانتقال بطبيعة العلاقة بين الطبيب ومريضه من الوصاية الطبية المطلقة إلى الشراكة التدرجية في اتخاذ القرار الملائم للتدخل الطبي وفقا للحالة الصحية للمريض , والتي تستوجب تبصيره بحقيقة حالته في الحال وفي المآل وما تتطلبه من تدخلات قد تحيط بها مخاطر معتبرة .فمن جهة يقتضي مبدأ معصومية الجسد أنه لا يمكن المساس بجسد الذات البشرية إلا بعد موافقتها المستنيرة , ومن جهة أخرى تتطلب ممارسة المهنة الطبية حدا أدنى من الأمان القانوني بما يكفل أخذ المبادرة وتطوير سبل التشخيص والعلاج وفقا لمسؤولية تغلب الجانب الفني للطبيب على تعهداته الإنسانية

التنظيم القانوني للدراجات المائية 16 ابريل 2017

by Dubai Police Academy

التنظيم القانوني لاستعمال الدراجات البخارية المائية (Jet-ski)

الإضـراب بين المشروعية ... والتجريـم

by Dubai Police Academy

يعاقب التشريع المصري على الإضراب في المادة (124) من قانون العقوبات، رغبة في حماية المصلحة العامة، وذلك من خلال حسن إدارة وتنظيم الأجهزة المختلفة، وضمان السير الطبيعي للإدارة العامة؛ لأن الدولة تمنح الموظف العام السلطات اللازمة لحسن سير العمل الوظيفي، وفي مقابل هذه السلطات، تفرض عليه واجبات معينة، ويحدث خرقه لها اضطرابًا فعليًا، أو حكميًا، لجهة الإدارة.

الشركة ذات المسؤولية المحدودةالنسخة النهائية بعد التعديل

by Dubai Police Academy

طبقاً لنص المادة 71 من قانون الشركات التجارية الاتحادي الشركة ذات المسؤولية المحدودة هي الشركة التي لا يقل عدد الشركاء فيها عن شريكين ولا يزيد على خمسين شريك، ولا يُسأل كل منهم إلا بقدر حصته في رأس المال.

المسؤولية القانونية عن التجارب العلاجية بالخلايا الجذعية

by Dubai Police Academy

ناقش هذا البحث كيفية توفير أقصى درجات الحماية القانونية للخاضعين للتجارب الطبية بالخلايا الجذعية والإشكالات القانونية والأخلاقية الناتجة عن هذه التجارب المستحدثة، حيث خلصت الدراسة إلى وضع إطار قانوني تمثل بجملةٍ من الضوابط القانونية التي توفر الحد الأدنى من الحماية القانونية للخاضعين لهذه التجارب وذلك موازنةً بين حرية الإبداع والتطوير في التجريب الطبي وبالجانب الآخر مراعاة الكرامة الإنسانية والأخلاقية والإسلامية للانسان الخاضع للتجربة.

انظمة النقل الذكية كمدخل للازمة المرورية بدولى الكويت

by Dubai Police Academy

مع نهاية العقد الأول من القرن الحادي والعشرين بات واضحا أن مجال النقل أصبح يشكل عنصرًا هامًا في الحياة المعاصرة، ويعد أحد المطالب الأساسية للمجتمعات بتنوع شرائحها. فلا يمكن لإنسان اليوم أن يكون في غنى عن وسائل النقل المختلفة، خاصة السيارة. ومع توسع المدن، وسرعة إيقاع الحياة بات الطلب على السيارة في تزايد مطرد، الأمر الذي أفضى إلى مشكلات مرورية تتعلق بالازدحام المروري، وما يصاحبه من حوادث مرورية، وتلوث بيئي. ولأن تلك المشكلات تمس حياة الإنسان مباشرة، فإنه من الضروري دراستها، والتصدي لها بأساليب علمية وموضوعية، مما اقتضى أن يكون للمرور علم خاص به، له من المفاهيم والأسس ما للعلوم الأخرى.

مراكز الإخصاب دراسة قانونية في تشريعات دولة الامارات

by Dubai Police Academy

بقى طموح الزوجين في الحصول على ذرية وحمل أسمهم بعد وفاتهم حلم يراود الكثيرين من الزواج الذين حرموا من هذه النعمة ، لذلك جاءت مراكز الإخصاب لتكرس كل جهودها وخبراتها لخدمة هؤلاء الازواج في تحقيق حلمهم هذا ، وطالما ان عمل هذه المراكز يمس جانب حساس من جسد الزوجين اولاً وخصوصيتهم ثانياً ، لذلك بادرت الكثير من الدلو الى تنظيم عمل هذه المراكز، ودولة الإمارات كانت من الدول السباقة في هذا المجال وأصدرت القانون رقم 11 لسنة 2008 ولائحته التنفيذية ذات الرقم 36 لسنة 2009

نظرية المحكمة الغير الملائمة - بحث الدكتور محمد الروبي

by Dubai Police Academy

نظرية المحكمة غير الملائمة La théorie du forum non conveniens / Forum non conveniens doctrine نشأت ، وتطورت ، واستقرت ، في رحاب النظم الأنجلو أمريكية ؛ وذلك بغية سد الثغرات وتلافي العيوب التي تنجم عن إعمال قواعد الاختصاص القضائي الدولي المقررة في تلك النظم .

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