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The Case of the Backward Mule

by Erle Stanley Gardner

[from the back cover] "Clane closed the bedroom door and looked at the woman. She was wearing nothing but a slip. Her blond hair was uncombed. A cigarette dangled from her lower lip. "What the hell do you want?" she spat out. What Clane wanted--and fast--was the answer to one question: Who killed Horace Farnsworth? But to get the truth he had to handle this tough babe just right. She was as touchy as a trainload of nitroglycerine. One wrong move on Clane's part and she might blow his case so high he could never find the pieces again... just out of pure, overdeveloped viciousness!"

Internationals Who Live Among Us: Doing World Missions at Home

by Neal Pirolo

"We are here. We're living among you. The reasons for which we came are diverse. Some are noble; some motives are not so pure. But we are here. What are you going to do with me? Well, not me. But the others... You see, I am one of the fortunate few who has recently found a friend in America. Oh, here he comes now. Let me introduce him to you. This is Jonathan." "Hi! Yes, I grew up in a church that emphasized missions. Speakers came from distant lands telling of the challenge to reach the lost. My heart was stirred with compassion, so I began praying for various missionaries. But circumstances of my life would not allow me to travel to those faraway places I had heard about. One day I opened my eyes to realize that God has brought the internationals of the world to the doorstep of every church in America! And now my wife and I have opened the door of our home and our hearts to an international student. We are involved! What a great pleasure! What an opportunity God has put before us. Its better than a day at the beach,I realized after my first contact with international students. My wife says it makes her feel like an ambassador with a teacup!" Christian, one of the most strategic "foreign" mission fields today is at the very doorstep of our homes. * Strategic because it is so close at hand. They have moved into our neighborhood. * Strategic because it represents the segment of our population with the most dramatic growth. * Strategic because it does not cost the "mega- bucks" of going to another country. * Strategic because it is good training for those who will go to another country. * Strategic because so little effort yields such a great harvest. * Strategic because it reaches people who are open to the Gospel. * Strategic because it is in His Word: "Do not take advantage of aliens in your land; do not wrong them. They must be treated like any other citizen: Love them as yourself..." (Leviticus 19:33-34).

Off the Grid

by Robert W. Kingett

Journalist Robert Kingett accepts a dare: one that at first seems simple... to adapt to his blindness without the Internet. This account is a cozy diary of battling with an FM radio, hooking up a landline phone and the journey of adapting to a brand new way of living from someone who has never disconnected from the World Wide Web.

I Think God Wants Me To Be A Missionary: Issues to Deal With Long Before You Say, Good-bye!

by Neal Pirolo

Prompted by the high attrition rate of missionaries who do not first "count the cost" of cross-cultural ministry, Neal Pirolo offers this book to help candidates look closely at scores of issues that should be clarified long before they say, "Good-bye." In an easy-to-read style of dialogue, four young people represent thousands of people who are making the statement: "I Think God Wants Me to be a Missionary!" "I really enjoyed writing this book," Neal happily says, now that it is written. He continues, "It was a real challenge to become twenty-five people, each with their own personality and style of talking and praying. I related most easily with Jason. He's a happy-go-lucky guy about to graduate from high school. But one day, deep in his spirit.... "Then there is Helen, a most proper young lady who has been home schooled since kindergarten. She attends a church that is very active in missions. Her concern is.... Neal continues his reflections: "Kevin, graduating from college, has his own set of challenges, not the least being the embarrassment to him, his three college friends, as well as the whole church. You see, on one Sunday he walked into church with these three men, Nigerians, with skin as black as the good church peoples' Bibles! He realized--too late--that he probably should have given the church advanced notice. But, over the next several months, a lot is going to change.... "Kyle probably had the most difficult issues. Wonderfully, there is a young lady in his church. Just when they realized that their relationship was more than "just friends," they cannot remember. But for some time now there has been an unspoken agreement that wedding bells were in their future. But, one Sunday evening...." Middletown is where we want to discover truth and live in it. We will enter the lives of these four "missionary-hopefuls." In the first four chapters each person in turn goes to his pastor with a specific issue. However, as they face the one, others arise. In Chapters Five through Seven, then, the youth and their pastors and others become involved in the dialogue as these young people deal with scores of issues that should be considered long before they say, "Good-bye."

Prepare For Battle: Basic Training in Spiritual Warfare

by Neal Pirolo

"I hate war!" Neal declares in his opening paragraph. "But my hatred for the enemy of our souls is greater than my abhorrence of war!" Making reference to over 700 Scriptures that point to victory in battle, Neal focuses on the basics, yet with significant, new insights: Spiritual Armor, Spiritual Weapons, Our Attitude Toward War, Tactics of satan, Spiritual Authority, Principles of War, and Strategies for Battlefield Living. Each chapter is followed by PRACTICAL INSIGHTS written by Yvonne from her experiences. Reader comments: "Some people deny that we are at war, yet others have convoluted ideas about it. Neither is effective in battle. The Pirolos' understanding of spiritual warfare (based on Scripture) and their own experiences (also based on Scripture) provide insightful and useful help for any Christian's life." Aimee W. "This is a practical, concise manual on spiritual warfare. It is simple to read and understand, but very well thought out and very Scripturally-based. This book is not just for pastors and missionaries, but should be in the library of every Christian." Michelle V.

The Reentry Team: Caring For Your Returning Missionaries

by Neal Pirolo

As Neal Pirolo criss-crossed the United States and several other countries conducting the Serving As Senders Seminar, it became increasingly clear to him that of the six areas of care, reentry care is the least understood. Grieved by the lack of care when a missionary returns home, he was motivated to provide the Church and missions community with this resource. The Reentry Team: Caring for Your Returning Missionaries, in Part I, Chapter 1 establishes the joint responsibility for missionary care between the Church and mission agency. Chapter 2 lays a clear five-point Scriptural pattern for a successful reentry. That is followed quickly in Chapter 3 with discussion of the "human dilemma" which makes it so difficult to follow that pattern. Part II is comprised of 70--good and not-so-good--stories written by returning missionaries. Commentary follows each story to help the reader identify with the situation, provide solutions, and then translate those solutions into help for his own returning missionary friend. Part III contains several general articles of value and a reference section. Consider what Peter Jordan, author of Re-entry; Making the Transition from Missions to Life at Home, said about the book: "THE REENTRY TEAM is a 'must read' for church leaders and laymen alike. Its practical wisdom and touchingly true-to-life stories will, without condemnation, assist the church in receiving back the ones they have sent out. The results? Healthy returnees will make enormous contributions to body life at home, the church will be blessed and built up, and world missions will go forward."

Serving as Senders Today: How to Care for Your Missionaries

by Neal Pirolo

Serving As Senders: How to Care for Your Missionaries While They are Preparing to Go, While They are on the Field and When They Return Home. The title says it all! A missionary needs care in at least six areas: Moral Support, Logistics Support, Financial Support, Prayer Support, Communication Support, and Reentry Support. This book gives scores of practical ideas in how a team can provide the necessary care for a missionary. Chapter One tells "when" and "why" a missionary needs care. Chapters Two through Seven deal with each of the six areas of care. Chapter Eight brings it back to the individual's involvement in care giving. "I strongly believe that this is one of the most significant missionary books of this decade. Unless the Church and God's people respond to its message, the work of reaching the unreached is going to be greatly hindered. Every committed sender needs to get involved in distributing this book." -- George Verwer, Operation Mobilization "This key book makes the strategic point that mobilizers--the senders--are as crucial to the cause of missions as frontline missionaries. It is a book just crammed with solid, exciting insights on the most hurting link in today's mission movement." -- Dr. Ralph Winter, U.S. Center for World Mission.

The Mystery at Star-C Ranch

by Hildegarde Hawthorne

A thrilling and joyous story has been told by Hildegarde Hawthorne in relating these new adventures of the boys and girls who already have appeared in Makeshift Farm and other books by this author. Deedah and Wendy, the girls, and Enley and Zach, the boys, and Treachy the youngest, go to visit their friend, Ralph St. Clair, on his father's big ranch in Wyoming. They are all primed for adventure and excitement which they find galore. The young people go on a long horseback trip through Yellowstone National Park, participate in a big round-up and a thrilling adventure with some cattle rustlers. The mystery in the plot will keep every reader absorbed in the story until the last chapter, while the lively and attractive boys and girls make every page enjoyable.

Gloria at Boarding School

by Lillian Garis

Gloria and Trixie head off to boarding school. When Gloria opens the trunk that she thinks is hers, she finds beaded costumes and a mysterious jewel instead. Jack, a flashy talkative girl, suddenly departs from school. Gloria saves Jack from the water and becomes her confidant. Will Gloria fit in and will the girls figure out the mystery behind the jewel?

History Remembered, Recovered, Invented

by Bernard Lewis

How we create history.


by Jerome Rothenberg

Pre-Faces is a statement of aesthetic theory by Jerome Rothenberg, a literary critic. Rothenberg discusses the goals of oral poetry and applies his theories to a selection of pieces.

The Decline of Bismarck’s European Order: Franco-Russian Relations, 1875-1890

by George F. Kennan

The Franco-Russian alliance evolved more and more steadily into a long-term military alliance, an instrument of foreign policy that Kennan deplored as too rigid and unresponsive to a changing international situation.

The Great War and Modern Memory

by Paul Fussell

Fussell writes: This book is about the British experience on the Western Front from 1914 to 1918 and some of the literary means by which it has been remembered, conventionalized, and mythologized. It is also about the literary dimensions of the trench experience itself. Indeed, if the book had a subtitle, it would be something like "An Inquiry into the Curious Literariness of Real Life." <P><P> Winner of the National Book Award

Hopalong Cassidy

by Clarence E. Mulford

Jim Meeker came down from Montana to run Texas cattle--only to find that Hoppy's Bar-20 ran the water. So when a trio of snake-mean rustlers started themselves a cattle war, the powder was primed, the guns cocked, and Hoppy was smack in the middle. it's friend against friend, brother against brother, gun against blazing gun. Time's running out, and the range is red with blood, in Clarence E. Mulford's Hopalong Cassidy.

Dice Angel

by Brian Rouff

Jimmy Delaney is on another bad roll. His ex-wife is cranky. A homeless guy keeps scaring the hell out of him. Burglars clean out all the coins from the video poker machines at his saloon, Jimmy D's. His accountant is missing-with all the bar's money. He can't get a loan because the IRS has a lien on the joint and a rogue revenue agent with a personal grudge is seizing Jimmy D's on Friday unless Delaney can come up with $50,000 in back taxes. Losing streaks in Las Vegas can be the worst in the world. And then a mysterious woman enters his life. A karma-spouting planet-charting colon-cleansing floozy -- the Dice Angel. Can Delaney save Jimmy D's with a supernaturally hot hand at the crap tables at Luxor? Or does Lady Luck bite off, chew up, and spit out another Las Vegas loser?

Change of the Heart

by Lynn Bulock

Love Inspired Christian romance set in Missouri and Tijuana, Mexico.

The Morning Notes of Adelbert Ames, Jr.

by Adelbert Ames

This volume may come as a surprising adventure of the mind even to his peers in the field of perceptual psychology. Here is a book as unusual as the innovating research it describes. The main body consists of "morning notes" - memoranda written by Ames as progressive clarifications of his thinking and investigation into the "seeming" by which human beings live and relate themselves to the fundamentally unknowable world of assumed "reality".

Fabre, Poet of Science

by Bernard Miall Georges Victor Legros

Fabre studied insects, taught about insects, and wrote prolifically about insects. His writing is beautiful and descriptive. He is author of "The Life of the Spider."

The Godfather

by Mario Puzo

Since its first publication in 1969, Mario Puzo's epic The Godfather has earned a permanent place in the American psyche and culture. In this story of family, loyalty, and the men who rule the American underworld, Puzo introduced a cast of singularly crafted characters, and offered an unforgettable look into the world of organized crime no writer has been able to duplicate since.

The Coral Reef

by Mark Norman Karen Zipkas

Second grade reading series about coral reefs.

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