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Mhataricha Gela Jiv

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli forgets his sickle in the fields. He goes and finds that the sickle was in the sun for a long time and has got the fever. The Hakim tells him to drop it in the well for some time. He does and finds that the fever is gone. He thinks that he knows the medicine for fever. He does this with an old lady but she dies. All the people in the village beat him and take him to the Hakim. There they all declare him a fool and he becomes famous.

Mothi Thap

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day king Sultan declares a lying competition. Shekh Chilli also took part in this competition. All the people one by one start speaking lie but the king was not satisfied. Shekh Chilli gets up and says that the King is a very big liar. The people and the king get angry and orders his head to be beheaded. Shekh Chilli tells them please forgive me for I have spoken a big lie. The king rewards him.

Murkhanche Anokhe Shahar

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli enter the city of fools there he had to prove that he was a fool. The Prime Minister of the city and everybody there liked him very much. One day he was in problem and was about to be executed. He somehow manages to escape from the city and make another man die in his place.

Murkhanchya Goshti

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli’s wife hunts him out for not doing any job. He comes near Taj Mahal and he hears two drunkards bargaining the price of Taj Mahal. He approaches them pretending to be drunk and says I am not ready to sell the property than how can you buy. The two drunkards regret for talking loudly.

Postat Telachi Batali

by Shekhar Shiledar

Shekh Chilli’s owner asks him to go and do a money order from the post office. Shekh Chilli sees many parcels in the office and thinks of sending an oil bottle to his wife. He gives a bottle to the postman but does not give any address. He realizes that the bottle did not reach home and he comes and inquires. The postman tells him that while in transit one stick came and hit the bottle and it broke so the bottle did not reach home.

Tel Gele Ani Tupahi Gele

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli’s mother asks him to buy oil for fifty Paise but gives him a small container. In an attempt to take the oil for fifty Paise in that small container he confuses the oil vendor and spills all the oil. His mother gets annoyed with him.

Aikave Janache

by Shekhar Shiledar

Shekh Chilli’s wife had gone to her father’s house. Shekh chilli went to bring her back. He had a very weak horse and it was not possible for the horse to carry both of them. So he himself sit on the horse and his wife was walking along. Some people criticized him for making his wife walk. Than he made her sit on the horse. The people criticized his wife. Then they both sat on the horse and the people criticized both for sitting on the weak horse. Shekh chilli gets angry and throws the horse in the river.

Bhut Ani Shekhchilli

by Shekhar Shiledar

Sheikh Chilli was doing a government job. He was taking undue advantage of his authority. One day an innocent man complained against him and Shekh Chilli was in problem. He tried to trap this man. So he cut down a tree and brought it to the man’s house and complained about him to the authorities. But there was a ghost on the tree and had no place to stay so he possesses Shekh Chilli and make him do wrong things and he loses his job. Finally, he came to know about the ghost and apologized and repented for his mistakes.

Dillit Billi

by Shekhar Shiledar

Shekh Chilli was very poor and decided to go Delhi for job. He went and asked his friend for some money. His friend did not have any money so he offered him to take his cat and sell it. Shekh Chilli sells the cat for Rupees fifty and also gets some money from a stranger. He was very clever. He takes a job at a bungalow and gets annoyed with the owner because they were very rude with him. He irritates the owner and loses the job.

Ek Bhet Kalkatta

by Shekhar Shiledar

Shekh chilli had been to Delhi, Mumbai and many other places for job. He decided to go to Calcutta. He interferes a fight between two men and gets beaten and then he goes to some offices looking for job. There the people ask him whether he knows English. He does not get any job because he did not know English. He returns home murmuring.

Ek Rupayache Dudh

by Shekhar Shiledar

Shekh Chilli never did his job properly. One day he went to the market and saw how a dairy man vending milk. He transferred the milk in a fancy way and Shekh Chilli admired it. He had a desire to buy milk from this man. One day he was told to buy milk because there were some guest in his house. Shekh Chilli did not understand how much quantity to buy. And he had to go home and ask again. While he came could buy the milk and go back the guest had already gone drinking black tea.

Hirocha Rol

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli sees a movie and decides to become a hero. He wanted to earn name, fame and a lot of money. A rich man helps him to become a hero but Shekh Chilli runs away because he could not do acting with a heroine.

Hushari Angalat Ali

by Shekhar Shiledar

Shekh Chilli was with Sultan in the jungle and Sultan gave him some work and advised him that whenever anybody gives you a job you should be able to do a double job. One day the Begum becomes sick and Shekh Chilli was told to call a doctor. Shekh Chilli gets a doctor as well as a coffin. The Sultan asks Shekh Chilli What is the coffin for? Shekh Chilli says you only had told to do a double job so I brought the coffin as well. Sultan did not know what to say.

Nava Vyapar

by Shekhar Shiledar

Shekh chilli decided to do a new business and approaches a garment vendor. There he tells him that he wants to learn business. The businessman gives him some garments to sell. He returns in loss because of a dog. The business man asks him for his loss. Shekh Chilli reaches a house where he finds the dog. He robs ornaments from there. He starts his own business and flourishes. He calls his family to stay with him. The police one day catch hold of him and put him in jail.

Raste Ithech Rahatat

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli met his father’s friend asking for a way to his father’s house. He said none of the way goes to his house but he can show the way. But he said all the ways stay here only and they do not go anywhere. Hearing this the man complimented him. He had come with a proposal for him to get married with his daughter.

Sagali Ghare Devachi

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli was in sleep and he heard some boys talking about him and saying this is Shekh Chilli’s house. He thought to himself how much famous I am. But his father was a Kazi and taught everybody to say that all their property belongs to God. So they again said this is Allah’s house and we are his people. Shekh chili becomes angry and threatens these boys and says this is my house my father has built it.

Sasurvadila Prayan

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli was invited at his in-law’s house. His mother told him not to behave foolishly. Shekh Chilli does some foolish things but he hides it from his in-laws. In the end, his in-laws praise him for driving away a ghost.

Shekhacha Pahunchar

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli was alone so he decided to go to his friend Irfan’s house. He stayed there for a long time and Irfan’s wife started worrying. She planned to go to her mother’s house leaving her husband and Shekh Chilli. When she came she found Shekh Chilli had finished all the ration at home. She pretended to have a headache and did not get up and asked for a doctor. Shekh Chilli pretended to go and fetch the doctor but instead slept under the cot. Irfan and his wife thought he is gone and she told her husband that she lied that her head is paining. Same time Shekh Chilli come out and says I also lied that I am going to the doctor.

Shekhchillicha Rag

by Shekhar Shiledar

Children made fun of Shekh Chilli so he became angry and throw one child in the well and came home. He told this to his wife. His wife runs and saves the child and there she finds a dead lamb she throws this lamb into the well. The child’s parents come looking for him. They find the lamb in the water. Shekh Chilli sees and says how come the child turned into a lamb. He never understood the mystery.

Shera Dakuchi Kaid

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli was jobless and came to a city in search of a job. He was wandering in the nighttime and police arrested him and put him in the prison. There he thought of escaping by climbing a wall. Coincidentally a thief had also planned to escape and had arranged for rope and people to help him. The thief is caught and the police think that shekh chilli has managed to keep the thief from escaping. Shekh Chilli is released from the prison.

Vay Varshe Char

by Shekhar Shiledar

One day Shekh Chilli was traveling with his parents and a ticket checker came asking for tickets. Shekh Chilli did not have his ticket and his father told that his age is three years. The ticket checker had a doubt so he asked him again. Shekh Chilli said he is four years. He tells the truth so the ticket checker allows him to travel. His father slaps him for insulting him by telling the truth. Shekh Chilly till now did not understand why his father beat him for telling the truth.

Bhala Manus

by Shivkumar Baijal

A good businessman had built a temple and was looking for a good caretaker for the temple. He had also provided with some fields and farms for the temple so that all who visited the temple should not go hungry. Many people came for the job but he was not satisfied. He sat on the terrace and observed people and found one man fit for the job. He called him tested him and appointed him to the job.

Buddhiman Vyapari

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of a brainy business man. He was into business of Multani mitti. While coming home he was traveling through a desert and had half of Multani mitti on his donkey's back and the donkey was not able to maintain the balance. The businessman told the servants to balance the weight by adding sand to the other half. Another businessman criticized this idea. The businessman said he is not a good businessman. When he reached home there was a demand for the sand from the king’s palace. He sold the sand for the price of multani mitti.

Dhan Nashibatale

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is the story of Bhola and Chatursena. Bhola was poor but a good man and helped everybody in the village but Chatursena was his opposite nobody in the village liked him. One day Bhola finds a pot of gold coins in the field and he gives it to Chatursena. Chatursena sees snakes inside the pot and becomes angry. He throws it into the house of Bhola thinking that the snakes will bite Bhola and he will die. Bhola gets all the gold coins from the pot. He becomes rich.


by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of a Brahmin family. They were struggling to make their living. One day Goddess Parvati tells her husband to bless the Brahmin. God Shankar tells her that it will not help because to be poor is their destiny. Later Parvati finds out that it is true because she gives them three wishes and they still chose to be poor.

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