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Dushkrutyach Phal

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of a poor boy Hanuman. One day the Sarpanch of the village asks him to get some things from another village. There was a man named Thakur who was jealous of him and goes and tries to rob his money on the way. But a monkey sees this and helps Hanuman. The monkey also takes the money from Thakur’s pocket and puts into Hanuman’s pocket. Thakur gets drunk and is beaten for not paying and gets punished for his bad habit.

Ishvar Krupa

by Shivkumar Baijal

A king’s minister was a devotee of God. After every incident, he uttered “God’s mercy”. The king did not like it but he kept quiet. One day the king's wife dies and he says the same thing still, the king keeps quiet. One day the King cuts his finger and he says the same thing. The king asks him to leave the kingdom and go away. One day the king was alone in the jungle and some people not knowing him think of sacrificing him but gets saved because of his cut finger. The king asks his people to bring the man back and tells him that because of his God I am saved today and starts believing God.

Jagavegale Atithya

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of a poor Brahmin Damodar and his wife. He did not allow any man to go without food when they visited him. One day God himself comes to his house and he stays with him for two days. The Brahmin stays hungry and sells his wife's hair to feed the guest. God makes Dayaram prosperous for his selfless duty towards his guests.

Kanjusich Phal

by Shivkumar Baijal

There was a poor Brahmin and he had a girl about to get married. The Brahmin did not have money so he goes and pleads to God. A stingy man hears this and approaches the Brahmin. He tells him that he is ready to give him Rupees fifty if he gives him the temple offering. The man gets only seven rupees in the offering so he becomes angry and tries to fight with God. God makes him give more fifty Rupees to the Brahmin. The stingy person scared of God gives the Brahmin money and goes away.

Khara Dagina

by Shivkumar Baijal

A king named Chakraven worked hard and make his living. Whatever tax came to his house he returned it for the welfare of the people. One day his wife demands jewelry. The king brings her jewelry from the tax of Ravana and gives her. But the queen realizes that her husband is the real jewelry and she returns the jewelry back to Ravana.

Khara Vijay

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of Sher Singh and Dayaram. Sher Singh was prideful and caused Dayaram a lot of loss. Dayaram kept on doing good to Sher Singh and changed the heart of Sher Singh. Sher Singh apologizes to Dayaram and they become friends.

Mitracha Salla

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of a farmer who was very rich but lazy. He started losing his wealth because of laziness. One day his friend advised him to go and see a flamingo on a nearby lake and he will become prosperous again. The farmer gets up early in the morning and goes to the lake. He found people stealing his grains, robbing him of milk and his servants are coming late on duty. He fixes all the problems and he became prosperous again.

Niyamacha Phayada

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of a rich man Jaat. He never worshiped God. One day a priest suggested him to meditate upon God. But this man was looking for a shortcut so he said I will eat food only after seeing the face of my neighbour. One day this act made them both very rich so they decided that they will not eat without worshiping God daily.

Pramanik Lakudtodya

by Shivkumar Baijal

A woodcutter was helped by God when his axe fell into the river. God of the forest comes and gives him a golden axe but the cutter says it is not his axe. Then he is given silver axe again the reply was the same. Then he is given his original axe. The God was happy for his truth and presents him with gold and silver axe as well. Raghu also tried to do the same thing like the woodcutter but he loses his axe and comes home empty-handed because he did not tell the truth.


by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of a thief who had done a robbery in the palace. He happens to listen to a preaching and his life changed. He heard about God and was born again. He told the king that he did not do any robbery in this life. He proved to the king that what wrong he had done was in previous life.

Sarvat Motha Papi

by Shivkumar Baijal

One intelligent Pandit got married and his wife wanted to know whether who the biggest sinner is. The Pandit Ji could not answer her question. He met with a prostitute and she explains him the answer to this question.

Shambhar Rupayat Ek Salla

by Shivkumar Baijal

One businessman takes some advice from a Pandit Ji. One advice for one hundred rupees. He took four advice for four hundred rupees. Later this advice helped him save his own life and he escapes from there as well.

Shetajila Shiksha

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of a businessman who had too much pride. He never respected day some saints were passing by and he insulted them. To teach him a lesson a saint takes the man’s form and enters his house. After this, the man encounters a lot of problems identifying himself. Later he learns the lesson and becomes a good man.

Shuddha Harikatha

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of Saint Ramdas. He had seen God many times but wanted that other people should also see him. God tells him to invite people and tell them the pure word. Saint Ramdas started sharing the word and started worshiping God.he was engrossed in his singing with closed eyes and the people slowly started going. In the end, he was left alone worshiping and God appears to him. God tells him that in true worship also God manifests himself.

Anamol Salla

by Rajesh Gupta

One day two people came for justice in the king’s palace. They had a golden flamingo and did not want to keep it for themselves. King did not know how to solve the problem and he asked the ministers to help. Many suggestions were given but the king was not satisfied. Tenali Raman gives a good advice and the problem was solved. The ministers were jealous of him still, they praised him for this suggestion.

Anubhavache Bol

by Baba Bhand

There was a large group of flamingo staying on a huge tree and an old and experienced flamingo saw a creeper growing on the tree. He warned the birds about it but they did not listen to him. One day a hunter climbed the tree with the help of the creeper and put his net and all got trapped. Finally, they take advice from the old flamingo and escape.

Babachi Jadibutti

by Rajesh Gupta

One day a body builder comes to the village and challenges everyone to wrestle with him. There was no one fit to wrestle with him and the king was angry. Tenali Raman suggested taking the challenge and everybody were scared. King also thought he will not win but still he allowed him. Tenali Raman plays such an act that the wrestler leaves the village without fighting with Tenali Raman.

Bakshisacha Khara Mankari

by Rajesh Gupta

The king had a hobby of collecting rare things and he rewarded people who brought such things. Some people were cheating the king. One day Tenali Raman expose the lie of a man who duped the king for thirty thousand coins. Actually there was an artist who was supposed to be rewarded. Tenali Raman finds out the truth and the king rewards him.

Bolanari Guha

by Baba Bhand

A lion had become old and looking for some easy prey. He comes near a cave and waits for the prey for some time. He sees nobody coming and going so he goes inside the cave. The fox had gone out returns and sees the pug mark of the lion. He senses the danger and asks the cave to speak. The lion in an attempt to answer the call alarms the fox. The fox runs away saving his life. The lion thought that the cave speaks and that’s why he answered the fox.

Gulabjamcha Uday

by Rajesh Gupta

One day a big businessman had come from Iran to visit the king. After his meals he was presented a dish of gulabjamun to eat. The man returns the dish and asks for its root. The king had no clue how the roots of gulabjamun looked like he had no answer so he asked the ministers. Tenali Raman helps him to give the answer and is rewarded for it.

Kubada Dhobi

by Rajesh Gupta

One thief had troubled the village and Tenali Raman killed him with help of another man and so he was sentenced to death by crushing his head by elephant. He escapes this punishment by replacing himself with a hunchback laundryman.


by Rajesh Gupta

The king rewarded one person every year on Holi for being a foolish that day. Every year Tenali Raman won this contest. This time the ministers make him drunk and he sleeps. Suddenly he gets up and comes to the palace late that day. The king calls him the greatest fool and also the public and he becomes the winner for the foolish person that day again.

Murkh Gayak Gadhav

by Baba Bhand

This is a story of a Donkey and a fox. They were good friends. One day while grazing in a farmer’s field donkey feels the desire to sing loudly. The fox warns him about his voice but he ignores and starts singing. The farmer gets up and beats the donkey and ties him to a heavy stone. He regrets for not listening to the fox.

Murkh Pandit

by Baba Bhand

This is a story of four friends. One among them was illiterate and other four were highly informed and had great knowledge. One of them despised this illiterate friend but later agree to take him on a journey. While in a jungle they all together put life into a pile of bones and it becomes a live lion. The illiterate boy senses the danger and climbs on a tree. The lion kills the other three and runs away.

Pahunyancha Pahunchar

by Baba Bhand

In a kingdom there were bed bugs hiding in the king’s bed. Many days the king did not notice about them. One day a mosquito comes and stings on the king’s neck and he calls for his servants and asks for searching for the intruder. The bed bugs were hiding and that day they allowed the mosquito as guest to feast on the blood of the king. The mosquito runs away but all the bugs get caught and are killed.

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