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Prasadachi Dakshina

by Rajesh Gupta

In this story Tenali Raman helps a poor and handicapped Brahman by giving him reward from the king. A minister was very jealous of him and did not allow him to approach the king. He approaches Tenali Raman and gets a reward from the king and becomes rich.

Rajguruchi Chal

by Rajesh Gupta

One day some ministers and the queen wanted Tenali Raman to be replaced with her brother. The king and queen knew that there is no match for Tenali Raman but still she forced the king to do it. Here Tenali Raman proves himself intelligent and saves himself from losing the job.

Sadhu Ani Chor

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of a man who was a robber and wanted to become a sage so that he can rob the king. He becomes a sage and later he is transformed into a good man. He gives away the thought of robbing and continues to be a sage throughout his life.

Sankatat Dhavun Yenare Char Mitra

by Baba Bhand

This is a story of four friends’ rat, deer, crow and the tortoise. They help each other to save themselves from the enemy. Here in this story the deer is trapped in the net of a hunter. The rat and the other friends save themselves from the hunter.

Sarvat Motha Punyatma

by Shivkumar Baijal

One day a priest saw a dream and in his dream God asked him to gather together. When everybody was gathered together there a miraculous letter appeared of gold and diamonds. It was written this reward is for the most generous and good person. All the famous and known people touched the letter and it changed into ordinary one. One day a man who cared for the poor entered in the temple and it was given to him. As soon as he touched it the letter started sparkling and shining and spread more light.54. Sadhu ani chor

Sarvat Mothe Praman

by Rajesh Gupta

Tenali Raman’s fellow ministers were jealous of him and accused him of taking bribe and corruption. The king explained this to Tenali Raman and asked for clarification and prove himself innocent. Tenali Raman sends a suicide note and the king declares mourning. The ministers later confess their faults. Tenali Raman was in the palace that time and was dressed as a sage. He tells the king that he is innocent and the ministers have confessed their faults.

Sashyane ladavali Yukti

by Baba Bhand

There was a Brahman who lived on alms. One day he got a lot of flour and started dreaming. In his dream he was planning how to become rich by selling this flour. While he was seeing this dream he strikes the pot in which the flour was kept and the pot breaks and all the flour gets mixed with the mud. All his wishes are now shattered.

Sevechi Sandhi

by Shivkumar Baijal

This is a story of four brothers. Three brothers did not allow Hanuman to serve Ram. Hanuman had no work so that he can serve Ram. He decides to snap his finger whenever Ram yawns. He sat watching him continuously. He was asked to sleep on the terrace and there he kept on snapping his finger. Ram yawned and his mouth did not shut so everybody started wondering. Hanuman stopped snapping his finger and his mouth closed.

Shahi Adacha Vivah

by Rajesh Gupta

One day Tenali Raman quarreled with another man and was very angry. He left the village and disappeared. Few days passed and the king felt his absence. He asked for his search and nobody found where he is. Finally, the king makes a plan and put the villagers to a task. The king finds where Tenali was hiding.


by Rajesh Gupta

There was a conflict on the border of the kingdom and some casualties took place every day. The ministers accused Tenali Raman of giving secret information to the other king. The king asks Tenali Raman to go and stay in the other kingdom. He goes there and brings a message of peace from the other king. Both the king become friends because of Tenali Raman’s good thoughts. The king understands his mistake and accepts Tenali again.

Shekhchilli Brahman

by Baba Bhand

The king of the jungle was given an animal to eat every day as decided by the animals. One day a rabbit plans and goes to the lion. He tells that another lion in the jungle had eaten the other rabbits and he takes him to show that. The rabbit takes him to the well shows him into the water. The lion did not understand and dives to catch the image. The lion dies and all the animals appreciates the work of the rabbit.

Svabhav Parivartan

by Shivkumar Baijal

One man had to give a dowry and did not have money so he tried to steal the money from a widow’s house. The widow cries to God for the theft. The man returns the money and was worried about his daughter’s marriage. The daughter’s father-in-law gets a good profit in his business and he decides not to take the dowry. This man gives away the thought of stealing and becomes a good man.


by Shivkumar Baijal

Narayan was an innocent boy and in his dream he sees heaven. He wanted to go to heaven so he collects money by doing good deeds. One day an old man had lost all his good deed money and was crying. There Narayan meets him and gives him his coins. This man was God he keeps his hands on Narayan’s eyes and he sees heaven.

Tenaliramchi Svari

by Rajesh Gupta

One day the king lost a precious diamond from his ring and a man found it. He asked that he wants to sit on Tenali Raman’s back and go round the market as his reward. The king was not happy and he tells this to Tenali Raman. Tenali Raman understands the conspiracy and saves himself from it. Tenali exposes the man behind the conspiracy and the king becomes angry on that man and suspends him.

Adhi Dyave Mag Magave

by Shankar Karhade

This is a story of a village where people did not beg. Everybody in the village was prosperous and happy. One day a devotee of God comes to this village and starts begging for food and but nobody gives him anything. He goes to the main authority’s house and begs. He gets nothing so he calls them atheist. He is told that if he cannot give anything to anybody he should not ask anything from anybody. Since then, he stops begging.

Apale Kartutva Aplya Hatat

by Shankar Karhade

One day the creator of the world came to the Earth to see how everything is going on. He finds a hungry destitute man under a tree. He tried to make him rich by writing prosperity on his head and goes away. Again he comes and finds that he is still in the same condition. He understands that a man’s destiny is in man’s hand even God cannot help him become rich if the man wants to remain poor.

Bhutachi Jhali Phajiti

by Vishal Tayade

This is the story of some young boys who were staying in a remote place in a jungle. These boys managed to drive away ghost that had taken over their village. All people were scared of them but the boys dress like them and drive them away.

Eka Phiniksachi Gosta

by Vishal Tayade

This is a story of a very poor boy Suraj. He wanted to educate himself and one day a storm had destroyed his business and he was depressed. He was worried about his future, he heard the story of Phoenix bird. How the bird restarts its new life. Suraj gets strength from this story and starts his business again.

Ganapati Dudh Pito

by Shankar Karhade

One day there was a chaos in the temple of Ganapati everybody believed that the Idol was drinking milk and many people brought milk and put it on the Idol. The Temple caretaker makes them understand that it is not correct and makes them give the milk to small children instead of the Idol.

Hatache Samarthya

by Shankar Karhade

This is a story of a beggar. He goes to a fortune-teller. He is told that whatever he touches will become gold. He did not understand the meaning. One day he meets a rich man and the man explains to him the meaning of it.

Mhatarya Hattichi Vyatha

by Vishal Tayade

This is a story of grown old elephants. A family of elephant was feeling the burden of old elephants because they were not working and were dependent upon the family. There was heavy rain and things were getting difficult to handle. The female was too much bothered about the in-laws and wanted to ask them to leave the house and stay independent. The old elephants were worried how their future would be because they had no strength to gather their own food.

Mungichi Gungi

by Vishal Tayade

This is a story of a small ant her name is Anu. She is very mischievous and troubled her mother a lot. One day she goes in the kitchen and gets stuck in a fudge made by her mother. Later all of them come and remove her from it. Anu begs for apology and takes a decision to behave properly in the house.

Mungyanchi Gosta

by Vishal Tayade

This is a story of ants. There were two communities and always fight with each other. One day a piece of rock sugar falls and they fight for it. First, they blame each other for the rock and when they come to know that it is a rock sugar they fight for acquiring it. After some time the rock sugar is taken away by someone and they wonder where it is gone.

Prani Gayab Hovu Lagale

by Vishal Tayade

One day all the animals gather together they were worried about animals being taken away by some people for their own benefit. The jungle was being cut down and the animals were about their future. This is a matter of concern and its happening all over the world and we should take care of it.


by Vishal Tayade

One day fed-up with their king the animals decide to revolt. They gather together against him and drive him away from their jungle. The king of the jungle the lion was influenced by other animals and he was not ruling with justice. The animals had no other way than to get rid of this king. They all decide to stay without a king.

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