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Showing 726 through 750 of 1,444 results

Pranyancha Whats App

by Vishal Tayade

In a large jungle, a lion was ruling. He decided to rule his kingdom like the humans did. He called a man and distributed mobiles to all the animals. They get their training and start chatting on the phone. Animals make their WhatsApp group and chatted every day. One day they get a fake message and a meeting is called immediately. They decide not to misuse the facility they are provided with. This is a strange world where you see animals using mobile phones.

Rangapeksha Antarang Mahattvache

by Shankar Karhade

This is a story of two people fighting for two colours and claiming that their colour is the best. One man comes and proves them both wrong. He asks them to put their cloth in boiling water and then put for drying. They see that the saffron colour is fading away and the green colour is also fading only the white colour remains. So he tells white is the Gods colour.

Sinhobachi Phajiti

by Vishal Tayade

There was only one animal who was not afraid of the lion. The lion together with other animals plans to attack him. The elephants were strong and fling the lion away with his trunk and all the other animals run away. The lion tells his fellows not to give this news to other animals in fear of shame. But somehow the news spread in the jungle about the defeat.

Sutaka Jhali

by Vishal Tayade

An ant was resting on a leaf and the leaf was old and about to fall. The ant did not know what to do when because of a heavy wind the leaf came from the tree. The leaf went and fell into the water and the ant was worried about how to get to the shore. Some ants along with her family rescue her and she is saved.

Tyagachi Prarthana

by Shankar Karhade

One day a man prophesies about a big earthquake and the people start praying to their Gods. There was a blind man he had never seen anything he also starts praying to God. But he prays and asks God to save all the other people even if he dies. God listens to his prayer and saves the town. People think that their prayers are answered but their prayers were selfish.


by Vishal Tayade

This is a story of small rabbits who travel little further away from their house beyond a hill. Here they meet some fireflies and liked them they make friendship with fireflies. They invite these fireflies for a birthday. They enjoy the birthday. They had never celebrated a birthday in this manner.

Varulavaracha Halla

by Vishal Tayade

Some ants had built a nice city for them to dwell. They were very happily living there and suddenly one day a snake comes and destroys their city. Some ants take the initiative to fight with the snake. The snake comes again and all the ants attack him. The snake becomes uncomfortable and runs away.

1 Nambarachi Bhutataki

by Rajiv Tambe

This is a story of Raina and the loving ghost. Raina wanted to win the prize for the musical chair and the ghost was helping her to win but Raina denied the help of the ghost. She wanted to win the game by herself. She wins in the musical chair game. Next, they were supposed to light the candles and whoever light more candles would be the winner. Raina wins both the games.

Adnyanache Phal

by Mukesh Nadan

A long time ago there was a king named Bhuwanesh. He was pious and did everything for God. One day he declared that nobody will worship God with musical instruments and sing. Anybody violating the law will be punished. One day he punished Harimitra for it. Gods were very angry with the king and punished him. Harimitra was a generous man he forgives the king and because of that, the king is spared from death.


by Mukesh Nadan

This is the story of Sandipni. He was an obedient disciple. One day at the order of his master he throws a child into a well and the other disciples accuse him. His master was happy with him for he did everything he was told. One day his master dies and blesses him to become a teacher of other great gods. Later Shri Krishna becomes his disciple.

Ganit Bhutataki

by Rajiv Tambe

Raina and her class had a difficult task of passing mathematics with one hundred percent marks in the written and oral examination. The Principal had threatened to expel students from school if they fail. Raina’s loving ghost comes and helps them all to pass the examination in a funny way.

Jasus Munna

by Vasumati Dhuru

This is a story of Munna who is around fourteen years old. He managed to bring back some important documents which were about to be stolen and taken to Geneva by a man named Count Leo. These were the important paper which China had given to Asia. Munna was escorted by Count Leon to Geneva and in the flight, he manages to remove the papers from his briefcase. Munna never thought he would become a spy someday.

Kirtanache Phal

by Mukesh Nadan

This is a story of a man who became giant because of a curse. A devout man of God helps him become normal again because of his selfless worship. The giant wanted to eat him alive but he listens to his worship and comes to his senses and tells the truth. The man of God helps him deliver from the curse.

Lakshmichi Mahanata

by Mukesh Nadan

This is the story of goddess Lakshmi and Jayeshtha. Jayeshtha is jealous because Goddess Laksmi is welcome everywhere. People welcome her because she brings prosperity and wealth into the homes of people. Both are sisters. Jayeshtha tries to defeat Lakshmi but she fails her and gains more popularity.

Nardashi Kapat

by Mukesh Nadan

Narad liked a woman her name was Maha Lakshmi and was fallen for her because she was supernatural beautiful. He wanted to look handsome so that he could marry her. He decides to take somebody else’s image. One day on a full moon Narad reaches the venue where Maha Lakshmi was supposed to garland the man she liked. She dislikes Narad and chose to marry Visnu. Narad disappointed returns.

Samudrat Bhutataki

by Rajiv Tambe

One day the school decide to organize examination on the beach. Joshi sir did not know swimming and everybody wanted him to learn. All of them go on the beach far away on a ship where there is no one. Raina’s Loving Ghost helps them enjoy their educational trip. All of them have fun including the principal.

Shrey Konala

by Vasumati Dhuru

There was a family with four sons each named after week days. One day the father goes for hunting and never returns. His wife was pregnant she delivers another boy child. His name is Pilu. One day he questions his brothers about their father. They all go looking for him in the jungle. They find him make him alive and bring him home. All the people celebrate his coming back to life. They discuss whom to give credit for his coming back. The father says Pilu is the one who remembered me and that is why I am here today.

Ti Shur Virbala

by Vasumati Dhuru

This is a story of Nima who was studying during nighttime and she catches a burglar in her house during nighttime. She holds him tight and calls her father for help but in the meantime, he escapes jumping down the gallery. All the people in the house praise her for the courage she had shown to drive the thief away.

Devacha Dharma

by Mukesh Nadan

King Anandmitra’s wife dies and he gets married to another woman. The king had two very young sons. She took care of them until she bore a son. One day she asks the step sons to leave the kingdom so that she can get her son to the throne. But the son of the queen goes away with the other step-brother and stay away from the kingdom. One day the king dies. They all return and look after the kingdom happily.

Garvache Ghar Nehanich Khali Asate

by Mukesh Nadan

This is a story of Lord Indradev. He was very proud and looked down upon other gods. One day he challenges Narad. Narad and other gods become one and teach Indradev a lesson. After this Indradev understands his mistake and humbles himself.


by Vasumati Dhuru

This is a story of Sonubai who was staying in a village where there were very few people staying. Sonubai had a wish to invite many people from the village and serve them food. It was raining very heavily and her mother tells her that who is going to come in such a bad weather. Then suddenly some people who were lost and wanted to take shelter for the night along with a newly married bridegroom and bride enters their house. All of them share their food with each other. Sonubai’s wishes are seen to be fulfilled here.


by Vasumati Dhuru

This is a story about some girls who were friends and one among them was senior. Her name was Gauri. She was little mischievous and had planned to tell a lie to Mini. She called her and told her that she wants to tell her a secret. Mini was desperate to hear it. Gauri tells her that she is adopted by her parents and this thought troubled her a lot. Mini went and asked her mother the truth and her mother scolded Gauri for doing this. Later Mini is convinced that she is not adopted.

Hadal, Samandh Ani Yamachya Redyachi Shepati

by Vasumati Dhuru

This is a story of village boys. One among them told lies to his friends about the presence of witch and other forms of spirits in the vicinity. He also takes them to a tree and tells them to draw a picture of a person on the tree and pierce a nail and that person will become sick. Coincidentally a boy becomes sick and they start believing him. Later they come to know the truth that what he was telling them was all fake.

Hakkachi Khari Kamai

by Mukesh Nadan

This is a story of a King who believed in money earned through hard work. He works for two hours and earns four coins and gives this to a poor Brahmin couple. The wife of the Brahmin throws the coin out in the field thinking that the gift given by the king is not worthy. The coins start growing into gold coins and every day they reaped from it. Later they dig and see that the tree had come out from the coins given by the king.


by Vasumati Dhuru

Jupiter is the name of a dog he was a very obedient dog and everybody liked him very much. He was a trained dog. He liked banana. One day he pounced on the man who sold banana and since that day that man never turned up. He also pounces on a teacher who was known to the family and since then the teacher also stopped coming their way.

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