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Showing 751 through 775 of 1,444 results

Laki Bhat

by Vasumati Dhuru

There was a couple named Luckybhat and Gunabai. They loved each other very much. One day the husband goes to sell a cow and get some money. While on the way he met many people who gave him advice. While coming home he exchanged his cow with horse than horse with donkey and so on. All the owners told him that his wife would shout at him. Luckybhat did not agree with them and challenged them for a bet of rupees five hundred from each person. When he reaches home he narrates the whole story and his wife encouraged him for everything what he did. The people lost the bet and Lucky won Rs. 2000 that day.


by Vasumati Dhuru

One day a family invited a celebrity to their house. They panned a menu which consisted of non-vegetarian food. When the lady came she strictly avoided the non-veg food and ate only chappati and palak soup. Everybody were disappointed for they could not give anything to the guest and the menu they had selected was not suitable for the guest. But the father encourages everybody for their hard work and teamwork.

Narayanmantracha Prabhav

by Mukesh Nadan

A great ascetic Brahmin named Aruna was staying in an ashram on the bank of Devika River. A man wanted to kill with an arrow but listening to his chanting he bows down before him and plead him to make his disciple. The chanting of the Brahmin changed this man completely and relived him from his curse.

Padri Ulivoche Mitramandal (Italiyan Bodhkatha)

by Vasumati Dhuru

One day Jesus and his disciples visit father Vulivo’s house. He invites them inside and a miracle happens there. Later he comes to know that he is Jesus Christ. He asks three wishes from him and because of that he takes many souls to heaven. On the way he is stopped by Saint Peter and denied entry to other souls. So he asks Saint Peter to take a message to Jesus Christ. He asks him that if I could accommodate so many people with you into my house because I was generous than how much more generous you are? So Jesus allows all the souls with him into heaven.

Sadacharane Kalyan

by Mukesh Nadan

This is a story of a king who had abandoned his wife and children because of their sickness. They are rescued by a Brahmin. He took care of them but a son dies and lives again miraculously. This son later gains the kingdom back from the enemies and saves his father from death. The father later comes to know that he is his own son and feels ashamed for what he had done.

Shivacha Bhakt Nandbhadra

by Mukesh Nadan

This is a story of a businessman whose name was Nandbhadra. He believed in god and trusted him for everything. There was another man who was jealous of him. Time passed and this man’s son and wife both died and he was very sad but still he worshiped god with the same faith. The jealous man questions his faith and tries to torture him. Nandbhadra goes into temple and stood for three days and night standing in one place and fasting. He sees god there and he gets his answer.

Vishnudas Ani Samrat Chol

by Mukesh Nadan

One day Vishnudas and King Chol were worshiping the Idol of Lord Vishnu. The king was not happy with Vishnudas because he did not like his way of worship. King Chol and Visnudas both worshiped for many days and wanted to see Lord Visnu personally. Lord Vishnu Visits Vishnudas and the king Chol is unhappy. He sacrifices everything he had and jumps in the fire to see the lord. Finally, he also is visited by Lord Vishnu.

Asach Ek Sachin Tendulkar

by Purushottam Dhakras

This is a story of one boy in Pune. There was a cricket match going on between two societies and on the player was supposed to bat in the fifth position and he was not there and offered to play for the team. Because of this boy, the team wins but since he was from another society the umpire objects. The umpire likes his game and gifted him with a bat and balls and blessed him to become like Legendary Sachin Tendulkar.

Bhoplyanche Vajan

by Kalpana Kulkarni

A priest tried to use Mulla to carry a heavy load of Pumpkins on his head in exchange for a few good teachings. Mulla learns that he is simply making use of him to carry a heavy load freely. Mulla breaks all the pumpkins and teaches the priest a lesson.

Bhugol Bhutataki

by Rajiv Tambe

Raina was supposed to go to her friend’s house to study geography. Her friend loving Ghost also goes with her. When they were studying the television starts automatically and her teacher Joshi sir comes out of it. They start learning about geography and all are carried on a mat to show the geographical location.

Chorahati Jamdarkhana

by Purushottam Dhakras

This is a boy named Kirit and he was very famous for his bad deeds in his colony. He always made fun of other and had the habit of stealing things of others. His parents also supported him. One day he is attacked by the colony boys and he learns a lesson. He apologizes for his mistakes.

Dayalu Mulla

by Kalpana Kulkarni

Mulla had won a lot of money and was passing through a town. He finds many families who had taken a loan from Jaffer. They were all homeless and were about to be sold as slaves in the market. Mulla offers them help by paying off their debts. The people there praise him and were thankful for his gift and generosity.

Ekahi Shabda Na Bolata

by Purushottam Dhakras

This is a story of a boy Battu. He was from a poor family. One day he decided to steal two new born babies from the nest of an eagle and sell it to the businessman for Rupees two hundred. He climbs the tree but the eagle attacks him and he gets injured. His mother had already warned him of the consequences. Battu’s mother wanted him to go to school again. But Battu was quiet.


by Purushottam Dhakras

One boy was named Butkuram because he was short. He was good in aiming at other objects with pebbles. One day he tried to hit a monkey on a tree but the monkey takes his stone and hits another man passing by. The man scolds Butkuram and blames him for the incident. Butkuram’s father supports Butkuram. Later they compromise and start giggling.

Jangalat Bhutataki

by Rajiv Tambe

In this story children and teacher decide to go for an outing in the jungle. There they forget to take a match box. Children see a tiger in the woods nearby and are scared. Raina had already called for the Loving Ghost. He comes and automatically the fire is lit. Food is made ready. Papads are roasted and the wild animals go away seeing the fire. They all see three moon giving light in the jungle.

Jhopet Chalanara Mulaga

by Purushottam Dhakras

This is a story of a small boy who had the habit of walking in sleep. His parents were worried about him because he fell in a well one day. They were about to send him to Delhi for treatment and this boy was also happy because he wanted to see Delhi. This boy was wondering how it happens with him. A maid who was newly employed at their place tells them how to solve this problem and the family gets relief from this.

Jhumbararavancha Kardankal

by Purushottam Dhakras

On a huge tree there were many birds and among them was an eagle. All were scared of the eagle. Zumbarrao was having chickens and the eagle started to eat them one by one. Zumbarrao brings his gun to kill the eagle but the eagle saves this man from a snake by killing it. Zumbarrao was very happy for it and starts guarding the eagle instead of killing it.

Jivant Chitra

by Rajiv Tambe

Raina was selected for an essay competition and was supposed to go to Delhi. She goes there and finds that by mistake her name is in the painting competition. She is confused and worried. She calls her loving friend Ghost and he helps her paint live pictures. Everybody there in the hall are confused and mesmerized. Raina wins and is seen on the television and becomes famous.

Kababacha Sugandh

by Kalpana Kulkarni

One day a beggar went and put his bread on the kababs to make it warm. But the restaurant owner started claiming money from this beggar for stealing the aroma of the kababs. Mulla Naseeruddin interferes and gets the matter solved where the beggar gets justice and he is freed.

Kav Kav Nahi - Kuhu Kuhu

by Purushottam Dhakras

This is a story of a crow couple who find that a newborn chick is little different from others and they liked it. They decide to take care of it and keep it for themselves. A quail comes and makes sound and this small bird responds to it. The crows are alert and worried that this bird will be taken away by the quail. So they try to drive away the quail. But one day in the morning the quail manage to take away the bird and the crows fight with her asking her to leave the area.

Mulla Nasiruddin

by Kalpana Kulkarni

This is a story of Mulla Nassiruddin. He wanted to visit his hometown so he comes to his country. He is asked to pay tax for entering the border. He is left with no money. Mulla manages to sell the horse of the gate keeper to a rich man. He gets some money but the guards of the rich man catch him and wanted to take him to their owner. Mulla Nassiruddin convince the guard to divide the money among themselves. And now Mulla has some money for his food.

Mullache Kisse

by Kalpana Kulkarni

Mulla was famous for his stories abroad and in his country. One day he went took shelter in a town hall. There were many merchants gathering for business. Tired Mulla was to sleep in a corner and he heard some laborers talking about his own stories. Hearing about him he lost his sleep and got attracted to hear what they are talking.

Mullachi Mothi Svapne

by Kalpana Kulkarni

Mulla had won a lot of money and was traveling on his donkey. While going, he was dreaming about making a good business and keeping servants for him. He was happy that he won so much money and was engrossed in his dream. The donkey was aware of his master’s habit and takes a wrong way and both fall down.

Mullachi Pratidnya

by Kalpana Kulkarni

After distributing all the money he had to the people Mulla was very disturbed. On the way, he takes a pledge that he will punish Jaffer for cheating people and making them homeless and selling them as slaves. While on the way pictures of all the destitute people were flashing on his mind and he could not bear it.

Padatya Phalachi Adnya

by Purushottam Dhakras

There was a couple and the husband brought a dog for them and named him Shirpa. This dog loved his owner very much. One day a cat comes to their house and the dog becomes jealous of her. The lady liked the cat and scolded the dog. The dog was now worried and was unhappy. One day the cat drinks the milk in the house and the lady becomes very angry and asks the dog to drive away the cat. The dog becomes very happy and immediately drives away the cat.

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