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Showing 151 through 175 of 363 results

Economic Normalization With Cuba: A Roadmap For Us Policymakers

by Gary Clyde Hufbauer Barbara Kotschwar

Gary Clyde Hufbauer, Reginald Jones Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics since 1992, was the Maurice Creenberg Chair and Director of Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations [1996-98), the Marcus Wallenberg Professor of International Finance Diplomacy at Georgetown University (1985-92), senior fellow at the Institute (1981-85), deputy director of the International Law Institute at Georgetown University 0979-81), deputy assistant secretary for international trade and investment policy of the US Treasury (1977-79), and director of the international tax staff at the Treasury (1974-76). Among his numerous coauthored books are Local Content Requirements: A Global Problem (2013), The United States Should Establish Permanent Normal Trade Relations with Russia (2012), Figuring Out the Doha Round [2010], and Economic Sanctions Reconsidered, 3rd edition (2007). Book jacket.

Averroes on Plato's "Republic"

by Averroes Ralph Lerner

"In one fashion or another, the question with which this introduction begins is a question for every serious reader of Plato's Republic: Of what use is this philosophy to me? Averroes clearly finds that the Republic speaks to his own time and to his own situation. . . . Perhaps the greatest use he makes of the Republic is to understand better the shari'a itself. . . . It is fair to say that in deciding to paraphrase the Republic, Averroes is asserting that his world--the world defined and governed by the Koran--can profit from Plato's instruction."--from Ralph Lerner's IntroductionAn indispensable primary source in medieval political philosophy is presented here in a fully annotated translation of the celebrated discussion of the Republic by the twelfth-century Andalusian Muslim philosopher, Abu'l-Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Rushd, also know by his his Latinized name, Averroes. This work played a major role in both the transmission and the adaptation of the Platonic tradition in the West. In a closely argued critical introduction, Ralph Lerner addresses several of the most important problems raised by the work.

Smart People Don't Diet: How the Latest Science Can Help You Lose Weight Permanently

by Markey

Forget the fad diets: an associate professor of psychology (Rutgers) offers a science-based approach to healthy eating and weight management (backed by research from scientists, doctors, nutritionists, and psychologists).

الفهرس الموضوعي لمجلة مجمع اللغة العربية

by A

فهرس مفيد جدا يجمع الابحاث المنشورة بمجلة مجمع اللغة العربية ويرتبها و يصنفها لسهولة الوصول لكافة الابحاث و معرفة مواضيعها

A Just and Generous Nation: Abraham Lincoln and the Fight for American Opportunity

by Harold Holzer Norton Garfinkle

In A Just and Generous Nation, the eminent historian Harold Holzer and the noted economist Norton Garfinkle present a groundbreaking new account of the beliefs that inspired our sixteenth president to go to war when the Southern states seceded from the Union. Rather than a commitment to eradicating slavery or a defense of the Union, they argue, Lincoln’s guiding principle was the defense of equal economic opportunity. Lincoln firmly believed that the government’s primary role was to ensure that all Americans had the opportunity to better their station in life. As president, he worked tirelessly to enshrine this ideal within the federal government. He funded railroads and canals, supported education, and, most importantly, issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which opened the door for former slaves to join white Americans in striving for self-improvement. In our own age of unprecedented inequality, A Just and Generous Nation reestablishes Lincoln’s legacy as the protector not just of personal freedom but of the American dream itself.

The Gates of Europe

by Plokhy

Ukraine is currently embroiled in a tense battle with Russia to preserve its economic and political independence. But today’s conflict is only the latest in a long history of battles over Ukraine’s existence as a sovereign nation. As award-winning historian Serhii Plokhy argues in The Gates of Europe, we must examine Ukraine’s past in order to understand its fraught present and likely future. Situated between Europe, Russia, and the Asian East, Ukraine was shaped by the empires that have used it as a strategic gateway between East and West—from the Romans and Ottomans to the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, all have engaged in global fights for supremacy on Ukrainian soil. Each invading army left a lasting mark on the landscape and on the population, making modern Ukraine an amalgam of competing cultures. Authoritative and vividly written, The Gates of Europe will be the definitive history of Ukraine for years to come.

The Gates of Europe

by Plokhy

Ukraine is currently embroiled in a tense battle with Russia to preserve its economic and political independence. But today’s conflict is only the latest in a long history of battles over Ukraine’s existence as a sovereign nation. As award-winning historian Serhii Plokhy argues in The Gates of Europe, we must examine Ukraine’s past in order to understand its fraught present and likely future. Situated between Europe, Russia, and the Asian East, Ukraine was shaped by the empires that have used it as a strategic gateway between East and West—from the Romans and Ottomans to the Third Reich and the Soviet Union, all have engaged in global fights for supremacy on Ukrainian soil. Each invading army left a lasting mark on the landscape and on the population, making modern Ukraine an amalgam of competing cultures. Authoritative and vividly written, The Gates of Europe will be the definitive history of Ukraine for years to come.

The Wise King: A Christian Prince, Muslim Spain, and the Birth of the Renaissance

by Simon R. Doubleday

"If I had been present at the Creation,” the thirteenth-century Spanish philosopher-king Alfonso X is said to have stated, "Many faults in the universe would have been avoided. ” Known as El Sabio, "the Wise,” Alfonso was renowned by friends and enemies alike for his sparkling intellect and extraordinary cultural achievements. In The Wise King, celebrated historian Simon R. Doubleday traces the story of the king’s life and times, leading us deep into his emotional world and showing how his intense admiration for Spain’s rich Islamic culture paved the way for the European Renaissance. In 1252, when Alfonso replaced his more militaristic father on the throne of Castile and León, the battle to reconquer Muslim territory on the Iberian Peninsula was raging fiercely. But even as he led his Christian soldiers onto the battlefield, Alfonso was seduced by the glories of Muslim Spain. His engagement with the Arabic-speaking culture of the South shaped his pursuit of astronomy, for which he was famed for centuries, and his profoundly humane vision of the world, which Dante, Petrarch, and later Italian humanists would inherit. A composer of lyric verses, and patron of works on board games, hunting, and the properties of stones, Alfonso is best known today for his Cantigas de Santa María (Songs of Holy Mary), which offer a remarkable window onto his world. His ongoing struggles as a king and as a man were distilled--in art, music, literature, and architecture--into something sublime that speaks to us powerfully across the centuries. An intimate biography of the Spanish ruler in whom two cultures converged, The Wise King introduces readers to a Renaissance man before his time, whose creative energy in the face of personal turmoil and existential threats to his kingdom would transform the course of Western history.

Destruction Was My Beatrice: Dada and the Unmaking of the Twentieth Century

by Jed Rasula

In 1916, as World War I raged around them, a group of bohemians gathered at a small nightclub in Zurich, Switzerland for a series of bizarre performances. Three readers simultaneously recited a poem in three languages; a monocle-wearing teenager performed a spell from New Zealand; another young man flung bits of papier-mâché into the air and glued them into place where they landed. One of these artists called the sessions "both buffoonery and a requiem mass. ” Soon they would be known by a more evocative name: Dada. In Destruction Was My Beatrice, modernist scholar Jed Rasula presents the first narrative history of the emergence, decline, and legacy of Dada, showing how this strange artistic phenomenon spread across Europe and then the world in the wake of the Great War, fundamentally reshaping modern culture in ways we’re still struggling to understand today.

The Law of the Land: A Grand Tour of Our Constitutional Republic

by Akhil Reed Amar

From Kennebunkport to Kauai, from the Rio Grande to the Northern Rockies, ours is a vast republic. While we may be united under one Constitution, separate and distinct states remain, each with its own constitution and culture. Geographic idiosyncrasies add more than just local character. Regional understandings of law and justice have shaped and reshaped our nation throughout history. America’s Constitution, our founding and unifying document, looks slightly different in California than it does in Kansas. In The Law of the Land, renowned legal scholar Akhil Reed Amar illustrates how geography, federalism, and regionalism have influenced some of the biggest questions in American constitutional law. Writing about Illinois, "the land of Lincoln,” Amar shows how our sixteenth president’s ideas about secession were influenced by his Midwestern upbringing and outlook. All of today’s Supreme Court justices, Amar notes, learned their law in the Northeast, and New Yorkers of various sorts dominate the judiciary as never before. The curious Bush v. Gore decision, Amar insists, must be assessed with careful attention to Florida law and the Florida Constitution. The second amendment appears in a particularly interesting light, he argues, when viewed from the perspective of Rocky Mountain cowboys and cowgirls. Propelled by Amar’s distinctively smart, lucid, and engaging prose, these essays allow general readers to see the historical roots of, and contemporary solutions to, many important constitutional questions. The Law of the Land illuminates our nation’s history and politics, and shows how America’s various local parts fit together to form a grand federal framework.

Lactivism: How Feminists and Fundamentalists, Hippies and Yuppies, and Physicians and Politicians Made Breastfeeding Big Business and Bad Policy

by Courtney Jung

Is breast really best? Breastfeeding is widely assumed to be the healthiest choice, yet growing evidence suggests that its benefits have been greatly exaggerated. New moms are pressured by doctors, health officials, and friends to avoid the bottle at all costs--often at the expense of their jobs, their pocketbooks, and their well-being. In Lactivism, political scientist Courtney Jung offers the most deeply researched and far-reaching critique of breastfeeding advocacy to date. Drawing on her own experience as a devoted mother who breastfed her two children and her expertise as a social scientist, Jung investigates the benefits of breastfeeding and asks why so many people across the political spectrum are passionately invested in promoting it, even as its health benefits have been persuasively challenged. What emerges is an eye-opening story about class and race in America, the big business of breastfeeding, and the fraught politics of contemporary motherhood.

Washington: A History of Our National City

by Tom Lewis

On January 24, 1791, President George Washington chose the site for the young nation’s capital: ten miles square, it stretched from the highest point of navigation on the Potomac River, and encompassed the ports of Georgetown and Alexandria. From the moment the federal government moved to the District of Columbia in December 1800, Washington has been central to American identity and life. Shaped by politics and intrigue, poverty and largess, contradictions and compromises, Washington has been, from its beginnings, the stage on which our national dramas have played out. In Washington, the historian Tom Lewis paints a sweeping portrait of the capital city whose internal conflicts and promise have mirrored those of America writ large. Breathing life into the men and women who struggled to help the city realize its full potential, he introduces us to the mercurial French artist who created an ornate plan for the city “en grande”; members of the nearly forgotten anti-Catholic political party who halted construction of the Washington monument for a quarter century; and the cadre of congressmen who maintained segregation and blocked the city’s progress for decades. In the twentieth century Washington’s Mall and streets would witness a Ku Klux Klan march, the violent end to the encampment of World War I “Bonus Army” veterans, the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, and the painful rebuilding of the city in the wake of Martin Luther King, Jr. ’s assassination. “It is our national center,” Frederick Douglass once said of Washington, DC; “it belongs to us, and whether it is mean or majestic, whether arrayed in glory or covered in shame, we cannot but share its character and its destiny. ” Interweaving the story of the city’s physical transformation with a nuanced account of its political, economic, and social evolution, Lewis tells the powerful history of Washington, DC—the site of our nation’s highest ideals and some of our deepest failures.

The Collapse: The Accidental Opening of the Berlin Wall

by Mary Elise Sarotte

The Berlin Wall was erected in 1961 to end all traffic between the city’s two halves: the democratic west and the communist east. The iconic symbol of a divided Europe, the Wall became a focus of western political pressure on East Germany; as Ronald Reagan’s famously said in a 1987 speech in Berlin, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” But as award-winning historian Mary Sarotte shows in [Title TK] , the opening of the Wall on November 9, 1989 was not, as is commonly believed, the East German government’s deliberate concession to outside influence. It was an accident. A carelessly worded memo written by mid-level bureaucrats, a bumbling press conference given by an inept member of the East German Politburo, the negligence of government leaders, the bravery of ordinary people in East and West Berlin--these combined to bring about the end of nearly forty years of oppression, fear, and enmity in divided Berlin. When the news broke, Washington and Moscow could only stand by and watch as Tom Brokaw and other journalists narrated the televised broadcast of this critical moment in the thawing of the cold war. Sarotte opens her story in the months leading up to that fateful day. Following East German dissidents, she shows how their efforts coalesced around opposition to the regime’s restrictions on foreign travel. The city of Leipzig, close to the border with Czechoslovakia, became a hothouse of activism, and protests there quickly grew into massive demonstrations. The East German Politburo hoped to limit its citizens’ knowledge of these marches, but two daring dissidents, East Berliners Aram Radomski and Siegbert Schefke, managed to evade the Stasi and film the largest of them from a church tower. They then smuggled their tape to West Germany; broadcast in both nations, the footage galvanized activists across East Germany, and precipitated the stunning developments on November 9. Facing mounting pressure from its own citizens, the East German Politburo planned to put off enacting any meaningful change to its travel policy by issuing a deceptive ruling that would appear to offer more freedom, but which in fact would allow the state to maintain strict control over its citizen’s movements. But the bureaucrats tasked with preparing the "new” regulations misunderstood their task, and instead drafted a declaration that said East Germans could freely leave the country. This declaration ended up in the hands of regime spokesman Günter Schabowski, who announced the rules at a press conference without understanding their import. Stunned reporters were soon broadcasting the news around the world. Crowds of East Germans began streaming to the Wall, prompting a showdown with border guards, who received no support or direction from East German leadership as the throngs multiplied. By 11:30, Harald Jäger, a second-tier passport control officer, had had enough and finally opened the wall to the mob gathering outside his gate. Even though East German forces successfully regained control by the morning, it was too late--for the wall, for the regime, and for Communism in Eastern Europe. Drawing on evidence from archives in multiple countries and languages, along with dozens of interviews with key actors, including Harald Jäger, [Title TK] is the definitive account of the event that brought down the East German Politburo and came to represent the final collapse of the Cold War order.

Massacre: The Life and Death of the Paris Commune

by John Merriman

The Paris Commune lasted for only 64 days in 1871, but during that short time it gave rise to some of the grandest political dreams of the nineteenth century—before culminating in horrific violence. Following the disastrous French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, hungry and politically disenchanted Parisians took up arms against their government in the name of a more just society. They expelled loyalists and soldiers and erected barricades in the streets. In Massacre, John Merriman introduces a cast of inimitable Communards—from les pétroleuses (female incendiaries) to the painter Gustave Courbet—whose idealism fueled a revolution. And he vividly recreates the Commune’s chaotic and bloody end when 30,000 troops stormed the city, burning half of Paris and executing captured Communards en masse. A stirring evocation of the spring when Paris was ablaze with cannon fire and its citizens were their own masters, Massacre reveals how the indomitable spirit of the Commune shook the very foundations of Europe.

بطل القراءة

by رَايْتْشِلْ ڤايْلْ

كتاب عن القراءة وصعوبات القراءة والإنجاز في القراءة. تيرا كان يجد صعوبة في القراءة وكانت معلمته على علم بذلك. كلما حان وقت القراءة كان تيرا يجد ما يشتت انتباهه إما داخل الصف أو خارجه, فكل ما كان يدور حول تيرا كان يبدو ممتعاً أكثر من القراءة. تعاملت المعلمة مع مشكلة تيرا بصبر وقدمت له طريقة التهجي بأسلوب بسيط وممتع, ثم ساعدته في قراءة كلمة واحدة بشكل صحيح (كلمة "سمينة"). شعر تيرا بالفخر لإنجازه وأخبر أمه والتي اشترت له كتاباً يحتوي على كلمة "سمينة" أيضاً. يومها ذهب تيرا مع أمه إلى صالة تجميل اليدين والأظافر بعد أن اشترت له كتاباً. حاول تيرا القراءة فوجد أن تهجي الحروف ثم جمع أصواتها في كلمة يساعده على قراءة ذاك الكتاب السهل. هذا الإنجاز أشعره بالفرح الشديد. ففي المساء قام بأخذ كل كتبه إلى السرير. كانت أمه أيضاً مسرورة للغاية. لكنها أخبرته بأنه ليس في مقدوره قراءة كل الكتب في ليلة واحدة, ثم شجعته على البدء في القراءة واستمرا في القراءة سوياً حتى ساعة متأخرة من الليل.

مشكلة النمر

by ديان غون

قصة خيالية عن نمر عاش بسلام مع صديقه في شقة إلى أن بيعت العمارة لرجل لا يحب النمور, حيث طالب المالك الجديد وعدد من الجيران الآخرين بمغادرة النمر العمارة. ولكن يأتي اليوم الذي يرى فيه النمر لصاً يحاول سرقة ممتلكات المالك الجديد للعمارة وكلبه الذي يحب, فيقفز النمر على اللص وينقذ الموقف. ومنذ ذلك الحين بدأ الجميع يعاملون النمر كبطل ورحبوا ببقائه في العمارة.

ثلاث حكايات

by ماريان دوبيك

كتاب يقدم 3 حكايات من التراث الشعبي العالمي. إحدى الحكايات تتحدث عن حيلة ودهاء الثعلب واستخدامه للحيل كآلية للبقاء. فالثعلب في هذه الحكاية يخدع الغراب ليحصل على قطعة الجبن التي كان يمسك بها الغراب بمنقاره. أما الحكاية الثانية فتروي كيف أن ثعلباً جائعاً لم يستطع الوصول إلى العنب وبدلاً من أن يعترف بأنه لم يصل للعنب قال بأن العنب حامض. الحكاية الثالثة تروي كيف أن كلباً طماعاً ومغروراً ينتهي به المطاف إلى خسارة وجبته بأن أسقط عظمته في الماء بعد أن أراد أن يستولي على ما كان يعتقد بأنه عظمة ثانية ولم يكن سوى انعكاس صورته مع عظمته على صفحة الماء.

الدجاجة الصغيرة الحمراء

by لوسِنْدا ماككْوين

قصة عن دجاجة صغيرة نشيطة تعيش مع حيوانات أخرى ليست بنفس نشاطها. فالدجاجة تقوم بكل الأعمال وكلما طلبت المساعدة من اصدقائها, القط والكلب والإوزة, فإنهم يرفضون ذلك. عندما وجدت الدجاجة حبات قمح في الطريق بدأت تطلب المساعدة من أصدقائها, لكن لم يساعدها منهم أحد. وحدث نفس الشيء عندما طلبت منهم مساعدتها في الاهتمام بالنبتات وحصادها وطحنها ثم خبز رغيف من الخبز منها. عندما أصبح رغيف الخبز جاهزاً, يأتون كلهم للأكل. لكن الدجاجة الصغيرة تذكرهم بأنهم لم يفعلوا شيئاً لمساعدتها خلال مراحل الزراعة والحصاد والطحن والعجين والخبز, وبالتالي فإنهم لن يساعدوها الآن في أكل الرغيف.

أشرقي يا شمس

by كارول عْرين

مع انبلاج الفجر تنتظر الفتاة الصغيرة بزوغ الشمس لتبدأ يومها. وأخيراً تظهر الشمس وتقفز الفتاة فرحة لتحتفي بضوء الشمس ودفئها. تتحدث الفتاة عن أثر الشمس على الكون, فهي تجعل الأزهار تنمو, والطيور تغرد, والفراشات ترفرف, والفتاة نفسها تبتهج. فجأة تختبئ الشمس وراء غيمة مما يحير الفتاة الصغيرة فتتساءل أين ذهبت. وحين تعود الشمس تعود البهجة للفتاة. لكن حين اشتدت حرارة الشمس شعرت الفتاة بلسعتها وحملت مظلتها لتحمي نفسها.

الشغل، الشغل! لا ينتهي، أو يكتمل

by رٍجينا بروكس

يستمتع الأطفال باللعب وتمضية أوقاتهم في المتنزهات والحدائق. لكنهم يضطرون أحياناً للقيام ببعض الأعمال المنزلية قبل تمكنهم من الذهاب إلى المتنزه. وعلى الرغم من أن القيام بهذه الأعمال ليس بمتعة اللعب أو الذهاب إلى المتنزه, إلا أن الأطفال يحتاجون لاستيعاب فكرة أن هذه الأعمال يجب أن تتم على أية حال, وأن إنجازها قد يكون شرطاً للحصول على وقت للعب. فالكتاب يروي قصة طفلة وعدتها أمها أن تأخذها للمتنزه في عطلة نهاية الأسبوع, ولكن ليس قبل أن تنتهي من إنجاز بعض الأعمال لمساعدة أمها في البيت. تقوم الطفلة بالأعمال الصغيرة المختلفة وهي تتذمر من هذا الشغل الذي لا ينتهي, بينما تحاول الأم جعلها تفكر بطريقة إيجابية وأن تتذكر بأنها ستذهب للمتنزه حال الانتهاء من هذه الأعمال. وحين تنتهي الطفلة من شغل المنزل, تأتي إليها الأم مرة أخرى لتريها بأن عملها في البيت كان جميلاً, وبأنها استحقت نجمة عن كل عمل قامت به.

تزعجني الإصابة بالمرض

by أَمير لي بيرميس

يصاب الطفل بالمرض, فيبدأ بالتذمر من كل الأشياء التي يعاني منها نتيجة مرضه: فهو لا يذهب المدرسة, ولا يجد مذاقاً للطعام, ويعاني من الصداع والحمى والسعال والطعم السيء للدواء. ولكن وجود والده لمساعدته وإعطائه الدواء والغذاء, والأهم من هذا أنه يقرأ له الكتب, يخفف عنه كثيراً. هذا الكتاب يبدأ بالإقرار بالضعف الذي يتسم به الأطفال في هذه المرحلة وخاصة عند مرضهم, ويفصل جميع مظاهر هذا الضعف, ثم ينتقل لتوضيح أن وجود أشخاص يهتمون لأمرنا يخفف عنا هذه الأعراض وسرعان ما نصبح أقوى.

السيف في الصخرة

by غريس مكاروني

كتاب من التراث الأوروبي يحكي قصة الأسطورة المعروفة لكيف أصبح الملك آرثر ملكاً وهو في عمر صغير. يقدم الكتاب هذه القصة والأسطورة بطريقة سهلة وشيقة تثير انتباه الأطفال واهتمامهم. ففي التفاصيل, استخدم الكتاب صفات شيقة لوصف أشخاص القصة بدلاً من تسميتهم بالاسم والتاريخ, فاستخدم صفات "الرجل السمين الطويل", و"الرجل القصير النحيل", و"الرجل الطويل النحيل", و"الرجل القصير السمين", وكلهم يتنافسون على من يصير ملكاً. ولأنه لم يكن هناك من طريقة ذكية لاتخاذ القرار حول من يصبح ملكاً, فقد اندلعت حرب بين أنصار المرشحين. عندها تم استشارة رجل حكيم والذي بدوره أحالهم على صخرة بداخل صخرة قائلاً بأن من يتمكن من استخراج السيف من تلك الصخرة الداخلية يتوج ملكاً. لكن أياً من المرشحين الأربعة لم يتمكن من سحب السيف, وبالتالي عاد الجميع إلى التقاتل مرة أخرى. بالصدفة كان طفل يدعى آرثر يبحث عن السيف لرجل عجوز طلب منه ذلك, فسحب ذلك السيف من الصخرة. وكانت المفاجأة بأن السيف انسحب من الصخرة بكل سهولة. وهكذا صار الطفل آرثر ملكاً عظيماً.

كريم واللاعبون الصغار

by كْلاوْديو مارزوللو

كتاب حول المثابرة في التعلم ودور الأسرة والأصدقاء في تشجيع الطفل على المحاولة وتكرار المحاولة حتى يتحقق النجاح. فالقصة تبرز كيف أن الطفل "كريم" ليس لديه أي اهتمام بكرة القدم بسبب اعتقاده بأنه لا يملك أي مهارة في لعبها. لكن الجميع يشجعونه على المحاولة. وبالرغم من أنه لا ينجح في البداية ويبدي رغبته القوية في التوقف عن المحاولة, إلا أن والده وأصدقائه يستمرون في حثه على المحاولة. وأخيراً يحصل كريم على فرصة لتسديد ركلة لم يكن واثقاً من أنها ستكون جيدة, لكنها طارت فوق الجميع ودخلت في المرمى مسجلة هدفاً لفريق كريم, مما جعل الجميع يصفق له.

القطة والطائر الذي في القبعة

by نورمان بردول

كتاب عن التعايش والتعاون وحل المشكلات. يجد القط ضعيف البصر قبعة, لكنه ما ان يلبسها حتى يجد بأن طائراً يعيش داخلها. وبعد أن يختلفا حول من المالك الحقيقي لها, تقترح فتاة عليهم بأن يتقاسماها بحيث يعيش الطائر في قمتها بينما يرتدي القط قاعدتها. ولكن حتى عندما فعلا ذلك, فإنهما لم يشعرا بالسعادة, فقد كانا دائمي الاختلاف والخلاف بسبب اختلاف طبائعهما واتجاهاتهما نحو الحياة. وفيما بعد, حين أحدقت بهما الأخطار وجدا بأن اختلافاتهما تحولت إلى مصدر قوة. فالطائر رأى الكلب يقترب منهما بسبب قدرته على الرؤية بشكل أفضل من القط وبسبب كونه يعيش أعلى القبعة ويمكنه الرؤية لمسافة أكبر. كما تمكن من إنقاذ القط بأن قاده إلى شجرة, فبدون الطائر ما كان للقط أن يجد طريقه للشجرة. وفي المقابل وجد القط طعاماً لكليهما باستخدام حاسة شمه القوية. وعندما وجد كل منهما بأن بإمكانهما الاعتماد على اختلافاتهما في تحقيق حياة أفضل لكيهما, عوضاً عن التركيز على الاختلافات كمصادر للخلافات والصراعات, فإنهما عاشا في سعادة طوال السنة.

أنا شهم

by ديفد باركر

كتاب يعلم الأطفال كيف يصبحون قادة عن طريق المبادرة والتعاون مع الآخرين. يقدم الكتاب سلسلة تساؤلات كلها تدور حول الإخلاص في العمل ومراعاة الآخرين والتفكير في مشاعرهم واحتياجاتهم. ويشجع الكتاب الطفل على التأمل في أي مواقف قام هو بنفسه فيها بمساعدة الآخرين أو التفكير في معاناتهم أو إعطائهم الأولوية, والتعامل معها على أساس أنها أدلة وعلامات على قياديته. ثم ينتهي الكتاب بطلب للأطفال بسرد ثلاثة أمثلة قاموا بها وجعلت منهم قادة. وهنا يتوقع أن يقوم الطفل بتسمية أشياء لها علاقة بنشاط الطفل وتعاونه مع الآخرين.

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