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Showing 51 through 75 of 363 results

The Wise King: A Christian Prince, Muslim Spain, and the Birth of the Renaissance

by Simon R. Doubleday

"If I had been present at the Creation,” the thirteenth-century Spanish philosopher-king Alfonso X is said to have stated, "Many faults in the universe would have been avoided. ” Known as El Sabio, "the Wise,” Alfonso was renowned by friends and enemies alike for his sparkling intellect and extraordinary cultural achievements. In The Wise King, celebrated historian Simon R. Doubleday traces the story of the king’s life and times, leading us deep into his emotional world and showing how his intense admiration for Spain’s rich Islamic culture paved the way for the European Renaissance. In 1252, when Alfonso replaced his more militaristic father on the throne of Castile and León, the battle to reconquer Muslim territory on the Iberian Peninsula was raging fiercely. But even as he led his Christian soldiers onto the battlefield, Alfonso was seduced by the glories of Muslim Spain. His engagement with the Arabic-speaking culture of the South shaped his pursuit of astronomy, for which he was famed for centuries, and his profoundly humane vision of the world, which Dante, Petrarch, and later Italian humanists would inherit. A composer of lyric verses, and patron of works on board games, hunting, and the properties of stones, Alfonso is best known today for his Cantigas de Santa María (Songs of Holy Mary), which offer a remarkable window onto his world. His ongoing struggles as a king and as a man were distilled--in art, music, literature, and architecture--into something sublime that speaks to us powerfully across the centuries. An intimate biography of the Spanish ruler in whom two cultures converged, The Wise King introduces readers to a Renaissance man before his time, whose creative energy in the face of personal turmoil and existential threats to his kingdom would transform the course of Western history.

Robert Fripp: The Boffomundo Interview

by Ron Curtiess

Officially transcribed from the original Boffomundo archives, Robert Fripp: The Boffomundo Interview 1979 reveals an intriguing and unique look into the mind of one of music's masters of precision and creativity -- all through the subtle brilliance of Wayne's World-esque early L. A. cable access hosts Ron Curtiss and Aaron Weiner. Featuring aired and unaired content from their 1979 interview, a new introduction by Ron Curtiss, and additional contextualizing articles and interviews, this is a gem that could have been long forgotten if not for Curtiss’s archival masterminding and his dedication to preserving the prog legacy. This book is a must-have for all fans of King Crimson, David Bowie, philosophical self-inquisition, and technological wizardry. A Rare Bird Exclusive: Purchasers of the ebook will receive access to a video of the full interview.

Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common

by Chuck Collins

As inequality grabs headlines, steals the show in presidential debates, and drives deep divides between the haves and have nots in America, class war brews. On one side, the wealthy wield power and advantage, wittingly or not, to keep the system operating in their favor—all while retreating into enclaves that separate them further and further from the poor and working class. On the other side, those who find it increasingly difficult to keep up or get ahead lash out—waging a rhetorical war against the rich and letting anger and resentment, however justifiable, keep us from seeing new potential solutions. But can we suspend both class wars long enough to consider a new way forward? Is it really good for anyone that most of society’s wealth is pooling at the very top of the wealth ladder? Does anyone, including the one percent, really want to live in a society plagued by economic apartheid? It is time to think differently, says longtime inequality expert and activist Chuck Collins. Born into the one percent, Collins gave away his inheritance at 26 and spent the next three decades mobilizing against inequality. He uses his perspective from both sides of the divide to deliver a new narrative. Collins calls for a ceasefire and invites the wealthy to come back home, investing themselves and their wealth in struggling communities.   And he asks the non-wealthy to build alliances with the one percent and others at the top of the wealth ladder. Stories told along the way explore the roots of advantage, show how taxpayers subsidize the wealthy, and reveal how charity, used incorrectly, can actually reinforce extreme inequality. Readers meet pioneers who are crossing the divide to work together in new ways, including residents in the author’s own Boston-area neighborhood who have launched some of the most interesting community transition efforts in the nation. In the end, Collins’s national and local solutions not only challenge inequality but also respond to climate change and offer an unexpected, fresh take on one of our most intransigent problems.

Jesus and the Making of the Modern Mind, 1380–1520

by Luke Clossey

For his fifteenth-century followers, Jesus was everywhere – from baptism to bloodcults to bowling. This sweeping and unconventional investigation looks at Jesus across one hundred forty years of social, cultural, and intellectual history. Mystics married him, Renaissance artists painted him in three dimensions, Muslim poets praised his life-giving breath, and Christopher (“Christ-bearing”) Columbus brought the symbol of his cross to the Americas. Beyond the European periphery, this global study follows Jesus across – and sometimes between – religious boundaries, from Greenland to Kongo to China. Amidst this diversity, Jesus and the Making of the Modern Mind, 1380-1520 offers readers sympathetic and immersive insight into the religious realities of its subjects. To this end, this book identifies two perspectives: one uncovers hidden meanings and unexpected connections, while the other restricts Jesus to the space and time of human history. Minds that believed in Jesus, and those that opposed him, made use of both perspectives to make sense of their worlds. This book includes over one hundred images, tables and audio clips.


by Alice Carbone

In 1994, one month after the Northridge earthquake and two years after the riots, K moves to Los Angeles to escape her demons. That's the thing about demons though, they tend to follow. At once honest and heartbreaking, The Sex Girl digs deep into the female psyche, dealing with addiction, sex, love, and friendship. K's story, and the unique way in which it's told adds a new literary voice to the mix. Alice Carbone's fresh take on the drug addiction novel, earns a place amongst the tortured junkies. With a sense of impending tragedy, Carbone weaves K's life together through found diaries and recollections, and in doing so she unpacks the density of a single person's story.

Princes at War: The Bitter Battle Inside Britain's Royal Family in the Darkest Days of WWII

by Deborah Cadbury

This book tells the story of four sons of King George V during the period that the monarchy faced the greatest threats to its survival in the modern era – the crisis of the abdication, and the nationwide threat to Britain of the Nazis, inside and out. The threat of world war echoed the war within the royal family. Played out against the cataclysm of the Second World War the princes’ actions – for good or ill – became all the more significant and magnified on a world stage. The war served to unleash passions at a time when the very function of royalty as head of the empire was under threat. It served as a crucible that made or destroyed each of the princes. One would die in mysterious circumstances forever mired in conspiracy and scandal; another was destroyed in all but name, a third slipped into comfortable obscurity, and the fourth rose to new heights of achievement redefining the monarchy for the modern age. The catalyst for the story is one dangerous American woman: Wallis Simpson. The consequences of her actions drive one prince to an early grave and the other to become a living wreck of a man nursing long held grievances. Recently discovered letters show that Wallis herself was caught in a trap of her own making: a life entombed in a gilded cage with a man she could not respect and whom she tried to leave. Everything she wished for, she destroyed. Famously she is said to have been sent 17 carnations by the Nazi Joachim von Ribbentrop, representing their 17 sexual trysts. George VI’s story is also an allegory for a much wider theme. Starting where the film The Kings Speech ends, a revealing transformation in his character takes place. As he steps up with some dread to the role of king that his older brother spurns, his horizons are widened and he falls into the sphere of influence of brilliant leaders such as Winston Churchill. As Hitler stole country after country for the Third Reich, George VI rose to the challenge, to find the very best in himself, and was transformed by the effort. By the end he can stand alone at the helm, without the support of those who helped him on his way Like fables of old, taking on the challenge transforms the quality of the man – but it is also killing him.


by Jeff Boss

Jeff Boss has faced and overcome uncertainty in the most tumultuous circumstances. As a Navy SEAL, he worked in some of the most unforgiving environments on earth and faced enemies that constantly changed, much like today's business landscape. In a world of chaos, how do individuals and teams stay together to find certainty in a world where there is anything but? This book reveals how. Using anecdotal experiences from both the military and business worlds, Boss highlights the mindset and practical steps of how people and organizations can forge certainty amidst inevitable chaos.


by David Berkeley

The Free Brontosaurus is a novella comprising ten interweaving stories, complete with an accompanying album of ten songs. All set in the same fictional city, at the same moment in time, minor characters in one story are major characters in another. It is a bit like Olive Kitteridge, if reimagined by Miranda July. These are gently written narratives of isolation, describing characters disconnected from home and community. The book is full of dark humor, sadness and glimmers of joy. Ultimately, the characters’ abilities to find beauty in the bizarre connect and redeem them, offering the characters (and us) hope. The book is only half of this project, though, for it also comes with a soundtrack, one song per story, written loosely from the perspective of the main character from each tale. Both the book and the album can stand alone. However, when the two are appreciated together, an unusually moving and multi-layered world is born, likely to break and heal the heart.

Averroes on Plato's "Republic"

by Averroes Ralph Lerner

"In one fashion or another, the question with which this introduction begins is a question for every serious reader of Plato's Republic: Of what use is this philosophy to me? Averroes clearly finds that the Republic speaks to his own time and to his own situation. . . . Perhaps the greatest use he makes of the Republic is to understand better the shari'a itself. . . . It is fair to say that in deciding to paraphrase the Republic, Averroes is asserting that his world--the world defined and governed by the Koran--can profit from Plato's instruction."--from Ralph Lerner's IntroductionAn indispensable primary source in medieval political philosophy is presented here in a fully annotated translation of the celebrated discussion of the Republic by the twelfth-century Andalusian Muslim philosopher, Abu'l-Walid Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Rushd, also know by his his Latinized name, Averroes. This work played a major role in both the transmission and the adaptation of the Platonic tradition in the West. In a closely argued critical introduction, Ralph Lerner addresses several of the most important problems raised by the work.

The Law of the Land: A Grand Tour of Our Constitutional Republic

by Akhil Reed Amar

From Kennebunkport to Kauai, from the Rio Grande to the Northern Rockies, ours is a vast republic. While we may be united under one Constitution, separate and distinct states remain, each with its own constitution and culture. Geographic idiosyncrasies add more than just local character. Regional understandings of law and justice have shaped and reshaped our nation throughout history. America’s Constitution, our founding and unifying document, looks slightly different in California than it does in Kansas. In The Law of the Land, renowned legal scholar Akhil Reed Amar illustrates how geography, federalism, and regionalism have influenced some of the biggest questions in American constitutional law. Writing about Illinois, "the land of Lincoln,” Amar shows how our sixteenth president’s ideas about secession were influenced by his Midwestern upbringing and outlook. All of today’s Supreme Court justices, Amar notes, learned their law in the Northeast, and New Yorkers of various sorts dominate the judiciary as never before. The curious Bush v. Gore decision, Amar insists, must be assessed with careful attention to Florida law and the Florida Constitution. The second amendment appears in a particularly interesting light, he argues, when viewed from the perspective of Rocky Mountain cowboys and cowgirls. Propelled by Amar’s distinctively smart, lucid, and engaging prose, these essays allow general readers to see the historical roots of, and contemporary solutions to, many important constitutional questions. The Law of the Land illuminates our nation’s history and politics, and shows how America’s various local parts fit together to form a grand federal framework.

Pediatric Patients' Rights and Responsibilities

by Manar AlHudayan

A pamphlet on Pediatric Patients' Rights and Responsibilities.

La guardería, ¿es necesaria?

by Alberto Soler y Concepción Roger

¿Cómo conciliar? ¿Necesito una guardería? ¿A qué edad debo escolarizar a mi hijo? En este texto breve, didáctico y riguroso, Alberto Soler responde a estas y otras preguntas y explica cómo es la adaptación a estos centros y que pautas debemos tener en cuenta. Para profundizar en temas relacionados con la crianza, recomendamos el ebook <i>Hijos y padres felices</i>, de Alberto Soler y Concepción Roger, que incluye “La guardería, ¿es necesaria?”, además de capítulos dedicados a la alimentación, el sueño, la operación pañal, las pantallas y los estilos parentales, entre otros.

Hijos y padres felices

by Alberto Soler y Concepción Roger

Una guía amena, didáctica y rigurosa que ayuda a entender el desarrollo de nuestros hijos en sus primeros años de vida y propone recomendaciones adaptables a cada familia. En la primera etapa de la vida de un niño su cuerpo y su cerebro se transforman a un ritmo vertiginoso. El pequeño pasa de ser un bebé que hace poco más que llorar y mamar, a ser un niño que nos pregunta por todo. ¿Qué es lo que necesita realmente un bebé?, ¿por qué llora en cuanto le soltamos?, ¿es malo que duerma con nosotros?, ¿hasta cuándo seguir con la lactancia?, ¿cómo actuar ante las rabietas?, ¿le dejamos el móvil para que se distraiga?, ¿cuándo necesita ir a la guardería?, ¿le castigamos cuando se porte mal?, ¿cómo establecemos límites? Este libro responde a estas y muchas otras preguntas, abarcando gran parte de lo que ocurre durante los primeros años de vida de nuestros hijos. Unos años que en el futuro recordaréis como vuestros mejores años.

Los niños y las pantallas

by Alberto Soler y Concepción Roger

¿Debo permitir que mis hijos vean dibujos en el móvil? ¿Es perjudicial la tecnología? En este texto breve, didáctico y riguroso, Alberto Soler responde a estas y otras preguntas y explica la relación entre los niños y las pantallas y la conveniencia (o no) de exponer a nuestros hijos a móviles, tablets y televisión. Para profundizar en temas relacionados con la crianza, recomendamos el ebook Hijos y padres felices, de Alberto Soler y Concepción Roger, que incluye “Los niños y las pantallas”, además de capítulos dedicados a la alimentación, el sueño, la operación pañal, la guardería y los estilos parentales, entre otros.

El sueño en la infancia

by Alberto Soler y Concepción Roger

¿Cómo es el sueño normal en la infancia? ¿Cómo y cuánto duermen los niños? ¿Problemas para dormir? ¿Tiene riesgos el colecho? En este texto breve, didáctico y riguroso, Alberto Soler responde a estas y otras preguntas y explica cómo es la estructura del sueño y cómo este evoluciona a lo largo de la infancia, además de proponer rutinas adaptables a cada familia. Para profundizar en temas relacionados con la crianza, recomendamos el ebook <i>Hijos y padres felices</i>, de Alberto Soler y Concepción Roger, que incluye “El sueño en la infancia”, además de capítulos dedicados a la alimentación, la operación pañal, la guardería, las pantallas y los estilos parentales, entre otros.

Los terribles dos años y las rabietas

by Alberto Soler y Concepción Roger

¿Por qué se producen las rabietas? ¿Son todas iguales? En este texto breve, didáctico y riguroso, Alberto Soler responde a estas y otras preguntas y explica cómo manejarlas y prevenirlas. Para profundizar en temas relacionados con la crianza, recomendamos el ebook <i>Hijos y padres felices</i>, de Alberto Soler y Concepción Roger, que incluye “Los terribles dos años y las rabietas”, además de capítulos dedicados a la alimentación, el sueño, la guardería, las pantallas y los estilos parentales, entre otros.

A Relational Realist Vision for Education Policy and Practice

by Basem Adi

This volume argues that relational realism can help us to make better educational policy that is more effective in practice. Basem Adi draws on critical realism to thoroughly re-examine fundamental assumptions about how government policymaking works, developing an ontological basis from which to examine existing government approaches and imagine an alternative approach based on a relational realist-informed critical pedagogy.

فجوة الامن الغذائي

by Dubai Police Academy

لوحظ أن قضية الأمن الغذائي، في عالمنا المعاصر، لا تمثل فقط مجرد هم اقتصادي ملح فرضته بشدة تفاقم مخاطر ظاهرتى: التصحر حول العالم، والاحترارا أو الاحتباس الحرارى التي أفضت إلى تغيرات مناخية مقلقة، وإنما تمتد أبعادها لتمس الأمن القومى للبلاد وتقوض استقرارها الاجتماعي، لهذا اعتبرت من أهم القضايا الاقتصادية التي يحرص العالم على معالجتها، ومن أكثر المشكلات التي أحدثت قلقا كبيرا للسلطات ؛ بشكل تسببت معه في إحداث أعمال شغب متنامية في كثير من المجتمعات، إلى درجة قدر معها البنك الدولى أن 33 دولة في العالم على الأقل مهددة باضطرابات سياسية وأمنية واجتماعية

بحث مجلس الامن

by Dubai Police Academy

منذ بداية البشرية والإنسان يسعى في كل مراحل تطور حياته إلى تحقيق أمنه وحماية وجوده، ليشكل ذلك نقطة الانطلاق في استقراره وقدرته على الإبداع والعطاء في مختلف المجالات؛ وكلما تطورت معطيات الحياة وازداد انفتاح المجتمعات على بعضها البعض واتسعت المصالح التي تربطها وتشابكت ترسخت القناعة بأن أمنها كل لا يتجزأ. وبينما كان المجتمع الدولي ينمو يوماً بعد يوم وتتعدد أشخاصه وتتنوع أشكال العلاقات القائمة بينها تارة آخذة منحى سلمي وتارة متجهة نحو استخدام القوة بمختلف أشكالها، كانت هذه الفكرة تتعمق وتثبت أنها جوهرية وحتمية.

حماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية

by Dubai Police Academy

ارتباط النهضة والتقدم بمدى حماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية: أضحى خارج دائرة الشك أن حرية التفكير والإبداع الأدبي والفني، والاختراع والابتكار العلمي والتكنولوجي من الحريات والحقوق التي تحرص مختلف القوانين على حمايتها، لما لذلك من مردود في إثراء المعرفة الإنسانية، وتحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية حيث يتعلق الأمر في النهاية بحماية رأس المال الفكري intellectual Capital الذي لا يقل أهمية، بل زادت أهميته، اليوم على رأس المال والأصول المادية Tangible Capital للشركات ومؤسسات الأعمال

الإضـراب بين المشروعية ... والتجريـم

by Dubai Police Academy

يعاقب التشريع المصري على الإضراب في المادة (124) من قانون العقوبات، رغبة في حماية المصلحة العامة، وذلك من خلال حسن إدارة وتنظيم الأجهزة المختلفة، وضمان السير الطبيعي للإدارة العامة؛ لأن الدولة تمنح الموظف العام السلطات اللازمة لحسن سير العمل الوظيفي، وفي مقابل هذه السلطات، تفرض عليه واجبات معينة، ويحدث خرقه لها اضطرابًا فعليًا، أو حكميًا، لجهة الإدارة.

القوة الناعمة - بعد التعديل

by Dubai Police Academy

رافقت الأزمات الإنسان منذ أن وجد على هذه الأرض.. وتعامل معها وفق إمكاناته المتاحة للحد من آثارها.. أو مارس فقط دور المتفرج إن تجاوزت الأزمة قدراته وإمكاناته المحدودة. ورغم أهمية علم إدارة الأزمات إلا أن الباحثين لم ينتبهوا إلى أهمية هذا الحقل المعرفي إلا في العصر الحديث نتيجة تعدد الأزمات من ناحية وارتفاع الأصوات التي ما انفكت تنادي بأن شيئاً ما يجب أن يتخذ تجاه الأحداث المفاجئة تفادياً لآثارها المدمرة

خيار المستهلك في العدول نهائي

by Dubai Police Academy

يتناول هذا البحث دراسة خيار المُستهلك في العُدول عن العقد الإلكتروني، والذي تمّ إقراره لأول مرة في سورية من خلال قانون المعاملات الإلكترونية الجديد لعام 2014، في حين أنه بقي غائباً في نصوص قانون حماية المُستهلك السوري لعام 2015. وقد حاولنا بدايةً بيان ماهيّة هذا الخيار من خلال إيجاد تعريف مناسب له وتحديد الأساس القانوني الذي يستند إليه من بين العديد من الأفكار والنظريات التي طرحها بعض الكتاب، ثمّ بيّنا شروط وظروف مُمارسة هذا الخيار من قبل المُستهلك، كما ناقشنا مدى ضرورة جعل الأحكام الخاصة بهذا الخيار من النظام العام. وبعد ذلك عرضنا آثار استعمال خيار العُدول على المُستهلك والبائع، فوضحنا بشكل رئيسي التزامات المُستهلك في رد السلعة ودفع مصاريف إرجاعها، والتزامات البائع في رد الثمن وفسخ العقود التي تم إبرامها بمناسبة العقد الذي عدل عنه المُستهلك.

تنازع القوانين في الفقه الإسلامي

by Dubai Police Academy

الدين الإسلامي هـو رسالة الله الأخيرة إلى الثقلين جميعـا ، ومـن ثم فقد " اقتضت الحكمة الإلهية أن يكون هذا الدين الخاتم الذي بعث به النبي الخاتم صالحا ومصلحا للإنسانية ، وملائما للطبيعة البشرية ، متمشيا مع كل زمان ومكان ، لا يصادم مصالح الناس ، ولا يعوق تقدمهم ... " ، ودين هذا شأنه مـن البديهي ، أن يشكل منظومـة رحمـة إلهية متكاملة ، مهداة من الله تعالى ، الرحيم بجميع خلقه ، إلى العالمين كافـة ، لإصلاح البشرية ورقي الإنسانية ، وليخرج الناس به من الظلمـات إلى النور ، ويرشدهم إلى سبل الخير والهدى والرشاد ، ويدرأ المفاسد ويدفع المضار عنهم جميعـا ويحقق مصالحهم ويقيم سعادتهم في الحال والمآل

دور بصمة المخ بعد التعديل

by Dubai Police Academy

الإثبات من الموضوعات الرئيسية فى القانون الجزائى ، حيث لا جريمة بلا عقاب ، ولا عقاب بغير إثبات وقد تطورت وسائل الاثبات من الوسائل التقليدية كالاعتراف وشهادة الشهود حتى وصلنا الى الأدلة العلمية التى تساعد فى اثبات الجريمة ومنها البصمة الوراثية ثم وفى تطور آخر يشهده مجال الاثبات الجنائى الحديث ظهر ما يعرف بالأدلة العلمية العصبية ، والتى تنقسم الى أربعة أقسام وهى المكتشفات العلمية فى مجال الاثبات ، تقنيات تشخيص المتهم ، التدخلات التقنية فى ادراك الشخص لارتكاب الفعل

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