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Pain & Performance: The Revolutionary New Way to Use Training as Treatment for Pain and Injury

by Ryan Whited Matt Fitzgerald

Discover how to move through pain and injury, overcome perceived limits, and be in control of your athletic performance. Pain is universal. Athletes in pursuit of performance are not strangers to pain—in fact they embrace it. But nothing derails training faster than nagging athletic pain and injury, which all too often land athletes in an endless cycle of physical therapy or leave them sidelined from sport altogether, awaiting surgery. Pain & Performance is a tour de force that explores compelling advances in pain science to reveal the shocking lack of evidence to support modern medicine&’s approach to injury management. Author Ryan Whited shares how his own journey, as both an elite climber and a professional trainer, inspired his revolutionary Training as Treatment method for helping athletes bounce back from broken to achieve breakthrough performances. This powerful new approach to musculoskeletal health will empower athletes to move through pain with confidence and control as they continue to chase big goals.

80/20 Endurance: The Complete System for High-Performance Coaching

by Matt Fitzgerald

Build a sustainable coaching business with this proven method of balancing training intensity and cultivating peak performance in endurance athletes of all abilities. As a coach you equip athletes to achieve big goals. Your role can be as challenging as the goal itself, presenting countless decisions that need to be made according to the needs of each individual athlete. The 80/20 Endurance training method applies the best practices of the world's top endurance athletes in a complete system that cultivates high performance in all athletes. Training intensity is where most athletes go wrong. They spend too many hours training at moderately-high intensity, which compromises performance. 80/20 Endurance outlines the core principles that facilitate good decisions and take athlete performance to new heights. In this comprehensive guide, coaches and athletes will learn how to customize training according to the proven 80/20 Endurance method. As the impetus for 80/20 Endurance Coach Certification Course, this book gives you the keys to unlock performance in your athletes while also building a coaching business that is both successful and sustainable. Guiding athletes for their best performances is an incredibly rewarding pursuit. Commit to the practice of high-performance coaching with 80/20 Endurance and see where the next season takes you.80/20 Endurance is the complete system to high-performance coaching: • balancing training intensity, • measuring and manipulating training load, • periodization and peaking, • coaching the mind, • strength and mobility training, • ethical coaching, and • the business of coaching. Supplemented by additional resources and curriculum at

On Pace: Discover How to Run Every Race at Your Real Limit

by Matt Fitzgerald

Bestselling author and coach Matt Fitzgerald explains how to train for and execute a perfect race. Master the art of pacing and run your next 5K, 10K, half-marathon, or marathon at your real limit. Every runner knows pacing is critical. It can be the difference between a breakthrough workout and a backbreaker, between a PR and a DNF. In On Pace, acclaimed running coach Matt Fitzgerald reveals how conventional training and device overdependence keep runners from accessing the full power of pacing. With a mix of fascinating science and compelling stories from every corner of the sport, Fitzgerald shows that pacing is the art of finding your limit—running at a pace to finish the workout or cross the finish line completely out of gas. This quintessential running skill unlocks hidden potential and transforms the sport, enabling runners of all experience and ability levels to run free. Training plans for 5K, 10K, half-marathon, and marathon events will hone your pacing skill through improved body awareness, judgment, and toughness. Choose from four plans, novice to expert, for each race distance. On Pace equips you mentally and physically to become a better runner, capable of knowing and executing your best effort on any given day.

The Last Vampire: The Strange Legend of Mercy Brown

by T. A. Bound

St. Patrick's Day 1892, Exeter, Rhode Island. It wasn't over when she died. Prying her coffin open two months later transforms Mercy Brown into legend. The Last Vampire is based upon her incredible true story. <p><p>They don't kill 'em like they used to. Mercy Lena Brown is 19 the first time she dies. The third in her family to mysteriously perish in rapid succession, after her mother and oldest sister. And when Mercy succumbs, her brother is also dying. To save the remaining family from their killer requires drastic and unspeakable action. <p><p>The New England vampire panic lasted from the late 1700s through the 19th Century. History has forgotten exactly when it started, but the precise moment the panic ends, however, is documented in history, and in the pages of this book. It spread across the region, terrifying New Englanders who exhumed graves seeking to purge the vampires lurking among them. Archeological discoveries in recent years have unearthed some of these desecrated graves, confirming persisting rumors and sketchy myths lasting a century since. This is the terrifying true story of its final days. Only one can be the last. <p><p>Caution: This is based on historical facts which may be disturbing to some, including cannibalism and scenes of a sexual nature which, although neither graphic nor explicit, may make some readers uncomfortable. Don't say I did not warn you!

Wings Over The Channel

by Eric Forsyth

Wings Over the Channel follows the continuing adventures of Allan Chadwick, a young RAF pilot who completed his tour in Iraq and is now posted to the RAF aviation research center at Farnborough in southern England. It is the mid-1930s and Britain is threatened by belligerent countries such as Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The rapid development of high-speed bombers negates the centuries-old isolation that Britain enjoyed as an island. <P><P> Chadwick is involved in the RAF’s frantic effort to build an effective radar screen, and uses an early model Spitfire for liaison with outlying radar stations, flying in fair weather or foul, as he contends with the idiosyncrasies of the prototype fighter. Closer to earth he drives an old, monstrous Bentley, which attracts attention wherever he goes. He falls in love with an older, aristocratic widow who supports a secretive upper-class appeasement clique which, unbeknownst to them, has been compromised by the German Abwehr <P><P> British Intelligence decides it is impossible to keep the existence of radar a secret from the German Luftwaffe, but its effectiveness is downplayed in misleading reports fed to the Germans by Chadwick. The success of the deception—and Chadwick’s life— are threatened when an accurate report of radar performance is stolen by a German spy.

Just Human: The Quest For Disability Wisdom, Respect, And Inclusion

by Arielle Silverman

Born without sight, Dr. Arielle Silverman has never missed the visual. Being blind never bothered her much but, as she grew, she discovered others saw her blindness very differently. Many people saw her as either helpless or inspirational, but rarely did they see her as just human, with the same capacities and desires as her peers. Arielle has spent a lifetime exploring ways to foster respect and inclusion, not only for blind people like her, but for all of us whose bodies or minds differ from the norm. <P><P> In Just Human, she reflects on her formative years and presents unique anecdotes from her life that carry teachable moments for all of us. She recalls the feel of her mother’s embrace, the smell of her grandparents’ brisket, the inner sensations of a preteen crush, the music on her wedding day, and scholarly lessons from her dissertation research. Her words paint pictures from her mind’s eye: a vision of a world where we can radically accept ourselves and our fellow humans, while at the same time work to change systems of inequality. As she writes of the past and the present, Arielle looks toward the future, considering how we can build a more inclusive world for those who come after us.

Knee Ability Zero

by Ben Patrick

Knee Ability Zero is not a medical book, rather: it is a step-by-step manual which allows you to find and improve your pain-free ability, and this has resulted in over 2000 knee success stories for people of all ages and walks of life.Over 8 steps we build "from the ground up" - from your ankles to lower legs to knees to thighs to hips, improving the strength, control, and freedom you have over your body, with explanation of why each step helps your knees. The 8 steps take 15-20 minutes in total, and I suggest doing them up to 3 times per week.You do not need any weights, equipment, or special abilities for this program, and you can start applying Step 1 from the moment you open up the book!

Immaculate Conception: Sophia Light Codes for Modern Sacredness

by Thalia Amma Sophia

Miracles and phenomena of mystery between black magic, miracles and phenomena and religion. The first and last parts of Immaculate Conception tell the story of how a girl of the light becomes a real woman and let her wings unfurl. Through trials and tribulations, the reader is invited to reflect on testimonials of an initiate in a patriarchal society of dogma.At its core, this is a tale of a young woman in search of a life filled with love, spirituality, and the simple joys of existence, all while embracing her soul&’s destiny. Her story unfolds amidst the backdrop of stress, drama, &‘a-ha!&’ moments, and deep-rooted family traditions, guided by the steadfast presence of God&’s apostles.The second part is packed with rituals, channelled prayers, affirmations, and angelic protection invocations, to call on for a while or at various times. Special Key phrases have Sophia Codes that are lately coming to humanity for co-creating, healing, and expanding. With the support of Mother Mary and Archangels, Thalia Amma Sophia opens you to receive grace, brings you alignment and activation of your Higher Self; to neutralize the magnets pulling you into dysfunctional behaviour and past Life overlays!Prepare to awaken your innate ability to manifest desires and nurture creative ideas. Immaculate Conception extends an invitation to embark on a transformative journey where miracles, faith, and the boundless power of the human spirit intersect, promising the potential for grace, fulfilment, and profound transformation.


by Jack Hirsch

In Sisters, journey with Ella and Annie as they recount their enchanting encounter with two young coyote siblings. As the tale unfolds, children are not only introduced to the captivating world of coyotes but also to the intricate tapestry of life within the forest. This story fosters a profound appreciation for nature, nurturing a bond with the animal kingdom and emphasizing the importance of understanding and preserving the world around us.

Little Zuri Lynn, Where Have You Been?

by Steven Mason

Little Zuri Lynn is one child whose imagination is truly limitless. When this young lady goes wandering, there&’s no telling where she may turn up. She heads for places that she knows and loves, but she also ventures to destinations that she can only see in her mind&’s eye.Join little Zuri Lynn on a wonderful journey to fabulous places near and far, proving that a child&’s imagination can take her anywhere. You&’ll be amazed by what you find inside this youngster&’s mind!

The White Rabbit and the Red Roses

by Feliz Corral

Meet a striking white rabbit with bright red eyes, shining like rubies. His eyes reflect the love he feels, but also reveal a whirlwind of emotions. He&’s overwhelmed, hopping around in a state of worry, fear, sadness, and anger, all mixed together. Struggling to find the right words or clear thoughts, the rabbit feels lost. In this challenging moment, the value of a true friend becomes apparent. This friend stays with him, helping him navigate through his overwhelming emotions, and guides him back to a sense of clarity and calm.

The Miocene Megalodon: Meggles and the Don of the Ocean

by Dr Jamey M. Long

Dive into a world of friendship and adventure in The Miocene Megalodon: Meggles and the Don of the Ocean! Join Meggles, a curious Megalodon, as she embarks on a thrilling journey to uncover the secrets that lie hidden in the depths of the Mariana Trench. Accompanied by her diverse group of ocean-dwelling friends, Meggles swims through the dark waters, facing the unknown and the possibility of being trapped in the abyss forever.Will Meggles and her companions find a way to swim back to the surface, or will they succumb to the fate of extinction, lost forever at the bottom of the ocean? Dive in and find out in this captivating tale of underwater exploration and the unbreakable bonds of friendship. The Miocene Megalodon: Meggles and the Don of the Ocean promises an unforgettable adventure that will keep you hooked until the very last page!

There Must Be a Better Explanation: God, Jesus, Christianity, Life, and Death

by Chris R Korte

This book uses a recent writing given by Jesus called, A Course in Miracles, to explain and correct the Christian understanding of God, Jesus, Heaven, the Bible, and the World. After 2000 years we have thousands of Christian denominations with differing theologies and rituals. A Course in Miracles clears up these inconsistencies and contradictions in Christianity and the Bible to present a unified message of love, peace, and forgiveness.A Course in Miracles answers questions like:Why are we even here?What is our purpose? How can I live a happy and peaceful life regardless of what is happening in the world?What parts of Christianity are true? What is God&’s will for us?Why is there so much suffering?What is God&’s true nature?What was Jesus&’ real message?What is salvation and how do I get to Heaven?If God wills that none shall perish, why will so many perish and how can I make sure I&’m not one of them?Many practicing Christians, non-practicing Christians, and those leaving the faith are dissatisfied with how the Bible and Christianity explain the purpose of life. Christianity comes up wanting as an explanation for the evidence of life in this world and eternity in Heaven. There Must Be a Better Explanation: God, Jesus, Christianity, Life, and Death, provides answers to life&’s questions that are plausible, comple

My Big Cousin Mike: Volume 1 "The Park"

by Michael L. Pinkard Jr.

Did you ever have an iconic big brother, big sister, older cousin, or neighbourhood hero that everyone admired and wanted to be around? Someone who shielded you from bullies, wild animals, or even your own self-doubt? Someone who bolstered your confidence and made you feel like you belonged? If so, then you had your very own Big Cousin Mike. This series is a tribute to those remarkable individuals. It's a heartfelt thank you for including us in your adventures, sporting trials, and games. Thank you for believing in us when we doubted ourselves and our abilities. Thank you for standing up for us against bullies, animals, and adults who may not have understood the right way to discipline.These unsung heroes have helped many of us navigate the turbulent waters of childhood and adolescence. My Big Cousin Mike offers a nostalgic chance to reminisce about those times in our lives when we either had our own Mike or were the Mike to someone else. If you know someone who was there for you in the ways described, either in your youth or even now, take a moment to remember, acknowledge, and appreciate them. And if you were, or still are, that unsung hero, this series honors you. You are personally thanked here, and know that this series is in honor of you.

Fitness and Wellness Skills

by William Bode

Fitness and Wellness Skills is a standards-based, comprehensive course curriculum that includes all the resources teachers need to facilitate learning in their physical education course. Because no two physical education classrooms are alike, the Fitness and Wellness Skills Online Instructor Resources offer the ultimate flexibility for in-person, online, or hybrid classrooms. Content and activities are fully aligned to the applicable SHAPE GLOs for high school.

Selfie the Elfie

by Savage Steve Holland Andrea Tripke

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookSanta' s workshop is a very busy place— even for Sophie, who is in charge of tying bows on every present.But when she starts taking selfies with her handy-dandy camera phone, everyone in the workshop easily gets distracted...Until Santa' s Big Night Delivery Suit goes missing! In this fun and whimsical Christmas story, can the reader find the trail to Santa' s suit? Will Sophie' s selfies save the day?

The Full House and the Empty House

by Lk James

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookThe Full House and the Empty House are very good friends— when they dance they admire in each other the qualities they lack within themselves. Even though the houses are different on the inside, it doesn't reflect how they feel on the outside. The bathroom of the full house was full of many bathroom-y things. There was a big bathtub with gold clawed feet, a sink shaped like a seashell, a hairbrush and comb made of bone,and cakes of lilac soap. In the bathroom of the empty house was just a toilet and a sink. In the evening when the two houses grew tired of dancing, they would rest on the hillside and look out at the world together.

Seb and the Sun

by Jami Gigot

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookNominee, Ezra Jack Keats Award Seb is determined to find some light for his sleepy coastal town. It is so far north, the sun does not shine in winter and the days are cold, dreary, and dark as night. So Seb embarks on a mission to find the sun. Along with his friend Walrus, he makes a plan, collects supplies, and rows far out to sea. Will Seb be able to find the sun and bring its light and warmth back to his town?

Salad Pie

by Wendy BooydeGraaff

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookThere is nothing sweeter than arriving at the playground, seeing it empty, and knowing you have it all to yourself— the silent comfort of playing alone. Maggie is overjoyed to have that solitude to make her Salad Pie. But then Herbert saunters over and wants to play too. He just wants to help even though Maggie makes it clear she won't let him. Then her imaginary pie takes a spill, and she realizes Herbert's intentions are not so bad after all.

Rabbit, Hare, and Bunny

by Robert Broder

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookRabbit, Hare, and Bunny are roommates. But sometimes roommates don' t get along.Rabbit and Hare finally have enough of Bunny' s eccentric behavior and ask him to move out. But they soon realize a good roommate is hard to find. And when Bunny moves back in with his parents, Bunny realizes being more aware of how his actions affect others might not be the worst thing he could do.

Paul and His Ukulele

by Robert Broder

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookNot all who wander are lost, sometimes they' re just searching for a new song.Paul was given a present. “ A guitar?” said Paul. “ It' s a ukulele.” said his parents.Paul loved his ukulele and spent all his time crafting his own song. As he got older, Paul knew it was time to head out in search of something new.When his travels took him to one small town, the unexpected happened. But from unexpected circumstances can come new friendships and new experiences. And maybe that new song he' s been looking for.

Monday Is Wash Day

by MaryAnn Sundby

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookIn this timeless story from a time not so long ago, Annie and her sister help Mama with washing the clothes on Monday morning. From gathering and sorting the clothes, to washing and hanging them outside to dry, to folding and putting them away, the family works together to get the job done. “ First we work and then we play.” Mama smiles but walks with purpose to the porch.Tessa Blackham' s warm, hand-painted cut-paper collages bring the reader to a time in the Midwest when doing the laundry was an all-day family chore.

Lizbeth Lou Got a Rock in Her Shoe

by Troy Howell

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along Ebook“ This just will not do!” says Lizzy, flinging a rock from her shoe. A simple matter— getting a rock in your shoe— but what is small to one may be large and looming to another. After encountering a number of characters and situations, the rock continues its tumbling excursion of what goes around comes around . . .The illustrations by Kathryn Carr are hand-cut paper silhouettes. Designs are cut from white paper and arranged in a diorama. The stage is illuminated from behind and below and the scene is photographed. The result captures the warmth and depth of the art and invites the viewer to explore this creative story.

Iver and Ellsworth

by Casey W. Robinson

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookFrom a factory rooftop, Iver and his good friend Ellsworth (a rooftop bear) are content to watch the busy world below. “ Everyone' s going somewhere,” Iver says. “ We can see the whole world from up here. That' s enough somewhere for me.” But after Iver retires, the friends must venture out in search of a new somewhere. Of course, the very best views are those you share with an old pal.

Grandmother Thorn

by Katey Howes

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookNominee for 2017 Cybils Award, Best Fiction Picture Book, Children's and Young AdultGrandmother Thorn treasures her garden, where not a leaf, twig or pebble is allowed out of place. But when a persistent plant sprouts without her permission, Grandmother begins to unravel. "Her hair became as tangled as the vines on her fence. Her garden fell into disrepair. One morning, she did not rake the path." A dear friend, the passage of seasons, and a gift only nature can offer help Grandmother Thorn discover that some things are beyond our control, and that sweetness can blossom in unexpected places.

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