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Trust Works: Four Keys to Building Lasting Relationships

by Ken Blanchard

Bestselling author Ken Blanchard brings you the tie-in guide to accompany his TrustWorks! training program. Ken Blanchard is famous for his ability to make the seemingly complex simple. In Trust Works! he brings his talent to bear on the complicated and timely issue of trust. The book begins with an allegory - in this case, it's the story of a dog and a cat with major trust issues. Their fighting, backbiting, and sabotaging soon affects the whole household - including the humans. It quickly becomes clear that unless the ongoing conflicts can be resolved, all of the pets will be without a home. Through the counsel of a wise old parrot, the animals learn the ABCDs of trust, becoming aware of the unconscious behaviours that had been eroding their relationships and begin to change their actions. In the end, the results have a positive effect that reaches far beyond the dog and cats' relationship. Applying lessons presented in the fable to real life situations, Blanchard explores his ABCD trust model to address issues like poor morale, miscommunication in relationships, poor customer service issues, and dysfunctional leadership. Trust is an evergreen topic but is particularly relevant today, as protests in cities throughout the world underscore a growing distrust of corporations and institutions. Now more than ever, people need trust-building skills and a common language for learning the behaviours that build - or erode - trust. TRUST WORKS! is the first book to create a common, easy-to-learn language for talking about trust in a way that can bring peace and co-operation where once there was dissension.

Trust Women: A Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice

by Rebecca Todd Peters

In an age in which women's reproductive rights are increasingly under attack, a minister and ethicist offers a stirring argument that abortion can be a moral goodHere's a fact that we often ignore: unplanned pregnancy and abortion are a normal part of women's reproductive lives. Roughly one-third of US women will have an abortion by age forty-five, and fifty to sixty percent of the women who have abortions were using birth control during the month they got pregnant. Yet women who have abortions are routinely shamed and judged, and safe and affordable access to abortion is under relentless assault, with the most devastating impact on poor women and women of color.Rebecca Todd Peters, a Presbyterian minister and social ethicist, argues that this shaming and judging reflects deep, often unspoken patriarchal and racist assumptions about women and women's sexual activity. These assumptions are at the heart of what she calls the justification framework, which governs our public debate about abortion, and disrupts our ability to have authentic public discussions about the health and well-being of women and their families.Abortion, then, isn't the social problem we should be focusing on. The problem is our inability to trust women to act as rational, capable, responsible moral agents who must weigh the concrete moral question of what to do when they are pregnant or when there are problems during a pregnancy.Ambitious in method and scope, Trust Women skillfully interweaves political analysis, sociology, ancient and modern philosophy, Christian tradition, and medical history, and grounds its analysis in the material reality of women's lives and their decisions about sexuality, abortion, and child-bearing. It ends with a powerful re-imagining of the moral contours of pre-natal life and suggests we recognize pregnancy as a time when a woman must assent, again and again, to an ethical relationship with the prenate.

Trust with Your Life

by M. L. Gamble

He Had Her in His Sights...His face haunted her memories. His Australian accent and trim, tanned body taunted her dreams. But when Alec Steele reappeared in the flesh, Molly Jakes's life became a living nightmare.He claimed he'd escaped from kidnappers-but her dream lover from down under abducted her. He claimed he'd been brainwashed to kill-but he didn't know his intended victim.After hot summer nights on the run with the sexy Aussie, Molly began to suspect their meeting was no coincidence...and she feared that the man who fueled her fantasies had indeed been programmed to kill...her!

Trust with Glittering Eyes

by K. S. Murphy

Sequel to Watch with Glittering EyesLife has been going well for Travis Grayweaver recently. The Grand Council of High Magick hasn’t summoned him for anything. For a witch without a Guild, he’s still getting plenty of work. And best of all, he’s spent the last six months falling more and more in love with his best friend Niko, a rambunctious and playful cat familiar, who happens to love him back.Tonight, they’ll be celebrating the Yule with lots of candlelight and a feast for two and a festival in town as they honor the start of winter and wait for the sun’s return. Only Niko’s been acting a bit off lately, obviously keeping something from Travis.Travis is trying to be patient with him, but this thing from Niko’s past might be more than he can handle. Old demons and long-kept secrets will be revealed, but can the love they have for one another endure these revelations during the longest night of the year?

Trust with Asian Characteristics

by Takashi Inoguchi Yasuharu Tokuda

This volume, edited by a political scientist and a practicing medical doctor, is organized into two parts: interpersonal and institutional trust. To gauge trust both interpersonal and institutional in 29 Asian societies, the AsiaBarometer survey, the best--and only--available such data source in the world was used. The survey, focusing on the quality of life in Asia, was carried out in the 2000s in 29 Asian societies (in East, Southeast, South, and Central Asia), and in the United States, Australia, and Russia for comparative analysis. Trust is a key intermediate variable linking an individual and a broader society. Yet systematically and scientifically assembled data have tended to be narrowly focused on Western societies. In the 2000s non-Western data on the quality of life have steadily increased. The AsiaBarometer survey, however, is the instrument that best examines the quality of life in a large number of Asian societies with nationwide random sampling and face-to-face interviewing, with the number of samples ranging from 1,000 to 3,000. In gauging interpersonal trust, the question, "Generally, do you think people can be trusted, or do you think that you can't be too careful in dealing with people (i. e. , that it pays to be wary of people)?" is asked along with additional questions. In measuring institutional trust, the question is asked: "How much confidence do you place in the following institutions?" (Listed are the central government, the courts, the military, the police, political parties, the parliament, mass media, business companies, medical hospitals, and other institutions. ) In examining interpersonal and institutional trust Asia-wide, special attention is paid to historical and geo-cultural backgrounds of the societies being surveyed. Examination of the link between trust of mass media and individual health and between trust in medical care and individual health focuses on Japan. Among the 12 chapters, 9 are reprints of journal articles published in the 2000s, and the introduction and 2 other chapters were written especially for this book to reflect the latest progress in the field. This work provides a rich source to be consulted by a wide range of readers interested in comparative politics, quality of life, and Asia in general.

Trust What You Hear: Policy Communication, Expectations, and Fiscal Credibility (Imf Working Papers)

by Nicolas End and Gee Hee Hong

A report from the International Monetary Fund.

Trust, Voice, and Incentives

by Ellen Lust Michael Woolcock Hana Brixi

This report examines the role of incentives, trust, and engagement as critical determinants of service delivery performance in MENA countries. Focusing on education and health, the report illustrates how the weak external and internal accountability undermines policy implementation and service delivery performance and how such a cycle of poor performance can be counteracted. Case studies of local success reveal the importance of both formal and informal accountability relationships and the role of local leadership in inspiring and institutionalizing incentives toward better service delivery performance. Enhancing services for MENA citizens requires forging a stronger social contract among public servants, citizens, and service providers while empowering communities and local leaders to find 'best fit' solutions. Learning from the variations within countries, especially the outstanding local successes, can serve as a solid basis for new ideas and inspiration for improving service delivery. Such learning may help the World Bank Group and other donors as well as national and local leaders and civil society, in developing ways to enhance the trust, voice, and incentives for service delivery to meet citizens' needs and expectations.

Trust Us, We're Experts PA: How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles with Your Future

by Sheldon Rampton John Stauber

The authors of Toxic Sludge Is Good for You! unmask the sneaky and widespread methods industry uses to influence opinion through bogus experts, doctored data, and manufactured facts. We count on the experts. <P><P>We count on them to tell us who to vote for, what to eat, how to raise our children. We watch them on TV, listen to them on the radio, read their opinions in magazine and newspaper articles and letters to the editor. We trust them to tell us what to think, because there's too much information out there and not enough hours in a day to sort it all out.We should stop trusting them right this second.

Trust Us, We're Experts

by Sheldon Rampton John Stauber

Fearless investigative journalists Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber ( Toxic Sludge Is Good for You! and Mad Cow U.S.A.) are back with a gripping expos of the public relations industry and the scientists who back their business-funded, anti-consumer-safety agendas. There are two kinds of "experts" in question--the PR spin doctors behind the scenes and the "independent" experts paraded before the public, scientists who have been hand-selected, cultivated, and paid handsomely to promote the views of corporations involved in controversial actions. Lively writing on controversial topics such as dioxin, bovine growth hormone, and genetically modified food makes this a real page-turner, shocking in its portrayal of the real and potential dangers in each of these technological innovations and of the "media pseudo-environment" created to obfuscate the risks. By financing and publicizing views that support the goals of corporate sponsors, PR campaigns have, over the course of the century, managed to suppress the dangers of lead poisoning for decades, silence the scientist who discovered that rats fed on genetically modified corn had significant organ abnormalities, squelch television and newspaper stories about the risks of bovine growth hormone, and place enough confusion and doubt in the public's mind about global warming to suppress any mobilization for action. Rampton and Stauber introduce the movers and shakers of the PR industry, from the "risk communicators" (whose job is to downplay all risks) and "outrage managers" (with their four strategies--deflect, defer, dismiss, or defeat) to those who specialize in "public policy intelligence" (spying on opponents). Evidently, these elaborate PR campaigns are created for our own good. According to public relations philosophers, the public reacts emotionally to topics related to health and safety and is incapable of holding rational discourse. Needless to say, Rampton and Stauber find these views rather antidemocratic and intend to pull back the curtain to reveal the real wizard in Oz. This is one wake-up call that's hard to resist.

Trust Us: Reproducing the Nation and the Scandinavian Nationalist Populist Parties

by Anders Hellström

In Scandinavia, there is separation in the electorate between those who embrace diversity and those who wish for tighter bonds between people and nation. <P><P>This book focuses on three nationalist populist parties in Scandinavia-the Sweden Democrats, the Progress Party in Norway, and the Danish People's Party. In order to affect domestic politics by addressing this conflict of diversity versus homogeneity, these parties must enter the national parliament while earning the nation's trust. Of the three, the Sweden Democrats have yet to earn the trust of the mainstream, leading to polarized and emotionally driven public debate that raises the question of national identity and what is understood as the common man.

Trust, Tourism Development and Planning (Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility)

by Robin Nunkoo Stephen L. J. Smith

The dynamics of trust and distrust are central to understanding modern society, social relations, and development processes. However, numerous studies suggest that societal trust and citizen’s trust in government and its institutions are on the decline, challenging the legitimacy of government and leading to an undemocratic and unsustainable form of development. Recognizing its importance, the authors for the first time situate trust within the context of tourism development and planning. This volume discusses trust in tourism from different yet intrinsically connected perspectives. Chapters review how diminishing societal trust may have adversely affected tourism planning systems, the role of trust in good tourism governance and sustainable tourism, how trust can be used as a facilitator of participatory tourism planning, political trust in tourism institutions, power and how tourism development can be a basis for trust creation among society members by using social capital theory. In addition, a final section on ‘Researching Trust in Tourism Development’ means that readers are not only provided a thorough theoretical framework on trust and an understanding of its importance for sustainable tourism and good governance of the sector, but also methodological aspects of research on trust in the context of tourism development and planning. This significant volume is valuable reading for students, academics and researchers interested in tourism development and planning.

Trust Too Much

by Jayne Bauling

Arrogant, cynical and devastatingly attractive... Long ago Fee had decided Simon Rhodes was trouble, but now, forced to move back to Hong Kong after four years in Australia, Fee finds avoiding Simon impossible when he becomes her new boss! Fee is appalled to discover that his forceful magnetism affects her more than ever. But since Simon has made it clear that a casual relationship is all he will ever be able to offer, Fee knows she would only be risking her heart if she ever put her trust in him completely....

Trust Through Transparency: Creating a Culture of Change-How Open Communication with Employees and Customers Enables Transformative Change

by Vineet Nayar

Once you've created the need for transformative change in an organization, a yawning gap often opens between intending to change and actually doing it. In this chapter, Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies, a global IT services company, explains that one reason for this gap is a lack of trust among employees and management. To transform a company, people must align themselves and work together toward one goal, but this cannot happen without a culture of trust. There are many ways to build trust, but at HCLT Nayar focused specifically on transparency. In compelling narrative style, Nayar describes the journey he and his A Team-100 of his best and brightest managers-undertook in order to reach consensus on their new strategy and foster the culture of trust that would bring HCLT's employees-and their customers-on board. Nayar's story also explores the nature of trust, offering valuable insights for any leader faced with the challenge of organizational change. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 2 of "Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down."

Trust Through Transparency: Creating a Culture of Change-How Open Communication with Employees and Customers Enables Transformative Change

by Vineet Nayar

Once you've created the need for transformative change in an organization, a yawning gap often opens between intending to change and actually doing it. In this chapter, Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies, a global IT services company, explains that one reason for this gap is a lack of trust among employees and management. To transform a company, people must align themselves and work together toward one goal, but this cannot happen without a culture of trust. There are many ways to build trust, but at HCLT Nayar focused specifically on transparency. In compelling narrative style, Nayar describes the journey he and his A Team-100 of his best and brightest managers-undertook in order to reach consensus on their new strategy and foster the culture of trust that would bring HCLT's employees-and their customers-on board. Nayar's story also explores the nature of trust, offering valuable insights for any leader faced with the challenge of organizational change. This chapter was originally published as Chapter 2 of "Employees First, Customers Second: Turning Conventional Management Upside Down."

Trust the Text: Language, Corpus and Discourse

by John Sinclair

John Sinclair is one of the major figures in applied linguistics and his work is essential study for students.This accessible book collects in one volume Sinclair's key papers on written discourse structure, lexis patterns, phraseology, corpus analysis, lexicography and linguistic theory from the 1990s. All the papers have been edited and updated for this book. The clear and accessible introduction helps students to navigate his key themes and arguments, making the volume an ideal companion for those coming to Sinclair's more recent writings for the first time.

Trust the Saint

by Leslie Charteris

In these six stories, the Saint encounters monsters of both the human and the animal variety: unscrupulous fraudsters in Hamburg; a confrontation with a rhino; perfect murders in Paris; a temperance leader deserving to be taken down a peg or two; a thief duping tourists in Sweden; and the hunt for the most famous monster of them all on the shores of Loch Ness. You can trust the Saint to deal with anything life throws at him with charm, imagination and steely determination...

Trust the Process

by Shaun Mcniff

Whether in painting, poetry, performance, music, dance, or life, there is an intelligence working in every situation. This force is the primary carrier of creation. If we trust it and follow its natural movement, it will astound us with its ability to find a way through problems--and even make creative use of our mistakes and failures. There is a magic to this process that cannot be controlled by the ego. Somehow it always finds the way to the place where you need to be, and a destination you never could have known in advance. When everything seems as if it is hopeless and going nowhere . . . trust the process. Shaun McNiff is internationally recognized as a founder and leading figure in the arts and healing field. University Professor at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, he is past president of the American Art Therapy Association and the author of several other books including Art As Medicine, Trust the Process, and Creating with Others .

Trust the Plan: The Rise of QAnon and the Conspiracy That Unhinged America

by Will Sommer

"A story so bizarre, only Will Sommer could report it.” —Molly Jong-FastThe definitive book on QAnon from the reporter knows them best; Will Sommer explains what it is, how it has gained a mainstream following among Republican lawmakers and ordinary citizens, the threat it poses to democracy, and how we can reach those who have embraced the conspiracy and are disseminating its lies.The Storm is Coming. Trust the Plan. WWG1WGA. You’ve seen the letter Q on TV and in the news – it’s been everywhere from Trump rallies to the January 6th insurrection. “QAnon” used to sound vaguely familiar, somewhat ominous, but not quite mainstream. But what was once a fringe conspiracy theory has now become a household name and its symbols recognizable around the world. How did this happen, who is actually involved, what do they believe, and what do they want?Daily Beast reporter Will Sommer has been on the ground with Q’s followers since day one, and in Trust the Plan Sommer has written the definitive book on the movement—who started it and who grew it, what they really believe is going on, and what they want to see “the Storm” accomplish on the day of its reckoning. At once a character study and a journalistic exposé, Sommer lets his cast of characters do the talking as he visits them around the world, from their makeshift compounds to the rallies they are still holding.The great tragedy of this story is ultimately the legitimization of this ideology by mainstream politicians eager to gain access to a large and growing cohort of voters. Though 2020 brought the end of Trump’s presidency, his following within the QAnon community has simply pivoted and grown stronger. Trust the Plan shows us in granular detail who we’ll be up against for years to come, in the US and abroad. Understanding why and how something like Q happens is an indispensable exercise, and in showing us how we got here we can chart a path out.

Trust the Moon

by Jamie Craig

In the small shifter community of Delta, Utah, there's no such thing as a stranger. Everyone knows everyone, so a new face in town doesn't go unnoticed. When a woman Dylan Peterson doesn't recognize shows up at his twenty-first birthday bonfire bash, he does what comes naturally as a host -- he introduces himself.The enigmatic Gena Pelletier is the most gorgeous woman he's ever seen, and the most aloof. A scorching encounter with her under the moon blindsides him, leaving him wondering what just happened as he watches her disappear into the night.Gena wasn't born wild, but ever since her father's murder, she's lived outside Delta borders on her own terms. She has no desire to return to civilization. So what if Dylan is sweet and the sex is amazing? He's just a way to scratch an itch. Funny thing is, Dylan is an itch a one-time scratch won't satisfy.Neither of them knows what to make of the other ... and neither can walk away.

Trust the Grind: How World-Class Athletes Got To The Top

by Jeremy Bhandari

A Champion State of Grind"A groundbreaking method to illustrate how world-class athletes found their way to the top!" -DJ Shockley, Former Atlanta Falcons QB, Current ESPN College Football Analyst#1 Best Seller in Teen & Young Adult Fitness & ExerciseExclusive interviews with top athletes in sports today. Trust the Grind reveals how these men and women reached the height of their profession.Sixteen athletes from eleven sports. Each chapter tells a different story, as each superstar shares the habit that helped them accomplish their goals and reach the pinnacle of their profession.Sports fanatic or not. Guaranteed to tap into your athletic edge, Trust the Grind, is made for sports fans and nonfans alike. Fans of professional athletes get an in-depth look at their heroes’ climb to the top; those less passionate about sports have the chance to read the secrets of success from some of the most talented people in the world. Both learn pivotal life lessons, and can immediately instill these traits and habits into their lifestyle.A ‘success habit’ point of view. Learn the secrets behind success, and what it takes to remain on top. With Trust The Grind, you will learn about the value that comes with becoming disciplined, staying driven, setting goals, identifying your “why”, staying active and eating right, making sacrifices, obsessing over your passion, and more. Rather than harping on remarkable accolades and astonishing statistics, this story is formulated to teach individuals what it takes to be great in any desired field. It includes interviews with:Jason KiddChipper Jones Terrell OwensPaige VanZantManny PacquiaoMike ModanoJimmie JohnsonGary PlayerDeena KastorRyan ShecklerGeorges St-PierreRyan LochteDevin HesterAndruw JonesLuis GonzalezTim HudsonFans of books like Relentless, Rising Above, The Cost of These Dreams, or Shaken, will enjoy Trust the Grind: Motivational Messages from Ambitious Athletes.

Trust the Focus

by Megan Erickson

From the author of Make it Count comes the first novel in the In Focus series... With his college graduation gown expertly pitched into the trash, Justin Akron is ready for the road trip he planned with his best friend Landry-- and ready for one last summer of escape from his mother's controlling grip. Climbing into the Winnebago his father left him, they set out across America in search of the sites his father had captured through the lens of his Nikon. As an aspiring photographer, Justin can think of no better way to honor his father's memory than to scatter his ashes at the sites he held sacred. And there's no one Justin would rather share the experience with more than Landry. But Justin knows he can't escape forever. Eventually he'll have to return home and join his mother's Senate campaign. Nor can he escape the truth of who he is, and the fact that he's in love with his out-and-proud travel companion.Admitting what he wants could hurt his mother's conservative political career. But with every click of his shutter and every sprinkle of ash, Justin can't resist Landry's pull. And when the truth comes into focus, neither is prepared for the secrets the other is hiding.Megan Erickson worked as a journalist covering real-life dramas before she decided she liked writing her own endings better and switched to fiction. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats. When she's not tapping away on her laptop, she's probably listening to the characters in her head who won't stop talking.

Trust the Focus

by Megan Erickson

From the author of Make it Count comes the first novel in the In Focus series... With his college graduation gown expertly pitched into the trash, Justin Akron is ready for the road trip he planned with his best friend Landry-- and ready for one last summer of escape from his mother's controlling grip. Climbing into the Winnebago his father left him, they set out across America in search of the sites his father had captured through the lens of his Nikon. As an aspiring photographer, Justin can think of no better way to honor his father's memory than to scatter his ashes at the sites he held sacred. And there's no one Justin would rather share the experience with more than Landry. But Justin knows he can't escape forever. Eventually he'll have to return home and join his mother's Senate campaign. Nor can he escape the truth of who he is, and the fact that he's in love with his out-and-proud travel companion.Admitting what he wants could hurt his mother's conservative political career. But with every click of his shutter and every sprinkle of ash, Justin can't resist Landry's pull. And when the truth comes into focus, neither is prepared for the secrets the other is hiding.Megan Erickson worked as a journalist covering real-life dramas before she decided she liked writing her own endings better and switched to fiction. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats. When she's not tapping away on her laptop, she's probably listening to the characters in her head who won't stop talking.

Trust the Dog: Rebuilding Lives Through Teamwork with Man's Best Friend

by Gerri Hirshey

A groundbreaking look at the special bond between guide dogs and those who thrive with their help. From a pioneering guide dog organization comes the first book to explore one of the most profound and inspiring relationships between humans and animals. In Trust the Dog, the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation introduces readers to a group of extraordinary people who, thanks to their guide dogs, flourish in a world that assumes the ability to see. Among them are a brother and sister who lost their sight at a very young age and whose dogs essentially helped them grow up, a Serbian girl who fled civil war to find new hope in America, and a newly blind single father determined to keep his family together against all odds. Through their experiences we discover the astonishing team­work and devotion between people who are blind and their guide dogs, the intelligence and discipline that these animals unfailingly display, and the noble work of the nonprofit organization that for fifty years has been making it all possible. A heartwarming tribute to this unique relationship, Trust the Dog is sure to change how we think about man's best friend, and the possibilities of life without sight.

Trust the Dog

by Gerri Hirshey Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation

A groundbreaking look at the special bond between guide dogs and those who thrive with their help From a pioneering guide dog organization comes the first book to explore one of the most profound and inspiring relationships between humans and animals. In Trust the Dog, the Fidelco Guide Dog Foundation introduces readers to a group of extraordinary people who, thanks to their guide dogs, flourish in a world that assumes the ability to see. Among them are a brother and sister who lost their sight at a very young age and whose dogs essentially helped them grow up, a Serbian girl who fled civil war to find new hope in America, and a newly blind single father determined to keep his family together against all odds. Through their experiences we discover the astonishing team­work and devotion between people who are blind and their guide dogs, the intelligence and discipline that these animals unfailingly display, and the noble work of the nonprofit organization that for fifty years has been making it all possible. A heartwarming tribute to this unique relationship, Trust the Dog is sure to change how we think about man's best friend, and the possibilities of life without sight.

Trust, Social Relations and Engagement

by Donatella Padua

In the Internet Age, horizontal value chains generated by peer-to-peer relationships have to be integrated in economic vertical processes. This means that all institutions, from the economical to the political, to the cultural or technological have to turn their approach into a 'social' one. This doesn't mean embracing a no-profit perspective: indeed it implies designing new trust and engagement strategies to generate positive win-win situations with stakeholders. Through the tools offered by sociology, a specific indication on how to build and measure value out of these strategies is offered by the 'Value for Engagement Model'. Behind the model, the innovative concept of Value for Engagement allows the definition of focused strategies to build value through achieving the stakeholders' commitment and activating emotional ties to the organisation. In this new role of 'pulling' stakeholders, the prerequisite is to be perceived as trustworthy.

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