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The Trouble with Boys: A Surprising Report Card on Our Sons, Their Problems at School, and What Parents and Educators Must Do

by Peg Tyre

From the moment they step into the classroom, boys begin to struggle. They get expelled from preschool nearly five times more often than girls; in elementary school, they're diagnosed with learning disorders four times as often. By eighth grade huge numbers are reading below basic level. And by high school, they're heavily outnumbered in AP classes and, save for the realm of athletics, show indifference to most extra­curricular activities. Perhaps most alarmingly, boys now account for less than 43 percent of those enrolled in college, and the gap widens every semester!The imbalance in higher education isn't just a "boy problem," though. Boys' decreasing college attendance is bad news for girls, too, because ad­missions officers seeking balanced student bodies pass over girls in favor of boys. The growing gender imbalance in education portends massive shifts for the next generation: how much they make and whom they marry. Interviewing hundreds of parents, kids, teachers, and experts, award-winning journalist Peg Tyre drills below the eye-catching statistics to examine how the educational system is failing our sons. She explores the convergence of culprits, from the emphasis on high-stress academics in preschool and kindergarten, when most boys just can't tolerate sitting still, to the outright banning of recess, from the demands of No Child Left Behind, with its rigid emphasis on test-taking, to the boy-unfriendly modern curriculum with its focus on writing about "feelings" and its purging of "high-action" reading material, from the rise of video gaming and schools' unease with technology to the lack of male teachers as role models.But this passionate, clearheaded book isn't an exercise in finger-pointing. Tyre, the mother of two sons, offers notes from the front lines--the testimony of teachers and other school officials who are trying new techniques to motivate boys to learn again, one classroom at a time. The Trouble with Boys gives parents, educators, and anyone concerned about the state of education a manifesto for change--one we must undertake right away lest school be-come, for millions of boys, unalterably a "girl thing."From the Hardcover edition.

Hope in The Holler

by Lisa Lewis Tyre

The poignant--and funny--story of a girl trying to be brave and find her place in the world after she's sent to live with scheming relatives.Right before Wavie's mother died, she gave Wavie a list of instructions to help her find her way in life, including this one: Be brave, Wavie B! You got as much right to a good life as anybody, so find it! But little did Wavie's mom know that events would conspire to bring Wavie back to Conley Hollow, the Appalachian hometown her mother tried to leave behind. Now Wavie's back in the Holler--and in the clutches of her Aunt Samantha Rose. Life with the devilish Samantha Rose and her revolting cousin Hoyt is no picnic, but there's real pleasure in sleeping in her own mother's old bed, and making friends with the funny, easygoing kids her aunt calls the "neighborhood-no-accounts." With their help, Wavie just might be able to prevent her aunt from becoming her legal guardian, and find her courage and place in the world.

Last in a Long Line of Rebels

by Lisa Lewis Tyre

<P>Debut novelist Lisa Lewis Tyre vibrantly brings a small town and its outspoken characters to life, as she explores race and other community issues from both the Civil War and the present day. <P>Lou might be only twelve, but she's never been one to take things sitting down. <P>So when her Civil War-era house is about to be condemned, she's determined to save it--either by getting it deemed a historic landmark or by finding the stash of gold rumored to be hidden nearby during the war. <P>As Lou digs into the past, her eyes are opened when she finds that her ancestors ran the gamut of slave owners, renegades, thieves and abolitionists. <P>Meanwhile, some incidents in her town show her that many Civil War era prejudices still survive and that the past can keep repeating itself if we let it. <P>Digging into her past shows Lou that it's never too late to fight injustice, and she starts to see the real value of understanding and exploring her roots.

Inbound Organization: How to Build and Strengthen Your Company's Future Using Inbound Principles

by Dan Tyre Todd Hockenberry

Use inbound principles to build and strengthen your company’s future We’re in a major shift in a fundamental aspect of how businesses grow, how buyers purchase, and how businesses build meaningful conversations and customer relationships. Companies who align their mission, strategies, action plans, and tools with the way buyers think, learn, discover, and purchase will have a huge competitive advantage. Organizations need to adjust their mindset and build a strategic foundation to deal with these facts and not just update a business plan. Inbound Organization shows leaders how to build their company's future around Inbound principles and strengthen the structural foundations necessary to deal with the changes in buyer behavior. It explains how and why Inbound ideas and how to create a remarkable customer experience belong in the boardrooms and on the desks of founders, entrepreneurs, business leaders, and anyone who has a responsibility to lead their organizations into the future. • Discover the foundation of inbound principles • Learn how to put ideas into practice today • Read about organizations that successfully apply the principles of Inbound • Keep your business on course to succeed amidst buyer changes Stay ahead of the curve and learn how to use Inbound principles to ensure you’re always ahead of the curve.

Christ's Empowering Presence: The Pursuit of God Through the Ages

by Gary Tyra

A clear vision of what the experience of Christ's empowering presence looks likeCitations from the spiritual masters that will serve to inspire them over and over again to make it their intention to live the rest of their lives enjoying Christ's empowering presenceA thoughtful discussion of the means by which this key spiritual dynamic can be experienced on a daily, moment-by moment, basis.

Pursuing Moral Faithfulness: Ethics and Christian Discipleship

by Gary Tyra

Christianity is in a state of moral crisis. Even though people make moral decisions every day, many Christians lack both the ability to evaluate these decisions and a community of discipleship to help inspire a morally faithful life. Compared to the people around them, there is often no discernible difference in how Christians go about making moral choices. As a biblical and practical theologian with three decades of pastoral experience, who has also spent years teaching ethics to undergraduates, Gary Tyra approaches the topic with the practical goal of facilitating moral formation and encouraging an "everyday" moral faithfulness. Tyra argues that Christians can have confidence in their Christ-centered, Spirit-enabled ability to discern and do the will of God in any moral situation. Moral faithfulness follows from a life of Christian discipleship. In an age of moral apathy and theological confusion, Pursuing Moral Faithfulness is a breath of fresh air and a sign of hope for the future.

Forgotten Men: The Australian Army Veterinary Corps 1909-1946 (Big Sky Publishing Ser.)

by Michael Tyquin

Forgotten Men is the long overdue account of the significant contribution to the Australian Army of the Australian Army Veterinary Corps in two world wars. One of the army's smallest and least recognised corps, its humble beginnings and quiet work in the background belie the crucial role of the Corps in supporting wartime operations and dealing with logistical issues never envisaged before 1915. While their place in military history is often overlooked, the men of the Australian Veterinary Corps deserve recognition. Stoic and hardworking, they unselfishly worked among the horrors of war, to provide the support needed for army units and their animals. While the Veterinary Corps reached its peak during the Great War, its role did not end when the guns fell silent in 1918. Instead, the Corps continued to support military activities across Australia until horsepower finally gave way to mechanisation in World War II. The Corps' success in enabling the 1st Australian Imperial Force to fight in two theatres, each with its own peculiar veterinary problems, is an achievement worth recording. Doctor Michael Tyquin is a consulting historian based in Canberra. He has published extensively in the areas of Australian social, medical and military history. He is a serving member of the Australian Army Reserve which he joined as a medical assistant with the 4/19th Prince of Wales Light Horse. He is the official historian of the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps and is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Queensland's Centre for Military and Veterans' Health.

Gallipoli: An Australian Medical Perspective (Australian Combat Support #1)

by Michael Tyquin

To be successful, a modern army needs logistical support to survive - to arm, feed, transport, and care for its soldiers. As history shows us the maintenance of health in any army , is a key factor in warfare. In many respects the Gallipoli campaign was a doomed undertaking. The seeds of ultimate defeat in December 1915 were the risks that attended a hugely ambitious, complex, and large-scale amphibious operation - the landings on well-defended shores on the Gallipoli peninsula, under cover of darkness. Communications at the time were primitive, while general staff officers had little understanding of their own army's medical assets or the needs of a large medical organisation. The Australian Army Medical Corps (AAMC) received aid from, and gave support to, all five forces at various times during 1915. Underlying the execution of the Dardanelles campaign were factors wholly outside the control of the Australian AMS. Undoubtedly tragic, and sometimes avoidable, errors were made at the highest level of command, with subsequent pressures on the AMS. An amphibious operation of this type and scale, however, was without parallel in modern military history, and mistakes were inevitable, as they are with any campaign of such complexity. Gallipoli: An Australian Medical Perspective explores these complexities and mistakes through the eyes of the infant Australian Army Medical Corps.

Greece: February To April 1941 (Australian Army Campaigns #13)

by Michael Tyquin

As with the failed attempt to seize the Gallipoli peninsula in 1915, the allied campaign to assist Greece against a seemingly invincible German juggernaut was poorly conceived and probably doomed even as plans were made to assist that country. Like any campaign, however, it holds lessons for the contemporary student of strategy, tactics and history. Greece presented singular geographic difficulties for the defending forces, its mountainous defiles dictating the distribution of ports, road and rail routes. The primitive state of the national infrastructure did little to help a long-term defensive posture. Operations in Greece proved to be a nightmare, particularly for logistics units, which struggled with primitive communication systems in rugged terrain over which the enemy enjoyed total air superiority. Poor liaison between the Greek and Commonwealth forces did not help matters, nor was the force deployed adequate for its task. The allies never enjoyed air superiority, nor could they consolidate any in-depth defence in time to be effective. The official British history of the campaign stated that the ‘British campaign on the mainland of Greece was from start to finish a withdrawal'. Greece: February to April 1941 explores these complexities, and mistakes through the eyes of the Australian Army Medical Corps.

Sudan: 1885 (Australian Army Campaigns #15)

by Michael Tyquin

The involvement of an Australian colonial military force in Britain's Egyptian campaigns between 1883 and 1885 was very short, extending for only five months overall, including the pre-deployment phase. Consequently its influence on these campaigns was insignificant. Nevertheless, our involvement in the Sudan in 1885 is part of Australia’s military history. This book provides the context for Australia’s involvement in the Sudan, and follows operations chronologically. The call in the 1880s for jihad or ‘holy war’ by Sudanese leaders shows us that some of our current global challenges are not new.

Highlands to Deserts: The History of 19th Chief Engineer Works

by Dr. Michael Tyquin

Highlands to Deserts is the story of a small Australian Army engineering unit determined to use more than bricks and bridges to make a difference, not only to Australian Army units but to indigenous communities both within Australia and overseas. The 19th Chief Engineer Works was raised in 1963 as the Army&’s premier engineering consultant, its purpose to plan, design and oversee the construction of barracks and training facilities in the New Guinea highlands. However the men of the unit demonstrated vision far beyond their limited brief, reaching into local communities and building relationships with tribesmen that were to prove strong and enduring. From the wilds of New Guinea, the unit extended its reach to the remote communities of outback Australia, designing infrastructure that reflected local needs. The engineers engaged with indigenous townships, cementing relationships as they planned essential infrastructure, their sole aim to make a difference to local lives. The unit&’s military remit ranged from designing bridges and wharfs to training facilities and even churches. The story of the 19th Chief Engineer Works, its people and its achievements, deserves to be far better known and Highlands to Deserts provides rich portrayals of the characters and the trials and tribulations that signpost their history. These are men and women who have invested in communities, large and small, near and far, seeking to improve the daily lives of soldiers and indigenous peoples. Having worked quietly in the background for 55 years, it is now time to tell the story of the 19th Chief Engineer Works.

An Elephant in the Living Room: A Leader's Guide for Helping Children of Alcoholics

by Marion H. Typpo Jill M. Hastings

Perfect for individual use or in group settings, professionals and other adult helpers will learn basic information in order to help children cope with an addicted parent or sibling. Professionals and other adult helpers will learn basic information in order to help children cope with an addicted parent or sibling. Offers practical guidance to education and health care professionals who help young people cope with a family member's chemical dependency as it explains the disease of chemical dependency and the psychology of child development. Excellent for use in either children's support groups or individual settings.

Typography 33

by Type Directors Club

For over fifty years, the Type Directors Club has encouraged the worldwide graphic arts community to achieve excellence in typography through its annual international competitions. Typography 33 is the only annual devoted exclusively to typography and presents the finest work in the field for the year 2011. Selected from approximately 2300 international submissions to the annual Type Directors Club competition, the winning designs are models of excellence and innovation in the use of type design, representing a wide range of categories including books, magazines, corporate identities, logos, stationery, annual reports, video and web graphics, and posters.

A Practical Guide to Scientific Writing in Chemistry: Scientific Papers, Research Grants and Book Proposals

by Andrew Terhemen Tyowua

Successful completion of postgraduate studies, especially PhD, and career advancement in academia strongly depend on the ability to publish scientific papers or books and attract research grants. However, many chemical scientists find preparing scientific papers and research grant and book proposals difficult; partly because of insufficient training in writing and partly because there are few practical books to enable them to learn the art. This step-by-step practical guide is intended mainly for postgraduate students and early career researchers in chemical science and the libraries that serve them but will also be useful to other scientists. Key Features: Improves the reader’s chances of getting their manuscript published in chemistry journals. Increases the likelihood of winning research grants in chemistry. Takes a “lead by the hand” approach. Contains chapters on the preparation of graphical abstracts and research highlights. Uses sketches and other illustration styles to aid mental visualization of concepts. Contains practical examples taken from published papers and successful research grant proposals.

Liquid Marbles: Formation, Characterization, and Applications

by Andrew T. Tyowua

Certain small solid particles are surface-active at fluid interfaces and thus are able to stabilize materials previously considered impossible to stabilize in their absence. Liquid marbles, particle-coated non-sticking liquid droplets, represent one of these materials. Preparation of liquid marbles was described only about 15 years ago and they are now widely studied by many research groups and numerous applications of liquid marbles have been advanced. The book is written for postgraduates and researchers working on the area who are training to become chemists, soft matter physicists, materials scientists, and engineers.

The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar (Russian Library)

by Yury Tynyanov

The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar, a novel by Yury Tynyanov, one of the leading figures of the Russian formalist school, describes the final year in the life of Alexander Griboedov, the author of the comedy Woe from Wit. As ambassador to Persia, Griboedov was murdered in 1829 by a Tehrani mob during the sacking of the Russian embassy.One of the central texts of Russian formalist literary production, the novel is a brilliant meditation on the nature of historical and poetic consciousness and of artistic creation. It is a complex and fascinating work that explores the relationships among individual memory, historical fact, and the literary imagination. The result is a hybrid text, containing elements of various genres—historical, biographical, existential, and adventure novels—and a deeply personal, almost confessional testament to the writer’s relationship to his generation and the state. Completed in 1927, almost a century after the events it depicts, The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar marks the watershed between revolution and reaction. At a time when the Soviet regime was becoming increasingly restrictive of freedom of expression and conscience, Tynyanov grappled with the themes of disillusionment, betrayal, and unrealized potential. Unabashedly intellectual yet filled with intrigue and suspense, The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar is a great historical novel of Russian modernism.

Russia's Far North: The Contested Energy Frontier (Routledge Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe Series)

by Veli-Pekka Tynkkynen Shinichiro Tabata Daria Gritsenko Masanori Goto

The Russian Far North is immensely rich in resources, both energy and other resources, and is also one of the least developed regions of Russia. This book presents a comprehensive overview of the region. It examines resource issues and the related environmental problems, considers the Arctic and the problems of sea routes, maritime boundaries and military build-up, assesses economic development, and considers the ethnic peoples of the region and also cultural and artistic subjects. Overall, the book provides a rich appraisal of how the region is likely to develop in future.

Transitions and Transformations in Learning and Education

by Päivi Tynjälä Marja-Leena Stenström Marjatta Saarnivaara

The breakneck speed of change in today's societies creates enormous challenges for educational institutions at all levels. This volume explores ways how to manage change in educational processes and contexts, focusing, in particular, on the concepts of transition and transformation. How do we educate a skilled workforce, sensitive professionals and responsive citizens who are able not only to cope with change but also to adopt required roles as agents of change? How do we prepare students and employees to cope adequately with changes and transitions in their careers and personal lives? The first of this book's three sections deals with the conceptual and theoretical aspects of transition, transformational processes and human development. It defines these concepts and examines the ways in which educational theory and praxis understand concepts of change and development. The second section presents empirical studies that offer differing perspectives on educational transitions, covering the lifespan from early years education to lifelong learning. The third part of the volume focuses on issues of learning and pedagogy and argues that educational practices should change with the changing world. With numerous concrete examples included in the analysis, and with studies taking a range of forms from personal histories to large-scale surveys, this new book is a major addition to the literature in a field that has key implications for our future. The first of this book's three sections deals with the conceptual and theoretical aspects of transition, transformational processes and human development. It defines these concepts and examines the ways in which educational theory and praxis understand concepts of change and development. The second section presents empirical studies that offer differing perspectives on educational transitions, covering the lifespan from early years education to lifelong learning. The third part of the volume focuses on issues of learning and pedagogy and argues that educational practices should change with the changing world. With numerous concrete examples included in the analysis, and with studies taking a range of forms from personal histories to large-scale surveys, this new book is a major addition to the literature in a field that has key implications for our future.

Blue Book Volume 1: 1961

by James Tynion IV

An ambitious, non-fiction comic book experience depicting true stories of UFO abductions with an eye to capturing the strange essence of those encounters.From the New York Times bestselling and multi-Eisner award-winning co-creators of Something is Killing the Children, The Nice House on the Lake, The Department of Truth, and Powers.In Blue Book, teaming with artist Michael Avon Oeming and letterer Aditya Bidikar, Tynion presents what he calls his &“True Weird&” stories. Tales of ordinary people encountering the strange and the impossible.Volume 1 retells the infamous case of the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill of New Hampshire in 1961 — the very first widely-publicized UFO abduction that went on to shape and influence all future encounter stories.Collects the Dark Horse Comics series Blue Book #1—#5, originally published on Substack.

Clara Poole and the Long Way Round

by Taylor Tyng

Mr. Lemoncello meets the Amazing Race in this quirky high-octane balloon-racing middle grade around-the-world adventure.When an unintended flight over Michigan in her class science project—a lawn chair held aloft by balloons—brings her instant celebrity, Clara Poole is invited to be the spokesperson for a round-the-world adventure race. But when her overprotective father refuses, Clara forges his signature in a moment of defiance and runs away to Paris to take her place in the skies. If only she&’d read the fine print first.Partnered with a veteran aeronaut who wants nothing to do with her, Clara faces down ten treacherous stages in a race around the world—capturing flags in the perilous mountains of Nepal; being a guest of honor at a maybe-wedding in the Saharan desert; flying through rings of fire in Hong Kong—all while learning the ropes alongside a colorful cast of international competitors.But there are more dangers ahead. Someone is trying to sabotage the competition. And surviving this race means Clara must come to terms with the tragedy that set her fleeing to the skies in the first place, and accepting that forgiving herself isn&’t a process she has to undertake alone.Gorgeous prose and winning characters combine in this quirky, often-hilarious, sometimes heart-breaking, and thoroughly captivating middle grade adventure series starter from an incredible new talent.

Clara Poole and the Wrong Way Up

by Taylor Tyng

Soaring to the top is one thing. Staying there is quite another. The warm and the winning second book in the engrossing middle grade adventure Clara Poole series.Fresh off winning WOOBA&’s One-Hundredth Air Race, Clara Poole should be flying high, but she&’s feeling more uncertain than ever. After a summer of negative publicity, she arrives at Air Academy unsure if she even deserves to be there, to train as an aeronaut alongside her new friends . . . only to discover that there are several conditions to her acceptance.But that becomes the least of her problems when a series of strange accidents throw her and her friends&’ safety into question. Circumstances shift from bad to worse when the school&’s headmaster goes missing, hurling the academy into disarray and under the iron-grip control of Assistant Head of School, Cyprian Hunt. Friends become enemies, and enemies friends as Clara tries to keep herself out of trouble. But trouble may the one thing she can&’t avoid.With humor, heart, and more death-defying feats that you can imagine, Clara Poole and the Wrong Way Up is a stunning second novel that explores how the journey to get what you want is perhaps more important than the goal itself.

Behavior of Exotic Pets

by Valarie V. Tynes

Behavior of Exotic Pets is the first book on the subject to be written by behavioral experts, all with a wealth of practical experience. Divided into species-specific chapters, the book explains the normal behavior for each group of animals, including reproduction, parenting, communication and social behavior. The book also addresses animals' environmental needs based on their behavior to enable owners to provide better husbandry and avoid potential problems. Descriptions of common behavioral problems are included, with practical recommendations for their treatment or management.This text is essential for any veterinary professional who would like to improve their knowledge of exotic animal behavior. It also serves as a valuable reference for animal behaviorists, exotic animal veterinarians, veterinary students, and anyone caring for these animals in captivity.Key features:The first and only book on exotic pet behavior written by behavioristsCovers a wide range of exotic pet speciesDiscusses methods for treating and managing common behavioral problemsOffers practical advice on topics such as housing and handling of animalsIncludes separate chapters on learning, welfare, and behavioral pharmacology

Tools of War, Tools of State: When Children Become Soldiers (SUNY series, James N. Rosenau series in Global Politics)

by Robert Tynes

Despite the supposed taboo against the practice, many governments, rebels, and terrorist groups use children in war to spy and kill. In Tools of War, Tools of State, Robert Tynes examines this complex problem, demonstrating that the modern use of children in war is a tactical innovation. He discusses how boys and girls on the battlefield bolster troop size, create moral dilemmas, and deepen the level of fear. He also reveals how the practice has become an essential component for groups such as ISIS and al-Shabaab, in their state-making projects. Using statistical methods to analyze conflicts from 1987 to 2007, Tynes shows how widespread child soldier use is and confirms the theory that it is tactically advantageous. Through historical analysis, he explains how child soldiering developed out of Mao's protracted war theory and the militarization of youth during the twentieth century. A case study of the civil war in Sierra Leone, which details the brutality involved when children are forced to fight, is included.

College Writing Skills

by Tom Tyner

College Writing Skills by Tom Tyner

Writings From Life, Fourth Edition

by Tom Tyner

Writings from Life is a process-oriented writing textbook that helps students continue to grow and improve as writers. Students learn by writing, and the textbook provides a variety of writing assignments that require students to develop and apply different writing and thinking skills as they progress through the book.

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